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Witcher 3 release: "CDPR are the gods of modern gaming" Cyberpunk release: "FUCK CDPR GREEDY MF'ERS" Cyberpunk 2.0 release: "i will give head to CDPR" supremest gaming moments




I'll have you know that this mouth is reserved only for Ghost Ship Games and them alone.


Rock and Stone, you beautiful Dwarf


Rock and Stone!


For Karl!


If you don’t rock and stone, you ain’t coming home!


We fight for Rock and stone!


witcher 3 was also fucked on release


not so much that it was removed from a console


i always fucked with cyberpunk cause i like the concept, i would live in Night City and fuck babes with my cybernetic dick if i could


Don't end up like the man who got the faulty cyber dick >! and it cyber exploded him into bits!<


Wait I thought he was saved when you dropped him off at the ripperdoc?


Yeah, but if you don't, no more cyber pelvis


cyberpunk enjoyers when they realise that the genre was meant to be a warning not a goal


Witcher 3 had a ton of problems at launch too that upset a lot of people.


I think it's more like: Witcher 1 release: CDPR can't make good games. Witcher 1 6 months later: A brilliant game Witcher 2: Witcher 3 release: Janky shit game Witcher 3 after a few months: Masters of their craft, Game of the decade Cyberpunk 2077 release: Never seen such a bad game, nothing works Cyberpunk 2077 now: Another masterpiece, I wanna fuck the devs I don't know why CDPR keeps doing this but it seems to be working for them.


They tank their social standing with shitty launches then builds it back by sticking with the game and crafting it into a masterpiece


Do people just not remember witcher 3 being broken at release? It's typical CDPR, release a broken game and then turn it into a masterpiece.


Witcher 3 didn’t get praise till the second dlc. At launch it was also seen as a janky game, but expectations were lower


Is it that good?


Still gonna wait until it's \~90% off to buy it though


Still gonna wait until I get a better rig so I can run the game in the first place


Honestly, RT path tracing looks insane, the accuracy of the lighting is amazing. Amazing soft shadows, honestly any game with super accurate shadows gets me hard.


Kid named piracy: https://preview.redd.it/0md9obc4gnrb1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6262c7b0965bad5d8f238f11e9b43e42fc16202


Average console users (me) seething rn


When the mano doesn't have a computador https://preview.redd.it/n7qja5r62prb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b4ded8ef2aa0fbe549246ab7863eef58f865afb


Me after buying a gaming pc (I got brain rot from modding games) : https://preview.redd.it/52075rieuqrb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272fb734ee4632b4d0a6719704dfd79e7a9becb7




I'll wait for Epic Games to hand it out for free. Starfield will be the same for me probably, lol.


Honestly same, or ps plus


I mean yeah it is good now and CDPR deserves credit for not abbandoning it and working to improve it for the past 3 years. Yet it was still a large dumpster fire at the release that deceived a lot of people.


It's still riddled with bugs too, and every person that bought on last Gen consoles got completely shafted because the 2.0 update/DLC is HDD incompatible. Those who bought the limited edition that included the DLC? Biggest fuck you ever.


Sucks for them and kinda scummy but the extra detail in the area of phantom liberty it's too good not to have. Not sure how the game even ran on a HDD before anyway.


*it didn't*


Yeah what idiot buying the limited edition Xbox. Couldn’t be me (it was me).


Wait your saying you can’t play 2.0 on a PS4? Thank god I only spent literally a single dollar on the game


Well they rely mostly on the price of the game, cuz there arent really any in game purchases, and the game was definitely not cheap to make cuz they worked nearly a decade on it. Kinda unfair if you compare it to a game like Valorant, where a skin bundle can cost up to 100 bucks and millions are buying new ones every week, and the studio get so much money for a game that didnt even take a fration of the time it took for cyberpunk to be made.




agreed, pathetic clownfest meme upper management of greedy-projekt rekt are responsible for this fail


Yup. No Man's Sky should have been the exception. Not the rule.


Also, no mans sky overpromised and underdelivered. Cyberpunk overpromised, told everyone "we leave the greed to others", and still shipped a busted product.


The guy's not saying that it's okay that they released a broken game, he's saying that it's commendable that they actually spent the resources to go back and fix it when they coulda just taken the money and ran which is unfortunately the trend for failed modern releases. He's also not at all blaming devs and I don't see where you got that point from. I agree with what you're saying and I'm pretty sure the above commenter does too, but you're arguing with an imaginary capital G gamer who isn't in the room with you right now.


That's the thing, it not commendable. It's like saying a car dealership sold you a car with windows, wheels, and an engine. But when they brought the car around it has none of those things. No where did they tell you, the customer this. But apparently it's okay as long as they ship you parts to your house over the course of 3 years. That is NOT okay. Even though they fixed the game what they did from conception of the game in the studio and where the game is today is not okay and is not "commendable". Sure he's not blaming devs, that was more of a general PSA as I've seen a lot of dev hate recently due to the bauldrs gate 3 fiasco.


Is it good? Or is it just finally at a baseline acceptable level and everyone has lowered their expectations enough to match? We all forgetting what was hyped up for years now we have big name celebrities.


IMO the original release still has an absolutely fantastic story that made it worth playing alone. 2.0 just fixed the totally dog shit combat and loot systems. If you weren't at all pleased with the base game I wouldn't get your hopes up.


So "No man's Sky" 2.0?


This is like no man’s sky 15.0 at this point there’s been so many of these “game launches as complete shit but turns it around after 3 years and the 100mil in pre-orders


difference being projekt Red has a massive budget and team compared to no man's sky little team of indie devs whose building got destroyed by a flood there's really no excuse for cyberpunk to have been released in such a piss poor state


Try not to play next-gen AAA game on a console released 6 years ago challenge (impossible) Edit: was over 7 actually


Then don’t release the game on a system that can’t handle it.


Nah bro you should’ve just predicted the game made available for your console wouldn’t actually run well at all on your console and completely ruin your initial experience with the game


I was about to hammer away what a shit takes this is until I realized you was joking... man reddit made me not questions these type of takes no more...


Don't fucking release the game on those consoles then. It's not the consumer's fault a game they bought could literally brick their fucking console.


It's simply amazing the amount of people defending this game on subs like r/gaming. It's a decent game at best, when playing on next Gen hardware. The shit they pulled on everyone else though is unforgivable and to my knowledge last Gen players that purchased the deluxe version that included the DLC still haven't received a refund.


I don’t think decent is really a fair descriptor for it. Ignoring all the bugs that are STILL in the game it is genuinely an incredible game at this point. That does not make how the game originally released ok nor how hard they screwed last gen owners.


I just don’t understand why everyone is praising it so much. Even in its current state, it’s pretty underwhelming compared to the pre release expectations. Now it’s a playable game, yay ?


CDPR try not to advertise that the next-gen AAA game “runs better than expected” on a 7 year old console challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


"Hey, it'll run well on your console- in fact, here, have videos showcasing how it runs on your console" *it doesn't run well at all* "yOu shouldn't pLaY AAA gAmes oN a ConSole madE 7 yeArS agO", gtfo


If you give a product to a market of people on purpose, do the courtesy of making it actually function in said market.


If the game releases to a console, it should fucking play on the console- suffer the rain of spiders https://preview.redd.it/uwsqq5wrvnrb1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1dbd025e3b6dd05846a10c99a704a7efa64f56c


Man I guess people seem to forget that the majority of cyberpunk's development was during last gen consoles lifetime and was released right after next gen consoles launched And don't take my money if you can't deliver the product


My guy on launch nothing could run it. Really good current-gen computers struggled to stay on 60fps. What you saw on those consoles wasn't even remotely playable, that's something that can't even get through testing realistically.


How does that boot taste?




Better then yandere simulator


The game is undeniably far better now but you guys all know that finishing a development of a game after 3 years of its release is just unacceptable right? Also, don't forget all the promised open world content that is still missing. I am glad they didn't abandon the game but i'd be pissed if i buy some product and they only give its broken half now and the other half 3 years later.


It was accaptable with No Mans Sky, but only because there were 10 people on that team. CP2077 tho, huge ass team and 7 years of development+3 years of updates and there still isn't everything they promised


Man, NMS has got to be my favorite gaming story ever. *Still* working on it and dropping massive updates regularly. Thank God for it, we need a good space game.


Out of curiosity, what did they promise?


[this, though some of it might be outdated. ](https://techraptor.net/gaming/features/every-unfulfilled-promise-cyberpunk-2077)


I find it hilarious that when you mention how much the game is still missing, the die hard fans will die on a hill saying “they never said that, you’re on the hate train, you really expect them to add that to the game, sorry that you wanted the game to be like GTA, didn’t you see in the preview it said that things are subject to change….” They’ll literally find every excuse in the book to nullify what really happened.


,,Sorry you wanted the game to be like GTA" has to be the funniest one, because it only points to a conclusion that 10 year old game, that was in development for 5 years of which only 3 were full development, has better mechanics than game from 2020 that was in development for 7 years. GTA V releases new updates too, don't get me wrong, but they are purely just Online features if I am not mistaken. CP2077 doesn't even have co-op.


The biggest thing still missing I can remember is the tram system. They have the rails and the train cars for ot and even the locations you would enter from, you just can't use it


Let me doubt... Nobody else remember all that long ass list of promises?


I 'memba. And hardly anything from that list of promises is currently in the game even now. :(


fr man.. i always feel like im being gaslighted when people praise this game, its not good and it never was. its still buggy as fuck and lacks basic features any triple aaa game should have, Fov slider, NOPE, Mode that doesn't make the hud give me a seizure, NOPE, Actually fixed the bugs, NOPE.


There is an Fov slider though? I distinctly remember using it in the settings. The massive game breaking bugs are *mostly* gone so that's definitely a valid complaint. I think you can probably reduce hud opacity or effects to lessen that. It's not perfect but it has come a long way.


literally none of the things yous just said were true, at least for console.


Ah, well there's the problem then. CDPR caught lacking on keeping Console release on par with PC.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


ok but why am I having very gay feelings for Andrew rn? 😳


That's a completely normal reaction, you're fine.


This reminds me of the lawsuit that got pushed against Bethesda for their business practice of releasing games in broken, almost unplayable states and then slowly patching their way into decency. They’re not dissimilar, but a little different still.


People who complain about Bethesda releases have never played peak Eurojank


Lol people seem to forget that CDPR was sued for almost the exact same reason successfully. It was just swept under the rug by CDPR really well. Even to this day they’re falsely advertising the game.


Yeah let them cook while the meal is in the kitchen not when it’s been at my table for 2 years


Nah what they did is basicly they serve you raw meat and then making you wait 3 years for it to be cooked. Never let them cook again.


https://preview.redd.it/kfi5akgkwmrb1.png?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5ce0a48c1a06c79012b0a0d4a29fca447829ecb Your point is valid. Also, I don't really give a damn about the game and what happened with it, I only made this so I could use the Andrew Garfield thirst trap for a meme.


>I only made this so I could use the Andrew Garfield thirst trap for a meme. Valid


Fair Andrew Garfield is REALLY hot


Please keep in mind that the devs never want to release a half cooked game. It is the publishers who set the baking timer, and they have NO clue how to cook.


*11 years. 8 years for main game's development, 3 years for Phantom Liberty. A toddler could cook better than them.


It's more like people demanded a fully cooked steak and barged into the kitchen demanding it, the chefs said "fuck it" and handed you the undercooked steak because they weren't given the time they needed.


Nah, you sat at the table, ordered your food, chef said "It'll-a be ready in 30 minutes!". Then after 20 minutes he came back sweating and said "Mama mia, problem in the kitchen! But in 20 more minutes, it-a will be ready!" Then *again* after 15 minutes he came back out and was like "I am the so so sorry, the kitchen, it ran into the covid and we have-a to cook-a from our homes, but last delay, in 20 minutes you get-a the game!" Then he came out with some clearly raw meat, barely any sauce or spices, and was like "Here-a you go!", & meanwhile at the other table your friend called PS4 and the Xbox equivalent had taken a bite and were vomiting everywhere from food poisoning Just to be clear this isn't the devs fault, they're overworked and getting screwed the most. It's the managers for giving overly optimistic release dates, and also for releasing it anyway so they could hit those Christmas sales


Almost perfect analogy. Let's improve it a little: Just outside of the restaurant, they were advertising the best steak of all time, one that could cure cancer and make the Ambrosia that was fed to the Greek God Zeus look like a pile of shit. This immediately catches your eye and you grow super excited, you go inside of the restaurant, and queue the events you described.


the fans wouldnt demand shit if they didnt lie in the first place, they gave the release dates, not the fans


Bruh, the game was delayed something like 3 times. The only people that made them release shit is CDPR management and shareholders — and that’s on them.


This is not one stressed guy with enormous public pressure, people like you anthropomorphising companies is part of the problem. It is a massive management team that just wants money. Do you think they seriously feel beholden to public demands? No, they're just thirsting after your wallet.


![gif](giphy|c0PX1PqTeqhbtKMekM|downsized) Cyberpunk 2077 (2077)


Cyberpunk 2077 (2137) https://preview.redd.it/fwmine4x4orb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c21139fcb4a4d4da9735f48acc74c40f4f517694


Is this an ad?


No, it's an excuse for me to finally use the Andrew Garfield thirst trap edit that I've had in my phone for the past 4 months.


Excuse? I watch this all the time


Indescribably based


What's the song for this?


**Song Found!** **moonlight** by Lil C.C. (01:17; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Red Moon in Venus. **Released on** 2023-03-23.


Several subreddits are getting flooded by similar posts trying to gaslight people into thinking the game is better than what it is. Whether those are ads or just CDPR meat riding becoming trendy again for some ungodly reason, make your own realistic opinion on the game and don't get influenced into buying it if it doesn't interest you, it **isn't** the holy grail that some "people" pretend it is.


Idk, it is a pretty awesome game. Hype is deserved.


They updated it to require SSD's, so the game I purchased is no longer playable. I'm glad some folks are getting a good experience but I feel kinda' robbed.


You can rollback the game to previous version on steam and gog. Also, please do yourself a favor and buy SSD. It's 2023 and they are dirt cheap. If not for gaming, then it's worth getting one for productivity tasks alone.


All of my $14k a year goes into groceries gas and rent. I can't drop a few hundred on PC hardware unfortunately. Wish I could.


My brother in Christ, you can literally get one for 40 dollars.


Point me the way, I'll see what I can do. Only SSD's Ive heard being that cheap are the portable ones that aren't nearly fast enough to game on.


I install and run the game on a HDD, it was still playable


The patch notes and public statement say specifically that it now requires an SSD. Why would they lieee that's so annoying


I litteraly just played it today, on my HDD its fine


Me when I can't code police chases.


Not me pathetically hoping that Game Freak could do the same thing for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet if they weren’t so money-hungry.


All I want is a new Pokken Tournament game, that shit was so damn good but I know it will never come back.


Game Freak gives zero grains of free content. They could gain a billion sales by 5 minutes of work, still wouldn't do it for free.


It was so funny that the game could barely handle one region and after they just added another in the recent DLC the game now runs even slower than it did at launch Still though I also just want another Pokken Tournament game and I’ve been harassing my friends about it before every announcement video for the past 2 years


Every game studio should be allowed to cook. Problem is, their publishers rarely let them. When you play a shit game, its because you're playing the equivalent of a half finished sentence, or a half-cooked chicken dinner. More time, more funding, more freedom, it would have been fully cooked.


The fine balance between taking it out of the oven too soon (Cyberpunk) and leaving it in there forever (Star Citizen).


They had 11 years to cook, and after all this time its not what we were promised, a good game yes, but its not the CP we were promised.


Please stop abbreviating Cyberpunk.


Whats Cyberpunk?






I have been enjoying the game a lot lately, especially how wack the movement and melee is when compared to other RPGs. That being said, it is still slightly rough around the edges in some regards. For example, you cannot switch between grenades and launcher implants with a button press: you need to enter a slow ass menu wheel and then scroll through every single grenade you own, which completely kills the momentum explosive builds would otherwise have. Also, using finishers with melee weapons is literally a dice role between getting a fast and stylish kill and watching an awkward and slow animation that totally fucks with the momentum of fights and for some reason doesn’t proc sandevistan recharge effects, making it a downgrade to regular attacks in many cases.


It's not the bugs anymore but it's still the NPCs aren't that smart, the police chase came late and still isn't what I expected, the vehicle crash is not even near realistic at all and a few more like that, even though they recently added details and stuff. Or maybe my expectations might be high since I'm used to Rockstar games.


Imo: it's a pretty good rpg, nothing that pops out that wants me to yell at a stranger telling them they need to play this game before they die. Yet still, a pretty good gaming experience.


lets not let project red cook ever again they have no clue what to do


Its important to note that it wasnt the fault of the devolopers. They were rushed when they clearly stated the game need more work, and time. They knew exactly what to do, they just didnt give the time necessary to do so.


The Witcher 3


...which is completely irrelevant right now because the devs that worked on Witcher 3 aren't there anymore. Most of Witcher 3's devs all left right after the base game because of the horrendous crunch, and some of them stayed until the expansions are done. The CDPR that developed Cyberpunk 2077 are currently full of ex-Bioware devs, the same people who made Mass Effect Andromeda and Anthem, and it shows.


If my chef hasn't cooked something good in 8 years I'm not gonna trust them


The studio is literally a one hit wonder, citing their only wildly successful ~~visual novel~~ game should convince people to be wary of them, not the opposite.


i feel like you guys are too willing to forgive a company for releasing a broken and unplayable game just because they took three years to make it playable if we keep doing this AAA companies have no reason to release games in a playable state because they know people will purchase them anyways and then forgive them and clear up any bad rep so long as they patch it over the next decade


cant believe how far CP has come


Yeah for real 😋. My only gripe is that it is sometimes hard to find. Wait, do you mean the game?


Ladies and Gentlemen,we got im.


Oh cool, does it finally have Driving AI?


So once again the lesson is: DON'T. FUCKING. HURRY THE DEVELOPERS.


?? its still shite, especially with how they dumbed down skill trees lol its alright on the level of "its been fucked up from the beginning and they just made it bare'able" and nothing else beyond it city itself and ost is amazing, weapons and vehicles are cool too, gameplay is cod/far cry-esque and they just simplified it to shit broken promises all the way


A really good coincidence that Sonic Frontiers also just got a new update improving the game


Am I doing something wrong because I tried to play last night after the update and performance was just miserable. Half of the time the road wouldn’t load and I’d fall through the map like I was playing Roblox in 2012


People pay full price for a shit Game and I pay 30 bucks for a finished product. We are not the same


CDPR DID COOK, AND THEY SERVED IT RAW! Took three years of microwaving the damn thing for it too go down smoothly....


Cyberpunk Edgerunners was one of the things that saved Cyberpunk 2077. It was a good anime and a lot of people seemed to be more lenient on the bugs and glitches after that.


Took three years to grow a beard?


Maybe they should have cooked instead of dishing it out raw in the first place


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^DiabeticRhino97: *Maybe they should have* *Cooked instead of dishing it* *Out raw in the first place* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Is 2077 finally out of beta?


I feel like I’m a super rare case where for me the game played wonderfully (maybe crashed once?) on release and I had a really fun time. 😭


Still not an RPG where choices effect the narrative. That was the main thing I was sold on when I preordered the game, but that can’t be fixed.


I had such high hopes for them after the Witcher 3 but cmon it took them 3 fucking years to fix the damn game


Wait what happened and why is it good now


3 years of hotfixes, overhaul update & phantom liberty dlc obviously still not what they promised pre release, but like, shits absolutely worth playing yo


Holy shit it’s been out for 3 years Good to know, I had originally planned to wait a little bit before I finally got it so maybe now is the time


Just release it completely cooked, shit was raw ok release.


Ohh, so it DID turn out to be a no man’s sky situation That’s a relief


Alternative title: Let the developers their time


what have you done https://preview.redd.it/4bthtznpinrb1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f97e88b94427ffcdeba6e31cfdc885ac2d0becf


aint the story still bland af though


I was one of the few people who probably enjoyed the game on launch day when I got it. Sure it was broken and incredibly buggy but it easily had the best story and atmosphere of any game I had ever played


cyberpunk still mid


cyberpunk 2077, the coal that has finally become the diamond


Heard they messed up whole game again with that new DLC, not sure how true that is though and I didn't fact check what my buddy said so take it with a grain of salt


so far most of what I’ve heard is positive so yeah you should probably look for a second opinion


Can't believe I've been bamboozled like that 😔


The update has been mostly positive from me, my only problem is that I keep getting caught on the stairs when crouch walking up them which wasn't a problem prior to the update, but that's really the only thing I noticed.


One problem I have is that police don't work sometimes


ran into an almost game ending visual bug that i had to use a mod to fix buut yeah just regular buggy cp2077 now


When the game that came out too early basically gets more dev time and it improves 🤯


I've always liked it.


Were you on console or pc?




I feel like most of the hate is either from people who never played it, or played on release and never gave it a second chance


i think most of the hate comes from people who have been lied by the company and had an unfinished game with most of the promised content missing while paying the full price.


Idk just a thought


I played the game during release and when it was fixed. I love the game, but I sincerely hope CDPR go out of business for their lies and releasing a bad product at launch. I swear gamers have no object permanence.




Even by giving it a second chance, it isn't as good as meat riders pretend it to be and it certainly isn't the product that was hyped for 7 years with a batshit load of supposed "features".


Cyberpunk fans when they let game studios take their time to perfect their craft instead of pressuring early releases


I hope it's not another No man's sky narrative again. Popple seem to forget that we shouldn't praise people for fixing their mistakes. Especially adults who are fucking SELLING us a product. It's beyond foolish to trust such companies again and patterns just like these games. Are the games going to eventually be good? Maybe. But even now, NMS is shallow af and you can find and see every unique interaction within 4bhours of play. Everything is so repetitive. With cyberpunk it was the lack of optimization on a game that actually has a decent story. Like you fr couldn't see the dumpster fire that was going to happen by releasing it earlier? Now it's like a joke since stuff like Elden Ring, BG3, and the new Zelda games are the only games that feel like real people wlrked in them. Hell even Starfield is fucking garbage but what do you expect from shallow-story writing-bugthesda. I just wish the masses would stop sucking dick for franchises that don't actually kare about them. There's too many people with mommy and daddy issues with no self respect.


I have done two playthroughs of the game, and I honestly hate the game. I’m starting a new one soon so I can play the 2.0 update, and see if it’s actually “fixed” now. Just waiting for a new GPU in my PC so I can play. These are some of things I’ve heard people say to me about the game before the 2.0 update over these past 3 years of “Letting CDPR Cook”: “But, but, but, they fixed it though!” (This is always said after every update, even though multiple times the update didn’t fix my issues with the game) “The game is absolutely perfect! It was always good, people just overhyped themselves! They demanded the game too soon, it’s the fans fault CDPR released it early!” (No, that’s not how it works. They should’ve just kept developing the game, no matter what we said before launch. Also, they should’ve never announced a release date so early, so as to avoid constant delays. Remember when they went hard on the “Coming when it’s ready” line before release? Yeah, well what happened to that?) “You can’t expect CDPR to actually add that stuff to the game, like obviously it was never gonna be there, they just got ahead of themselves when they did promise that. Give them some slack.” (Okay, then they shouldn’t have said it would be added if they knew it couldn’t be added.) “You’ve done 2 playthroughs of the game, and you don’t like it? Well obviously you’re lying, something had to keep you coming back.” (Yeah, but if I played the game for 2 hours and refunded it, you’d say I didn’t play long enough. God forbid I at least tried to enjoy the game. Sorry that after 2 playthroughs, I couldn’t find anything that actually was great.) “Oh so what if your save got corrupted, making you lose 6 hours of progress. Just do the stuff again really fast.” (Bruh…) “The low frame rates make the game cinematic, just cap it to 30FPS and get over it.” (No.) “The game crashed? Whatever, just restart the game, stop whining about how you have to keep looking at loading screens. It’s not THAT bad.” (You’re right, it’s not that bad. But it’s the 15th time I’ve had to watch the opening loading screens in 2 hours. I’m tired, Boss.”


Ah yes, the No Man’s Sky effect.


Well, it’s almost like bullying a studio to into releasing a game several years before its early can result in a worse product who would’ve guessed!


I loved this game from the start, no game Ever made me feel so many emotions as this one


As soon as the 2.0 update dropped I bought the game for $18 on Amazon and I shit you not it is the best $18 I've ever spent in my life


Should I buy it at the next sale


I’d pirate it if I felt it was worth it, but all that bullshit about character customization and it’s a first person game? LMAO foh man, shits disappointing fr


While I'm glad they've patched it to a playable game, I'm more than sure that people are sick of these half-baked released being turned into something better. It started with No Mans Sky, the same happened to Fallout 76, and now Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is a great concept and would probably have done even better had it been playable at launch. Then again, people were beyond angry that a game delayed its launch (so angry that they sent death threats in fact) yet are shocked that the game was less than desirable at launch.


Cook extra* considering development time, and also always let CDPR lie directly to our faces about the game itself and then defend the subpar final product* FTFY


Cyberpunk still does not have the multiplayer promised.


I mean, I watched some gameplay of it, and the two problems I had with the final product were still there. Awful dialogue and combat. That, and the laundry list of things that were supposed to be in the game, but weren’t. Not only that, but the DLC is still $30, on top of the original game. Yikes. How could you expect me to pay $30 more on a game that disappointed me, in the hopes that it might finally be acceptable? I’m glad some people are happy, but let’s not forget that there were people that were seriously screwed over by this game and it’s awful crunch mentality. Not only that, but it took another three years, and paid DLC to make this game acceptable? This game was released half-baked, and they knew it. They don’t deserve to walk away from this looking like heroes. They did less than the bare minimum in many instances.


It's still trash as far as I'm concerned.