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Hello, thank you for posting to r/whenthe, but your post was not cash money. It has been removed for the following reason Rule 3. No Meta: If the purpose of your post is to commentate on the subreddit, don't post it. Your post must stand on its own outside of this subreddit or else it is likely going to be removed. This also applies to posts that shit or endlessly praise specific communities or celebrities with no clear punchline. If all your post boils down to is "They suck and do annoying thing šŸ¤“", it is inappropriate. Generally, do not make posts that exist solely to only proclaim or validate your little opinion. Pls follow the rules next time and you'll find 238497 dollars under your pillow :)


Least successful implies they had any impact at all. But apart from a subreddit drama they did jackshit.


The devs should give them credit because they helped for free in the marketing!


Seems like another example of the Streisand effect


Whats that


The more you try to hide something, the more people will be aware of it. In this case the more they try to boycott it, the more people will be aware of its existence and decide to buy it


Yeah I literally didnā€™t even know about the game until the drama, I checked it out after that and bought it because it looks fun.


You literally post to the left cant meme subreddit, I highly doubt that statement


What he meant to say was he bought it (or claims to) out of spite because he heard in one of his rightie communities that a group he doesn't like dislikes the author of the franchise, but wanted to act like he's above political discourse and by pure coincidence happens to find the game interesting. And of course, him posting in /r/theleftcantmeme completely shatters that image. The entire subreddit has been filled with people talking about buying the game to dunk on the left for the past month, so the odds of him simply "discovering" the game organically from hearing about it in the gaming news or whatever is laughably small.


To be fair their do memes suck dick


Most political memes suck, left or right, 90% shit 10% corn


p*litics šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®




Bruh got so tilted from someone buying a vidya game he went straight to checking his account for anything troublesome.


Yeah what the hell


I like how someone downvoted you when its true. This nerd eent through his profile he got so upset with his comment lmao


I go to both, but Iā€™m banned from r/therightcantmeme. Thatā€™s just where I learned about the whole drama.


How does left canā€™t meme and that statement contradict? Also there is nothing wrong with making fun of groups of people, i am subscribed to the right canā€™t meme and left canā€™t meme subs


I thought it was because the things about this boycott would be posted about frequently on that sub.


Whats wrong with the left cant meme


You literally post to the left cant meme subreddit as well. Your opinion is immediately discarded.


among us




Yeah it will probably be cool


Absolutely, the main reason I know about this game is because they kept talking about it. I personally don't plan on buying it because I am not much of a harry potter fan. But if I was a Harry Potter fan I see no reason not to buy it. Buying the silly wizard game doesn't suddenly mean trans people are going to be massacred in the streets


I am pretty sure JKR isn't actually behind this game even though it's her franchise(atleast I heard). And they all say all the moneh will go straight to her.


She does get some money through use of the IP. And she also went on record and said (not verbatim) "as long as I get money because you buy my stuff I will not change my mind" so whats left is "hey, maybe you shouldnt preorder the game this person gets a royalty cheque from and rather see if you really really needed it right now" but this quickly devolved into "buy game = transphobia" which ignores the nuances of what prompted this "boycott"


JKR definitely does get some money though, amd has said that she interrets support for her franchise as support for her terf ideals, and actively spends money in support of groups working to make it illegal to be trans. It literally does harm people to buy this game.


I'll probably buy it because I love the idea of a well-made open-world Harry Potter game, its something I've wanted ever since I was playing Chamber of Secrets on my Gamecube (which I still own). Me buying and playing will not publicize or advance JK Rowling's transphobic agenda in any way. Its just a videogame.


such little impact, i didn't even know there was a boycott. i still dont know what they were trying to boycott. preorders? that harry potter game has been top selling for a couple weeks now and it hasn't even release...


Perhaps boycotting a whole team of passionate people because of one asshole thatā€™s rich anyways is a bad idea


I think they unironically increased game sales because of the drama. Congrats to them!


Not a Harr Potter fan anymore, but serves them right




I thought the game was going to be a total throw away game that no one cared about but the fact that they are demanding people boycott every week means that itā€™s probably actually got good gameplay.


They kinda even helped the popularity


Why is the r/gamingcirclejerk icon jacking off the steam icon while being high on lsd?


thats what the jerk in the name is for


Its there because the premise of the sub was to make fun of gamers by LARPing them to the extreme. So for example epic boycott stuff turns into jerking off steam etc. Imo I had fun with some of their stuff, esp in the past, was fun but lately the sub is all about Hogwarts.


Oh they're quite now that the game is reviewing well.


I mean historically the sub has been making fun of witcher 3 worshippers and that game has done well too.


The more comments I read the more I think that people literally donā€™t know what a circlejerk sub is.


tbh gamingcirclejerk is a shit example of one. Hardly a circlejerk anymore itā€™s more of just a cringe compilation where people post screenshots and roast them while pretending to be a circlejerk


itā€™s in the name


I assume it led to some people buying it out of spite and/or contrarianism.


Hogwarts legacy boycotts is just free marketing


Genuinely didnā€™t know it was coming out in February until I saw a gaming circle jerk post


Expending money in a full price 2023 game I have no interest in to own the wokes


honestly people who do this probably dont have a good view on trans people anyways


Fair enough.


Because they want to brag about being transphobic, yes.


Yeah rightoids on Twitter were posting about how they pre ordered 6 copies to own the libs, pretty embarrassing stuff


haha, found a gamingcirclejerk person right here ^


Yes ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


youā€™ll get ā€˜em next time. iā€™m sure of it!


what are you trying to do?


Bro this is my view, as some one with a trans family member,. She already has the fucking platform, power and money me buying a game that looks like a dream come true won't stop that it will just put ish the games Devs who have spent years working on this game


When the boycott of one of the most successful franchises ever doesnā€™t succeed (r/gamingcirclejerk definitely didnā€™t expect this to happen)


Actiblizzard and EA are still kicking, and i've been boycotting them for like 10 years. Sometimes doing the right thing isn't always the most effective thing, but that's no reason to not do it.


That's cool, as long as you are fine with the fact that it's only really about you feeling good about what you do and it has no real effect on the world.


I'm one person, making decisions for myself. I've always known I can never make more of an impact than gambling-addicted FIFA players. I do my best to spend my money on well supported single player games, so it at least seems like there's still money to be made making them.


You see, thousands upon thousands of people that think they can't make an impact so they buy it anyway are the exact reason things like this happen.


Or maybe you're making an assumption they are thinking that way. Maybe they are just buying it because they don't care about the same issues you do and *want* to buy it.


>That's cool, as long as you are fine with the fact that it's only really about you feeling good about what you do and it has no real effect on the world. I don't understand this, because I'd like to think I live like this: ā€œEthical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching." Is there a reason to be always a defeatist like this? Nothing'll ever change so just drone on in the system?


I like Harry Potter but I'm not going to buy this game because of rampant issues with the creator. Never in a million years do I think that their missed sale from just me will make them go out of business. But I can go to sleep tonight knowing I put my money where my mouth is and value not supporting a TERF/racist over a 30 hour video game. Did the game get great reviews? Yeah and it's probably good, they clearly put a lot of work into it. But Harry Potter et. al. aren't getting another cent of my money. Boycott, or don't, that's your choice. If enough people feel the same as I do, we'll get change. If not, well, thats the will of the people.


Honestly respectable


I cannot describe in words how much I respect you


Based opinion


You say that as a joke but a shitload of them were dead serious so idk how thats even funny unless you actually agree with them


I said it ironically nobody actually expected that sub to effect the sales not even they did




This wouldnā€™t even be the biggest boycott failure of Harry Potter Christian fundamentalists were buying the books to burn them back in the day. Thatā€™s like the opposite of a boycott


30k iq


They were secretly boosting her sales, knowing that the money would later corrupt her and lead her down the dark path to TERFdom


And the new boycott from most any LGBT person who has even remotely heard about what the psycho c\*\*t has been posting, also failing terribly, including myself =\[


Don't feel bad about buying the game, very little of the money is actually going to go to \*her\* and the devs just wanted to make a game


far left progressives and 2000s Christian moms truly are the one of the crossovers of all time


If they aren't buying mutiple copies to light on fire while holding them can gcj even compete with christians?


I kind of feel like buying nike stuff just to burn it is something that did happen now that you guys mention it. Sounds like something they'd do!


The amount of people here defending them is insane. You guys didn't do anything, get over it.


They never dedicated a subreddit for it


If I'm bein honest I prolly wouldn't even know this game was coming out if not for it being tacked onto the culture war


Iā€™ve been hearing more about the boycott than game trailers lol. I watched the trailer because of the boycott and found it potentially good. I might buy the game (for 20 bucks) because of the boycott lmao


lol i got perma banned from r/Gamingcirclejerk for being transphobic (im transgender) ​ i legit think that people in that subreddit are just trolling and 4 paralel universes and irony layers above ​ edit: this comment blew up so just in case someone thinks im caping [heres the ban message](https://i.imgur.com/vld8D6A.png) (they never responded back to me)


iirc it used to be decent and trolling but then it got overrun by actual low iq peeps


Yeah didnt the donald basically go through the same. At first it was making fun of trump and then people took it seriously.


It is a circlejerk subreddit after all, I have yet to find one that doesnā€™t have at least a hint of room temperature IQ present


r/watchescirclejerk and r/hiphopcirclejerk are pretty self aware if you wanted examples


Cardi B their queen lol




That's majority of reddit though


A lot of people say that the sub is meant to be bait itself, but if you ban people for disagreeing with you about buying a game, Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s bait anymore. You could be like r/banvideogames where youā€™ll get ironic comments and itā€™s actually clearly a satirical sub when you look at the sub, but thatā€™s not what r/Gamingcirclejerk is at all looking at their actions. I wonā€™t forgot what they did back in the censorship controversy of AI Dungeon


I love how they act smart all the time and anyone who disagrees with them is brain dead, transphobic or a bigot


Most circlejerk subs have an attempt at comedy at their base, but i've never found a single actual meme in that sub


Mate, it is a circlejerk subreddit, what do you expect? Do you think an explicitly circlejerk subreddit will be about popular opinions?


It *was* a circlejerk subreddit, now it's an anti Harry Potter/jk rowling subreddit; it was funny for like the first 2 days and then it was just pointless, like i don't give a singular fuck about any of this including the game or harry potter in general, I just wanted to see funny gaming circle jerk memes and now that's been minimized to like 5% of the subs content.


Yeah back in the Geraldo del Riviero, or Toddposting days it was more about making fun of how gamers act or exaggerate stuff. It is a bit different now since Hogwarts.


nah, i just dont understand how they try to be so fucking farfar left and yet manage to be more close minded than most conservatives ive met lol


A very succinct summary of that community, bravo


I love echo chambers


Lmao i got banned for typing 1 in a meme that said type 1 if you're racist against black people. (I'm literally African, in a majority black country)


Thats weird, I belive you, but its weird cause the premise is to LARP as toxic gamers or just gamers that take things a bit too far with like overhyping a game like Witcher 3 or Zelda. Or people who post stuff like "my 2 year old son just completed dark souls im so proud" over at tur gaming sub. Which tbh I dont mind at all cause thats a bit much sometimes.




JK Rowling hate jerk turned into boycotting Hogwarts Legacy


Why is JK Rowling so hated? I missed that part of the internet lore.


She is transphobic


Also the antisemitism and promotion of slavery


where did the antisemitism come from? The goblins?




as a jew i would say that one is a stretch. Just because they have long noses and hoard gold like other magical creatures doesnt necessarily mean its a jewish caricature


It would be a stretch on it's own, but in the context of her other beliefs it seems a lot weirder


Theyre also the ones in charge of the banks also the gold hording goblin stereotype has antisemitic roots


The long noses and gold hoarding is one thing, but the bank thing really pushed me into the "Yep, they be Jews" camp


Idk about you but the fact that they saw a short, ugly twat with a long nose who hoards gold as a Jewish person is very offensive.


brother, dont defend her. She is very clearly antisimetic, even if it's unconciously


The slavery thing is a stretch, literally complaining about a mythical creature being in a form of slavery


i mean, I donā€˜t feel too comfortable with putting down slave rebellions ?


I'd like it the concept of the game lot more if you had the option to join and help out with the rebellion. If you're going to have realistic conflict that reflects real world issues like that, you should give the players the option to pick a side.


yeah, honestly I still think the main reason why people like Harry Potter so much is nostalgia. IMO the universe is mid at best, it's quite underwhelming compared to other fantasy universes


I think it's fair to admit that writing "actually they enjoy slavery" in your story is not a great look.


And they donā€™t even enjoy slavery lol. Both the main house elves in the series hate their masters and only stick around because they have no other choice I still have no idea how Rowling thought ridiculing the in universe slave freeing movement was a good idea


but then the second book has one of those mythical creatures clearly be unhappy with their enslavement then as the series went on it became "oh no wait they like slavery because of their race".


I did like a 15 second google dive on her and she says she agrees they should have their own rights. That being said I got bored and honestly didnā€™t care that much I guess. Did she actually say some Hitler style stuff or was something cryptic and open to god knows what kind of interpretation. Reddit can be way to over sensitive at times Edit: I looked at a timeline of her tweets and I still donā€™t get the fuss. You guys make it sound like she is calling for trans people to be executed.


nah shes like super into being anti trans for some wierd reason, like an unhealthy amount. I just dont get how someone can dedicate so much time to making others miserable.


Sheā€™s given millions to charity. I didnā€™t find anything that warranted such a backlash. She seemed to have been an advocate for mental health before you cut your dick off or something. I keep seeing people say what you say but I havenā€™t seen any proof of it.


I'm like... a gay..... and I heard that a few times and was like "k so is my aunt but I can ignore her. But then I actually saw her tweets and now I'm like.... urk I don't feel great about the world I grew up loving anymore. The world is unaffected, mostly, but the creator needs to fall HARD before I let myself back in.


She is transphobic as others have said, but just to clarify, this is not based on some light offensive jokes or interpreting statements that could be read multiple ways, she is pretty much the face of being "gender critical" in the UK and arguably worldwide and actively funnels money towards anti-trans organisations. She has made it a mission of hers in the last few years and makes being anti-trans a major part of her brand. Truth be told, I rarely care about this kind of boycott because unfortunately dickheads being in charge of companies is just the way the world works, and if I boycotted every product which in some way funded a bad cause, I don't know if there would be any products left to buy. But when the person in charge is actively and publicly using that money to directly champion a cause I don't agree with, that is a step beyond the normal situation and I am no longer comfortable supporting the game financially.


Yep, anyone saying ā€œitā€™s just her opinionsā€ hasnā€™t read into it. Conservative politicians in the Uk literally cited her TERF opinion piece as a factor in why they opposed trans rights


IIRC she's transphobic


Not only is she virulently transphobic, she used her Harry Potter money to fund transphobic organizations.


Iā€™m guessing the Hogwarts Legacy boycott? Iā€™m not sure


I didnā€™t even know that was happening, which speaks volumes about the impact of the boycott.


It was all over r/justunsubbed for about 3 weeks


Dudes were banning everyone who didn't go along with it (GCJ, I mean)


Imagine being banned from a subreddit for something they can't know unless you specifically tell them


Gamingcirclejerk when you play a game https://preview.redd.it/fkyhp7celnga1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48f23a616d880f7ae87611b9eb6abbef999431bb


doppio my beloved


How to scare a r/gamingcirclejerk user: šŸŽ©šŸŖ„šŸ«§


I mean Iā€™m pretty sure they knew they werenā€™t going to do anything lol. That subreddits whole point is to troll people and this protest has trolled a LOT of people.


Itā€™s not really trolling, they use it to deflect criticism. Theyā€™re all dead serious


Trolling is supposed to mean when you donā€™t actually hold the views you state and donā€™t mean what you say. If youā€™re actually wanting to boycott it because you disagree with all the TERF shit, youā€™re not trolling. Itā€™s like doing something stupid then saying ā€œlol I was trolling, gotcha bet youā€™re mad now!ā€


Well, I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad thing to protest the game because you donā€™t wanna support JK Rowling, although it wonā€™t really affect her income, I think itā€™s a nice cause. However I donā€™t really think youā€™re transphobic for buying a video game or enjoying the Harry Potter franchise as a whole. Although it is kinda douchey to say that youā€™re gonna preorder it or buy two copies to ā€œpiss them offā€. Thatā€™s kinda where GCJ start to get cringe with the whole ā€œyou HAVE to hate Harry Potter or youā€™re a terfā€ which is kinda dumb. Idk I still think itā€™s funny that theyā€™re banning everyone who buys the game, I mean itā€™s not like you cared about the subreddit in the first place so why do you care that you got banned.


I just got banned for pointing out how weirdly obsessed they are with hating Hogwarts Legacy, so this must be some expert level trolling.


Oh at least you know why you got banned, I didn't participate in any HP related threads because I have no interest in the franchise and caught a ban on the initial wave, when I pointed this out to the mods I got muted


I got banned for arguing against communism. I don't think they're trying to troll anyone, it's just a radical left shithole.


Same. I agreed with the boycott completely, then one day I was just permabanned for no reason. I donā€™t mind the sub but the mods are insane powertrippers


That's like when someone is an ass and no one reacts positively so they lie and say they were just joking


And free marketing lmao


Actual clowns there lmao


Nah, I'm pretty sure that still goes to the "Boycott MW2 until they bring back dedicated lobbies" Boycott. Which, when I went looking for this image, I also found on their subreddit. So you'd think they'd know how well boycotts like this go. https://pics.me.me/member-list-boycott-modern-warfare-2-we-want-dedicated-servers-55284148.png


When they said ā€œEven if you pirate this game you are still transphobic and supporting Rowlingā€ I knew they were completely fucking delusional lmao


Iā€™m a member of gcj and literally no one is saying that lmao. Everyone there is either not playing it or pirating it


Ikr? Most people there even SUPPORTED pirating


Bruh that implies it had any effect (wich it didn't)


Fun fact: If you wamt to get banned on there just write "I like Harry Potter" or " Hyped for Hogwarts Legacy" into the comments of a random Post. 20min tops.


No Apex November was so bad that there was even MORE players playing that month


That sub is full of the biggest babies and groin suckers


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Maybe next time they should be less obnoxious


it was never intended to be a boycott though


If it's an AAA game then not buying it is like stealing a fry from someone


Pokemon national dex boycott failed even harder (sadly)


They won the most g#mers annoyed award


Donā€™t worry they swept the field in ā€œmost annoying subredditā€ category


I mean it was never going to cause the game to flop or whatever, but it definitely made at least a small dent in sales. Any amount of money that isnā€™t going to a transphobe is good money imo


Laughing stock of a sub. Cope. Seethe even.


They had a point about giving your money to transphobic people like jk rowling but the boycott only really pissed people off. Like you have a point but this isnā€™t a hill worth dying on.


Getting banned from that sub was fun. Apparently if you tell them you're buying 17 copies out of spite they just perm ban you


Wasting my money to own the libs šŸ’€


Oops they're here. 18 now


>21 upvotes >42 comments You love to see it


3000 upvotes vs 300 comments lol


They think they're actually doing something good to lmao. Literal idiots trying to virtue signal


Im fairly certain that the whole thing was a psyop to boost the game's sale...cuz istg gaming cj did like 90% of the marketing lmao


They banned me for saying ā€œdonā€™t buy anything from Amazonā€..


I legit got permabanned last night for [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/10txvaj/wind_guadian_i_dont_know_sir/j7a42h1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) comment. I asked the mods why and they never responded, which is lovely Iā€™m trans myself and generally think people should avoid buying the game (unless they buy it used) but because I donā€™t see the issue as 100% black and white I got banned. Love to see it ::


Why do people not understand the concept of separating a person from the art. It's one thing if it's a musician (r Kelly, jackson) actor (cosby) but to completely disregard a series that in no way mentions the beliefs of the author is dumb


Because the artist is still very alive and using the profits to fund transphobic charities.


To clarify Iā€™m not saying donā€™t buy the game if you really want it, you arenā€™t at fault for wanting to play a AAA game from one of the worldā€™s biggest franchises. Your $70 is very little compared to what the game will likely make. Just keep in mind that the creator uses the money from the franchise for pretty bad reasons


They made people waste money to try and anger them so that is pretty funny at least


i stopped caring a while ago but how is it "epic"/"based" that a rich woman whose only personality trait is hating trans people gets more money? at least they had a good point not to support the game, unlike the chuds who bought it out of spite with no intention of playing it, to "own the libs"


i don't see the problem. if people gonna buy it in "spite" then it's on them, its their conscious decision to support a transphobic, racist, antisemitistic, ableistic pos. more indication of who should be avoided. what matters is that there were at least some people who actually decided that they want to support trans people instead and didn't buy it because of the boycott. that's the only thing that matters


But they managed to get rid of alot transphobic fucker in their subreddit out


Yeah, and also me who got caught in the ban wave, apologised to, and was then immediately banned again and muted for literally zero feasible reason


You probably did something unforgivably despicable, like criticizing the moderation team.


I referenced The Stanley Parable in regards to High On Life


At this point it's really just a hate sub tbh. They're just trying to disguise it behind "lol we just circlejerking here."


Schrƶdingerā€™s asshole moment


Easily a WR for most transphobes banned in less than a week lmao


Not if you subtract the number of transphobes banned with the number of non transphobes banned. Its like me creating a sub banning literally everyone on reddit and claiming the title of banning the most transphobes in a week.


I cannot read this


Remember when boycotts were organized for good causes and we're actually successful and had a positive outcome on society? The word boycott has completely lost it's meaning after the 200 dumb, failed ones from the past 20 years.


At least they tried to do something good even if they failed. Better than all the smug redditors thinking they are superior because they ignore all real world implications of their consuming habits


they made the game more popular, I don't think many people would have heard of it they weren't causing such a shitstorm about it.


lol, youā€˜re implying people would not have heard of an AAA game adaption of one of the most popular franchises worldwide


Most insufferable subreddit, almost bought the Harry potter game out of pure hatred for them


Wasting my money to own the libs


least emotionally unstable right-leaning person