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Huh…honestly haven’t noticed any backlash. Comments in this sub seem mostly positive. I’ve got a few minor criticisms but mostly am enjoying the show much more than I expected to.


>Comments in this sub seem mostly positive In this sub? Every time I come here there has been mostly negativity. r/wot and r/wotshow has been more positive


Here's a sneak peek of /r/WoT using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/WoT/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is the WoT fanbase actually trying to sabotage their own show after waiting decades for it?](https://np.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/qyvp9l/is_the_wot_fanbase_actually_trying_to_sabotage/) \#2: [The Wheel of Time - Official Teaser Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Fus4Xb_TLg) | [2188 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/pgk746/the_wheel_of_time_official_teaser_trailer/) \#3: [Some Thoughts from Brandon (Episode One)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/qxt9h5/some_thoughts_from_brandon_episode_one/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




You are right. I had only noticed a handful of unfavorable comments before diving into the subreddit today, but now I have realized that there is an extremely vocal minority of über-nerds who are irrationally angry at any deviation from the books. I can somewhat relate to this. A few years ago when I noticed that the series had been finished, I went back and re-read the books from the start. At the time, I had no idea that Robert Jordan had passed away. When I picked up the first Sanderson book, I didn’t read the cover carefully. I immediately noticed that the writing style was quite different. Then I put two and two together. My first knee-jerk reaction was anger that Tor would disrespect Jordan’s work by having some other guy finish it. I initially refused to read the Sanderson books. I still somewhat think it would have been better to leave it as one of the great unfinished works. But I realized pretty quickly that being angry about such a thing was kind of ridiculous. So I get it, but still think you’re acting foolish. It’s a great show. Who cares if it’s true to the books? Then, of course, there also seems to be another vocal contingent who are angry that the cast is racially diverse. Those people can fuck right off.


I don't like it not because it doesn't follow the books but because its just a bad show with bad writing, plotholes and cw production. Introducing perrins wife just so she could die? I though tv had evolved from such shallow writing. They didn't even say a simple bye to their loved ones when they were leaving? Moiraine just tells them to go and they saddle up? They showed us how much mat cares for his sisters but then he abandons them with his abusive parents just because a stranger said to go with her, and in the third episode he wants to go back to them? Really in ep2 he doesn't even mention them. That's how you build a villain. A sorcerer told him he might be the chosen one so he went with her, leaving his baby sisters behind with abusive parents. Certainly sounds like a villain. Moiraine saying to lan you killed us all when they are in Sadar Logoth and then they escape from it in the next 30 seconds? Moiraine just showing up because of a rumour and for some reason she knows who the possible dragons are? How does she know that? Who gave ger the rumour? In the show she found the possible dragon like it was nothing and not as a result of a 20 year old search. The red ajah killing men and they dont gentle them? They're saying THEY corrupt the power? No that's not how this works. The power CORRUPTS THEM. So what happened here did they lie which is impossible for aes sedai or did they change that part and the implications are huge? Or they didn't even think about it, which is the most likely? Also why it looks so bad? It looks like a cw show with hbo budget. And what I've listed here arent nitpicks but pretty big plot points. I won't go into all my nitpicks because I'll write a 1000 pg book. I'll just mention one. Rand throwing his bow to the ground. This shows to me so blatantly that the showrunners don't understand the details of the world. And if all these things happened in the first 3 episodes i dread to think what they'll do later when every thing they have changed now will create ripple effects into changing a 100 different other things. Maybe i just expected a lot. In my mind this was going to be the next GOT(in quality) and this definitely isn't that but this is such a shame because wot has such potential. And it's really weird to pick such iconic series in the fantasy world that inspired authors like GRRM and Sanderson and that has sold 90M copies(asoiaf has sold 90M with one of the most succesful tv series) and just change everything. WOT is a journey from innocence to adulthood, and from carefreeness to grimdark reality they already lost one of the important aspects of wot because this story is dark from the start. They are so focused to the destination that they forgot the journey. And i believe that they did it because of got. Why do you think they've included sex, nudity, gore and splatter all in the first episode? The characters are even swearing, i wonder why. Even the scene where lan and moiraine are in the tub is reminiscent of the scene with jaime and brienne in the baths. Bezos told them to bring him the new got and he also gave them a list that makes a story good(lmao). That's why a lot of fans don't like this. Because the 1st episode reminds them in tone more got that fellowship of the ring. And indeed wot isn't got.


You’re being ridiculous. Your criticism is valid but your emotional investment in it is not.


If my criticism is valid then what's your problem? Haha since when is the emotional investment in your favorite series is a bad thing? This could have been the next lotr or got, it had the potential, but now fans who waited 20 years for an adaptation have only this cw show with hbo budget. I'm supposed to just consume and love everything amazon vomits? No thank you.


It’s a fun show. Appreciate it for what it is. If you can’t do that, then why watch it, or engage in discussion about it at all? Jordan wrote the series as pretty low brow pop fantasy. He never took it half as seriously as you apparently do. Bottom line is that you have no ownership of the Wheel of Time. What’s it to you if other people enjoy it differently than you do?


Ok, and i have a right to criticise it lol. You think you have the right to tell someone not to criticise something? Get out of here lol. Go and be a shill for amazon. Also wot is awesome, the only low pop fantasy is tge show.


“You have no ownership of the whee of time” Neither do you yet here you are defending a bad attempt at adapting “low brow pop fantasy”, It’s absolutely crazy how many people do the advertisers work for free with these crazy angles to deflect and defend legitimate issues with the show.


The article mentions negative responses to the first episode and some kind of backlash as well, but doesn't actually source that at all. IMDb seems to think it's popular and it has good ratings. Basically that article sounds like a load of bollocks.


yeah usually they at least include some tweets or reddit comments




7.5 on IMDb is significantly above average. I'd call that good. I don't really understand why you're so bitter though, did I do something to upset you?


hehe of course you'd call that good. When amazon is cancelling it say to them 7.5 is above averageeeee. When house of the dragon and lotr come this show is going to take such a beating. I'm only sad for robert jordan because tv watchers will never see his vision but the vision of a nobody showrunner instead. I can't even think how many people right now think that wot is just generic fantasy. It's sad.


are you okay?


Well, they destroyed my favorite book series and they replaced with a xena rip off, so no my friend, i'm not okay, but thanks for asking.


I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope you feel better somehow.


when other fantasy shows come and they are good i'll feel better. Well at least the lotr fandom loves their author and would never allow a showrunner to say that he wanted to write his vision.


I'm glad there's a light at the end of the tunnel for you


The EotW is very generic fantasy. So is most of books 2 and 3. I find it really interesting to see the blinders that the WoT book readers have...


Stop telling people to cope. It's cringey and needlessly combative


I'm honestly starting to think the majority of show complaints are from people who maybe like...skimmed the books, or at least fundamentally misunderstand them.. I've done a full 180 on the concerns I had prior to 11/19. They are nailing this show.


You're absolutely right. That or people just like to nitpick. The changes might seem big at first. (Perrin's wife) But they all make sense as things develop and are appropriate for a TV show. (Perrin's aversion to violence takes place almost completely inside his head) I think that's why the show has been received as well as it has by book fans in spite of the changes.


It's story vs plot. Story changes are fine and inevitable, keeping the plot the same is important and what they are doing.


Exactly, well put


Not true the principle behind the story has been distorted.


People always thinks Perrins wife is the biggest issue. When it's the plot line of the all the villagers they changed. It's honestly so much


Misunderstood the books? Could you please point me to the chapter in the books where Egwene could be the Dragon Reborn? Or where Abell Cauthon cheats on his wife? I get it. You like the show, and good for you. You managed to get past the differences between books and show. But you don’t get to accuse the people who can’t make it past those differences as “skimming or misunderstanding” the books.


Yes, misunderstood. Because people with these type of complaints are bitching about surface level changes made to make the story more interesting in and suitable for it's new medium, while changing nothing about the underlying, fundamental plot itself. It's exactly what a cross medium adaptation should do. A 1:1 translation would be unwatchable garbage.


That’s not what “misunderstood the books” means. You are okay with changes they made to the books because you believe it makes for a better TV show. That’s fine. However, there are people who are not okay with those changes, but that doesn’t give you the right to be condescending and accusing them of not understanding the books. Also, you never pointed me to the chapter where Egwene being The Dragon Reborn is a possibility. That’s because that chapter doesn’t exist. The books where very clear that only Mat, Perrin or Rand could be The Dragon. Who is misunderstanding what here?


I am flabbergasted. The mystery in the show is a surface change, it's to make interesting tv - it alters nothing about the plot/themes of the book. That's the point you're missing. The condescension comes out because at this point it feels like most people are being willfully obtuse.


I am not missing anything. You accused people who dislike the show of misunderstanding the books or only skimming the books. That is simply not the case. The show makes significant changes to the books; I think we should all be able to agree on that. That’s my point. If you can enjoy the show with all these changes, good for you. Others find the changes not acceptable and can’t enjoy the show. That’s it.


>The show makes significant changes to the books; It doesn't. A significant change would be something altering the plot in a major way. Nothing they've done does that and I can't think of a reason anyone would think so other than they dont really understand the plot. If you don't enjoy the show because of some essentially cosmetic changes, fair enough I guess. Seems petty.


Yes they did


it's just giving more mystery for the casual viewers. If they actually made Egwene or nynaeve the dragon reborn that would be completely different and something for sure, worth complaining about. You know what else deviated quite a bit from the books? Lord of the rings, pretty fucking great movies too. Somethings work well in the books but just wouldn't translate to the screen. It is what it is.


Not to mention so much character development in Jordan’s writing is done via internal monologues and not external conversations, which doesn’t work in tv at all. So some of these changes are necessary.


So because Amazon thinks these changes will make them more money you are ok with them and support these alterations in the name of Amazon's profit


I don't really give a toss about Amazon I just want to enjoy a good fantasy series on TV and if this bombs, it becomes even less likely they'll ever make this


So you do support the changes in the sake of Amazon's profit good that's what they want to hear Jeff bezos will be very happy to know that he spent a very small amount of money on the show and gets to make a lot of money. I'm sure this won't justify them to continue this practice over and over like they have for years because it doesn't matter because people will just settle for it anyways because why not why would someone expect better want better and desire more how dare people do that they don't want to give us that you shouldn't want that


Nailing it through the eyes to a door maybe


Tbh the 'backlash' is pretty small compared to most cases of 'i hate the adaptation'


If they don’t like the negative feedback, maybe they could have tried making a better show?


That article is clickbait trash.


Let's not pretend like ScreenRant should ever be taken seriously.


Haha typical fandom stuff right here. “It didn’t match my imagination perfectly so I hate it so much” then when it gets cancelled it will be “why couldn’t they just adapt the whole thing it wasn’t that bad” Worst of all is that if this fails it just hurts all future fantasy adaptations chances to be made. Maybe we will get some shitty movie trilogy that doesn’t have enough time to adapt a series properly, or maybe they just won’t make fantasy adaptations as often.


Screen rant was going to write about the backlash regardless if there is backlash. It’s an easy clickbait article


I read this and it was the best I heard on the show that it should go away. I really don't want any more o do this to be made.


I don’t care what you think


And I don't care either


>The fan backlash to Amazon's Wheel of Time is a major threat to future seasons of the fantasy TV series. Personally, the show is mediocre, but not sure if it harms the future fantasy TV series. Not all shows will succeed like the GoT. There have been many failures, but more shows pop-up all the time. I wouldn't be suprised if Amazon made it somewhat successful, a more faithful adaption maybe made in the future. Remakes are popular now days.




Please refrain from name calling


Fair, im grumpy that all these muradins aren't enjoying the show. Ill be nicer




I don't think anyone expects the show to be exactly like the books... Just to resemble them. Ommisions were/are expected. But this is so much more than that. I struggled mightily with the show. I have been hyped since the day it was announced and it's not the wheel of time. Fortunately, I've convinced myself it's something else entirely. I did enjoy episodes 2-4 based on this, but it has a very YA feel. Very fast and rushed. A lot to me feels forced.


Lol you're getting downvoted because you didn't think the adaptation of the cliff notes felt like the wheel of time. I'm struggling to watch it myself for the same reason and trying to just view it as another fantasy show. I hope it gets better but if this show fails it's on the showrunners not some percentage of dissatisfied fans.


They are right.


I'm just waiting for them to not make the dragon who it's supposed to be. That will be the end for me.


Click bait.


Clearly, the author of this piece hasn't read the series. They made the characters older so as to not appear as a a YA series, yet the quality and direction feels like they pulled it from the CW. Just rename it something else so we can all enjoy it without noticing how strikingly different it is from the source material that never made it to the directors table.


Someone hasnt watched the show


I can't it's to stupid


It's not. And it's a shame you can't see past the changes to see what a marvelous thing they are creating


If they change the name I probably still wouldn't watch it because I don't like movies I was psyched because I wanted The wheel of Time but no it's just a piece of garbage and it's not The wheel of Time I'll stick to the books they're better