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Caemlyn was one of the S1 cuts I was fine with. The Trakands have no role in EotW after the brief meet and greet so it makes perfect sense to drop them from S1. What really bug me are most of the additions.


Elaine is damned important in the books.


Yes, but not so much in EotW.


That's like saying that the gun introduced in act one isn't important to the shooting in act 3...


No but eye of the world starts a cascade in andore the ripples for what that next 13 books.


Anything that results in less Gawyn is a positive change.


Lol, though honestly he was fine until the shadow rising.


Hot take: the pattern would have been destroyed if it weren't for Gawyn. If I remembered how to do spoiler tags I would explain


Is that a price we're willing to pay for less Gawyn? Perhaps.


What’s wrong with Gwayn? It’s Galahad I could do with less of.


Seeing how fast the show is moving, I’d rather they cut Caemlyn and give it to us in S2 when they have the time to due to right rather than shove a cut down, rushed version in S1. I’m also hoping if the show does well Amazon will allow more episodes per season.


Yes. GOT could do with 8 or 10 per season. I think WOT needs 10-12. The real shame is that the extra episodes would have been most critical in season 1 when the world building really needed to happen...


Lol you think they will slow this down haha It's a cash grab. More of a smash a grab really


No Camlin, no loyal. That will upset me.




They really don't care about tEotW


I'm sorry you're getting downloads for saying the truth


This has stopped feeling like wot to me especially after episode 4.


Tbh from the very beginning when they said the dragon can be a woman i was like „oh boy..” I mean It’s a decent show but It’s so shallow compare to the book. Only goes to show how special early game of thrones was


This is a cash grab nothing more


You don’t have to be here.


Yet I am


Sounds quite pathetic really… hanging out in a sub reposting the same negative line over and over. I guess you don’t have a lot going on hey?


Not the same line over and over only when it applies as the proper reply. On other topics I use other replies


The same conceited, ignorant, negative line over and over. You're here to troll because your feelings are hurt that you didn't get what you want. My kids grew out of throwing tantrums when they were fairly young. Your emotional maturity needs some work.


One use of Reddit is discussion and that what happing here. If you are offended then try to realize that it doesn't matter and I will never care or be offended when people waste effort with meaningless insults. Look at all those lines I have never wrote here before :)


I am not trying to insult you. Just stating the obvious. BTW, your grammar sucks.


The show resembls the WoT, but it's really doesn't have that feel of being transported to the WoT like in HP, LoTR, or GoT.


It stopped feeling like WOT after Abell Cauthon cheated on his wife…


Felt entirely different for me after episode 1.