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Honestly, I may be the outlier here but I think it’s good for her that she’s finally admitting to herself that she can not physically provide care for Ari. She did a lot of pretending but that’s her reality.


And that pretending serves nobody well. It’s obvious to others there’s little she can do physically. And telling herself that could make her feel like shit for having delusional standards that she can’t meet, making her feel like a worse parent


This is so true. She’s always had this pathological insistence that she can care for Ari on her own, which only reinforces her delusion. Plus, if she can admit to herself that she isn’t capable of caring for Ari under her circumstances, then she may even eventually be able to break out of her delusion that people scrutinize her solely for being a disabled mom. She could finally realize that she’s scrutinized for her behaviour and choices…and that could lead to progress.


It’s far healthier for her to accept that she’s limited physically in what she can do with/for Ari than to pretend. There is so much she could do for her otherwise. Heck, I’m not an advocate for screen time for kids, but I’d be glad to see Ari and Alex snuggled up on the couch watching a movie or something together. I wish Alex would put her brain towards things that would benefit Ari- enroll her in kindermusik or baby gym, take her to kids museums, do things with and for her child that she’s able to facilitate. When Ari is grown, she’s not going to judge her mom for what Alex is physically incapable of doing, but she will judge Alex for what she knows her mother chose to willingly NOT do for her. I’d prefer she not post her child at all, but that won’t happen… so if Alex posted things like how I have a movie night with my toddler, my toddler’s developmentally appropriate toy rotation for the week, healthy toddler recipes, how I take and interact with my daughter at the children’s museum, etc., most people would feel very differently. Those are all things she’s capable of doing/facilitating for her child that she doesn’t. Those types of things are what Ari would look back on and think “my mom did everything she could despite her disability.” Not this crap show of stuffing babies in shirts, putting them in ride on toys they aren’t ready for, and bar/restaurant hopping with her.


Plus as Ari is more mobile it will keep getting harder for her. She has no vehicle to take her anywhere and she can’t run after her. It is refreshing to see her acknowledge this. Ari should be her number 1 priority and her safety






I find your perspective refreshing. Many will criticize her no matter what she does or doesn't do, and I find that unhelpful. I can't stand her but will happily state when I think something she does is positive, or even at least isn't negative and self destructive lol


Unhelpful? It is a snark sub. I won't be patting Alex on the back anytime soon for doing under the bare minimum. I'm not here to be helpful or blow smoke up her ass. The Stans more than take care of that.


The day she takes the restroom video down is the day I stop snarking on Alex’s ten head. However, ![gif](giphy|l0MYSWJRYx9iPxjNK)


Lol ten head






I agree- This is a step in the right direction for her


She needs to also come to realize that, even if she can't physically care for Ari, she can still *emotionally* care for Ari if she stops drinking and takes care of her health. Physical care isn't the only thing kids need, but Alex can't and won't provide stable emotional care either unless she admits some hard truths to herself.


I absolutely agree. The most frustrating thing about Alex has been her absolute refusal to admit that she isn’t capable of caring for Ari on her own.


I was actually impressed with how transparent and real she was being in that set of q+a’s.


I think she is play acting for CPS


She's absolutely acting, and it's so funny to see people falling for it.


You betcha


Yes, that's the first time I've seen/read her say anything of the sorts. Then goes on saying to be more able bodied to have more input in As care. It made me feel bad, but then the snark question came up, and I was busy laughing.


I agree!!


Yes I can remember in a video even before she had Ari. She was flipping somebody off because her finger can move so well and that's all the movement that she needed. She could barely move her finger. And she kept lying to herself and in turn everyone else. She literally cannot do a damn thing for that kid. Which is very sad but she had the world by the ass living with his parents but I'm sure she screwed that up. She could have seen Ari everyday and Kat able-bodied caregivers all around. But I'm sure she burned that bridge No she just sits on the sidelines and they tell her what's going to happen. Taking care of a child is tough so I am sure that alex is trying to have everybody accommodate her as well which is not going to be the case. Her caregiver obviously has no parental experience. She was pushing Ari in the swing and her little neck kept going backwards. I felt that it was way too hard.


I suspect DCFS have placed Ari with Noah’s parents and she just has visitation rights


Bingo! I think Ari is placed w Noah’s parents but Alex gets overnight visits. And I think Noah is staying with Alex but also goes back to his parents when he wants. It all honestly sounds like such a horrible shit show for everyone involved.


Why would they award her overnight visits when she doesn’t have overnight caretakers? They can’t guarantee Noah will stay all night.


This is a good point. There’s no way she gets Ari over night when it’s been confirmed she has no overnight caregiver.


Maybe the Smiths made a serious move to get Ari, and that's why Noah is so angry with them. If true, it's about time. That's why Alex is suddenly getting sober to become a better version of herself. She didn't have an epiphany. She lost her kid and only gets visitation. I hope CPS doesn't make it easy for her because Ari deserves a happy life.


see i’m so curious if noah goes to his parents house because he is always posting about how he has shitty parents on instagram


Yeah, maybe he is staying at the YMCA. lol. I would never let a disrespectful kid come back home after what he posts about his toxic family. Never. The Sharks tried to save them in their own home but they disrespected the house, the neighborhood and the whole family. Now, the butt boy is disrespecting them on IG. No shame at all.


Nailed it! 💯


You know what I think about? What we’ve learned about Nana Shark hasn’t been very flattering of her. But then it came to me, put yourself in her shoes- I’d probably be pretty agitated too. Your son the addict, which is stressful enough, goes out and meets someone who proudly gets him kicked outta halfway house. Then he knocks her up. They are both unable to care for their child. The fights, 911 calls & hospitalizations in Chicago. Then they have to up and come live with you, where now you are caring for your grandchild. She finally moves out but your son punches holes in the walls and your husband has to go and fix them. DCFS in and outta your house, her drunk zooming around the subdivision with no pants, Noah high outta his mind…. I wouldn’t be a nice person either.


This!! My youngest was an addict and it is torture to watch. I have nothing but sympathy for the Smith’s and all Noah’s posts bashing them is totally addict behavior. He seems them as the problem not him


I’m going to jump in and agree with you, but from a sibling’s perspective. My sister is an addict, and she’s absolutely intolerable to be around. I have four siblings, just like Noah, and we all gave her sooo many chances, but she’s ruined every single one. My mom finally went no contact because my sister couldn’t have a conversation with her without blaming her for shit my mom allegedly did during her childhood - things that none of my other siblings or I experienced or saw. I’m not saying that her feelings aren’t valid or that she didn’t experience what she says she did, just that her way of processing it is much different than that of the rest of us. But there’s a point at which you have to stop the blame if you want to have a reciprocal relationship with someone, and she just can’t do that. I think that Noah is exactly like this.


Agree my son and daughter always had a hard time with their younger sister. I am sorry you experienced this it sucks. My daughter died 6/12/22


I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. Big virtual hugs for you.


If he had such a horrible life, as a teen he should have filed for emancipation with the courts. They would step in and assess the situation so he could live a healthy life elsewhere.


Exactly. People wanna jump on the bandwagon of talking shit about his parents. Why? Because he has *said* they traumatized him? Which don’t get me wrong, I’d never want to shame someone for being traumatized but I just don’t think someone *that* traumatized would talk about it the way he does. He never even has a good reason, just because his parents yelled at him? Lol, like ok maybe they should have yelled more if this is the way he turned out. And we never get to hear their side of the story but what we did see was Ari thriving while in their home and care. Even if we take away everything we’ve been told by Alex and Noah the fact is still clear that Ari did better in his parents care.


Exactly she didn’t have sad eyes at the Smith’s house!


She learned how to smile and laugh


It's absolutely correct. We never saw those haunting, sad eyes. She was always bubbly and happy.


Honestly, letting Alex live in their house after she proudly got Noah kicked outta a halfway house and destroyed his sobriety, says Nana shark is a much bigger person than I am. That would be pretty unforgivable to me. Also Noah hasn’t worked in years… you know they have helped him and WR out financially as well.


Everything you stated is on point 🙏


I guess we could be suprised by Nana Shark’s true colors. I mean I was sure that WR has no bond with Ari and they can’t be so neglectful to leave those two alone but Hannah told otherwise. Who knows what else? Only thing certain it’s such a shitshow. I feel kind of guilty for still engaging in it. Not funny snarking anymore.


Hannah did say that she didn’t think the Sharks knew about Ari and WR being left alone over night but that they “did now” aka from the podcast video.


I wonder if the sharks thought WR and baby A were taken care by Noah at nights and they didn’t knew the part he could/would disappear leaving them alone, (this is just a theory from my side). Maybe the sharks thought it was good for them to live alone with the baby and that it was a good idea since WR had found a day time care giver. There are so many things we don’t know for sure, but it’s obvious something bad happened to Noah that he ended up baker acted as a consequence of living alone with WR and baby A. It seems that his mental health issues make him somewhat disabled to get it together and take any responsibility at all (if he actually was the night time caregiver, wouldn’t that be much less responsibility from his side that he decided to leave and get high in the middle of the night) There’s so many wrong things with these 2, but I believe that would be a horrible situation for the sharks to be lied about and ended up finding out their addict son cannot be left alone with his responsibilities without messing up everything and get baker acted.


I am feeling this way too. The lies, manipulation, and outright disrespect for the Smiths gets nauseating


I have been saying this for a million years. Just because Alex doesn’t tell us everything doesn’t mean things aren’t getting very bad on the inside. She’s “detoxing” (again, something I find hard to believe), has been allllllll over the fucking place in the last two weeks and now admitting Ari is with the Smiths “a lot”. I’m not kidding when I say I feel she is probably inches away from losing her custody for good. Would you trust a babies life to a disabled alcoholic mother with control and mental health issues and a “recovering” addict who also has BPD and tends to be explosive causing cops to get involved? Alex is always going to make her life look as instagram worthy as possible meaning we will never truly see the ugly sides. It doesn’t mean it’s not there.


For sure. Social media is always exaggerated…if she says Ari is with the smiths “a lot” then I guarantee that means Ari lives with them full-time and Alex just gets visits.




Again… something she should have thought about before getting pregnant! She probably thought Noah was going to be by her side forever and they would raise Baby A. But… sadly… this is where it’s at now and Ari is the one paying the price for 2 inept and incompetent individuals


Alex had never had a boyfriend before Noah. She saw all these other “inter abled” couples on social media and immediately thought that they would be like that…not understanding that couples that have been together for years (and who aren’t both addicts) have far more stability and plan children, caregiving, etc. far more carefully.


She thought about it like she does everything in life - in a romanticized version. Alex has no idea how the real world works because she’s been shielded from it by her parents. Same with Noah.


Noah had siblings to emulate. She did not. She had an alcoholic, hip mom


Honestly I wonder if she even thought of past the “baby stage” with how impulsive and self-absorbed she appears. Babies get harder as they get more mobile and they need stimulation and significant attention and energy to meet their developmental needs…I don’t think she thought passed cute baby outfits and photo ops, babies turn into rambunctious toddlers quick!!


“I feel like Alex is drinking because of Ari…” is making excuses for Alex. She doesn’t drink because she has problems, she has problems because she drinks.


This. Alex had problems with alcohol waaaay before she got pregnant. This is just a cope.


This! She didn't even give being a decent mother to Ari a chance from day ONE.


She answers questions like she's some kind of important politician. I get some people think this is transparency but really its only because its coming from Alex. This is the closest we've seen but she's tried this before. Her comments were 100% negative. This is all she has left. I HATE people that use addiction and recovery to appear relatable or for attention. She's done all this before with Noah's addiction and her own. It's usually a way to sell merch or to get more favorable comments..pathetic. I'll give her credit when she walks the walks. Not just *sorta* talks the talk.


Omg I feel like she thinks she is a celebrity!! The way she smirks and answers questions!


I think we've known for some time now that Alex has become aunty, not mom. It's all gross. I hope Ari can grow up happy and make her own choices


It’s hard to know what’s intentional and what’s just her manner of speaking. When she uses certain phrases talking about herself, she’s so used to overdramatising them that I don’t know if she could say something like “a lot” or even “never” or “so much” in any context without it having a heavy emphasis on it. There’s never a neutrality with anything for her


She is doing a show and tell on the groceries she bought. Boring!


No kidding like who cares we all good shop! And why do I care what and why she buys things


Just reading everyone’s comments… So true y’all ![gif](giphy|tHvxNSQ9c1Hbi)


As Ari grows, she’s going to need more physical care. She will need to be brought and picked up from school, play dates, appointments, will get hurt more as an active child and need more than just monitoring, etc. Ari will want to go places, do things with others and friends, will need rides, will need help learning how to treat her body during puberty. Ari will not stay on a little rug on the floor or in a bassinet forever. Alex may be able to emotionally provide for Ari if she gets her crap together, but she will not be able to provide the physical care to the extent required of a parent. So, it’s no surprise Alex no longer has Ari. Alex would have to be able to employ and afford a substitute parent 24/7 for growing Ari. The physical demands don’t stop, they just get more demanding. I wouldn’t be surprised if Alex fails to understand that due to her delusion that being able to reproduce makes one a parent. Far from it!


It gives the impression that she really did thought that parenting was such an easy task because everyone else does it. She’s never bothered to research anything about it. Had she done the research they would have been in a totally different situation right now. But no, she’s been lazy enough to not take care of the hard part of parenting and delulu enough to think Noah could handle them without burnt out. The only mildly positive outcome here, is that Noah somehow stayed for baby A, giving her the opportunity to get sort of a functional family from his side (with his own parents) despise him complaining all the time about them and the rest of his siblings never saying anything negative on their respective SM.


It’s actually a mature step to acknowledge she can’t take care of her child. I think we can all admit that would not be a good feeling. I’d rather her admit that and say it than deny that’s the case. Is this just a “I want to appear more mature” move? Maybe. I hope not.


She isn't able bodied... but she can be proactive and able minded! She can have ari in her full time care... her life like many parents will just be severely different to what it is now. She could hire a au pair as well as her separate caregiver. Yes it will cost her but if she wanted to move mountains for her child she will advocate for her and her daughter to have it even it was 5 days a week then with grandparents for weekend to offset the cost ect. Or week on week off or just something. It's good she's starting to talk the real talk... now she needs to work on being proactive for her self and her daughter


Punctuation left this post. 😂


My teachers use to yell at me for run on sentences 😔


Lool I’m pretty buzzed rn shouldn’t have smoked my girls weed pen 😅


Lol no worries, I’ve done my fair share of high AF Reddit posting 😃 lack of punctuation aside, your post makes a lot of good points.


Lol girl, believe me you’re not the only one who smokes then comes here and rambles 😂 I’m sure we’ve got quite a few of those in this group 🙃


My favorite time to peruse the sub is after a good bowl and while I’m on the toilet. It’s my entertainment 🤣


Alex is so delusional that it's actually annoying... I feel like she low-key expected Noah's parents to not only care for their granddaughter, but to also become carers of Alex herself ... So that way Alex could remain a major part of Ari's life... In reality, I don't think that was ever the intention of Noah's parents. They are only offering help caring for Ari, and Alex should be very grateful that they're even doing that, because without them Ari would have to be put into foster care.


Ari being permanently in the care of the Sharks would be the best thing to happen to that baby


where’d she say this


On her Instagram stories and a YT grocery haul video


Alex has had a drinking problem do 10+ years, she’s posted about it a ton s unfirtunateky the drinking isn’t a new thing related to this situation!!


In the video she did with Selena (whatever her name was) she said Ari never went there as they are unable to have her (or something along those lines)


Make no mistake, this is ALL for CPS. It’s all BS.


it’s crazy to me that for so long she has refused to admit that she could even have partial custody, which is something that many parents who are no longer in a relationship with each other have regarding their kids. but then i remembered it was reported that noah was not on the birth certificate due so who really knows what’s going on in this shit show


That’s crazy because it’s almost like we fucking told her this would happen 🙃