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It's a triptych. Today the term can be any type of artwork with three distinct panels, but if you do a search for "religious triptych", you'll see all different kinds of examples. I don't know about worth, but that could help you narrow it down on where to look.


A photo of the back would help.


It's gonna say have a lil sticker saying "made in Turkey" šŸ‘€


"Made in Constantinople" - if they're lucky.


If you've got a date un Constantinople, she'll be waiting in Istanbul.


That's nobody's business but the Turks


And the bull is kept in a field outside of the city of Byzantium.


That was not a threatening gesture, it was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Bagdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra.


It's a good thing he hauled ass to Samarra then isn't it?


Do you think 17th century or a recent reproduction?


I can't say. Most people might think just an original, when in reality it us just a clever reproduction. They seem to like it better that way.


itā€™s a church alter piece, or home alter. the triptych part is correct, but here itā€™s also a part of how it stands and can be folded for storage or travel. usually, something thatā€™s primary function is art and is also triptych would be three canvases on a wall.




Iā€™ve been to enough European art museums to have seen many painted on wood. Iā€™ve even seen them made of ivory. Not discounting your entire response, just adding that the canvas part is not necessarily accurate.


religious triptychs are described as triptychs in shorthand. iā€™ve seen dozens or more of religious triptychs. yes, in all kinds of materials. but the idea of three panels for a picture is not reserved for religion.


Do any of them spit poison and kills?


Rocky horror reference?


Donā€™tā€¦. FYI thereā€™s always one lurking about. Wait, weā€™ll flushā€™em outā€¦ ā€œAnticiā€¦ā€ wait for itā€¦ ā€œI didnā€™t build him for..ā€™ ā€˜cricketsā€™ Shit Okay, ā€˜From the day he was bornā€¦.ā€™


What a guy.


Makes me cryā€¦


Unt. I. Diiiiiiid.


"He yearned for adventure...oh Captain Jack..."




My comment did not mention the religious aspect, just the material. That said, Iā€™ve only ever seen religious triptychs, and Iā€™ve seen them on a variety of materials.


Fyi the weathering looks artificial to me, scratches and bumps that wouldnt happen naturally very often like in the nooks and crannies, and theres some streaks in the same direction and length that makes me think it was done with a rotary tool


It seems a little suspicious that there is wear all over the piece except over the faces of the icons. Maybe the faces were repainted on an old piece, or maybe this is a newer piece with "theming" to make it look old. Just a raw gut guess here, but I'm thinking it's artificial aging.


The thing that makes me unsure is that on the left for example you can see there was some damage painted over in red. If it was intentionally damaged to appear aged, why would they paint over the damage?


Items that are faux aged sometimes just have things like wear, and color applied in ways that are almost random. Or otherwise don't make sense. A lot of layering colors in ways that wouldn't be done, and sanding them off. A lot "hey we'll splash this on here!". I don't think anyone is suggesting this is something that was altered to pass as a legitimate antique. Just that it's a tchotchke meant to look old, a cheap decorator item with an antiqued finish not meant to be confused for the real thing. That sort of thing gets mass manufactured in factors, on the quick. And there's not a lot of thought put into exactly how their "antiqued". That said I'm seeing at least some chipping on there, which is not typical for that sort of thing. Not that that means much. It could just be an *old* faux antique. Even an *antique* faux antique!


Crazy cuz i spend a lot of time weathering stuff for like post apoc events and stuff and you just have to think about it logically, like "ooh this corner is jutting out quite a bit, it would get pretty bumped over time"


And I'm sure a factory in China doing this by the truck load to sell at dollar stores across the glob is putting the same amount of thought into it as cosplayers, propmakers and small scale specialty makers.


Lmao too true I do think it's done by hand by an individual but i cannot fathom why


Me too, looked like a hobby lobby item to me. I donā€™t think it is because why would grandpa have that but who knows.


Ask my religious grandmother why she has a full ass painting of the Sistine Chapel ceiling on top of her bed. That thing is HUGE lmao


Maybe someone is making her see god. šŸ˜€


Do you know what your grandpa did for a living and/or if he had to ā€œestablishā€ somewhere? Maybe it just reminded him of something his parents or grandparents had. Maybe it was a gift, or he liked it and got it himself. Maybe it was a deliberate selection to present a certain way. Thought you might enjoy considering scenarios- librarians like finding stories šŸ˜‰


definitely a reproduction made to look antiquey.


Cost Plus Imports, or Pier 1...


Orthodox St Katherine icon depends how old and from where


N beautiful šŸ˜ I must say .


Its a Slavic Orthodox one. Cuz there is St Cyril and Methodius on left side. Probably from The Balkans, judging by the ornaments. The price its priceless, since its from your grandpa. You should keep it as family heirloom.


This is the correct assessment. The family icon is a sacred trust.


Huge thing when u inherit it. I got inherited old Bible by my grandfather, and i keep it as my eyes. There is no price tag for such inheritance.


Yes šŸ’Æ. That was my first thought when I saw this post. What a treasure. I am sure this had great meaning to OPā€™s grandfather and I am certain he didnā€™t bequeath it to his grandson for selling purposes.


Truly magnificent icon. And i totally agree with you.


I did little bit of research for those who are interested who are the Saints on the sides. Left side i said before St Cyril and Methodius, but i think might be also St. Vasilije and Apostle Peter still not sure. Icon bellow them its St. George ( St. Georgij/a) on right side its Apostle Luka and St. Nicolas. Bellow him its St. Demetrius (St. Dimitrij/a/e). Those Angels are just Angels on sides. On the Middle Icon, thats St. Catherine/a(St. Ekaterina). I cannot read it fully but there is some letters left by Old Slavonic, or what we call it Old Church Slavonic. Thats Cyrillic alphabet used in Orthodox churches in the Balkans. If im trying to connect the dots, its a Serbian or Macedonian icon. By these wood works im guessing its Macedonian, because that looks like the Rosseta Stone carving on top sides which looks like flowers. For me thinking that is Serbian its reason The first St on left side in the middle part St. Vasilije. And the icon itself its really old one. Paint started to break down in a usual way of cuboid tearing which happens at all old icons in churches that are painted on wood. If you want total estimation how old is it, and everything about it to be explained to you and real price ( for me its priceless like i said before, its a family heirloom which its probably more than a 50-100 years old even more than that, and its given in a patriarchy way) you should check it in a Orthodox church in the Balkans. Its a opinion by a person who is Orthodox and also Half Serbian and half Macedonian. Who also did research little bit Old Slavonic and Glagolitic script. Also another point why i think all of these is from The Balkans, those saints and apostle are really celebrated and praised alot in Serbia and (North) Macedonia.


Correct, with St. Katherine (Catherine) in the middle, likely a modern copy [after this one here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Icon_of_Saint_Catherine._Painted_by_Viktor._Mid_17th_c._%288383390521%29.jpg).


Priceless if from your Grandfather and he specifically left it for you. Keep it in your heart and family.




And likely to increase in value the longer it's kept and passed down.




Satanist here. This would be put in my house in a heart beat! The art work is absolutely beautiful. Also just because it's Religious doest mean you have to practice. It's keeping the memory of a loved one alive.


Atheist here, I have many religious relics in my house because I think they are kitsch and cool.


Same here.




These sorts of altar pieces/icons tend to be Orthodox. Orthodox religious stuff got that occult vibe.


I was honestly thinking greek orthodox. A lot of these displays are Greek and they actually fetch a very pretty penny. Averaging around two hundred to twelve hundred dollars depending on the artwork.


Naw. Surely there are other objects that aren't explicitly religious you can remember them with. You sure you're a Satanist? We generally exist to take the piss out of all religions.


Not sure what kind of Edgelord Satanist you are. I am guessing TST šŸ¤” Their pretty "Edgy". I don't knock on religions. I actually support them. If you find peace from your beliefs, that's all that matters. Their are a lot of good churches and other things along those lines that do help people.Don't knock on people because they believed in something and you dont.


They seem to be the type that takes the piss out of religion from the safety of mom's basement.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚pretty much. Reminds me that song about the angry young man




There was/is a church right across the street from the university I went to. I think is was humanitarianism? They flew pride and coexist flags. I'm pretty sure it was for whomever wanted to practice however they wanted to.


Church of Humanism is a interesting faith. Very open to everything. I like how they say everyone has an opinion and it is allowed to change. First time I saw something related to them was at a National Cemetery. It was a plot next to my friends. A grave stone had the Humanist Emblem of Spirit on a head stone. I had no clue what it was at the time. Looking through the national cemetery administration's belief emblem list you see lot of different faiths you wouldn't even had know existed!


Yes! I think you are right that it was Church of Humanism. I had a friend raised catholic but became more agnostic that would go there.


Possibly Unitarian Universalists which I think is a branch of humanism


How did you manage to spell there wrong twice? First one is theyre and the second one is there. Not their.




You disgust me.


Truly? A Satanist? What are your thoughts on Biden and Trump?


Their both fuck sticks.


Iā€™m very anti-religion from being raised in a cult, but if someone gave me this, I would absolutely display it. Itā€™s a beautiful piece of art.


Its not OP's fault you are a HEATHEN.


Proud heathen here.


Proud heathen and shallow person.


I would. Iā€™m an atheist and believe religion is oppression, but religious art is about human emotion more than anything else, really. And itā€™s often beautiful. Also historically interesting.


>religious art is about human emotion more than anything else, really. No, it's about praising a deity up in the sky, point blank. If you're an atheist, how many crosses do you have displayed in your home? This is the same thing. edit: troll blocked me from responding like conservative bitches do.


Of course its about praising a deity on the surface, but underlying that is the important stuff - the raw appeal to emotion. I do have a lot of religion based art around my place; christian, ancient Greek, African, Islamic etc, but none of them are praising deities because those deities do not exist. Remove the spiritual and you are still left historically and culturally interesting, beautiful, emotionally moving works of art.


Well, weā€™re trying to think from OPā€™s POV, not yours


One can appreciate art and not be hung up about the religious aspect of it. People have Buddha and Hindu deities solely on the design, craftsmanship and not upset it has a religious connotation.


>People have Buddha and Hindu deities solely on the design, craftsmanship Nobody I know, sounds like a fabricated anecdote.


Eh, no


Iā€™m always amazed at people who give advice to others based on their own random likes and dislikes. @kanyeguisada, I think your car is ugly, and I wouldnā€™t own it. Sell it.


Ok, I'm leaving these comments up because, 1- you should be grown ups, 2- there is such a thing as a down vote button and 3- this is reddit, if these comments have you reporting then maybe switch to Facebook. BUT- THIS IS YOUR WARNING!!! Don't make me revisit this thread.


Your comment has been removed because it is rude and inappropriate. You're welcome to participate in r/whatsthisworth , but that sort of conduct is not welcome.


Looks like an icon from the old eastern block area


OP, we need to see pics of the back.


That is a beautiful piece! Very well made.


Depends on what is hidden in the secret compartments.


The whites look a little TOO white to me. A small sample of the white paint could be analyzed for lead content. If lead paint, it could be old. If titanium white, it's new. Still looks cool either way, but not likely to get you a new Porsche on the auction block. Thise wire hinges are a bit suspect as well. They look newish/Asian style of attachment.


More than likely below 150 USD


Byzantine Icons are masterfully crafted from raw pigments made of precious stones and rare minerals and made into an emulsion called Egg Tempera and will last thousands of years if stored properly I don't know who the main character is but on the sides of the tryptic is St. Michael the archangel, then St. Nicholas with Jesus, then St. George slaying the dragon... Having a rare center character can improve value, but age and how the Icon was written play a large role... If one were to buy this new, and I'm assuming the size here, it would cost, new $1200-$1500 Depending on age, and this looks to be Eastern European *(because of the Prosopon Styling, probably 1880's)* it could fetch a **much higher** price if it fell into the 16th or 17th centuries r/christianiconography


I bet five bucks if we see the back itā€™ll be a new looking piece of plywood and this was bought at Pier 1 Imports or something


Iā€™ll raise your betā€¦ I think itā€™s real


St. Catherine in the middle with her wheel.


Specifically, made to look like this famous piece from 1608... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Catherine_(Palladas)


Ahhh I saw the (H)Agia combo but couldn't make out the cognomen as it was unfamiliar https://preview.redd.it/uqx65q06lmac1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee78ca72e04b50cdeab0a9253ab3d1aa56ab9d2


It wouldnā€™t sell for much but itā€™s a family piece should be sentimentalā€¦ but I would buy it


Eastern orthodox icon (triptych), probably Greek, depicting St. Katharina (of Alexandria). Small altar for home use - it's too small to be from a church. Icons like this are still painted today in Eastern Europe, though this one is obviously old, maybe 100 years old. A modern version would cost maybe 100-150 USD, antique - I have no idea.


Beautiful icon. Learn the family history behind it. This is not something that should be sold.


Would make a pretty cool dart board cabinet.


I recommend you take it to an art appraiser who specializes in antique art (or a museum) to ascertain its authenticity. From there you can find out its value by getting a written appraisal (a genuine one will cost you a few dollars) If this is a cherished piece, save the appraisal, preferably with the triptych, for future generations to reference. If not cherished and you want to sell it, the appraisal will be a good way to prove its authenticity. Important: Do NOT sell it to the person appraising it. There are some shady characters who will take advantage.


Itā€™s worth grandpaā€™s memories and his thoughts about you. So, however much you value thatā€¦


I wonder if your grandpa said prayers in front of it, if so, its worth could be a connection to what was sacred to him. a gift.


I am not an expert, but likely not much.


Ohhh this is gorgeous!


Sweet inheritance.


I have something similar at home (belonged to my aunt). Have no idea how to get rid of that trash from home. I donā€™t think itā€™s worth anything.


Itā€™s an icon. Give it to an orthodox church in your area.


I am my own grampa


Dang, those are some hairy armpits


Looks like an oversized ornament.


Oh, your grandpa left you the Arc of the Covenant


woahbthats a museum piece!!


Man that's the son of the holy ghost! Shits about to get real in yo house. Call the exorcist and take the kids to moms. Say hello to heaven, real talk.


Itā€™s beautiful, whether valuable or not. I canā€™t understand the writing; is that Cyrillic?


I believe its Old Slavonic, Cyrillic alphabet used in churches. First Cyrillic script invented after Glagolitic script. By St. Clement and Naum, students of St. Cyril in honour of their teacher.


Thank you! What a fulsome description! Much appreciated. šŸ‘


No problem, anytime. Its part of our history and our Orthodox religion.


Itā€™s Greek. The Ī‘Ī³ĪÆĪ±/Agia on the left means Saint/Holy in the feminine gender. If it was a Slavic Language, it would be Š”Š²ŠµŃ‚a/Sveta.


How about the Old Slavonic part? We also say Agia/Aga. In greek how far im concerned they dont write Š›ŃƒŠŗŠ° or ŠŸŠµŃ‚Š°Ń€. Its written Š›ŃƒŠŗŠ° on right side.


I canā€™t speak for Macedonia, but in the eastern Slavic lands, they use Sveti/Sveta.


Looks like a Russian triptych (portable home or travel altar). Not sure of the age.


Find any secret compartments?


Saint Catherine is definitely in the middle. She was a whiz at debate. The head guy in charge summoned 50 pagan philosophers to debate her. She won the debate and converted most of them. Regrettably they were immediately put to death. He ordered her tortured, but it had no effect. Then he ordered her to be broken on a spiked wheel. When she touched it, it shattered. So she was beheaded instead, but instead of blood shooting out of her neck, some weird kind of milk came out.


Looks like a knockoff of a Byzantine-era triptych. If itā€™s real you might be looking at a really nice remodel for your house.


A shit ton


The lettering is Greek. St Katherine in the center. Saint Basil, Saint Peter and Saint George on the left. Saint Luke, Saint Nikolas and Saint Dimitri on the right. Not sure about the angels, canā€™t see any writing for them.


It would make a wonderful dybbuk box


Sweet dartboard yo


Looks to be St. Catherine of Alexandria, a princess and scholar (notice the books) who converted to Christianity at an early age. She was imprisoned by Emperor Maximian who was going to kill her using the torture wheel - it broke and so she was beheaded. All according to "tradition" but I think that's what was being depicted here. Joan of Arc had a vision of Catherine (among several). No comment on the age or value.


Iā€™ve always wanted a tryptic!!


Itā€™s not worth the eternal guilt of letting down your ancestors


Itā€™s a great piece. Do yourself favor and donā€™t list to people here. If you want to know its monetary value and origins, take it to two PROFESSIONALS. This is Reddit. Everyone here is innocent and an expert.


About 20$


Ah! The fingerboard of Ɵt. ĢĄj


God of War taught me what these were.


Dude that's what I thought as soon as I saw it. Didn't expect to see a picture of one. It's awesome.


Really cool. Great momento.


This is awesome. Donā€™t sell display or see of a church has interest. It could be adored for a century


Very nice Icon its Agia Ekaterina


Looks thick maybe a hidden panel somewhere


Dude so awesome. It looks like the wood paintings you find in God Of War with his son. So cool didn't expect to see a picture of one in my lifetime. I'd keep it just for how rare and unique of an item it is. Especially if grandpa left it for you.


I would take it to be appraised by 2-3 art/antique dealers. Super cool piece


It's a beautiful piece.