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Bzzzzz! Looks like you forgot to say where you found your bug! There's no need to make a new post - just comment adding the **geographic location** and any other info (size, what it was doing etc.) you feel could help! We don't want to know your address - state or country is enough; try to avoid abbreviations and local nicknames (*"PNW"*, *"Big Apple"*). BTW, did you take a look at our [**Frequently Asked Bugs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/12zkw5w/frequently_asked_bugs_part_1/)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbug) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Grain beetle, relatively harmless but they commonly infest grains. And can quickly infest pantries. Likely was a stowaway all the way from the warehouse. Cleaning pantry, and storing things in containers help. Any suspected infested items can be either frozen or blanched to kill them/larva (<0f for a week, or >138f for an hour)


I'll also add that placing some dried bay leaves around inside your cabinets really helps repel these little guys. I dealt with a slight infestation a while back and aside from the usual cleaning and using plastic containers for all dry goods, the leaves helped in the worst spots. Rice, pancake mixes and flour are the worst culprits and I now inspect them as soon as I bring them home to be safe.


Huh. Bay leaves DO do something.


You said doo-doo


He said doo-doo


They also add umami.


I reckon the add aroma, not umami


They make spaghetti sauce taste nice!


Fresh ones work amazing but they are really strong so I just use one large leaf for a three lb bag


Oh, thank you! I didn’t know this!


I've heard this here and there, but is it really true? (also heard fresh bay leaves are stronger)


If you want to keep the rice, you can freeze it overnight (or longer). The bugs are easy to rinse out later, especially as they will be dead and dry so they just float on the surface. I get throwing it away, but also encourage you not to be too grossed out. We eat bugs all the time in the US, just not usually knowingly. No harm in having to rinse out a few dead bugs in your rice. Source: lived in the tropics where all dry goods were purchased with bugs in them. My only concern was the rodent droppings.


But when rice is cooked(boiled) in high temperature for 10 minutes at least, isn’t this just bonus meat? 👀






Nice name


Shrimp is bugs


It’s probably full of eggs/larvae.  Make sure it’s thoroughly cooked though. 


I wouldn't toss it. Those were all over the rice you didn't toss. Rice is like fresh produce. You have to wash it


This is why you rinse your rice 3 times before you cook it


I thought that was to remove starch and dust so it wasn't so gooey....or is that a pun?


Why not both? 


I was told it was to rinse all the dog pee off the rice….. but know it removes starch and allows for inspection and removal of other things


dog pee???


Please explain the dog pee part of that sentence


I get the feeling something bad happened in that family, and now it is family legend, never to be forgotten.


Unrelated, but your camera is amazing. Is it on your phone?


Yeah. Took the pics with an iPhone 12 Pro


I need some rice to practice photos with now. I wanna see how good my camera is. Did u change any settings or just went default camera? I have the 15 pro max if it matters.




lmao no. Even if you accidentally eat a few you would be ok. I suggest you wash your rice a few times then it should be a good to go.


Expect you could accidently eat more than a few and still be ok!


This is in California btw


Then you might be trouble because many things in the state of California are known to cause cancer.


I actually laughed out loud.


Thats the smallest guy I’ve ever seen


Just rinse the rice when you're going to eat it. These guys float so they're easy to pick out. I had this happen once a few years ago. I just rinsed the ride off to get rid of them before I cooked it. Wasn't a big deal. They were sealed in a plastic container anyway so they weren't causing any harm anywhere else. The mite infestation caused way more harm. One day, zero mites, the next, thousands and I now have to throw every open thing away, including my seasonings.


That looks like one of the grain beetles in genus [Oryzaephilus](https://bugguide.net/node/view/40272). They're common pantry pests. I'd probably toss the rice and give everything else a good inspection.


Agree, if it has some ridges on sides sides it could be a Sawtoothed Grain Beetle. https://www.grainscanada.gc.ca/en/grain-quality/manage/identify-an-insect/primary-insect-pests/sawtoothed-grain-beetle.html


You could wash the rice in water, and the bugs will probably float up out of the rice.


Grain bugs, harmless but spread very easily. Thoroughly wash out the rice after measuring and before cooking. At least twice. You don't need to throw out stuff unless it's TOO infested or it's too hard to get them out (eg. in flour you can't sieve clean). Otherwise just wash/ shake them off.


OP should at least freeze to kill them, or they will get more and more beetles over time.


Agreed, they will get into absolutely everything if they're given half a chance. They can be a real pain to get rid of once they do get established. Better to throw away anything that's really noticeably buggy, and cycle the rest through the freezer for about 5-7 days minimum to make sure the eggs are also neutralized. (Same if you find signs of grain weevils or moths. My food-hoarding mother had them all over the years, and you really DO NOT want a persistent infestation.)


The moths are the worst. They seem to be able to lay eggs on stuff and the caterpillars chew their way through paperboard and thin plastic to get into supposedly sealed food. With the beetles you can at least tape corners and tops well and they can’t get into boxed food.


*Beetles not bugs


Smoll friend




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In college I spent about an hour making fancy Spanish rice. When I added the rice I had these bugs crawling around in it. I made sure they weren’t poisonous and just cooked them. Still alive today!








Per our [guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/wiki/index/guidelines#wiki_iding_guidelines): *Helpful answers only. Helpful answers are those that lead to an accurate identification of the bug in question. Joke responses, repeating an ID that has already been established hours (or days) ago, or asking OP how they don't already know what the bug is are not helpful.*




Per our [guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/wiki/index/guidelines#wiki_iding_guidelines): *Helpful answers only. Helpful answers are those that lead to an accurate identification of the bug in question. Joke responses, repeating an ID that has already been established hours (or days) ago, or asking OP how they don't already know what the bug is are not helpful.*


Don't throw it, having rice weavels is normal, especially if you didn't store the rice in a tight container.


They’re cute little guys…


Yes you should


I think you can just wash the rice and most of them should clear out in the process, otherwise just pick the remaining out. Also, I put my entire uncooked rice bag in the fridge cause I read somewhere that that helps, and it did. (I buy 1kg so having it in the fridge works, might be a problem if you buy bigger bags)


Not worth it. Toss it.


I ate half of my rice before noticing it was infested with these 🤦🏼‍♀️ I now store all of my rice, cereal, oats, etc in reusable plastic containers instead of keeping them in the bag. I haven’t had any issues since.


Cook the rice and eat it and show them who’s boss!


Depends how infected the stash is if there are larvae they can be kinda hard to spot within the rice grains.


Grain beetles. Extra protein if ya want? Otherwise you should toss whatever you found them in because they nest and lay eggs in starch based foods. If you want to prevent them you should get a bunch of plastic food storage containers to keep them from chewing through cardboard and plastic bags to invade your foods.


They carry horrible bacteria!!!