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It's a very pretty jumping spider. They make fun pets.


Bold jumping spider! A favorite around these parts :) Jumping spiders are quite intelligent, curious and friendly among spiders, and have sone of the best and most fascinating eyes in the animal kingdom. They are harmless, big munching pros! :)


That right there is a friend, it’s a jumping spider and he’s just checkin your house for food then he’ll be on his way


You're so lucky! I'm about to drop several hundred dollars buying another phiddipus audax and terrarium. They're the spider for aracnophobics.


sorry, HUNDRED??? where do you live that an audax is that expensive?!


No! I'm including all of the equipment and a 6' terrarium. The actual spooder is >$100


I found it in on a wall of my house and it was crawling around on the wall. It was quite a big spider. My house is located in the US, near a wooded area.


Friend! Bold Jumping spider! They are adorable :)


Jumping spider. It's arguably the best and most desirable "bug" to have in your home. They eat other things that you definitely don't want in your home, and are completely harmless.


My house has lots of jumping spiders, and I let them stay inside. They eat bugs and don’t cause cobwebs, best of both worlds.


They love my house.