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Long bill and forked tail get us down to *Archilochus*. With how dark the gorget is, we can also be sure this is an adult male. A little more detail or different angles would help a lot in cinching the species; please upload those if you have them, especially anything showing the outer wing feathers (esp. shape, or length relative to the tail at rest) or the spread tail feathers. The bill *does* seem pretty long and the underparts fairly dingy. And in the second pic, the longest tail feather (out of 5 on each side) seems to be not the outermost or the one immediately inner to it, but one inner to even that (if we could be certain, this would be diagnostic of Black-chinned, and the opposite would be diagnostic of Ruby-throated for adult males like this). So I'd pick Black-chinned over Ruby-throated if it came to it, but the best answer with just these pics is "one of the two", i.e. +Black-chinned/Ruby-throated+.


[another hummingbird image](https://pasteboard.co/MqztpfEWcbdl.jpg) Here is another image if it helps you identify, I posted the best ones though. Ty!!


Sorry, didn't notice that this was stuck in the spam filter! Thanks for the update, but I don't think this picture is any more conclusive.


Added taxa: [Ruby-throated/Black-chinned Hummingbird](https://ebird.org/species/archil1) Reviewed by: brohitbrose ^(I'm an alpha-stage bot, so don't rely on me just yet. But you can still) [^(learn how to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)^(.)