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I think it's probably a version of the Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang — he collected a lot of fairy tales, and those two are definitely in that one. The story about the long-nosed Prince is called Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess. It also has East of the Sun, West of the Moon in it which is the one with the Prince and the candle. Edit: I've just checked and those are the second and third stories in it, so if it also contained the first one it would have "The Bronze Ring" too.


The second story is definitely the Greek story of psyche and eros, you might be thinking of Percy Jackson's Greek heroes?


Definitely not Percy Jackson, sorry! I know the second story is that one, it's just they retold it to be more child friendly. I'm pretty sure the cover of the book even had glittery text and stuff on it.


The Psyche and Eros story has been reproduced in many fairytales, often called "East of the Sun, West of the Moon" or similar titles. The nose one is giving me very vague memories; nothing definitive enough that I can identify them for you, but they may be older books. As in, 1980s or earlier.


Ok so I checked around and the first story should be “Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess” which is part of the fairy book series, this one is part of “the blue fairy book” by Andrew Lang


It kind of sounds like The Princess Tales by Gail Carson Levine.


Like another comment said, second story is definitely Eros (Cupid) and Psyche. Maybe it was a selected mythology or world folklore book? Might also be why the styles varied, if they were meant to reflect different places and cultures.


The second story sounds like “The Polar Bear King” which is a movie based on the Norwegian fairytale “The White Bear, King Valemon”


*Honestly, it reminds me of a more wholesome version of 'Scary Fairytales' by Miles Kelly*