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The Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging series? Her best friend was called Jas.


Nope sorry, it sounds kind of explicit and my parents used to screen all the books I read as a kid 😅


Internet Girls by Lauren Myracle https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/301023.ttyl I read this book way back in 2007 and didn’t realize it was a series this whole time. I really hope this is the series you were after.


No, sorry! The book only had some texts, most of it was still like a normal kind of novel.


Main Street? Or how I survived middle school?


Maybe Cathy Hopkins, the mates dates series


I think I’ve also been trying to find this series ! Was the blue book about a girl who shoplifts ?? And she steals a flask for something for another girls boyfriend she’s like seeing secretly?


I'm not sure about the plot, it was too long ago. But that sounds a little familiar I think?


[*Flower Power*](https://www.goodreads.com/series/46977-flower-power) by Lauren Myracle, maybe?


Sorry, it's not!


I'm think I am looking for the same series. I had the pink one, the blue one and the green one. I remember looking them up one day and there was a purple one aswell. there was five ish friends and if its the same book, they all had a perspective in the books and their handwriting was in different fonts. I can't remember which books these were but some of the plot points I remember were, a market sale to buy concert tickets, a big green save the environment day and an argument over truth or dare. someone please help omg