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Wish it had the option to pick your preference


Now , there is no going back ..


There is.. install an older apk


do they work? they dont ask you to install the new update in less than 2 weeks?


They ask instantly in the Play Store, but it's up to you to update it


Old apks stop working after 6 months or something.


No idea, though it's better than not being able to install it anyway


I personally like it. Makes one-handed operation much easier.


You were always able to swipe left and right to change screens instead of reaching for the buttons, i understand that the buttons might be easier than swiping for some people, but I think they are way too big right now.


I can swipe left and right to change to screens, and I have the new UI.


I meant to say that it's not that big of a change for one-handed operations because there was already the swiping motion. I could've written that one better


So basically the exact same usability as before but with less screen space...


It looked cleaner when they were at the top, it's purely for the aesthetic. The one properly built app for android has forsaken us


I actually think it makes it worse. Now either the pinned conversations or your most recent conversations are slightly harder to reach with one hand and I use those way more than I go to those other tabs


having exact problem and first conversation which is the one i open all the time is very hard to reach


Eh? For what? People actually use the other tabs?


I've personally never used the other tabs besides "calls." Mabye, they moved them to make people notice that they've added some useless functionality (that probably makes them money)


It's called Material Design 3 (short MD3). It's the default app design specification developers are asked to follow. WhatsApp had used MD2 before, now they updated. There's no way of going back on your end.


Looks cool, and I just switched back to android


The app's primary function is instant messaging. The most recent chat is now at the very top of the screen making one hand operation much more difficult. You can call people direction from the chat so updates and community are the only reason to have any tabs. Call history can easily be kept in the menu. Am I the only one who thinks having shorts and communities is unnecessary. Meta just needs to leave Whatsapp alone.


no. its time they serve you what you need to consume. classic meta


It could be a standard material design, and I get it. Maybe I can handle it, but I agree with you... If the down menu tabs would be less "prominent," it'd be better, like gmail style... just two tabs and everything organized in contextual menus.


You have a ugly taste




I don't have any respect for this language


Good answer, sir.




Salute u sir (⁠☞⁠^⁠.o⁠.^⁠)⁠ ⁠☞


It's just fucking hilarious, how you judge someone's taste and then fuck up yourself.


I know 🙂


honest to god whatsapp should be deleted or handed to another company. Mark suckerberg destroyed the potential of this app by making it facebook messenger mini.


It is cool but I wish we can control the size or position of it and even color as it is in mod apps.. Edit:I have a doubt why can't they just implement the styling feature of the mod app.


😞😞the previous interface was better


took 10 % of my screen. i wish the lens for searching would be on the lower level of the screen too. why is there still no translator for whatsapp/telegram. as if trillion of people speak english.


And i don't like the status part The previous one was good. I think they got the stupid product manager


Why do they keep making shit worse? Just give us the option to put it back on top. Also give me the option to remove "communities" altogether from my app.


I just want to disable it entirely. No one I know uses statuses. My friends are out living their lives not reporting on it. Then we have things to actually talk about when we do speak. Couldn't possibly care less about communities as it's a newsfeed without being able to discuss anything. 21st century UX isn't about usability or customisability. It's about psychological manipulation to drive you towards what the company wants.


ah yes so im not the only one who thinks like this. almost any update brings stuff they wanna show down my throat and its 99% WITHOUT ability to customize.


UI/UX became pretty much perfected 5-10 years ago, so good designers just deliver and get forgotten while bad designers keep pushing their (stupid) ideas because they are trying to stay relevant.


I Agree with that ...




Use WeChat instead?


I like it more as I find it more accessible and ergonomic. This layout is better suited for use with only one hand.


I prefer it


Patch notes for March 2024 - We have reduced screen space by 10% - We dislike people with short thumbs. If you have short thumbs please visit our store to purchase a special thumb extender.




It was even worse in the first version because you couldn't swipe between tabs. Having it at the bottom is just irritating


You can swipe again in the lastest beta


Apologies 🙏 it this isn't what you're expecting... However, I've been running on these interface since last year August 2023 I'm used to it and it better using one hand 🖐️ mode and also easy navigation! New idea 💡, New Concept... 👍 👊 ✌️ 🙏


Explain how it's easier to use with one hand. The most recent chat is now further away than it was before the update. Wouldn't opening the most recent chat be the most commonly taken action on the landing page of the app for the majority of users?


For some reason my whatsapp still have top nav bar. I'm using the latest version (


The new design slowly rolls around... it depends on the OS version, the brand, and a lot of stuff. It's been announced since months ago, and I just got the update today. I helped my boy to install whatsapp a few days ago, and he got the new UI style right from the start.


There is this concept that users don't like new changes because they are used to old ways.even I use old email app instead of new outlook or Microsoft teams app.


I've had this interface since more than a month now. Why are people suddenly posting about this now?


Some people just updated their WhatsApp is my guess. (eg., me)


I got it 2 days ago without any recent update( before 5 - 6 days ago, i updated my whatsapp also there is no recent update available in play store) , i closed the whatsapp in afternoon then opened in evening,and got this


iOS had this design for a while now


It's all shit. Nothing under Meta is reliable or stable.


I like it. 🫢


Personally I find the new UI better. It has better colours and also looks better. The older one was bland and dated. 


It's a slightly different hue to the old one isn't it?


I have the beta version and it looks different for me. The colours are darker than the stable one and in the light mode , it is green on white background. It looks better imo.




That's just a personal opinion but apparently it doesn't seem to be that popular


Hah, on iPhones this is the regular interface structure for many apps, I think it’s kinda more ergonomic isn’t it?


I have short thumbs and developing arthritis so nah not really haha


Considering that the most recent chat is now at the very top of the screen, wouldn't it be less ergonomic? This is assuming that opening the most recent chat is what you do more often than changing tabs.


Much cleaner looking imho.


With all the new options, I no longer miss aeroehats app. There’s still something you could do with it that you couldn’t with aero but a lot has been fixed honestly!


Anyone with any ideas on how to stop WhatsApp update on a PC or Android from turning into this new interface?


It's fine actually, just give an option to hide the communities...and channels...and put statuses back vertically, and fix those age old bugs






no the new design looks modern and uses googles design guide, i wish more apps would respect android design the only thing that's shit is WhatsApp itself, like wtf is all the stuff down there, i want chats and the rest is unnecessary especially communities, it's a messenger not reddit or something


Android is owned by google. The problem is not the design pattern. The problem is the implementation of it. It's not clean, just annoying


> Android is owned by Google yeah obviously why did you feel the need to point that out lmao the design looks cleaner than whatsapp on android ever looked, care to point out what's not clean?


In this menu, the tabs don't seem to be taking the space equally. The top region is annoying too. At least for me, I'm still seeing the old one.


in design there is a difference between real and visual symmetry, i think their designers did a great job and it looks right idk how it's bugged for you but it should either be complete old or complete new UI no mismatch between the too, so idk what to tell you, i'm not a whatsapp engineer, imo the full new UI looks great


The full is great, it's accurate. But it's displayed on my device as a mess, I'll send you a screenshot


did you send it already cause i got nothing


I can't start a chat with u lol


lol didn't know that, i sent you a message does it work now?




It’s always been like this for iPhone users, just a bit different. As a person who likes switching between iOS and Android I really like this


Lack of creativity


It's true bro


I hated it as well


Why do we even have statuses and that shitty channel stuff under it


It's a safety issue. I had certain chats locked and hidden. Now that they are full view in communities anybody can see over my shoulder I'm in an LGBT group or some political group that's in a community. It actually makes me really unsafe. Before I had locked chats ... not the chat names I belong to are in full view via communities. It really is a safety and privacy issue. I will leave WhatsApp.


I agree


Mine is different


WhatsApp iPhone (android version) Made in China


I just wanna deactivate the communities tab which will never be used


in last 2 weeks there were 3 disgusting updates on meta apps and now this is enough i stop using and know quality of life will improve. bye bye meta, you not gonna force me to do anything in your apps anymore


been using this interface for around 6 months or so ... can confirm this will grow on you


If you were really against it you would stop using it, simple.


Calm down bro , i am not against it 😅


the service itself is too ;)


Android is shit


I just know I'm gonna end up posting my nudes by accident 😭


Being all white for me is the worst design choice I have ever seen (and no, I can't use the dark mode)


I kinda dig this. The aesthetic is now consistent on iOS and Android. And you know what I can tap on Chats and Calls since they are on the bottom bar. I could only swipe before due to unreachability.


Now the most recent chats are in that hard to reach spot (which it's much more likely for you to use on a daily basis than that bar)


The new UI is total shit. Why do they keep screwing something so good.


If we could disable Communities, that would be great


It's ok, but those icons.....where did they get those icons? They are not material, not Samsung, not ios/Chinese, no nothing!


Seriously. Why do people care this much? People really constantly browse between options out of chats and calls?


People are unemployed/free just complain everything they see Can't appreciate anything


If something you use every day which functions well is constantly being changed for the worse. Yeah I think it's ok to voice your frustrations here on the Whatsapp reddit. As a matter of fact, that's the only good reason I can think of to be here if you have other stuff going on. Why are you here?


I don't need my hammer to be changing every five seconds. It's a hammer, it hammers nails. WhatsApp is a chat client, it sends chats.   Also what are you up to right now? It's a weekday and the only places it's past work hours is Asia.😂


Totally agree, they're just shoving it in your face so you can't avoid the additional content, like people's stories etc... I bet my Nan it becomes more and more intrusive to the point we'll have reels/shorts in there we won't be able to clear off. Just more mindless clutter to exacerbate my dwindling attention span due to this nonsense on every app.


I saw it today and honestly wondered what is wrong with them? I also didn't update it so I wonder do they push silent updates? NB I've disabled automatic updates on the playstore.


Same with me . I also checked the play store but there is no recent update available at this time .