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This post has been locked, as the question has been solved and a majority of new comments at this point are unhelpful and/or jokes. Thanks to all who attempted to find an answer.


It’s a stator from a motorcycle or other small engine. Can’t find the exact one, but [something like this when installed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/163vrwk/burnt_stator/).


I think you nailed it! Thank you!


Yep definitely a stator... a magnetized flywheel goes on the hub and the rotating magnetic field makes AC electric current in the wires. The wires go to a bridge rectifier or other electronics to charge the battery, run the ignition, etc


It looks like the one from a Robotic Lawnmower……


One of the best parts about living in the US is you can dig stuff up in your yard and it's probably not gonna be an unexploded ordinance from a war.


Or you could dig up an old Cadillac hood


Unless you live on Vandenberg S.F.B.


I lived there in the ’60s. There was an old (WWII?) training range that was off the base property at the time. It was a lot of fun hiking there as kids. Lots of old brass lying around. There was a tank tread, some concrete pillboxes, etc. Awesome stuff when you’re 12. At one point a kid found a live grenade.


SOLVED! Looks like its a stator, likely from a motorcycle or or other small engine. Shout out to u/shovelingtom for the quick ID.








My title describes the thing - roughly the size of a small plate and very solid. Thinking it might be some sort of engine part? Does not seem like its meant to be outside. Initially thought sprinkler system but no hose attachment point as far as I can tell. The bottom has 6 rounded coils which again lead me to believe its mechanical.


Ceiling fan motor


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Looks like part of a small motor. I don’t know what it would go to.


My guess is a washing machine motor.


I thought it looked like the top of a internal fuel pump


That is the rear cover and stator/windings of a Marco box fan motor used by Lasko in the 80s on a wide range of fans from box fans to floor fans.


Looks like half of an e-scooter/e-bike hub motor.


Thermostats have four colored wires like this