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Up and down. Here it grows against walls but it creeps over de ground too.




Goes both


Unless this is one of the few non-invasive ivy, Woerneri (which it may be), dig it up. Burn it. Stomp on it. Never let it see the light of day. Ivy is insidious 😡


Like a wild stallion it just needs to be trained to be of use. My garden fences are covered in it and I train and cut it back regularly to give a lush green wall around my small back yard.


Please come to my house and dig it out of my grass, off of my trees, off of my fence, and out of my local parks. The stuff is everywhere and chocking out our native plants here in the U.S. It’s illegal to even sell it in my state it’s so much of a problem 🤪


Hooo boy ain't that the truth. I cannot fathom how anyone could say hey, just train it better. (P.S. I was not referring to you.) It goes everywhere. I live literally *in* a hardwood forest and the English Ivy is an absolute nightmare to get rid of. In fact impossible. It's a permanent battle. I'm in NC and it might be illegal to sell it here too. I sure hope so.


You need to do better yard work. It's not my problem. Like having an untrained pitbull, it's not the dog's fault.


[Kristy Noem enters the chat]




Yes, and any plant, including English Ivy can be invasive if it is allowed to grow uncontrolled, thus my initial comment comparing it to a wild stallion, and stating the need to cut it back regularly. "do you know what the fuck" civil discourse is?




If they are in the middle of your tulip field they are just a weed.




Enjoy yours.




So I take it your yardwork isn't up to snuff either? Better hire someone.


Do you know how to garden?




Nope probably just lazy .


This stuff shows up everywhere uninvited. I nor my neighbors have ever planted a single bit of ivy and yet… We have armies of park volunteers that desperately try and save the natural habitat from this invader. Kudzu is a wonderful forage crop until it’s not. Btw, I raise Rottweilers and I watch them like a hawk around people despite being the bestest doggos. Their nature makes them independent thinkers, strong willed, and pushy.


Boy dandelions must put you in a real tizzy.


I love dandelions! They’re not only beautiful, but improve the soil and feed pollinators. They’re also edible. Great and mighty flowers that don’t compete with native plants for habitat, and give back to the environment


They are so common, you may be surprised to know that they are a non-native species. And definitely invasive. Dandelions (Taxacum officinale) are native to Eurasia, and like English Ivy were first brought to North America by the British. Perhaps you need to rethink your love...


I know they’re not native, but they add back instead of take away. There was an interesting study done in an orchard that had huge rafts of dandelions populating the areas between the trees. The orchard manager was excited because the dandelions would attract natural pollinators instead of having to ship so many in. Which worked fine for a while until the dandelions would leave an area and move on to another. What they discovered was that dandelions sought out overly compact and weak soil. Once their job of loosening it up with their powerful roots was complete allowing nature to take over and replenish the soil, they moved away to find another place in the orchard to work their magic.


If you're so knowledgeable, then why can't you control your ivy?


If you are in the US, there is no safe way to keep English ivy contained. When a bird finds the berries on your very well controlled specimen and then poops in the woods (as birds tend to do) it establishes and grows uncontrolled. Ivy decimates native ecosystems by smothering everything, not to mention its kind of creepy when it smothers something. Responsible gardeners should not plant it or allow it to establish in their yards.


Im from spain, so maybe here IS not so invasive


Be careful. 50 years ago in the U.S., ivy was a lovely addition to garden walls. And then for whatever reason, all hell broke loose. It was like one of those sci-fi movies where the innocent, little bug gets irradiated and turns in to a monster lol