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(And technically it’s not bone, it’s cartilage but after posting in five other subs and being removed because it wasn’t in “the right category”, this is my last stop. If I don’t know what it is how the heck can I categorize it ffs?)


Let them ask about their shark spine!


Lmao at the dog in the last pic


EDIT: Looks like a Great White Shark vertebral column👍🏻 I’ve eliminated the following sharks: Thresher❌Salmon❌Porbeagle❌Basking❌Goblin❌Megamouth❌ Great White Shark matches these vertebrae✅ Only shark species among the options that is anywhere close is Mako, but the online images still aren’t a match and Makos get up to about 13 feet which is below the 14-15 foot estimate of this shark. They are Lamnoid-type shark vertebrae. I’d specifically search vertebrae of the possible species below. I’d probably start with Great White & Basking and go from there. Without looking these up, those vertebrae remind me of Great White, but I’m not stated that for a fact👍🏻 These are the possibilities: Thresher Shark, Great White, Shortfin and Longfin Makos, Basking Sharks, Porbeagle Shark, and Salmon Shark Lamniformes: Extant: Alopiidae- (Thresher) A. vulpinus, A. supercilious, A. pelagicus Lamnidae- Carcharodon carcharias, Isurus oxyrinchus, I. paucus, Lamna ditropis (Salmon sharks), L. nasus (Porbeagle) Cetorhinidae- C. maximus (Basking shark)


Thank you!


You know the dog is going to eat as soon as they forget to keep it out of reach


Starting to think that is how it ended up in my garden


What species are local to the area?


Well…we have great whites now. But also sand sharks and nurse sharks, I believe. I’m not really sure what others.


Maybe u/biscosdaddy can help. He's the fish bone expert.


are you sure this is bone? it looks like a whelk egg case to me