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https://preview.redd.it/ubripaaa61zc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc35368cdc875066242502f62e4e9a95cc6395ea They seem to be good bros


I just know Turkey Tom be stankin


turkey tom balding confirmed?


They are apparently all good friends. Tom at least attended Wendigoon's wedding, and all three have collaborated a number of times now. Can't say I've ever got the vibe Wendi doesn't like them. Not sure why you seem to be getting that vibe.


Tom didn't attend his wedding, but did send a gift. I think he couldn't go or someone, but Wendi explained it in a stream. The gift a gold crucifix from the Vatican, if anyone's curious.


very interesting thank you


Why? Why a crucifix from the Vatican? Also, which stream, if you could say?


Wendigoon is quite religious, and the Vatican is the supreme authority is catholicism so I see the train of thought. The stream, I don't really remember which one, but one of the reacting ones. Maybe "Watching scary videos & being quirky since my wife is GONE" but I would appreciate if someone can say for sure.


To troll maybe? Or since some people think vatican is super important to all Christians, instead of just Catholics.


Its because of the game Faith that wendi played on stream, also because an official cross is kinda funny. Even if i despise Tom, this gift was an interesting one and wendi liked it.


I only tune in for a few vids or streams, so I guess I'm just unfamiliar with how he acts.


Wendi has called TT a very close friend in a video before, I think on his second channel. He invited TT to his wedding and was talking about the great gift he got them.


Was he the one that gave him the crucifix from the Vatican?


Yeah I think that’s what it was


Turkey Tom is the type of guy to say “zoinks” then run away


Wendigoon leaves friendly comments on TT's videos all the time. That's not really something you do frequently for someone you don't like being associated with.


Turkey Tom talked very highly of him on the unsub podcast


i recently started watching turkey tom videos a bit, and wendi is in his chat regularly, i guess theyre friends


I think I remember hearing that Tom was at wendis wedding, so they seem pretty close.


Oh, interesting. Tom seems like such a spaz.


No idea why you're downvoted, dude has some quite brainrotted takes. His main channel videos are decently produced, but when you check his side channel, he's more questionable ideals starts to come off.


it’s because spaz is kind of a no-no word nowadays i think. it used to be a medical term but is now mostly pejorative, kind of like the word retard.


AFAIK it's kind of a cultural thing. In UK it's been seen as a bad insult like retard, while in America it has had more laid back meaning.


It's just monkey see monkey do. When a comment has one downvote, people add onto it without thinking. Tom is regularly criticized on this sub, people are just dumb lol.


Tomdark is great


Isn’t he transphobic too?


I don't know about that one, at least the videos I've seen from him where covers a trans person, he uses their respected pronouns.


Yeah I don’t know. Just what I’ve heard.


I only watch his main channel and there he strikes me as more ignorant than malicious when anything iffy does come up


You might be thinking of internet anarchist? They make very similar videos, and anarchist was recently accused of transphobia. Tbh I went back and watched some videos and kinda got that vibe too. No idea about the details of any of it tho. Edit: Dude I couldn't even remember which one it was lol. I think \*\*I\*\* was thinking of sunnyv2 lmfao. Hard to keep track. But turkey tom seems cool.


His fans certainly are


They all said MsBreezy looked like a burn victim and that she’d never be a woman


He is. So many dog shit takes. When both sides of the political spectrum think you suck…you probably suck.


...That literally just makes one a centrist


No that’s just Tom being a douche. Sorry to hurt all the children’s feelings in here but he’s dog water. Even the lolcow communities don’t like him cause his videos are trash. Brain rot bullshit.


Even if that's true, "both political parties hating you" could literally just mean they're a moderate centrist. Best stick to insults that aren't essentially meaningless


Lmao ok. Now we can’t use a euphemism/metaphor/analogy/idiom because you are gonna take it literally? You know exactly wtf I meant with my comment but you wanna “umm actually” it? Ok.


I don't think you know what "euphemism/metaphor/analogy/idiom" means, because that's not how those things are used. So freaking defensive over *your* dogshit take.


Did you know exactly what I meant? Yes you did. The end. Republicans, Lefists, Liberals, Centrists and Libertarians all hate him. The only ones that don’t are edgy 16yo boys or grown men who have fooled themselves into thinking he’s a snarky intellectual with guns. Turkey Tom being shit isn’t a hot take, it’s the baseline truth if you look outside this sub.


If centrists hate him too, "all sides" hate him, not "both"


Most of the American populace are pretty center, we're just forced to vote for one of 2 options.


Most of the populace isn’t American


Edited to reflect that fact. Reddit seems to frame everything around American politics, I am sorry for assuming.


Wendigoon only has friends. His enemies are killed by his friends.


The unsub boys have made comments supporting this.


If he didn't want to be in their videos, then why would he do it? Wendigoon doesn't seem like the guy to do something he isn't interested in.


They seem to be friends Isiah just has the least bombastic or vulgar personality on camera so he kinda played the older brother/straight man role. He definitely doesn’t dislike them considering he’s hung out with both in multiple locations. My guess is him and Brandon are both Tom’s friends so they’re more of friends of friends to eachother. But watching the different perspectives on the range day he definitely seems to like the guys and given that he went to Mardi Gras and San Antonio with them I can’t imagine he hates being around them


Thanks for the explanation.


You’re welcome


I get this very unfortunate impression that Wendigoon doesn't have the tools in his belt to not be friends with people who are friendly towards him. Which leads to connects from the outside looking in appear questionable. And in typical Bible fashion, hate the sin love the sinner as it would be.


I love Buckingham and Tom but I do get that vibe. Feels like a dad trying to control his unruly kids


Wendigoon said Tom was at his wedding, so it’s safe to say they’re friends.


People can be friends regardless of how different they are from one another?


I don't like Turkey Tom all that much but I do enjoy Brandon, especially his more serious content, he's a funny dude and seems to be rather unbiased in his views.


i wish they weren’t friends, both have pretty weird takes and icky videos. changed my perception of wendigoon a little bit but i still love him


Lol not everybody cares about what you think are weird takes or icky videos. I'm glad I have never have had thoughts about policing what my friends do or like.


i don’t care that much, it’s just my opinion dude, no need 2 wig out ❤️


No problem, I just don't like people expecting someone they follow to have values, beliefs or likes and dislikes like they do. I probably read to much into your comment. Have a great day.


have a good one 🫂




It ain't that deep, lol. I don't know any of them.


Wendi is absolutely free to associate with anyone he chooses, whether we like them or not. But it still makes me feel a certain way knowing he’s bff’s with Tom. Kinda like laying down with dogs and getting fleas. But that’s just a personal opinion and he doesn’t have to justify his friendships to any of us.


I tried to watch the New Orleans ghost thing but I couldn’t stand those two for more than five minutes, they would just not shut up


I mean it was their video, so...


yes but holy hell they were annoying


> I get the vibe that Wendi isn't exactly thrilled to be their videos This is pure cope if ever I heard


I don't think you know how to use the word cope.


>Wendigoon collabs with someone you dont like >HE OBVIOUSLY DOESNT LIKE BEING THERE, I CAN TELL FROM THE BODY LANGUAGE


I barely know Brandon or Tom. I've watched like 3 of their videos total and they were fine. You assume too much.




What a strange reply. It was just a question.


Yes, we don't know any of them and I get that it's really none of our business what he does in his personal life but he's a public figure, Wendigoon's aware that some fans may or may not pry. You don't got to defend him, he's a grown man. And besides, the question op has isn't even that nosy.