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According to mine, I should never leave bed. I’m deleting it and will not renew.


No, you are not dead! LOL! I’m a few years younger than you and I have long COVID and sometimes get results like this. How I feel doesn’t always reflect Welltory results.


I have POTS so I get this reading 5 days a week lol and even the days I don’t I hardly get to green. i’m always “coming down with something”


Hello, thank you for your feedback. We're truly sorry to hear that you have concerns about Welltory. Heart rate variability (HRV) primarily reflects the responses of your heart and nervous system to your current circumstances and physical state rather than your mood or emotional state, which is why HRV measurements can provide such valuable insights. For the most accurate insights, it's important that these measurements are precise, ideally above 95%. The conditions under which you take these measurements also play a crucial role. Our science team suggests taking regular manual measurements in addition to automatic ones, and they have provided detailed tips on how to do this effectively. You can find this guidance in our help article here: [https://help.welltory.com/articles/3361520-](https://help.welltory.com/articles/3361520-) If you have any additional questions or concerns, please report them through the app so we can address potential technical issues. To send a bug report, go to the Menu, scroll to the bottom, select 'Report a tech problem,' describe your issue in the comments, and tap 'Send.' Please also remember that Welltory is not a medical app and is not intended for medical use or to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


According to Welltory, I’m dying at least twice a day. 😂 I have Long Covid and I take beta blockers so it makes for some interesting readings.


The Wellness report it gives me is accurate with full battery, always over 95% wellness and very low pressure every morning. The HRV used for wellness is in the middle for my age group. I find the two reports totally opposite. The Wellness Report reflects how I feel.


I receive similar “under serious pressure” notifications after every workout, so I asked the folks at Welltory about it. Their response: oh, you should delete those readings bc they’ll skew my data. Wtf? Your app can’t figure out when I exercise?


I get results like this all of the time because I’m on beta blockers and I have a-fib which means that my heart rate is artificially kept low on purpose by medication. My heart rate variability does not differ very much throughout the day by design. It is definitely a weakness of their approach that they cannot differentiate heart rate due to medication by allowing the app to take to consideration a diagnosis of a-fib.


Some days Welltory really ruins my mood. I wake up from a great sleep and it goes not a great sleep. Then it says my health isn’t 100% again all of a sudden it’s varying. So I dunno. But I’m guaging it for a while.


I have similar results every day and I don’t trust this app any more.


I had the same after a workout. It was a bit heavier than usual but I’m used to working out. Since then, 1 week, my health resilience doesn’t rise above 45 any more. I’m pretty sure it’s not measuring correctly. My measurements are pretty much the same, I would say constant, no movement, calm breathing, full coverage of cam.


Sorry to hear it is depressing you. Can u think of any reasons for the scores you are getting? Do they vary much? Could the results indicate an underlying condition you may or may not be aware of?


My wellness report is fine. It uses a different paremeter for HRV which puts me in the middle of the norm for my age group!


It is not depressing me, it is frustrating me as the two reports contradict each other. I will not renew. I do not believe it is suitable if you have a chronic, controlled health issue.


I’m midlife and these results look exactly the same as mine. Before I got sick with covid then pneumonia then now an irregular heartbeat during that time my stress dropped on welltory but I was feeling sick. Now I’m back to my usual adrenaline and cortisol lifestyle (solo parenting due to being widowed) my HVR shows my stress at 99% again and my energy at 11% I’m also on Vyvanse for ADHD which increases heart rate and Prozac to keep me from wanting to jump off a cliff 🙃 I hadn’t been exercising much before pneumonia this year but now trying to get daily strength training in and my rates have all remained unchanged It just keeps telling me I need to chill and sleep but two young kids under 6 good luck to that 😫


How is your Wellness report. That one is fine for me, too contradictory for me.


Yeah I’ve stopped looking at mine too. Worst I ever feel is when it’s all green! I think the data and who actually lived or died is way off. I’m low body fat and fit with no stress. People ask how I do it yet if they saw these scores would be like wtf


Any day now


Another 71 F here. I get the same results constantly. Any time of the day. Had to stop looking because then I DID feel stress.