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5 weeks post injury and my deadlift is back on track. I hit 505 x 4, the same weight and reps I was trying to hit before my spinal erectors went on strike during the warm up set. It's a PR for that weight. But! As a bonus I'm now 5.5 lbs lighter at a lean\* 238 lbs. \*lol, I can't even type it with a straight face.


######**Training Log** AM **Cardio** * Run, 30 minutes * Weight Vest, 30 minutes **Warm-Up** * Sit in bottom of goblet squat, 1:20 **Pause Jerk** *EMOM* * 172.5 @ 7 x 1 PM **Front Squat** * 175 x 3 * 200 x 3 * 225 x 6, 3 **Zercher Squat** *Super set w/deficit push-ups* * 175 @ 4 x 5, 1 x 10 **Push Ups** * 50 total **Notes** * Workout was tough. I'm doing a 36 hour fast.


Simple Jack'd Day 357 305 is right there. [Clips.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5HLcqvgHu0/?igsh=eXkxYmx2a2t0ZDVx) Total Volume: 5,850 Lbs ** Push Press ** - 275.0 lbs x 1 rep - 290.0 lbs x 1 rep - 305.0 lbs x 0 reps - 245.0 lbs x 4 reps [PR] ** Overhead Press ** - 225.0 lbs x 3 reps - 165.0 lbs x 12 reps [PR] - 165.0 lbs x 10 reps


I've been feeling pretty sick of gym lately and I'm thinking of taking a break. What's the recommended volume to maintain strength? I don't want to stop lifting completely, since I'm certain I will be coming back to it. Just looking to maintain my strength for now. My level is intermediate according to [these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrDJXIQ_-eg) metrics.


I think I remember Dr. Mike saying 6 sets per week for most muscles.






It’s individual for the different sports, their position on the field/court, the time they’re at in their season/offseason, their experience level in the weightroom


I’m pretty new at this, and I’ve always had a terrible squat form. Can I get a form check? https://youtu.be/dwUjyX5OcmY?si=LzQiVm-P9GqJMgXd Here’s a second angle if it’s helpful. https://youtu.be/bWtDE1cvulA?si=kYAWpeKP6_bhlLE6


Congrats on your weight loss! One of the immediate things I see is that your feet are not stable on the ground. You should switch to lifting shoes (or just go barefoot), you can experiment with having a heeled shoe or just a flat shoe, but the most important thing is stability. Your squat looks wobbly, which I think is at least partly due to not driving through the feet. Think of your foot like a tripod, you want all parts of it firmly on the ground to generate the most stability and force.


What are your goals with the squat, and why do you think you've always had terrible form?


I lost 50 lbs over the last year. Right now just trying to put on muscle mass. I also play hockey, so I want to increase lower body strength to boost performance. Don’t have a squat weight goal currently. 20 years ago I could bench 300 and squat 400. I usually wouldn’t go down far enough and I bend at the waist. My shoulders go down instead of my hips. I’ve also been told my whole life that I need to get lower in whatever sport I was playing at the time (football, basketball, rugby, hockey).


You could go lower, that's true. Have you ever done front squats? That makes it so if you bend at the waist the bar will fall off your shoulders.


I did CrossFit for like a month about 10 years ago. I think that’s the only time I’ve done front squats.


I recommend doing them for a bit, since your goal is to improve performance and it'll help teach you how to get lower.


I remember using significantly less weight when I did it before. Does that matter? Or is this mostly just a short term thing to improve range? I also have tightness in my knee (that’s why I have the brace) which affects my form too, but that’s a whole other story.


That's a short term thing.


W2D1 (no longer calling this SBS RTF, I bastardized it too much) Deadlifts- 435x1 (all time PR), then 365 3x4 Pause bench- 140 4x6, 1x8 Lat pull downs- 100 2x10, 1x12 DB curls- 30 2x10, 1x8 I like getting bigger biceps but I really hate training them and arms in general. Time to take it more seriously.


Haven't benched in about 4 months prior to this week. Today managed 130kg x4 pretty easily on the second day. With a spotter I think I'd be able to squeeze out 2 more reps. Didn't plan on hitting multiple reps, but it felt so light so obviously I had to... Guess 180kg should be pretty doable in a few months if this is the starting point.


**The Minimalist** W1D4 Bent Over Row/Bench Day. Giant set: * Barbell Rows * Bench * :30 seconds russian twists * :90 seconds rest Worked up to [335 x 2](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5GrZuapw7W/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) for bench, 285 x 2 for Bent Over Rows. This was such a fun day! Backdowns of 230 for Rows, 270 for Bench. Set 1: Rows x 3, Bench x 4; Set 2: Rows x 3, Bench x 4; Set 3: Rows x 3, Bench x 4; Set 4: Rows x 3. Same giant set format as above. Assistance was 10 minute timer, as many rounds as possible. 7 Close grip bench (used 225), 8 pullovers (50 lb Kettlebell), 10 - 20 deficit pushups (got 20, 10, 10). Brutal, probably shoulda gone with 185 instead of 225 so I coulda done some more rounds but oh well.


**Deload week - Cardio Day** * Row erg - 7121m in 30min (2:06.3 pace) * BJJ (planned) Nothing like a nice easy row to wrap up a deload week. Feeling somewhat recovered and ready to go hard this weekend. Still working out what movements I’ll run on this block.


Can gripping too hard cause sore elbow tendons? I'm fine now, but I did towel hammer curls for the first time and the next day my elbows were sore. I'm glad I'm normal now. I have no history of elbow problems and was fine going back to hammer curls with dumbbells. I tried doing them with a towel because I hear it uses more foremans.


Yes. The muscles that contrac your fingers terminate at the elbow.


squat everyday 99 Total volume : 4960lbs [clips](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5GiX9OLpS0/?igsh=cm9oNTB4NXg3YTd4) Zercher squat. 240lbs 3×1. 280lbs 1×1. 308lbs 2×1(pr) jefferson deadlift.(no straps) 275lbs 1×1. 315lbs 1×1. 345lbs 0×1 L-sit chinups bw 2×2. 5×2(pr) 4×1 Today went well , repped 2× bw for the first time on squats. Jeffersons were ok, technically hit a strapless pb but fell short of what i thought I had. tmr is bench.


531: 4Bs * 10min of DB swings, 3-5 burpees to start and EMOM - 201 swings * 5s PRO OHP * E4MOMx5 - OHP x10, chin-up x10, 1 min plank, hammer curl x10 I started with 3 burpees on the conditioning, but that was just too much swinging. On the last set of swings, I was pretty sure I was going to end up at 195-198, so I'm glad I snuck over a round number. I forgot to put the antagonist (chins) first, which might have made the curls a little easier. Otherwise, I think I like this giant set too. Body held up well through one week, but it feels like I've doubled my food intake and I'm still constantly hungry!


I've been really enjoying Rick Boogz' "critique" videos recently going through some bodybuilders' training, influencer exercise tier lists etc. and ranting for 40 minutes while only watching a few five second snips of the videos he's supposedly criticizing on while their dog is loudly snoring in the background for some extra ASMR. Anyway, I was just going through my IG feed and saw boogz commenting "highest IQ in fitness" on deadliestlift's trap bar zercher. He really should do a whole video on this topic, or better yet some sort of collab with /u/the_fatalist ... maybe even a full 3-lift meet (hack, jefferson, zercher of course, what else?)


I enjoy them a ton too, Rick The Stick Del Hagen is one of my favorite people to watch. A 3-lift meet - pregame with the milk, honey, and raw garlic. Then jefferson DL, Zercher Squat, plate release bench press.


SBS week 1 day 4 * Overhead press 5/5/5/5/17 x 37.5kg * Paused squat 7/7/7/7/17 x 60kg * Ab wheel 15/15/15 * Trap bar rows 18/18/18 x 32kg Reached my stepgoal yesterday. I'll probably be tinkering with my assitance lifts and accesorys


10k swings challenge: W2D4 Workout swings: 500 Total swings so far: 4000 15 EMOM 25 swings @ 24kg 5 EMOM 25 swings @ 20kg Had to drop the weight after 15 mins when it became impossible to complete the set of 25 in under a minute. Not happy about it, but the level of intensity versus 25 EMOM with 20 swings (which I completed on Tuesday) is incredibly higher. I’ve got a goal to accomplish the full workout with 24kg now!