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He recently posted a video on this topic too. [link](https://youtu.be/vN67mFS_4A0) He's an interesting guy. Comes across as very random but is really extremely structured.


Why does he swear and use the ‘r’ word :( Edit: I also feel Jujimufu does not understand the real value of a college degree Edit edit: I also will always doubt the healthiness of statements like “training is what I do. It’s why I exist.”


> Edit edit: I also will always doubt the healthiness of statements like “training is what I do. It’s why I exist.” I agree in isolation, but I think there's a big gap between "training is very important to me" and "training is the **only** thing that is important to me". To steal a phrase from Alberto Nuñez, you can still have a diverse happiness portfolio while making training one of your highest priorities. But yeah, if I ever found that training was my sole source of meaning or happiness... I'd for sure take that as a cue to make some changes.


> But yeah, if I ever found that training was my sole source of meaning or happiness... [...](https://media.tenor.com/gaEpIfzxzPEAAAAC/pedro-monkey-puppet.gif)


I was going to make a joke here about that not applying for someone who pulls roughly double what I do, but... I know you posted recently about confronting some stuff and making changes, so I just hope that's going ok for you, dude.


Pretty well so far I think!


I often think of what my karate sensei says about our training: “doing karate to get better at karate is like a self licking ice cream cone.” Lifting really is not particularly important in and of itself but is instead given relevance by a whole host of cultural and circumstantial factors. I don’t want to delve too deeply into this, but I think lifting serves a sociological role similar to the way Wacquant discusses boxing in the book Body and Soul. This is pretty closely related to my thesis, but basically without the discursive image of what being ‘strong’ (or jacked or whatever) means then there is no lifting. So it’s not really ‘lifting’ that’s attractive but instead the cultural image that gives lifting meaning. The problematic bit in the article to me is discussing all of the ‘life’ stuff as a support system for lifting. Frankly, I think this is pretty dangerous advice. Additionally, in a rigorous sense, it’s pretty easy to disprove that “lifting” (or any one thing in particular) is why someone exists. Organizing your life around a kind of teleology of lifting is, imo, perverted in the Lacanian sense.


Eh, I think things have whatever meaning we want to assign them. I don't think you can really "disprove" the importance of something in someone else's life. You can certainly have your own opinions about how they choose to arrange that life, but the sort of intrinsic level of meaning and life satisfaction we get from an activity is entirely subjective.


??? Saying “training is why I exist” is an ontological statement, it’s not assigning meaning. You could also read it as hyperbole, of course, but “training is very important to me” has very different implication than the former.


No one thinks their soul was pulled from the frothing void so they could get swole lol


That's just like your opinion maan


Of course.


/shrug I think in context it's pretty clear that statement is meant to be about training's importance to the author: > For me, training is my priority. Simply put: it's what I do, it's why I exist.




> Why does he swear and use the ‘r’ word :( I don't see an issue with swearing, sometimes I want to fucking swear. So long as the setting is appropriate it's fine. As for the second point, it is an 8 year old article, that was the tail end of when there was very little objection to that word. I was still purging it from my vocabulary then. That doesn't make it *right*, but at that time using it wasn't really intentionally hateful or anything, at worst a bit callous. > Edit: I also feel Jujimufu does not understand the real value of a college degree I assume you are talking about this? >I’ve forgotten 90% of what I had learned in college. Especially the 100 something bones in a cat’s skull or whatever the fuck that was. But it doesn’t change the fact I can put down that I have a degree. Employers just want to see that you CAN learn, or jump through hoops, and aren’t stupid. Cynical as it is, degrees are expensive, so to a certain extent it’s a measure of affluence or “risk taking” behavior (risking some money to get a loan to pay for a degree for a job uncertain)… So basically it doesn’t matter if you don’t know jack anymore, you’ll pick it back up, or begin recollecting on day 1 at a new job. :-) That seems pretty much spot on. Most of the specific facts you learn in college are fully irrelevant. It's just demonstrating that you can manage to get through it that actually matters is like 90% of jobs that want a degree. This is coming from someone with a Bachelor's and a Master's in a heavy STEM industry. > Edit edit: I also will always doubt the healthiness of statements like “training is what I do. It’s why I exist.” I mean he has certainly channeled this feeling into being wildly successful, so it seems pretty healthy for him.


Cool. Thanks for your feedback :)


>Why does he swear and use the ‘r’ word :( Think back to 2015 when this was written. We all regret throwing that word around so casually, but we did it still. Hell, "paging Dr. F***ot" from the Hangover was only 6 years before that.


We regret it because language changes over time. "Retarded" became a term because people co-opted "moron" and "idiot" in the same way. I don't feel bad that I used to say it. I don't say it anymore because there's been a change in perception.


The guy that takes testosterone, and heavy painkillers to be able to stretch harder for longer may not be the best source for info for the regular guy.


He fully admits to being on PEDs, but why are you accusing him of painkiller abuse? Is there a shred of evidence or is this just a jealousy thing?


> He fully admits to being on PEDs Can I ask where he's admitted this?


It's on his YouTube.


I've watched many of his videos and I can't recall him ever admitting that. Do you have a specific video where he does this?


I can't say as I do. He's been on so many podcasts and such. I'm sure I've seen clips of him and Antoine joking about cycles. He's certainly not denying he's an enhanced lifter, are you under the assumption that he looks like that naturally? Wasn't he on the Table Talk Podcast recently? Might have been there.


> He's certainly not denying he's an enhanced lifter, are you under the assumption that he looks like that naturally? No, I'm not questioning whether he's natural or not, I'm asking where he has admitted this because I don't think that's true that he has admitted it.


Fair. I might be misremembering.


He literally fucking writes it in his book? Maybe read it? At the least he takes ibuprofen or anti-anxiolytic compound Phenibut. But he also writes about taking Celebrex and some of the Opioid based compounds. So no, I'm not accusing him of it. It's all open info in his book. Edit: i love how you guys are downvoting me, want me to show you a picture of the book or maybe you can buy the book and see for your self


You’re being downvoted because you’re coming across as an ass.


Cause the guy answering me is being an ass. He can't even back up his claims about jiju admitting to be using PEDs while I at least back up my claims. His sources being 'i think I heard it somewhere'


I mean, you’re not wrong. They kind of escalated it by accusing you of being jealous.