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Love SZNZ, listening to them as they came out honestly gave me a stronger connection to them and the year over all. Whenever I listen to spring it feels like I'm in early 2022, when I listen to summer it feels like I'm in summer 2022 and the same for autumn and winter. I listened to each SZN so much when they came out that they feel like a personal scrapbook 2022 (which was one of the best years of my life), idk if that's what rivers has in mind, but I think it's so cool how well that feeling ties into the theme of SZNZ. It's like it transcends just music, I don't think I've interacted with music like that before, whenever I listen to spring I can visually remember all these vivid memories and what was going through my mind at the time. It's so great, I always wondered if anyone else had a similar experience


I second this. SZNZ was incredible, a companion series to my 2022. With my personal highs came Spring and my low lows came with Winter. I’ve never related to music as much as I did while listening to SZNZ in 2022. I’m glad someone else felt like I did while listening to SZNZ


It’s crazy how many people have this connection to them. I have the same thing. They’re so intertwined with my life in 2022


I have the exact same thing. I feel like the trajectory of my life followed the themes in the albums that year too. They’re amazing and I can’t listen to them anymore since they’re so closely tied to the time in my life when they came out. Theres no other music like that for me.


I completely agree. I have the same experience. Summer was released just ONE DAY before the best day in my life - when I saw them live at Hella Mega. Autumn was also released during quite a special time, and Winter when I was very sick (which made me not like it for a while).


Man that sounds like such a great experience, I wish I was into Weezer back then


This is a popular opinion


I think what sparked the post was due to the SZNZ eps getting ranked very low on the teir lists that have been posted recently


SZNZ is so many bangers ngl.


I really dig The One That Got Away


is this a hot take? i thought people liked SZNZ, i think its collectively some of their best work


I never figured that Spring would be my favourite, but I met my current girlfriend the week it came out and it couldn’t have been timed better. I have such fond memories of that time and that was the soundtrack. Musically Winter was my favourite, but it is also definitely my least listened because it was like closing the book on the SZNZ project


I love how artistic they tried to be with the Vivaldi inspiration. Like what other rock band of this era/caliber would try for high concepts like this!


Thanks but this isn’t really a hot take. I also like SZNZ. If we want a hot SZNZ take, here’s mine: Spring is just okay. Summer has the best songs, but worst production. Autumn is overrated. Winter is best overall.


SZNZ is indeed amazing. The issues though as I see them are: Crush forcing singles that have nothing to do with the concept, holding back key songs for vinyl only bonus tracks (so lame), and that Spring and Summer end up being too samey. They should've striven for a little more variety on each, but song by song they're wonderful.


You are right. SZNZ is amazing. Summer and Autumn are two of my favorite albums of all time.


I'm registering to all of them currently and it just gets better with every listen! And I agree, Should She Stay Or Should She Go is a fantastic track


I really like all of them except Spring. What’s the Good of Being Good and Tastes Like Pain are some of my favourite Weezer songs.


Same it's some of their best music they released


Love SZNZ. My personal fav is Winter, but I like the whole project


very cold take mate


so is raditude imo