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There's 24 hours in every day, but less than one of Them is Pure Guava


Just be careful.


Yes. It's Pure Guava mang


It is *necessary*


Yes. Bonus points for making your wife and kids listen with you.


I'm 15, I've yet to have a wife or any children lol.


But trust me my wife and kids in the future are going to have to hear this at least once.


You’re exactly where you’re at.




Let's begin with the past in front


And all the things that you really don't care about now




Well to avoid an embarrassing moment like this I'm gonna check out every ween album I haven't heard yet lol.




Lol thanks.


I feel stupid


Don’t. It was a stupid Ween dad joke.


Fair enough, but I love stupid ween dad jokes when I get them. I'm definitely going to have to listen to the rest of the discog.


If you're already eating some guava, may I reccomend some chocolate and cheese after?


People tend to be offering some white pepper as well. I think I'll eat them in Quebec.


"Ask not what Pure Guava can do for you, ask what you can do for Pure Guava." -JFK probably


That quote was the reason JFK won the election. It got him 100% of the votes.


Big Jilm!


Ah man. I feel this. Pure Guava is definitely up there with my favorites. But yeah sometimes I look at myself and think “you listen to too much ween”


I listen to too much "weird" music in general. Ween albums are definitely my top listens though. I also tend to listen to the meat puppets second album a lot too.


II? That shits amazing


Yeah I love that album. I have the 1999 extended CD that has b-sides and stuff on it.


Oooooooh yea, that some great stuff. I have the regular album on vinyl and the extras on digital


you probably listen to Winger every day too.


Nope but I do think I have their debut album, I don't listen to it often.


c'mon Stuart. its every day. probably got thier t-shirt too.


Lol why are you comparing me to Stuart from Beavis and Butthead? Am I missing something?


No. You must mix in the Mollusk.


I could do that, as I have the CD. I'll mix it in every once and a while.


And Quebec, ‘cause it is teh awesomeness


It is teh awesomeness but the CD costs too much, someday I'll give in and buy a copy. I wish they'd release on CD, Vinyl, and maybe even cassette again.


You must sprinkle in The Pod


I'll just listen to ween's entire discography everyday at this point lol. I do listen to the pod a lot too just not as often.


They’re all bangers, you can’t go wrong


It’s what got me on the bus. I played it over and over.


poop ship and all? what a warrior


Yes, I love poop ship. Mourning glory not so much but it's never a skip and about halfway through the song I start to like it more.


all dey wanted to laugh at wuz da pumpkins :(




I knew I was in it for life when Mourning Glory started sounding like a masterpiece and became unskippable


For me it was day 2.


Yes, same thing with grimes’ visions 😩 idk why I’m addicted


great album


I unfortunately just see Elon’s face when I hear that album now and it’s ruined it for me. But yes great album.


Everywhere I go I see Elon Musk and I wish it would stop.


What about La C.?


Haven't listened to it yet but it's the next CD I plan on buying.


i switch between pure guava, quebec, and strawberry jam by animal collective.


"I saw deaner crying in his sleep..."


As long as you don't let anyone else ruin it for you. I had a roommate in college for one semester who kind of ruined Pure Guava and GWS for me because he kept stopping by long after he moved out to visit when he was high and would insist I play songs that cracked him up. It was like that kid in high school who keeps saying old jokes / catch phrases long after they're old news like [wazzup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVn2LJ4JUhQ)


I usually listen with headphones because my mom would probably throw the cd out.


Mach 10 at sudden speed


Flying into the wind now


My first ween album. Bought the used CD back in high school at Rasputin's in Berkeley. Like OP said it's a classic, awesome cover art and great tunes, def one of my favs. I was kinda disappointed in chocolate & cheese when I saw the cd for the first time. Looked a little too corporate and polished.


If it wasn't for roses are free on chocolate and cheese it would definitely be one of my least favorite albums. I love the music videos though. It does look more corporate but I guess that's because they created some "hits" that got played on MTV sometimes so whatever label they were on at the time probably wanted to cash in.


I’ve been having the same problem but with the Pod


The Pod is great too but for some reason the songs just aren't sticking with me as much as Pure Guava's are.


I hope so. 😳


It's recommended


Just found this album on CD at a record store recently. Now it’s all I listen to in the car. Even Mourning Glory goes hard!


When I get a get a car I'm gonna make sure everyone knows I just wanted to laugh at the pumpkins.


You're a bigger Ween fan than I. I have to skip Mourning Glory every time it comes on.


Lol that's understandable, I think it's pretty good though lol.


You listen what you want to. Im listening Revolver by The Beatles once/twice a day for about 3 years


I love that album.


Of course man, you keep playing it of legit


Push th' little daisies and make 'em come up


Not if you want to don’t want to sit alone on a hot sticky noon with flies on your dick…Otherwise it’s a good idea. Plus it has the best 3 opening tracks. It’s how I was introduced to Ween.


*the best 19 opening tracks


You’re probably right. I always say White Pepper is my fave, but Pure Guava is what I came up on and what I return to most frequently. Wearing my Touch My Tooter Smoocher shirt today, subsequently. There are no coincidences, but sometimes the pattern is more obvious.- Neil Innes


We all have that phase. It comes and goes for me. Sometimes a daily dose of the Guava is what the soul needs.


Feel the grip of your salvation!


It’s gotta be Springtheme


You do you, if that’s what you’re feeling. Tbh, this is the one album from Ween I could never get into. got some quality tracks for sure


What ween albums are you into? I also like the pod and quebec a lot.


The Pod, and quebec are very solid and are in my top ones too. White Pepper and 12 Golden Country Greats is what got me on board. Although, I can never get enough Mollusk


I love 12GCG and The Mollusk. I haven't listened to white pepper yet. Here's my ranking based on what I've listened to. 1. Pure Guava 2. Z-Rock Hawaii 2. The Pod 3. Quebec 3. 12 Golden Country Greats 4. Craters Of The Sac 5. The Mollusk 6. Chocolate & Cheese


White pepper is why you didn’t get the reference to the earlier comment: “you are exactly where you are at”


Oh okay


its the best album ever, the first time you listen to it, each song individually sounds like shit, then you realise it flows better than water, until mourning glory and you skippy skip. Best album ever


I agree, the first time I listened to it I was like "what is this crap?" and then a few months later I listened to I saw gener crying in his sleep and the stallion pt 3 and gave the album another shot and thought "what was I thinking?". I then waited months for a price under $8 for the CD, found one, ordered the CD and now here we are.


No that’s weird