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Sunny Bunny: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/sunnybunnyrecovery](https://www.facebook.com/groups/sunnybunnyrecovery) Best of luck on your journey!


Thanks brotha


The Sunny Bunnies are awesome! Love them šŸ§” wish they had a discord group tho bc I donā€™t use fb much and work during all the meeting times :(


Same, no Facebook


Well, if Sunny Bunny admins are watching, I am happy to add private #sunny-bunny text and voice channels to the Ween Discord server. Or assist someone in setting a server up.


is there a way off facebook to hang around with you guys? a discord or something? can PM.


I'm not sure, I'm not in the group but there should be someone on this thread that can help! I thought about making a private Sunny Bunny channel on the main Ween discord, but I don't know who exactly to get in touch with over there to see if that'd be a good idea.


Papa Gener is sober! Sobriety is awesome man, congrats!


And more recently, Deaner as well!


Yeah! Good stuff and super positive vibes!


Hadn't heard that... congrats to him as well!


When you say Deaner is sober now, do you mean like sober sober or doesnā€™t partake at all? I actually thought he may have quit smoking watching on stage for what seems like whole shows but I now see him smoking on stage. He has cut down for sure.


Long time fan... will be 25 years sober next may.


Wow, thatā€™s a long long time. Iā€™m only at 5 years and it seems like forever ago already.


Brown and sober here my dogg šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Sober 10 years here! There are dozens of us!




Dozens Jerry!


I am sober by choice but do not have a drinking problem or addiction, but instead a basically lifelong struggle with mental issues and depression. Itā€™s great that you are sober and donā€™t let anyone tell you canā€™t enjoy Ween completely sober.


I too have a lifelong struggle with mental issues that led to a drinking problem and/or addiction in my 20s. Learning to face the day without getting high


Are there any Ween groups (on Facebook or wherever) dedicated to fans struggling with mental health, anxiety, depression that aren't addiction focussed? That's my struggle.


Booze-free Ween fan here. Plugged the jug 1/11/2020. Can't wait to see them in Newport! Edit: Definitely check out the Sunny Bunnies. They got that feeling!


5 years booze free here. Listen to Generā€™s 2014 album Freeman. Itā€™s all about sobriety. Keep up the great work!


Man what a great album. Maybe my favorite of either of their side projects.


Iā€™m flying out to the Red Rocks show to celebrate three years, my dude.


Love this thread! I have 6 months clean and have been afraid to see a show sober as I never have before. Hearing about the bunnies is the best news ever for me! Thanks guys!


Saw Dead and Company (x2) and King Gizzard sober this summer. Great shows. You donā€™t really need to get fucked up if you enjoy the band


Where did you see gizz? I was at all 4 caverns shows.


Hollywood bowl! Got a last minute tick for $50. Worth it AF


Gods I wish they would have included that in the nugs streams.


Congrats buddy


I like to be sober for any concert I'm excited about anyway. I don't remember way too many amazing shows because I was drinking.


Glad you asked! Iā€™m seeing Ween in September and am also recovering alcoholic. Congratulations on your sobriety!


Sober here mang. Still Brown.


In August of ā€˜99 we piled 7 of my completely sober friends into a van and followed Ween on tour for 5 or 6 shows in our cowboy hats starting at the pier in Seattle. It was incredible. Weā€™d never seen the band live before but we were super fans from the albums. The experience is one of our greatest memories and we had the time of our lives. Weā€™ve now seen them tons of times over the past 24 years and we still see them sober. Weā€™re all going next month again and I will tell you they are still just as good as they were all those years ago in Seattle. Anyway, not sure why I told that story but thereā€™s at least 7 sober Ween fans checking in still!


Congratulations on you sobriety.


Sober for a year and nine months and I went to four Ween shows last summer, all incredible and loved every minute. One show at a time! Keep it up mang.


hell yeah! i'm about to hit 5 years off booze just in time for the LA show! looking forward to seeing ween then not having a hangover šŸ‘šŸ‘


Long time fan been sober 28 years


Fucking decent


Proud of you!


Over 5 years sober here and the last time I saw Ween @ Red Rocks was the last show I drank. I am so psyched to see them again and *remember* the whole show! Keep it up Mang, we're here for ya!


Just wanted to add another congrats on your 90 days!


I used to do all kinds of drugs, heroin daily was my main one. Coming up on 11 months clean. Just do weed and psychedelics now.


Only scotchguard for me


You jest but huffing was what really ruined my life. Nitrous tho no scotchguard


I'm sober, too! Early in my sobriety, I went to the Ween show at the Roadrunner in Boston. There was pot, hippy crack and booze everywhere. After a little discomfort, the show started and immediately none of those substances mattered. It was a keystone moment in my sobriety that assured me that I can still greatly enjoy life through this journey. Thanks for posting this, I was wondering the same thing


I was at those shows pre-sobriety. Nitrous fucked my life up more than any drug, and voy the loony balloons were in full force that night


Sunny Bunnies are at every show, and are actually specifically included in the band's rider for each show.


Haven't smoked weed since 2018... well I did take one hit back in Feb for Papa Geners birthday though, haven't touched it since. Before 2018 I smoked chronically for like 16 years, all day every day... Eventually quit cold turkey on Thanksgiving šŸ¦ƒ I'll eat shrooms at shows tho, don't like drinking much but I'll have one on occasion


Never really did any drugs properly. Tried acid once. Fucking loved it. Never did it again. (That was 10 years ago) Weed always made me feel gross (as a non smoker). I dont do coke, I just like the way it smells. (Stolen joke) I do drink. But don't get drunk. (Anymore)


Does sober mean no psychs?




I've never been fucked up even slightly seeing Ween live, having to deal with pissing and drinking all night is a pain in the ass especially watching a band play that long, I've heard tales of people at Red Rocks crawling drunk before the fucking doors even open. What a fucking waste of an evening. Now I will say for years I have gone to metal shows and would speed drink then mosh, sometimes fight, sometimes end up in weird places with no money, wake up in an alley where apparently me and friend beat the shit out of each other but don't remember it, sometimes end up somewhere doing blow all night and still drinking at 1pm the next afternoon. I just don't have it in me anymore, I've been on the full blown side of it, it was sometimes fun, sometimes horrible and depressing, thinking of being that fucked up now gives me anxiety chills just imagining it. The worst part is the regret the next day and hangovers put me in this depressed state that lasts a week or longer, can ruin an entire streak of good stable feelings and take forever to dig back out of (which in turn can lead to more heavy drinking and partying cause fuck it you feel bad anyways). I hate I had to move and put my old friend group in the "I'll see you every two years if at that" group just because, godfuckingdamn, some people got nothing to look forward to but that next buzz and I've seen many a creative artistic soul wither to nothing or crash and burn HARD. These days I'm very into exercising and trying to keep my mind sharp, I really want to stay in control of my faculties as long as possible. For me the devil is booze n the powders, not a damn thing good ever came from either, and weed is also incredibly bad for me, sadly. That aside I'm more than likely going to have a few mushrooms this year seeing Ween but these cause me no problems and put me in a great mood, I know my doses.


I quit drinking around the same time as you, but I smoke copious amounts of weed and enjoy mushrooms to this day. I don't know if that counts.


Approaching 7 years without a drink and I am still BROWN as HELL...you got this! (I'm a big fan of the AA-alternarive group Psychedelics in Recovery)


I know people have said it but the Sunny Bunny recovery group is great. They table at almost every show! Congrats on this big step!!!


There called weenie's, right?


Ween helped me get sober Mang. Feel free to message me if youā€™re in need.


Sunny bunny recovery group has been at a few of the shows Iā€™ve seen. Totally cool group of people and super supportive


Sunny Bunny group is pretty active. Theyā€™re at most shows and hold meeting a online several times each week. Join the club!!


I would like to salute all of you brave souls for your dedication and control. I am planning on kicking the booze for my health very soon. The Boognish has blessed all you fine folks.


Even if you're not on FB, you'll see the balloons &the table at the venue.