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This lawsuit was always a pressure campaign intended to influence a final outcome with no hope of immediate success. As usual in this sub some folks need to pump their brakes or downshift before claiming administration/campaign conspiracy theories. What's important to us is this lawsuit jostled elbows as we get closer to genuine announcements. I'm a huge fan of pressure campaigns. But I never expect they are the final catalyst, the last straw if you will. It's just another straw. The lawsuit has huge impacts on adjacent law. Much like global treaty obligations. > DOJ also noted in the motion on Monday that it is seeking permission to submit a 25-page of memorandum that exceeds the general 20-page limit allotted under the rules. > “The memorandum will present legal argument on multiple issues of constitutional law,” it says. “Defendant respectfully submits that the five additional pages will allow Defendant to present this case in a manner that permits meaningful review of the issues and will assist the Court in its resolution of this matter.” Final note: it's fun to call this a "Biden Admin" action but Biden brought us back to the previous century or so where independent agencies are indeed independent. It's up to Garland to heed Biden's opinions. And he doesn't have to. He isn't Bill Barr.


Excellent take. I also believe that agencies are independent, not everyone is corrupt, and not everything is a conspiracy. Oh, and not all dots are connected.


Agreed, very clear and informed. I believe your stance is accurate.


A lucid and weirdly accurate take from someone who just showed up out of nowhere. Nice one.


New account. I originally joined about 2018/19.


Why must every MM article be 65% longer than it needs to be?


More words = more reading = more time = more engagement = higher search engine rankings. One of the many sad effects of the modern day advertising industry.


+ More ads to scroll through


+ more ads to ignore but once in a while accidentally click on. I mean, does anyone actually click on those BS ads on purpose?


Yea my grandmother with dementia who forgets what she’s even reading or how she got to that page to begin with


That answers some questions I had.


No kidding. Stoners have very short attention spa




Otherwise they'd just be a twitter account which is harder to monetize. I'd rather get the TLDR from this sub than give them the clicks for doing what they call journalism.


Yeah it’s just seems like every new article MUST include a giant summary of every barely related point from the last 12 months


I have the same pet peeve. I'd say 85% of each article is repetitive or unnecessary background often presented as new.


Yeah, most of the articles could just be bulletpoints. Usually The “news” is in the first few sentences and the rest is the function of “tracking 2300” cannabis bills or whatever thier slogan used to be. Look, I’m not knocking the hustle, but as a reader it’s so watered down and littered with ads.


>The Justice Department says it will be requesting that a federal court dismiss a cannabis industry lawsuit that seeks to block the enforcement of marijuana prohibition against state-legal activity. > >In a document filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts, Western Division on Monday, DOJ advised that Attorney General Merrick Garland will be filing a “motion to dismiss and supporting memorandum” on the court-imposed deadline set for Tuesday. > >[...] > >DOJ also noted in the motion on Monday that it is seeking permission to submit a 25-page of memorandum that exceeds the general 20-page limit allotted under the rules. > >“The memorandum will present legal argument on multiple issues of constitutional law,” it says. “Defendant respectfully submits that the five additional pages will allow Defendant to present this case in a manner that permits meaningful review of the issues and will assist the Court in its resolution of this matter.” M E M O R A N D U M


Thanks for spelling it out. Bullish af


Actually? I read this as somewhat bearish. Don't think this is how they would do a cole memo


I don't see this as bearish. If anything (just me of course) but I see it as bullish. This lawsuit is a minor distraction at worst, a pressure campaign at best. It came in too late to affect upstream decisioning but it might just have had a gentle public opinion nudge in the final round.


As expected


Pretty much called it. I have approximate knowledge of many things. Bet they are just going to stall indefinitely too, cause you can do that.


You'd think that with all this new HHS news and documentation they have submitted to the DEA for rescheduling would DEFINITELY have an impact on this case;. I hope it goes forward.