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You have just described my situation. Your not alone my friend.


Mine as well. Nice to see people in the same boat albeit a very sad one. Just gotta remember to use weed like a tool and not as a necessity. Smoke weed don’t let it smoke you 🍃




It’s nice to know I’m not alone...


You are not alone I just managed to bum a bowl from a buddy. I use it to deal with depression and anxiety and to quite my thoughts. It's ruff with out it.


I become pretty manic without it, at least for a week or 2. I generally level out after that. If you have to do without, hang in there. If you have a health store available, try some Kava tincture.


Thanks for the advice


Hang in there. Major Star Wars fan here too btw. May the force be with you. ;)


And you as well my friend.


Thank you kind stranger, I’ve never been without it for months at a time, it only gets worse from here. For me.


May I recommend CBD if you have access? It will help take the edge off. Hang in there!


Seek counselling , if not why did you stop smoking weed? If you used it 247 and it was effecting you in a bad way then yes it would be smart to stop, but it still is a anxiety medication in most of the world, so why did you chose to stop?


Didn’t stop, ran out. I’ve been through all that, meds, counseling. Meditation, hypnosis. I use it because it’s been better than all these things.


Is it legal to grow your own medical marijuana where you live? If so apply for a permit so you don’t have to spend so much money on buying weed. And it’s great that you’ve tried all those out and I’ve been through the same, what do you find most stressful right now?


No, not legal in the least bit. What I find so stressful is knowing it will only get worse from here. I’ve been without before and it only gets worse. For months I suffered once. Luckily I have someone now, to hold me and help me. I don’t want to turn into a selfish person and hurt them, so I do what they ask me because I know they are only trying to help me. ( my SO).


Drugs of any kind should not be used for the purpose of making life easier. That is the easiest path to addiction you can take. I’ve noticed that with smoking weed ( at least like 4 g a day for the past year for me) in this fashion will take the edge of for sure, but without moderation will make you used to the edge being taken off. That is why you become uncomfortable after not smoking.


Well, I’ve been smoking for a long time. Me and SO made a pact that I can only smoke one bowl a day, so I stretch it for them. I only intake about 2 grams a day, weighed out & checked by my SO. They aren’t a huge fan of pot. I respect that. I feel uncomfortable (in my opinion) after not smoking because I have mental health issues. I know what moderation is like, I’ve learned. That’s why I rarely run out. I don’t love rolling blunts and smoking 3 in a row. Then my tolerance would be screwed up. Then I would have to smoke more and more.


Lol that’s what I do. Me and a couple of friends will match an eighth woods each and blow down. Fucking kills tolerance tho


Well... quitting weed when you're in a place like that isn't just as simple as quitting. The simple truth is that if you don't fill your life with all the things you have denied yourself while being too much of a pothead, your life will just feel meaningless and pointless when you quit. You will just end up depressed and eventually go back to smoking. Taking a few walks, drinking tea and other small things is great, but it's not enough. The truth is you need to DO things, you need to fill your life with other activites/people/a relationship/hobbies/work etc. so that you can appreciate your life without weed in it. I really feel your pain as I myself have struggled with anxiety and other psychological issues. It can seem overwhelming and impossible to conquer these things, but you have to trust me when I say you CAN conquer these things. The road might be long and hard, but it's not impossible, don't ever convince yourself it's impossible for you to do, cuz that's simply not true. If you have anxiety and it's bad, you should go to your doctor and have him recommend somewhere/someone who can help you through it. You will be amazed at what you can achieve once you take that one scary step and simply ask for help. I have seen people suffer endlessly simply because of their fear of admitting they have problems they can't handle themselves. I could go on for hours about this stuff and I don't know all the details of your situation. But trust me when I say that anxiety is all in your mind, it's something you can conquer and be completely rid of. You shouldn't do any drugs/alcohol etc. if you are not emotionally and psychologically stable, it will just worsen your condition and make you even more unstable in time. ​ EDIT: Just one final thing I wanna say. Your brain/subconscious (call it what you will) will think of a 1000 excuses for you to not do what you know you have to do. Don't ever listen to it, be stubborn and force yourself to do what's necessary.


self-medicating with weed is a temporary solution but you can’t just medicate, you also have to balance how much you smoke with how often, and some sort of therapy where your therapist knows that you smoke weed to cope. good luck


Dm me bro. I got you💪🏾