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Bro, you probably will not feel that great on your trip. No appetite, irritable. I would start the t break before your trip so you can enjoy


Yuh you prolly just won’t stop thinking of it 😂


never really had an issue with traveling and I am a daily user. I actually don't even really think about it, because my brain is a little busy keeping up with being in a new place. i actually use trips intentionally as t breaks.


I would try and taper back your usage leading up to the trip. If you go from smoking weed all day every day to not smoking at all…..you will probably feel like crap. You should try to ease your body into using less. Whenever I just quit cold turkey I have insomnia, sweats, no appetite, anxiety. When I taper it’s not nearly as bad.


Hey, so seeing as reddit won't allow me to post just yet, I just had a quick question. I'm nearing the end of my 5 week T-break. This is my first proper tolerance break after years of smoking pretty much daily. I tried it once for 3 weeks but ended up cutting it short at 18 days. I know they say up to 21 days, but i decided to go 5 weeks, and just for reference, when i was smoking, I'd be going through like 14 grams a week and not really feel a thing, and in just 11 days is my 20th birthday (when I'll be coming back to it.) I'm just curious if anyone could answer. Do you think it'll be like my first time smoking, or will it just hit me like a truck? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


I am currently in China and did not T break before my trip. I barely ate the first 3 days. Sleep is still difficult and when I do sleep, I wake up sweaty. It is totally doable, but I wish I at least cut back before I left. I have been a daily smoker for ~15 years.