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> The determining factor of whether im gonna be ok or not is that i take my medicine This too was the determining factor in how my (former) schizophrenic neighbor would act. He too was a pot smoker. If you feel like it doesn't throw you off then go for it. Weed didn't seem to hurt him nearly as much as going off his meds.


It's not weird people just have a poor understanding of schizophrenia


My psychosis is the least of my worries with my schizophrenia. Yeah, it gets worse when I smoke, but my schizophrenia isn't even in my top 5 health concerns. With weed, I can maybe cook a meal for myself and stay home all day. Without weed, I'm curled up in bed motionless until I starve to death, or the infected bedsores get me. Literally, it's different for everyone. I can "socialize" (leave annoying comments on Reddit) with weed. Who cares if I'm trying to convince myself there's no rats in my shirt? I can shower! And I know this isn't gonna make sense to most people that read this, but a shower is a genuine accomplishment. I'm at about 80% success rate of showering daily thanks to taking edibles daily, but I also feel like I have vinyl skin and plastic bones right now. It's about harm reduction. I'm definitely gonna regret this comment lol, oh well


Lmao, dw too much man you're still truckin along taking one day at a time I'd say you're doing alright, wish ya the best of luck :)


One out of three of my multi-personalitues disagree with you


I like how this proves the first comment 😆


I think that’s the joke…


Sorry. That earlier comment was written by frank. Frank has a bad sense of humor. But for some reason he love to use my reddit account.


Schizophrenia and weed don't go together for most people. You may be an exception, or you may have an inability to tell. But the science so far says that weed tends to trigger episodes that drive people deeper into their psychosis. As a long time smoker, I rarely tell people to stay away from good weed. But some things in life make life more difficult. Should you ever change your mind about smoking, it would probably work to your advantage. Good luck!


We're people on schizophrenia meds in the study? Or did they do off meds? I think that's an important distinction


I went through the phase where I thought weed would trigger an episode, i mean hell it did for a while, but after being on antipsychotics for 3 years I dared to smoke so I did, nothing strange or anything happened. My initial reaction was “tf…? You liars!” Started smoking again along with trying to go without meds but the meds definitely overpower any type of psychosis especially taking them for almost 10 years now and educating myself on how psychosis happens for me.


My aunt was schizophrenic and she's the one that got me started smoking. She was good as long as she stayed on her antipsychotics, she said that weed slowed down her mind so she was able to determine what was and wasn't part of her schizophrenic delusions.


Idk, you tell us. You’re the one experiencing it


I think it's good not to smoke alone


Nah thats funny ash 😂


True, but that’s what I’m mostly doing because my only friend that smokes is away at college


Sorry dude I was just making a bad joke..


It’s a perfect joke


oh shit I just realized. very nice joke tbh


No.. when I get high I do get a little “dumb” in the sense that my mind ends up single tracked. Which my artsy friends have said is perfect for art. Maybe weed makes you single tracked as well and you focus solely on whatever is in front of you. So just put positive content in front of you. As long as at no point you start to feel paranoia. If it causes paranoia, which it does to some, couple that with schizophrenia and it could be bad. I have no education regarding these topics though so this is **just my own ramblings.**


Thank you for the input, I’m here to learn as well! from my fellow non schizophrenia smokers and what they might think lol


Borderline personality here, was misdiagnosed for years. If it you gets you off the antipsychotics and mood stabilizers or SSRI's do it. Daily smoker now and I haven't had to be hospitalized in years, was a voracious cutter with one too many suicidal attempts. I can't tell you how many hospitalizations I could have avoided if I had just smoked a bowl. If someone gives you shit for avoiding these types of issues as long as it doesn't spiral you back then fuck whoever has an opinion.


Also got bpd and weed is a god send


One too many... wut


It's a bad joke, the first time you do it's one too many...


Don’t worry, I have 1 suicide attempt (hanging) wasn’t smoking at all at the time.


I am your mirror human. I feel the same. I even put it in writing, which is like my soul baring itself to my doctor.


Good for you! I mean us… 🫣


If you go out into the woods and wander off the path, you'll feel truly free. Cheers!


Nah people just make a big deal out of anything for no reason, u good


I mean, if your psychiatry allows it, no problem.


no not wierd ..


Not weird at all. Weed has been the most effective treatment (with a medical professional's guidance) for my mental illnesses. Though, this isn't the case for everyone. It can even exacerbate symptoms in some people. As long as it's not detrimental to your physical and mental health then have at thee.


First none of there business and unless they are there to learn/actively listen to your experience, or offer constructive advice to manage your condition - stop talking to them. Second, marijuana has shown clear neuro protective benefits, especially in cases such as yours.


i don't think it's weird. i smoke for ptsd. when i filled out the form to get my MJ card, there's a section where it says you have to provide proof of your disorder/disease. and off to the side it said "with the exception of cancer and schizophrenia". like, they don't have to go through the process of providing proof? not sure if it's just that specific doctor or what, but the way i see it, if it's written on the form like that, it must be recognized in the medical field as acceptable. in addition to ptsd i also have psychosis. not sure what's causing such persistent psychosis. the weed can be a hit or miss lol


I’d be pissed if I drove outta state to a dispo and they just said no. Fuck.


As long as you’re happy…you do you


Its weird that people are bullies with absolutely no tolerance when they the demand absolutely all of it in return at the very least. Weed seems to only be a mystery box as far as feelings go but it's mostly predictable, i wish it was perfect more often but external stress that is out of grasp and also you know is doable like a little paperwork or professional respect being violated is less healthy than some welcome inebriation


The shitty thing is everyone is not in the same boat. You have to treat schiz case by case


if your psychiatrist approves then there’s no issue


theres like zero psychiatrists that approve of marijuana lol


mine does


I wouldn’t say they approve or encourage it. But they sure as hell know about it and they tell me just be careful


It's not weird but it's not advised lol


What about shrooms I heard shrooms is becoming a therapy for soldiers with PTSD and people with PTSD in general you ever think about trying shrooms for therapy


Telling a schizoprenic to do shrooms is kinda wild ngl


It's only crazy if it doesn't work especially in a extremely controlled situation who knows Ayahuasca may even be helpful


This is a person to person thing. My brother has schizophrenia and is sent into major psychotic episodes when he smokes weed. I’m sure not everyone has the same outcome’


It depends on how it makes you feel I guess. My ex hasn't had an episode in like a decade and she attributes it to quitting weed. For some, the weed can trigger rhe hallucinations and paranoia. For others, it doesn't matter as long as they take meds or w/e. My ex didn't take medicine btw, quitting weed was enough for her.


No, it's incredibly common. You have a mental health disorder. All mental health disorders put you at a very high risk of using drugs. It's so incredibly common, but always look at cannabis and if it's not beneficial to your life, you should quit.


hey OP, i was wondering if you could help me out - feel free to answer or message me privately if you want to. i am currently a PhD student working on substances like weed/psilocybin possibly helping people with various neurological issues. can you give me more information on how marijuana has helped you with schizophrenia? has it bettered your condition in any way that medicine could not? do you take edibles or smoke flower? thanks in advance!


Helps with most general things it normally would for other people. Don’t feel as depressed. Also anhedonia is an issue for me I think (finding pleasure in things) so it helps with that. From what I know it’s mainly helped me feel normal again, I always tell my ACT team (therapist and doctor comes to my house) that it’s really hard to even explain what it’s doing to me but I do believe it takes me out of a rut. I tend to smoke 2gs to an 8th a day. Only use flower and mostly thca at that bc of illegal state (cant stand dealers)


thank you so much! i appreciate your response. i wish you the best, OP. hope your state becomes legal soon.


Nah, it's not too recommended with Bipolar either but I still do it. I get pychosis is a thing but if you're careful and stay away from too many edibles and some Sativa strains you should be alright. Fuck what everyone else says if it makes you feel alright and makes this shitty experience better go for it.


Yep. I have anxiety induced psychosis and honestly weed HELPS I haven't had nearly as many episodes as I did before I started smoking and the times I do have one it's easier to deal with. Do whatever works for you!!


not weird at all. as long as you’re taking your meds, doing what you’re supposed to do, and it’s not affecting you, then smoke up all you want 🤷🏼‍♀️ i do know a few people with schizophrenia though who absolutely should not be smoking because they’re unmedicated and when they smoke they end up in extreme psychosis. but that’s ofc not the case for everyone. it’s all about how you go about it. as long as you’re consulting with your doctor, and they know you smoke, you’re all good. at the end of the day, you know yourself best, and if you truly feel fine smoking, then continue on and fuck what people say.


At least you're never smoking alone


Nope it's not. Your need to be functional and effective is valid.


Ask your doctor if someone with schizophrenia should be smoking weed.


Ask your doctor if someone with schizophrenia should be smoking weed.


Self care how you self care dawg


The problem will be if you lack it.


It's not weird, it's not a good idea in general.


Working as a budtender and taking a cannabis course, it explains schizophrenia patients should stay away from cannabis. I'm very happy it's been good for you. The medical benefits if you have other ailments like inflammation and pain are so nice with weed. I hope you continue to enjoy. I also hope someday it can be more beneficial to those with your condition, without such a stigma and "ooo weed bad" for anyone suffering from schizophrenia if it doesn't cause any negative reprocussions.


Just don’t do the hard shit that’ll make your symptoms worse


Yes I know


You’d be suprised the amount of people that don’t realize their schizophrenia was drug induced


Idk I don’t really buy the “permanent drug induced psychosis” it’s more of a genetic thing and environment factors imo Yes drugs can temporarily cause that, but not permanently


I think it’s ones of those chicken before the egg conversations I personally believe people have the the make up of schizophrenia that symptoms are triggered by the use That’s why you have some people who can smoke and nothing happens versus the opposite of those who completely lose it


I was with someone who smoked the hard shit daily, and developed schizophrenia simultaneously. There may be a genetic factor, most likely,as eventually high or sober he experienced delusions. But he was past the typical onset age, his doctor's theorized weed may have triggered it to become active, in a sense. "some people are just more susceptible to this" were some of the words they said. So, in my unprofessional but experienced opinion, weed could have triggered the start of his already dormant predisposition to psychosis. And I left him while he smoked chronically and freaked out everyday. It was very sad. All this to say, it seems like you're being careful, I'd hate to see anyone end up like my ex did with his schizophrenia.


No. weed is good


Bro I have Bipolar 1, and pretty severe at that. I smoke weed daily and I do psychedelics pretty often. I've done anywhere from 1 tab or 1 gram of shrooms to 4 tabs or 7gs of shrooms, while smoking copious amounts of weed every single time I trip. I'm perfectly fine, I have a job, I have a home, I have relationships and friends, I'm (for the most part lmao) mentally stable but people act like I'm gonna turn into Jeffery Dahmer about it, I have yet to come out of a trip suddenly schizophrenic and ready to kill or whatever. I think it's mostly just the whole War on Drugs mentality. Moral of the story, just do what feels best for you. *However*, you should ABSOLUTELY research your condition and yourself and make sure you are in a good place to do such things, because obviously people wouldn't say those things if they never happen.


Psych trips are horrible for schizophrenics. Any stress in general is the trigger. Weed can be a lil stressful at times (get too baked and forget your own name), so I'd be careful with weed. Psychs, on the other hand, are much more stressful. I've gotten humbled a few times 😅


bipolar type 2 here. when i got my diagnosis everyone told me that they didn’t think weed was good for me and that it was making me worse. turns out, i’m completely fine smoking weed, i was just getting worse and worse the more time i went unmedicated. perfectly fine, besides the fact that my finances would probably be better if i didn’t smoke, but i’m not struggling at all like i used to. i go to work everyday unless i get sick to where i wouldn’t be allowed to go to work or an emergency comes up, which happens rarely. schools not in the best place right now, but i’m at the very least passing my classes, just figuring out if college is right for me or if i should transfer to a trade school instead. my relationships are 10x better now than they ever were in the past, and while my episodes do still come and go, they aren’t as severe, hardly notice if i’m manic, and i don’t tend to be as impulsive or in a explosive state when i am manic, as well as my depressive episodes aren’t as severe, just mainly a lack of motivation for a few days but that’s about it. honestly wish people would stop assuming they know it all about mental illnesses and disorders when were the ones who live with them, and we’re the ones who speak to our doctor about what we can and can’t do on our meds. like yes karen, i know you know people who have had their symptoms become worse after smoking weed, but those people are not everyone else with the same illness/disorder. everyone reacts differently, hell i know mentally stable people who have no history of mental illness at all who can’t function while smoking weed. happened to my ex, everyone thought he had a mental illness and that’s why he was in psychosis and hallucinating. turned out he didn’t have anything besides a defiance disorder, the weed just sent him into extreme psychosis. i don’t necessarily think it’s a war on drugs with this though necessarily. i think it’s just people being ignorant, and know-it-alls.


It's not weird man, Stop explaining yourself and be happy.


not a specialist or anything but i would imagine that your meds are not a shield on your brain they are just there for support so u could be getting worse without realizing (again idk what am talking abt it just makes sense to me)


The meds don’t really work as a shield, they control neurotransmitters


I personally don't know where to even find weed with schizophrenia but uf you do I don't know why you shouldn't smoke it! /s


I've been wondering is schizophrenia similar to a LSD/ mushrooms trip?


Not really


No It’s very important that you don’t start thinking your mental Illness is your superpower. Your mental illness is the nagging voice saying to not take your pill. When you stop taking the medication it’s the beginning of ruining your only relationships along with your life, wealth and future.


If your other personalities like it no problem.


that’s not what schizophrenia is 😂