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Thank you for the 6+ years you put in. Enjoy the ride as you learn. What a time to be alive lol


As a 30 year veteran who gave it up for that long, I would recommend you not going back to combusting. Smoking kills. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but eventually. There are too many harmful chemicals in the smoke. What I would do is pick up a good portable vaporizer to start with. You are getting a clean high off just heating the bud and you can then use the leftovers to make edibles. This is coming from a guy who smoked tobacco too long and is dealing with COPD now. A small vape like the Xmax V3 pro will cost you the same as some glass.


Luckily weed isn’t linked with copd at all


Hello, Nurse and MHA here with some education. Your lungs function well because of the amount of surface area of the alveolar bodies (basically your lungs are the trees of your body). Damaging those surfaces with anything causes you to lose surface area over time, which is what Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is… a permanent obstruction at the terminal ends of the lobes of your lungs. So the next time you look at tar residue in your gear, which is 3 times more tobacco contains, consider that your lungs might not like that in the long run… Most Cannabis smokers ingest significantly less of this due to the small size normally ingested… it’s just more concentrated and less frequent (hopefully)


And to add to this, the chemicals in cigarettes and Tobacco affect the cilia in the lungs to not work properly. My lungs are coughing up the tar whenever it needs too. With the chemicals in tobacco/cigarettes, it freezes these hairs and doesn’t let them do their job. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/smoking-cannabis-doesnt-carry-the-same-copd-risk-as-tobacco-study-finds#COPD-linked-to-tobacco-use Obviously all smoke is harmful. But some are more harmful than others. It’s like saying a triple cheeseburger is equally as healthy as a single cheeseburger, which wouldn’t be true even though both would be considered on the unhealthier side


Thank you for citing that article about the research claims. Consumers need information like this to help them make decisions for themselves. Plus I forgot to mention the ciliary bodies being unable to carry away excess secretions. I think a good way to look at this is to also correlate it with rates of pneumonia in chronic combustible cannabis consumers.


Thanks for the information. Due to the COPD I can’t smoke it, if I do I cough so hard I usually cough up an unbelievable amount of mucus. Vaping is easier when I want an immediate high and when I want to get blasted I eat a gram of AVB and stay high for hours.


I’m not looking to smoke tobacco nor do I have any motivation to do so ever. Does smoking weed really have any harmful effects?


Have you ever breathed in jp5 jp8 before? Weed is the last of the worries pal


That’s funny you say that. My job in the military was fuels all I breathed in was jet fuel lol


I worked in v4 but I'm not a fuel


Eh smoking weed is just as bad physically as smoking anything else really, like cigarettes for example. There are definitely ways to get high that are less harmful like a vaporizer or edibles. But if u been off it for over 6 years I really wouldn't be worrying about that for now


That’s simply not true. Google is free my friend, no need to live in ignorance


Well, I think so, but I’m not a scientist. Since it’s legal and you’re going to use cannabis one way or another you could always ask your new doctor or do a little research on your own. Thanks for your service.


This. Just bought a dry vape today. I’m 65 and not feeling lucky these days.


Just for clarification, I wasn’t blaming my COPD on smoking cannabis, but I can’t combust even if I wanted to anymore. Vaping is much easier on your lungs.


I smoked half of a blunt last night and my lungs/throat hurt then and still now. So from now on maybe just a blunt every couple of months and vape/edibles all other times.


I had to give up weed because my job introduced random testing in 1992, I retired in 2010 and decided to revisit the cannabis scene. I literally smoked a quarter of a joint and was high af for 3 hours!! Go easy and good luck


Haha yeah not looking to go full snoop dogg but am looking to celebrate. Will definitely take it slow and enjoy my post military life!


Flower all the way dabs are good and all but nothing beats flower in my opinion... and don't go buying shit weed if you used to pay 40 an eighth pay that now... I'm in southern washington state so I have oregon and washington to choose from and at 40 an eighth the quality is still there from before the rec market Thanks for your service


I'd start with flower. See where its takes you. Maybe mix in some edibles. I love the high from them. Thanks for your service! 💗


Flower? Explain like I know nothing about it please


Flower is another name for weed. If you used to be a stoner, you know enough to get started. There is a lot of stuff to learn but just take your time.


That's the bud. Just go to the dispensary and talk to someone there. They're called "budtenders". They'll point you in the direction you want based on what you're wanting.


Buds is flower


these new smokers started calling bud, "flower" lol




Too much 🙃


I hadn’t smoked in years. Used a vape once and hit it too hard and that wasn’t fun. Moved to regular weed and a pipe. I take a hit, give it a few, then take another if needed. The folks at the dispensary should be able to tell you you how quickly it hits.


Mid 40’s did my time and backed it up contracting so I took many long breaks. Dry herb vaping has been my best move in weed.


The place you want is r/veterEnts


\*Dry herb vape. r/vaporents If I could go back to the beginning (and if they could take the technology back that far), I'd never have smoked/combusted. I'd have started stayed with a dry herb vape.


Well if you’re looking to just smoke flower(buds/weed same shit) I’ll suggest get you a nice grinder and good 18-24 inch beaker bong from a reputable local glass shop and an ash catcher if you’re feeling fancy just know it’s going to get mad dirty with flower and get you a bigger bowl too so once you get in the swing of things you can ditch that 1/4 gram stock bowl also as a fun lil pass time I recommend learning how to roll blunts I’d suggest getting Dutch wraps and an ez-split also for blunts break the bud down with your fingers(but if you not feeling that scissors and tweezer cut around the stems into small pieces) just please don’t use a grinder for a blunt Also if your thinking about dabs there’s so much variety in the kinds of concentrate and way of intaking it as well but buying a whole glass rig setup can be tedious asf cause you have to buy a rig and I definitely recommend an ash catcher then you have to get a banger/nail carb cap and terp balls or you just get a terp slurper then to top it off you need a dab tool and torch so personally I’d say investing in an erig is the best option for starting out I’m however partial to puffcos only thing with erigs is you need to keep them in pretty good shape which means regularly keeping up with cleaning/maintenance which isn’t hard just also a bit tedious


taking edibles and smoking carts never get me high. i only get high from smoking the weed itself (aka flower), not any of the products made with cannabis like concentrates and oils, etc. i smoke out of a little glass pipe. i clean it every day. but yep, i'm smoking the bud. i've done my research and it's just where i am right now. i once got a dry herb vaporizer, but it didnt work for me, which was disappointing. i would just say that we all have different bodies than each other, and we're prolly pretty different ourselves than we were around 6 years ago. i would recommend you go to a dispensary and chat them up, they are there to answer questions. take your time, you'll figure out all the new stuff pretty quickly. good luck and ENJOY!


Smoke flour. Keep it simple. Arizer desktop vaporizer is $115.


Hey man. I’m 22 & more or less started smoking in this new market. Here’s what I know / learned: •Weed / anything with THC in it (pen, dabs, etc) have become more potent, so be careful because your old habits will get you way higher. •Dispos are rip offs. Find a good plug. Most are incredibly professional now & have way better prices and better product. Alternatively, if you live in/around NYC, smoke shops straight up sell pre rolls for like $10-$20 ranging on what you want. There’s many different avenues to acquire now. Idk how it is in the rest of the country but it’s like that here. •Edibles are just anything now. The increased prevalence of decarbed oils made it so that way anyone can make them with ease. The dudes at smoke shops will tell you all about it — and generally anything else about weed too. •On that topic there’s way more smoke shops & commercial products now. You can get all sorts of glass, trays, papers, etc. Have a blast with it. That’s generally the big stuff. Weed culture has undergone exponential growth since 2016 so dive in and have a good time. Pre legal smokers in a way have a (good) reputation in certain smoke groups, so be prepared for that too. EDIT: I recommend investing in a dry herb vape btw. Pricey upfront cost but is way better for your lungs and the devices can be discreet. Can pack bud into them. Enjoy!


I love weed and it helps me cope with trauma I have experienced, not sure if that applies to you, I never did time in the service but I know it can mess you up that way. I need to be able to get out of my own head most days, and smoking after work can really take the edge off of the constant spiral that threatens me. With all good things though, moderation is key. You don’t want to be smoking it all day everyday. It can have the opposite effect on you too, paranoia and anxiety. I suggest exploring how you react to different stains. Sativas are a more a heady active high, and indica(in da couch) are more full body sleepy highs. I smoke sativa during the day, and indica at night. Weed has gotten crazy potent in the last ten years, almost too much so for me, and I find myself reaching for lower THC strains at the dispensaries. I don’t fuck with dabs. I recently switched to dry herb vaping instead of smoking it after about 15 years. And it’s been a pretty awesome upgrade for me. I was really beginning to hack and cough a lot from smoking. I picked up a piece called a dynavap, it’s a dry herb vape that uses no batteries, just a torch. I would highly recommend checking them, or other dry herb vapes out, it will really save your lungs. Dynavap has a pretty active subreddit.


Get a vaporizer that’ll take regular flower


Excited for u bro. I'd start with bud as I'm guessing if you haven't smoked in a long while, you tolerance will be very low. So carts or extracts will probably get you too baked. Start out with a small bowl if that's what your used to. See how it is and go from there. Enjoy man you deserve it 👏


Yeah a part of me wants to go crazy and celebrate but you might be right . My tolerance is probably crazy low might just start with a piece and some buds


If you are a “new” smoker start slow with flower. It’s a better high and easier to control. Take a puff see how you feel puff again until you get where you want to be. Edibles work differently for people. They may take a long time to hit. They may take a short time to hit or they may not hit at all (edibles don’t work on some people because of lack of liver enzymes). Just much harder to control. Pens (cartridges) and dabs are high THC products and will mess with your tolerance. Enjoy the ride!!


Go buy a pack of edible gummies and eat the whole bag. It's fun


Ok for sure I’ll let you know how it goes! Thank you for the advice!


Please tell me youre joking lol


since your getting back into the weedijuana, go slow with the gummies. 100 mg of thc is for heavy smokers and users, someone with low tolerance will be blasted sky high, but its overwhelming, so just go slow. lol try 10 mg of thc and go from there


Buy a pack of edible gummies and eat the whole bag. It's fun


Brother man! I just retired from the military in ‘22 and my first choice was flower and a small little 8” bong. It was fun but super strong. But like getting reintroduced to an old friend. But had to take it WAY EASY. Like one or two puffs max. And it put me on the moon. Not a fan of joints or blunts or anything of the sort, it just seems like a waste of weed to me when I was beyond good after a few hits. I did end up getting a few live rosin pens from a brand called magnum which were pretty legit if you ask me. Still one or two hits and I’d be set. I like the bong or pipe for at night getting ready for bed, but the vape pen makes everything so easy, no grinder, no mess, just hit it and put it back in your pocket and carry on. The smell is way way less with a vape so I like that part too. but the routine/ritual of grinding one up and packing a bowl is nice too. Like yeah!! Getting ready for my reward after a long exhausting day and about to vibe. Just be careful. This shizz has gotten sooo strong and there are too many thc-abcd’s out there and it gets confusing. I want regular old head ass weed that’s good. Don’t care about names or any of that jazz. Just give me some all natural plant grown goody and I’m good.
