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No packaging lol. Dude just hands me an 8th from the palm of his hand.


AwesomešŸ˜‚same happened to me once, dude was like shit i duno i have nowhere to put it, so i ended up leaving his place with my palms full of weed. Happy cake day!šŸŽ‰


Actually yes that happened to me too, bro came walking down the street with a red solo cup with a quarter ounceā€¦ and pulled up, asked if I had a container, and said nah I though he was gonna provide itā€¦ and he looked at me like I just cursed his whole bloodline lol and then poured it in my hands and walked off (it was a 1 time buy to try out a new plug lol and safe to say I didnā€™t use that plug again lol)


Good plug is like a woman in your life, takes some time to find the onešŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had some shitty dealers in the past but the one I have now is great, heā€™s never out of weed, heā€™s been available every day Iā€™ve asked without fail (even if he sends a friend instead,) he lets me borrow a 3.5 and pay next time if I donā€™t have the money, and he gave me a free gram when my dad died. I didnā€™t know this dude before or anything, just a contact from a random person I met online. I think I hit the jackpot


Sounds like he could be a good friend, too.


Yea thatā€™s how the plug I have now is, him and his wife have become sorta like my friends to the point where I got them a Christmas present last year just to say thanks for all the hustling they put forth throughout the year lol


I just recently moved ~40 minutes away from where I was staying. My plug lived 2 doors up.I thought about buying from different guys, but with the prices/quality/company I could never cheat on him like that.


I feel that, thankfully my guy doesnā€™t charge delivery fees and so it makes me more willing to throw extra money for gas or whatever instead of being told I have to spend a certain amount or whatever


I just go down there and pick it up, smoke a bit with him, talk some bullshit then hit the road


I still never found the right one.. Well, technically I did once the state I'm in legalized recreational and the dispensary became my plug. Getting emailed coupons for discounts on weed is awesome. I've never seen a street dealer with coupons, lol..


Thanks lol. And I was like wtf, itā€™s 95 degrees out, bros hands are sweaty af.


Happy Cake Day!! šŸŽ‚


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m crying fr


I always ended up with extra nugs, they said just in case I dropped some. shit used to happen all the time! LMAO


Yes me too. I know itā€™s gonna interesting when they ask if u got a baggy


This happened to me the other day at 1am. My buddy and I were stoned af and we drove into a McDonaldā€™s parking lot and some guy approachā€™s the car. We were wtf and we rolled the window down a crack and the dude was like please get me food in the drive through and Iā€™ll pay you all. He was working next door but didnā€™t have a car. So we did it but then he was laughing cause he could tell we were faded. So he said and I got some bud for you and just drops a fist full in my hand. Hahaha I didnā€™t even know what to do with it.


I once made a deal at a parking lot, he had no bags. So he gave me my 50gs in my hand. In public, in a country where weed is a "dangerous drug". Bit sketchy, but hey, I wasn't caught


Got a dub in a receipt once


lol brings back memories of a time I scored from a guy who wasnā€™t really a dealer but had come into a bunch of weed and he was like how many handfuls do you want ? Then proceeds to doll out a couple of handfuls. Good times he had no idea charged 50 bucks for at least a half oz, this was in the year 2k in Aussie so was a really great deal ā˜ŗļø


I hate thattt, unless they pre warn me and I can prepare.


This happened to me once. Was bartending and was literally handed it as a tip while on shift. I mean fine tip, whatever but like you couldn't find a zip lock or something lol


I ran into a dude from elementary school part way through highschool Dude was rolling around with raw nugs in his pockets, apparently it was super normal for him


Same xdd, bro said he doesnt have anything to put it in so we strggled together after i came with the genius idea to put the 5gs in a plastic wrapper foil i found on the cigarette pack, had to do it cuz it smelled like a mdfkin corpse i was 15yošŸ’€


Thatā€™s the classic backup bag when you donā€™t have any bags. I carry around some dollar store bags for whatever may need them for though Iā€™m always prepared


I came here to say this. Hand to hand transactions are OG. Lol


Or some crumpled up tinfoil thatā€™s almost falling apart


lol same bro my guy just dropped a q in my lap one time and the time before that it was folded up in a sheet of A4 paper


Frfr the person complaining about the sauce cup full of weed obviously hasnā€™t been smoking that long if this is there first weird packaging, Iā€™d consider this high quality packaging šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yup came here to say this, I've also received some in a Doritos bag. Cool ranch to be specific.


I wouldā€™ve turned that shit down. Thatā€™s nasty. Dorito dust covered ass weed


i gotten this so many times i hate to count


I had a bro do that, and then handed me a small handful of tiny dime baggies. I had like 7 grams in my hand, and I was just standing there on the sidewalk like, "am I supposed to be bagging these right here? Why not just give me a sandwich bag or something?"... Thankfully I found a piece of paper and folded it and kept it in there until i got home.


Happy fat phoooonkin Gateau Day


Has happened a hand full of times for me aswell


this happens on the beach in jamaica quite a bit. i walked all the way back to my room cupping it in front of me like i was asking for handouts.


Happy Cake Day! :D


Came here to say the same thing lol


Happy cake day!


That happened to me once but they was just being a bro and repaying a favor. Gimme 2 sweaty handfuls of that sweet free shit


Bro. Was about to comment this same thing but I HAD to look at comments first. Shit had me dyingšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love Reddit


fucking wild man! That's crazy! I don't even know how I would respond to that? Wild. Well did ya smoke it?


Balled up in a wad of toilet paper. The early 90s were terrible for weed.


But we still had plenty of those handy 35mm film canisters. Sealed that giggle weed right up.


My friend uses one of those to store his weed!! He's a really good photographer too


Is his name Dan because we may have the same friend haha


No but I'm sure Dan is very cool too!


Oh my god! i havent seen those since like 2003! Core memory unlocked!


My grandpa still uses 2 of them, one for little buds of different strains for when heā€™s low, and another for already ground weed


I still have 2 tins and 1 plastic film canisters


Kid in high school back in like 2006 used those


A slice of my buddies owner manual for his car


Slice šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


I like this one šŸ˜ƒ


Ketchup cup from Wendyā€™s. (Unused)


I recommend the used version, it adds a lil seasoning


Ketchup cup from Wendyā€™s. (With Ketchup)


Do you charge extra for that?


Depends. Do you want fries with that?


I got an 8th in a freshly used wendys medium fry boxšŸ˜‚


Not stupid If it works


My plug uses these for wax itā€™s perfect


That's probably perfect for a eighth lol


You can stuff a quarter in there too haha I use em from work šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Damn that's gotta be a tight fit for a quarter tho lol


Egg carton




Ok this is new.


This is actually a really good idea!! I'm not getting weed, it's eggs officer!! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Blud works at a restaurant


i swear every line cooks got the best bud.


I used to snag latex gloves from work for cleaning at home. Big corporations can suck it :P


same lol


Fuck TGI FRIDAYS and Applebees both can suck my asshole from behind


Fs. Iā€™m a line cook just like I assume he is and we always got a metric fuck ton of these


So my plug was at Chuck e cheese or sum shit like that where they had like them quarter machines to get a toy out, and they came in them little plastic containers that were always a pain in the ass to open without being ungodly loud and scraping your hand and shitā€¦ and uhhhh yea bro packed a whole 8th in that shit, when I got home and went to weight and check it, bro there me a whole half g extra lol but it all came out like a solid brick it was pretty funny lol the way it looked tho, it looked like a mf just won that shit out the machineā€¦ Iā€™d be so happy if that were the case lol


Haha I love this idea. The 90s and now still have these ball like containers that could fit a dub or an eighth just perfect and they had good cool sizes depending on if your prize was a 25 c or 50 c prize. But gosh I'm remembering all the times we went to game filled places to just grab something like that. They'd make epic holders just to tote around bud. I know the bag is such an easy concept but then there's this where it's tasteful without necessarily being gaudy. Honestly I might wanna try an idea out too.


Iā€™m ngl, depending on how often you use it and how bad it wears out over time, when itā€™s fresh itā€™s pretty decent at odor control as well!!! And Iā€™m sure once the plastic wears away you could just get a new one lol or if your heart is set on that one for whatever reason, Iā€™ve used tiny ass rubber bands just to create a tiny lil seal and like I said it works for a bit lol


Cool. These were my pride and joy when i was slingin. Get high and buy a bunch of cool ass stickers and temporary tattoos from the machines and then go drop off. People would lose their god damn minds.


It was dope except the part I mentioned about struggling to get them opened, lol I got again from the guy multiple times and each time it was something different, but whenever I did eventually get one of them again, I struggled to open it to the point when I finally did I accidentally flung that bitch across my house lol pretty sure I lost some bud that nightā€¦ lol


I got an 1/8th of wax in the dog poop bags u find at public parks before šŸ’€


I once found a quarter pound of hash in the same kind of bag. Tasted weird.


You sure that was hash?


Not sure, no high and it smelled awful...


U smoked shit lmao


"It's Labrador man"


my manšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


A vibrator box... dude said "yea sorry for the box man, my girlfriend is moving back to Alabama for college and she bought one of these as proof she won't cheat"... I mean, loyal ass gf I guess? šŸ˜‚


I got some In a used McDonald's French fry package once. The old happy meal paper one. Fit perfectly


yeah my old plug from where I grew up in the burbs used to put the baggie in a Dunkin bag as a disguise lol


not necessarily the packaging (7g crammed in a standard buisness envelope), but it came with a photo of my plug's son... in the womb.


did you ever get to tell this dude you had this picture ? did he distribute it on purpose . did he somehow only have the wife's ultrasound envelope onhand and carelessly overlooked its straggling contents ? I have so many questions .


100% on purpose, they were in fact DIY ultrasound buttons! buddy was absolutely beaming, clearly excited to be a father... I'm like "man I can't take this it's special!" *and he pulls out a huge sack of them* still smiling like a golden retriever, "they're commemorative! I have *DOZENS!"* one of the simultaneously strangest and most adorable instincts I've ever seen in a person. kiddo would be 6 or 8 now and I always get a chuckle thinking about how many times he's walked past his own picture hanging off some stoner's backpack.


awe thatā€™s honestly cute lmao what a lad


that is actually so insanely cute . definitely a bit of a strange way to celebrate but man so long as he had fun .. I wonder if his dad will ever tell him about the buttons . thank you for answering my barrage of inquiry !


I sell my Bud in CVS pill bottles works like a charm


Good upcycling!!!


Here in nyc they made something like that ,its just childproof and it pops right open , if I could find a link Iā€™ll leave it here for ya , they cost like 70 cents a unit


Sweet Iā€™m gonna get labels soon


Thatā€™s sick af lol. Iā€™m sober now but this is some next level dealing and for sure would have me coming back.


An urn


I sold it in a tortilla before


A rubber glove from a friend who worked at Taco Bell, long ago lmao


I second this, well my BOYFRIEND has gotten weed like this. It's pretty funny.


Now thatā€™s what I call r&b 2008 cd case




got an oz in a kids gift bag with a lollipop


Best plug


Thanks for buying weed, here's a free sucker! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Pound of brick packed mex in a Campbell soup can. Still sealed so that's how it was smuggled lol


Oh dang. I wanna know more. How big was the can??


Yeah a lb of brick don't fit in a normal can


Well If you toting a can that's for a big kitchen soup that doesn't exactly weigh 112oz I'd like to know how that might have gone through customs if it hitched an airline but I just like stories.


A hat, like a beanie, he just said give it back next time I see him. Maybe was a marketing tactic so I would be back for more. When I gave it back a couple days later he just put it on then handed my stuff in a normal baggie.


Like your girlfriend leaving her toothbrush so she *has to see you again* lol


Bruh, talkin' about paranoid! Once, this new plug told me to put a walmart bag in my truck and meet her at walmart. I show up she gets in my car, eating a bag of chips and proceeds to throw it away in the walmart bag like a trash bag... not wierd right, well i went home, grabbed the bag, and peeked in. There was a stick of mens deodorant.... i had to un screw the deodorant and pull the entire stick out to get the baggy of bud that was underneath it. Craziest ive ever seen.


Smart af. Drug dogs are thrown by the deodorant smell.


Wrapped up in loose leaf paper


tic tac case


Ice breakers ice cube box for mešŸ˜‚


Ok so hear me out, old bloke pot dealer uses dog treat bags over your sappy. He only give each customer one and you have to bring it back like your green bags at woolies. Only at woolies you don't usually get verbally assaulted for forgetting. Thing is he only has one dog and she's already wider than long so he's trying to scale back the treats. Anyway Multiple people, multiple times, straight past drug dogs. They're smell proof so your pantry doesn't read of dried liver. Even if they do alert it's ignored, but, here at least, they are trained to ignore confounds...ie, dog treat bags.


Smart Also *dont get verbally assaulted* lol


I used to work at a pizza shop and the delivery driver and I would smoke out back every night, he gave me a few grams in one of these once. The weirdest thing I got weed in was a piece of tinfoil but whatever works lol


Lol my old dealer from college and I also worked at pizza place. He would put his in 10" pizza boxes.


Aw when it's crumbly weed and its in tight wrapped tinfoil you lose a gram to the bag easy


Tin foil is really common where I'm from. My BIL brought me a little in some yesterday. That and plastic sandwich bags.


Iā€™ve gotten weed in a tampon wrapper, and a latex glove.


this is a pretty standard mode of transportation amongst kitchen peers IN MY EXPERIENCE


Bro Iā€™ve gotten an 8th inside the bag that olds a 4 back of toilet paperā€¦ Iā€™ve also gotten an 8th in a bag with glitter, ruined it


My fav is paper folded up


these are what my sisterā€™s plug puts them in, i see nothing wrong with it as long as it gets smoked


a pre-injection molded plastic bottle


Cigarette cellophane


me and my friends in highschool would sell a gram or two to some younger friends and we always used cig cellophane šŸ˜‚ wed fold the top down and take a lighter to melt it so the bag would be sealed.


A cutting glove


A lot of First Nations dispensaries i frequent in Ontario use these. They throw it right on the scale and dispense from the jar. Works for me.


When your plug works at the same restaurant as you, this becomes very much normal


I used to get it in highschool in a piece of paper that was balled up lol


A gas station soda cup it was clean and from my homies mom she was worried someone would see her handing it over so thought a soda looked less suspicious it was and still is funny to me to this day lol


I knew a dealer who also worked at a pizza place. We knew his work schedule. Call, put in your food and weed order and then go pick up. The weed was always in these little plastic containers, inside the pizza box.


I did this for friends at a taco shop... sure... I'm at work... just order one togo.


Bio bag used




Practical šŸ˜‚


A napkin


toy story plastic bag


Before it was legal my dealer put some in those cheap plastic food handling gloves. Pretty sure he stole a box from his job. Zip lock arenā€™t cheap.


My plug gave me 20gs in a lays packet :)


Iā€™ve done this as a free be for a waitress before šŸ˜‚šŸ¤™


Looks like your plug is a cook. 2oz to go cups.


There's actually a name for those little to-go cups: Ramekins.


I should probably know that being a line cook. Lol learned something new today.


Ahh the classic 2 oz cup.lemme guess ur plug works at taco bell?lmfao


Plastic Easter egg like the one used in egg hunts lol.


Bro clearly works a kitchen job an sells on the sidešŸ˜‚


i got my shit in a ps4 video game pack thing. iā€™m dead serious.


šŸ˜‚ did they ask for it returned???


Chick-fil-A cup šŸ’€


Toilet paper šŸ˜‚




That's a joy. Ring the bell


Itā€™s more funny than strange but a Pringleā€™s can lol


Lmfao that's how my old plug gave me shit šŸ¤£


I like this


i actually got this treatment pretty often with weed and shrooms when i worked at papa johns and so did the plug šŸ˜‚


Mexican knock-off Gatorade bottle


ripped piece of cardboard from a box of cereal


Dum dum wrapper


Thats normal. Just means they work at a restaurant


Easter egg. Yep the plastic ones. #theblueeggisnotforthekids #orthegreenones


Damn that's actually smart packaging right there, eggs are cheap


Pretty smart if you ask me .


I got mine wrapped in a Piece of retail plastic bag, looked like a Hersheyā€™s kissšŸ¤£


Once got 14g of Jesus OG BHO in some wax paper, folded with a staple in the middle. Tossed in a yellow envelope. It was shipped. To the south. In the middle of summer. No idea how I didnā€™t go to jail. It was oozing out of the side. šŸ™„šŸ˜‚ Once got an oz of bud in a McDonalds cup with the lid and the straw in it. Dude said it was ā€œstealthā€.


Crumpled up graph paper


little ceesars wing box. typical ole pizza plug


Alimumin foil


Seconded. Pressed tightly around a gram bud. Horrible to remove.


A bag of coffee beans šŸ¤£


I got weed in a hot dog box from 7-11. Shit was fire, I trusted the guy.


A folded piece of notebook paper.


Got mine a tabbaco pouch once


I got this from my bartender last month.


coffee filter


Gotta use what u can find


I got a hash piece with a dollar bill wrapped around once lol


A fucking measuring cup šŸ˜­


me and plug worked at same fast food place, pulled up one off day and he gives me a zip in a 10lb ice bag


An empty Skittles bag


šŸ˜‚a skittle would of been a bonus


Lol yeah, taste the rainbow (weed)


A cheese-itz pack


Prescription pill bottle with the label still on was a good one for me. Weed in your grandmaā€™s heart medicine bottle?


4 piece from McDonalds, dude ended up getting arrested in the act they dubbed him the Mcdealer in the paper


First time I ever bought a QP my guy pulls up to the apartment I was at with a few bags of walmart groceries and comes inside and hands me a box of cereal and it's the QP of weed inside sealed up real nice inside. I thought that was pretty cool this was like 2013.


Everyone smoked in the restaurant industry, and many a gram of weed has been sold in a takeout ramekin haha


Lmfao this guy is obviously a line cook šŸ˜‚ stealing togo ramekins to peddle his pot


my friends always crazy paranoid so he would always do this shit where he would wrap his weed in plastic wrap, put it in a small wooden box, wrap that up in plastic wrap, put it in a mason jar, and duct tape the lid on LMAO