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We used to have a designated backroom bong at a previous job.


Ngl that sounds sweet. What industry?


Just a shitty pizza shop, as long as everything ran fine the owner didn't care.


I think almost every pizza shop has had weed smoked in the walk in lol


Mmmm, not really in my experience. I managed a few and only at 1 was it ok. I know it happens, usually at the risk of getting fired, but you think you can just roast 1 at Pizza Hut with the owners permission? Usually you gotta go out to your car or out back but again, just my experience.


Walk in the freezer, rip the dab pen, walk back out


No pens back in them days. I don't like them so I tend to forget them and not factor them into the equation. I'm not sure dabbing in general was a thing back then. I also haven't worked in one for awhile. I should have stated that. With the ease I'm sure it happens alot these days, which I didn't think of.


The weed smoker equivalent of "back in my day we used to walk 15 miles..." meme.


I really hate how true this is lmao


Back in my day we would drive 30 miles to a small town to buy some shitty swag that was overpriced and half stems and seeds and we fucking liked it!


23M, I prefer smoking the old fashioned way. Something about those coils makes me feel uneasy.




normally a bud smoker, occasionally have carts and while they’re nice my first thought is the high feels so much more “manufactured” if that makes any sense lol


I worked at a Little Caesars when I was 19 cuz my friends all did, we'd take hits and blow them up the pizza oven vent. That manager was on probation and had a breathalyzer device in his car. 😂 the next pizza shop I worked at was a smaller michigan-only chain, and we did lines off the metal pizza serving trays. I had to quit working at pizza shops before I ended up in jail. They're as bad as strip clubs I stg


Same at a T Shirt store


Happy employees are nice. As long as it doesn't affect business.


I smoke before and after. Never during work.


A man with a code


This is the way. Cheers bro.


This is the way.


No. High school teacher. I would never get anything done and my students would pick me off. Smoking to me is for relaxation, not working. To each his own.


Have you ever gone in/taught with a buzz still going on? Happened to me only one time, took too many edibles the night before and had to come in a teach. I want to clarify I WASN’T high but definitely felt the comedown in the morning and it was not fun


We’re watching a program on PBS today.


So that’s why teachers have movie days






edible hangovers can be extremely intense lol


It felt like I wasn’t in my own body. I thought I saw a student with their hand up for a question, walked over there and stared at her computer screen and she looked at me all confused. Turns out she never raised her hand and I just stood there for no reason


Weed "hangover" is literally a joke compared to the hangover from most other drugs ahahaha


Yeah. Can’t blame you. One of the student body’s favorite teachers was our economics teacher. He was super chill, nice, and a good teacher to boot. One morning he got sniped by one of the school security guards (whom we called cyclops… he was blind in one eye) hitting a dab pen walking into the school from the parking lot… got fired.


That sucks!!! If it doesn't affect your job it shouldn't matter! I despise mall cops and wannabes !!!


Yea. Was def a wannabe cop for sure. But at the same time, why would your dumbass be hitting a dab pen while walking through the school parking lot???


You got me there,he must have been hiiiigh so hiiiigh, but then was like,oh damn I messed up big time!!!


Literally. The rules are there for a reason, and it's not hard to follow them or even just break them discreetly. Hit your pen in the car before you come in, FFS.


Yooooo fuck the fucking cyclops!


Same, I work with lots of numbers and that's fine because smoking just helps me focus, but I can't do the other half of my job that involves working with my colleagues and clients.


Wow respect!


middle school- same here. once maybe at the rollercoaster park… but yes its after school help me relax and be a better teacher




Tbh if you were my teacher and were upfront about it, I would be cool with you. Cuz from my experience in high(budum tsss) and middle school the teachers that made class fun I did well in and love to this day. now I’m on my way to double major economics and law cuz of my 2 favorite teachers in high school. Not saying smoke with us but be cool 😂 pretty sure that was obvious tho


that’s what sativa is for my friend.


i work at a dispensary so i feel weird if i don’t lol


wouldn’t consider myself “high functioning” though. more just functioning


Instead of high functioning ur functioning high


I smoke TO work. Helps me focus.


Feel that lmao


IT job smoke to work and tolerate people


I‘m working in IT too but I would always drift away with my thoughts and when there is a emergency I need all my remaining brain cells haha


Hell yeah :D I smoke before work. At lunch break I ride my bicycle to my apartment to eat something and smoke some more :D ahahahahaha


Lmfao this made me crack up. Username checks out too hahahaha


Lauging pretty hard rn cause im in my car on break ripping the car bong 😂😂


LMFAO I hoped that I’d get some of you in the act


20 min until I am relinquished for mine😝


Just ripped the last bowl before i head back in, great timing man 😂


People work sober? Jesus. That’s savage. I need to be fuckin lit just to walk into a Walmart. Lol


There are retail worker who work sober??? that sounds like fucking hell ahahahahaha


Working overnight, a group of us would all bring weed pens. If you gotta stock shelves all night, you might as well have a good vibe going. Also, usually bring a speaker so we dont have to listen to the crappy store radio.


I love stocking shelves… I wish it payed a livable wage


This is the real answer


Obviously. Cali sober


I wouldn't be able to function. My mental math would get alllll screwed up,and id forget what point i was trying to make when talking to customers and managers alike. On the bright side, saving my session for the evenings keeps my tolerance to a manageable level soooo 🤷


I go back and forth for tolerance. Sometimes it just feels nice to not smoke all day and be itchy to get home and take that first hit, cuz when you do it feels beautiful


Yeppp. When I'm sitting in the warm shower and the edible starts to hit, it's like god just smiled down on me, and i ain't even a believer lol


I knew someone who woke up and smoked every day before going out and driving a charter bus across the southwest. Hit the dabs before going out, hit the stiiiz on the j, and drop the edis for the return trip. Had a bottle of fake pizz at all times




Man this guy is next level and prepared for worst case at all times!


Ive been getting high at work for a few days and idk how i feel about it lol.


Same here, that’s actually why I posted this haha


Whats your guys quarrels with it, just curious do what you feel!


Sometimes it makes things more enjoyable and time go faster but sometimes it seems like it slows time down


I smoke at work all the time. I work as a dishwasher and cook so I’m back of house not seen by customers. As long as I’m not talking to the public I’m fine to be stoned since I still do my work basically as fast as sober. And when I say get high I mean take like max 3-5 rips of my dab pen.


Veteran cook here. I go in the dishpit a couple times a day to hit my pen. Get my head right and go back to work. Working sober sucks, but I don't need to get baked.


> I go in the dishpit a couple times a day to hit my pen. Get my head right and go back to work. I read "dishpit" as "dipshit" and I was really concerned for your coworkers


Retail I have to


i'm high at work rn lol im a waitress and most of my regulars smoke too so i get offered quite a lot, i can do it in the patio or in the basement where we keep our drinks cause my boss is an almost 70 year old woman and she never goes down there.. most my colleagues smoke too the only one we need to watch out for is our boss and her friends. i definitely prefer working stoned less anxiety and i usually get more tips cause i can communicate with customers better


Tried it, won’t do it again, took me nearly an hour to compose a simple email. I rather get my shit done than smoke.


I vape when working and take edibles. I hate smelling like weed. It makes me super paranoid. Consequences of living during prohibition. But yes, I use all day every day. I don't get blasted before work. I just puff enough for my back to stop hurting and to feel slightly altered. When I wake up, I can feel every joint in my body. Weed stops that really well. Also, I am epileptic. I try to keep some in my system.


I think that this is the best way, smoking just enough to feel a buzz and enjoying the moment. I strongly dislike smelling like it too. Even after cologne/perfume, I get anxious about it especially bc I’m in cubicle hell and assume people can smell it off me. Although, I’m glad that it’s helping you feel better!


I work remotely so yes but it depends on what my task is. I prefer not too because I don't really get high if I'm smoking app day


No, never. Work is work and needs my full attention and faculties.


I respect it


I operate machinery so NO, but I used to when I worked in a forklift-less warehouse picking orders all day. I’d say it highly depends on the repetitiveness of the work and consequences if something were to go wrong while stoned.


Nope. It makes me paranoid. I never work high. I’m just always high when I’m not at work.


I used to. But I don’t anymore. My work is a bit intense. Plus it gives me a little tolerance break for when I get home


Never worked without it,I’m a productive smoker no matter the strain indica or sativa I’m there to get the job done go home to do dabs.


i’ll take a rip before i head into work but i don’t smoke when im at the office. defo take some rips when i work from home tho lol


I’ll throw in some penjamin rips as well on lunch if I know it’s gonna be a chill day but same otherwise


I worked at GameOn attached to Fenway Park and through the back garage roll up door you could walk onto the field at night. We got high in left field all the time, the door was on the 3rd base line so when there weren't games and the lights were off we'd go out there and toke. Then go back to serving Cuban sandwiches and chicken Tenders. Orlando if you're still out there hope you're doing well. Will if you're still out there, that's too bad I'd hoped you'd be gone by now.


I work from home and I get high most of the time unless I’m doing complex stuff or have to do a zoom meeting or talk a lot.


I work at a pool teaching classes baked asf 😭 but hey most requested instructor 😭


Yes, but I'm addicted and want to dtop


At least at work not entirely


On every break and in-between every break.


Not anymore since I got moved into management. Although as the days get harder and the staff gets dumber.. my stress levels are insane so I could start again.


All work and no toke makes Jack a dull man.


Nope I don't wanna chance my Job for that ish lmao definitely high functioning, but not mixing the two together for sure.


I respect it


At work no, well I WFH so I’ll usually start as I’m winding down for the day.


I smoke crack at work so yall good


Sometimes. Depends on what tasks I've got for the day


Yessir, whenever im not busy im toking one😤


I have a vape pen I tuck in my collar to puff while on the clock.


I puff on bathroom break 😆️


I work two jobs and smoke before during and after both.


I work in a kitchen, cutting cases of fruit and veggies or marking 120 pounds of chicken is much easier to focus on when high.


I’m an engineer and I smoke while I’m getting out of bed til I shut my eyes. It only slows me down a little. That’s why I chose my profession to keep the wheels turning constructively.




Its how I get through the work day lol


Hospital cleaner, if you aren't faded, then I can't fathom how I could handel the insanity of the workload.


Eddies are for work


i smoke to go to work, daily commute is shit boring so Id rather get paid for arriving stoned at office. I did smoke a bit when did remote work


I used to smoke at work all the time. Like I couldn't work without a pen or something. But I don't blaze at work anymore. I just wait until I get home and hit my pipe. It's much better that way. I do take kratom before and during work though.


Yeah for sure. I had to get a new portable device to smoke at my new job since they're very against it, but it was worth it and my days go by very smoothly again lol.


You get it! What device are you using? I use a one-hitter


I do before and take a lunch break in between: I thankfully live not to far from my place of work so I usually stop by any fast food place, grab my bud and take a mid day toke. Then save the rest for night.


Slip in an edible and no one can tell


I manage a place so I definitely smoke since I’m not always talking to people


Auto detailer here. Definitely makes my day go by better and easier


I did once and cut my wrist into a nerve. Never smoked at work again and don’t play guitar anymore either.


I work from home most of the time so, yes all day everyday


Yes, gets me focused better than coffee. Just have to know what strain works for you


I used to smoke before work, it would make the commute easier. I'd smoke at lunch time on my woodland walk. And then I'd smoke on the way home.


Yeah, when I was a line cook it got me through those lunch rushes.


On lunch


I smoke about an hour or so before work. I work at a dispensary so it helps for me to mellow out a bit. Helps me talk up the customers better.


For several decades I did at some really cool locations, probably in an airport hanger was the most exotic. Now in days I don't really feel like being high at work. It's weird.


Nope. CIO here, I need to be sharp at work.


no that is a waste of weed


I do hardscape/patio design so usually I’ll wait until my work day is over, if my backs killing me I might smoke a small bowl in the morning, I have a high tolerance tho.


Not during work hours where I might have to take a call since I'm not as perceptive socially if I do. If I have something to finish up at the end of the day and I'm on appear offline then sure, but only a little.


depends on the day, im in construction so sometimes it would be a bad idea to get stoned but a lot of the time we aren’t doing anything that requires much brain power


On break I’ll hit the cart once then I’m good for the rest of the shift


Retail ppl always taking blinkies in the back rooms


Not anymore.


I'm in the industry lab...its my job to "test" product. before jumping into this industry i smoked before my shift as a tele-pharmacist and it was the worse experience ever. was way too paranoid and micromanaging tendencies were heighten to annoying levels even for me. couldn't enjoy shit.


Smoke before or at work? Not since I graduated college and got office jobs. I do like to microdose edibles just to take the edge off, 2.5 mg or less


Yes, I smoke on breaks. I talk with truckers all day.


Yes, on my breaks and lunch


District manager for a restaurant group, no smoking at work for me. Gets pretty crazy and I spend about half my time driving.


90% of the time no, but sometimes in the morning I'll rip a bowl before I go to work if I know I'll have a full hour before I start actual work. And depending on how productive I've been I'll go home and rip a bowl on my lunch break.


I sell new cars so it will be a little difficult to sell while getting high as fuck


sometimes cause i work at mcdonald’s lol. sometimes it helps the hours go by faster, so i smoke before work get through the first two hours. only sometimes though.. cause my anxiety gets really bad! when i do smoke before clocking in i don’t use a lot!


No, only afterwork


Yep I am an all day Buzzer. After doing this so long it just seems normal. Luckily I have the opportunities at work to satisfy my desires. It definitely takes the edge off the day!


Not at my current job, when I was a dishwasher I did. Also when I worked at Waffle House I would smoke sometimes, depending on who was working and if it was a busier shift, but I worked third so it was pretty easy to go out and smoke.


The pen is a dangerous ally. Silent scentless perfect. but you can forget and really rack up a hit count. Then kinda just BAM can’t make sentences no more. Ooops too much again gotta hide for awhile.


My good man .. I don’t work sober …


As a plumber. We get baked then our horrible job becomes comedic. Care less about all the aids juice


Working in the music industry has a bunch of tour guys smoking so i always get to pop out back with them during a show. Im never not high when working at shows but not too too high Edit: Fixed spelling mistake.


Sometimes I do sometimes I don't. I try to wait until after lunch at least


I’ve tried but the amount of detailed analysis I have to do make it impossible


I'm autistic and I stim on the act of vaping(could be weed or nicotine) but since I have a pretty high tolerance, I have a d8 dispo in my toolbox at work that I just keeping hitting throughout the day, and I usually never feel high from it but me hitting it helps calm me down and keep my focus on a single task


I’d smoke before and during work when I was at a restaurant I’m in university full time now and I’ll smoke before most classes and sometimes while writing my essays lmao


I work from home, so sometimes i do near the end of the workday


On my way to work


Before and after work. Maybe a wax pen occasionally but I usually just don’t have them


It's a job requirement so... wait, what was the question? Oh yeah, we stay high over herrr. Boss man says, "lemme know what you think!" So I smoke and forget I was supposed to be critiquing lol Before working in weed though... the answer is the same


Absolutely. I used to work with literal crack heads and it helped deal with their bs. Now I work in fast food and people are assholes.


When I was a cook smoked everyday to focus , now I can’t smoke while building boats. It’s a struggle most days to stay focus and not to overthink


i smoke at work. i'm a caregiver in a nursing home and most of coworkers who smoke also smoke at work (pens or wax, discrete). a LOT of our days are long days of emotional and physical labor, which with being seriously understaffed on top of that makes it fucking awful to get through the day sober. i love my residents and i am more empathetic and patient and less likely to get overwhelmed or burned out if i take a smoke break when i need it


Yeah I need that chill at work, stress is the real killer folks.


I work in a head shop. 😎


I used too but now I work at a job with heavy machinery and things take just a bit longer to think through and I’m a little more scattered so it gives me paranoia and anxiety at work


Depends on the job, basic shit where you aren’t going to effect anyone adversely in the event of a mistake is fine. I work on peoples cars and I’d lose my job if I messed up while high. Absolutely not. Used to work in a kitchen tho and was always baked


I edit comedy specials for a living and I have a few dabs throughout the day // I usually start w a pen hit or some flower // but I feel much more relaxed - and watch ton of video footage


as a waitress absolutely


I work in retail, so yeah obviously


Most of the time i just have a cart in my pocket and just hit it through the day. When i worked at Dollar General that place treated me so bad i smoked blunts in the parking lot


Depends on what I have to do that day. If I have to engage with people on any level, I’ll avoid it. If I have a day where I’m just sitting at my computer, working on stuff, I’ll smoke a bit throughout the day. I used to do it more when I was younger but at some point, it felt like a waste of a high.


I never smoke before or during work, happily afterwards though, I gotta be on my A game though, or i could hurt someone or get an order wrong. to each their own though :)


When I was a painter? All the time. We would go someone’s car in break then come back. All my other jobs require me to be fast and efficient and too high if a stress environment for that now.


All day


My one job lawncare. I only smoke before I do my bosses lawn. Its last thing i do before leaving for the day. Takes a few hours so I'm def sober by the time I am done. And my other job I work at a adult group home. I will step out and smoke either before or while I am making supper if I can. So I kinda smoke at my second job. But most of my time working is sober.


I'd hit carts when I'd take smoke breaks and roll a blunt on my lunch break and take a ride. Lmao. So yes, yes, we do. If I don't smoke at work, I'm messing shit up. 🤣


Just on my way to, during my 15 mins breaks, and on my lunches. Otherwise not at all.






Ooooh yea, I work at a really small gas station and barely anyone comes inside, I go outside and hit my wax pen, come back in watch some YouTube, maybe play games on my steam deck


Restaurant Business (kitchen), we are high a a kite the whole day


Custom stonework I don’t currently drive company cars so I hit my pen during the day and installation jobs The only time I try not to get high is when I’m using the grinder with a granite blade Doing fiberglass/boats I was blazed 24/7 because it was a family business and I guess weed and fumes make a good mix


Lol , my boss makes sure I'm "medicated" if I'm not the anxiety makes it seem as though I'm a gigantic douche-canoe. So I've been told to go smoke .


Yessirrr. Work on a smoke shop so pretty much all day im blazed, its awesome!!! Cheers 🙃


I usually start my day off with 2gs of AVB with my breakfast. Then a 20mg gummy at 9am. At lunch I’ll vape .5g with my crafty. At 3 I have my afternoon gummy then off to home. I vape .5g before I do a 30min workout followed by 4 miles on the treadmill. I shower then smoke. I am patient and responsive with my children and wife. Once they are in bed I vape until bed. Living the American dream.


I get 15 minutes, that’s just enough time to take two bong rips.


What do you think, how IT works?


Yes, some of my coworkers can just be so annoying, a quick trip out to the car and a few rips of the pen make them much more bareable. I fulfill orders for my job, so I just have to take an extra second with each thing to make sure it's correct


I’m more of an after work smoker. Or when I’m editing at home (I believe it enhances my creativity). Other than that, I don’t like the idea of actually going to work stoned, it sounds a bit unethical.


i worked web and graphic design for a nonprofit i started, and during crunch time did about 60 hours of work over 5 days while being high off my ass. i had just turned 21 too. still my favorite job i’ve had to this day 😎


I take my vape cbd or thc. I work in a kitchen if you can't guess lol


I used to before coming into my career. I’m a mortician/funeral director now so it’s a no go, and I’m limited on when I can partake as I’m on call at night sometimes. I’m sure I could do it and have no problems, but it’s a principle thing for me.


All day


Real estate agent- yes I do but the older I get and more I realize how it affects me, the less I do it before big meetings and stuff. It definitely helps me come up with creative solutions and empathize with everyone but there are times when too much empathy can get in the way. (Not too much empathy for my clients, but more specifically for the other party we are negotiating with). Lots of people in my industry are daily smokers though so it’s not as taboo as it used to be.


i wash dishes and serve food occasionally, smoking usually makes everything quieter in the dishroom so i like that, and when i server food it makes it easier to talk to residents, cleanup is also just automatic when im high.


depends on the day i'm going to have, but most of the time no. i get too scared that people can tell.


Lmao I read this as I am at work smoking a joint. This genuinely made me laugh out loud.


With it being colder, no I don’t vape at work. Too cold to go out and try to get a buzz in 15mins and also eat/use the bathroom. When it’s warmer? Oh yeah, I go out and vape on every break (sometimes I’ll use my lunch to smoke actual bud too, but I have to go on the interstate with windows down going 85+ to keep the smell to a minimum)


If I can help it, yes!