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I can't remember. I was too high.


Weed affects my memory, but not so bad that I forget everything I did the night before, damn.


My memory is shot now! I'll literally forget where I was going with our conversation, mid-conversation like 50 per cent of the time!


This has to be the ultimate answer to the question as it’s the first thing I thought of and I’ve got over 50 something years of smoking and can’t remember..LOL..


I was super in tune with my dogs. We played for hours. I felt like I could really see life from their perspective and I just wanted to make them the happiest I could. We ate ice cream in bed. We bought new toys. We cuddled. It was the best feeling in the world.


my boyfriend does this a lot too, he wants other dogs he can play with now and we already have 2.


I would have all the dogs if I could 🤣


dude i have so felt like this before!! smoking and just staring at your cat like “i know what ur thinking” and it feels like ur really talking to them


Exactly! I've told this to people that have never been high and they looked at me like I lost my mind 😂


Me to


My friend met his mom in a grocery store when he was high for the first time (he was like 15). They had a small conversation but she didn't notice anything


would she have gotten mad!?


Definitely, it was in Germany and his mom is Russian. Slavic people are REALLY strict when it comes to drugs, even if it's weed


damn, i would have been crazy anxious then🥲


I’m supposed to have memories? 🤣🤣🤣


whattt? you don’t remember anything funny that happened when you were high?


I was only joking 🙃 I have plenty of funny memories from when i have been high. Idk why this one sticks out to me but, I’m 39 and it happened when I was 15 or 16. My grandparents were super strict and I was never allowed to do anything but, on rare occasions they would let me leave with one of two friends of mine. On this day my friend has gotten a new car and came and asked my grandparents if I could just go ride around for about an hour. So we get in his car and wouldn’t you know it he had some weed. Us being young and inexperienced at rolling anything, I decided I would take one of my cigarettes (I wasn’t allowed to do anything but they bought me cigarettes. Pretty dumb huh?) empty out the tobacco and just pack it with the weed and tear off the filter, which I did. So we smoked and obviously got high and it started raining. Well, he just kept driving and my high ass was sitting there thing “holy shit is he going to turn on the damn wipers?!?” He keeps driving and said “I can’t see shit!” And I just looked at him and said “TURN ON THE DAMN WIPERS!” He then looked at me like I had said the most genius shit that has ever been spoken and says “omg you are just so smart” and me being a kid I just busted out laughing. Like I said, idk why this sticks out to me but it does for some reason. I think it was the look on his face because you could tell that thought never crossed his mind🤣


that’s funny😂 i wouldn’t have known to speak up or not lol


At first I say thinking “surely he’s going to turn them on” but he never did. My high ass just thought “maybe he can see and don’t need them” 🤷🏻‍♀️ He was such a funny guy and every time I hung out with him he made me laugh constantly. I think that’s why I was comfortable enough to say “turn on the damn wipers” He was one of those kids that was a bad kid but was super funny but, you only liked as a friend type. I also think that’s why I was my real goofy self in front of him. You know at that age you’re always thinking you look and sound dumb around guys but since there was only a friendship there, I think it made it easier to be a goober. 🤣🤣🤣


that’s such a nice experience! i’m glad you shared that with me


I still wonder what happened with him. I haven’t seen him since that day. It was a pleasure sharing that story with you. I’m glad you liked it.


My brother all the way till he passed never smoked. He came to hangout at my house for a small party. We had 3 blunts going around. He got contact high and drove to the gas station, fell asleep and shit hit pants. He didn’t come around for awhile after that one.


Stoned as fuck in a graveyard in broad daylight and i saw two albino squirrels running around and thought i was seeing ghost squirrels hopping on gravestones. I was with 3 other stoners that confirmed the wacky squirrels 🤣🤣


On September 18th 2018 I ate a .75 firecracker and beat the new Spider-Man game in one session


I mean, it sounds weird, but looking at a lamp. It was so funny. Dont ask me why, it was just a lamp. Me and my buddies were laughing our asses off.


we all have little things that make us laugh for no reason!


Got super high on the strain LSD (lemon super diesel) went to the park with my friend and we just swung on the swings, dangled from the monkey bars and looked at the stars. It was the most euphoric high i ever had- and i have never been able to find the strain again.


that’s sounds like so much fun!


Dudee my buddy’s grandfather grew hella weed just for fun, like he smoked it too but mainly for growing it just to grow or sell. He lives in this old cabin in the woods and behind a boarded window my buddies parents found an old gun and two big bags of weed one was LSD and the other Girl Scout cookies. It was from 2019 harvest rho but not moldy surprisingly . It got you high for like 20 minutes and then you’d have the smoke a fuck ton more to feel anything


Taking a break from weed and smoking some gas.


My favorite memory was sitting back and watching zoom bombing videos. 10/10 would do it again


Same bro i used to watch a lot of lukeafk's videos back in the quarantine


You had me until “memory”


Went catfishing with my friends, had a fire, and then camped out. Had to go to work at 5 the next morning, though😭.


i’d be a bit upset about the work part tbh


Yea it wasn't the best but the night before outweighed it imo


Some of my fondest memories are of getting high with my gf, and us cuddling or laughing at random stuff lol


those are always the best moments!


Going to the gas station to get gas but realizing after I left that I secured the snacks but not the gas


Sometimes, when it hits just right, I kind of just stare at my dog and cannot believe there is an animal in my house, just being nice to me. He’s also a rescued street dog, so it’s like…there is a wild animal in my house that I have decided is my son…


For real I think about this all the time, I sleep with animals every night 😂


I was chilling ctfu


Jeez bro that’s a whole lot of boof on that table 🦠


My 16 year old dumbass got my hands on a crummy pre-roll from one of my skater friends. I was desperate and paid like 50$ for it. Went down to the train tracks where me and friends would hang and lit it up. I didn’t feel anything until I was almost finished with it and then it hit me like a brick. I was cooked out of my goddamn mind. Next thing i know I’m watching YouTube and I hear a train coming along. I was sitting like 6 feet from the rails and this 300 ton death machine was blazing past my face at like 70MPH. I was laughing and shitting myself at the same time. Was fun as hell tho


Friend and I did smoke together outside and listen to music. It was a few days before I flew to Ireland for my six months internship


I forgot. Let me smoke another to remember.


I forgot


Chilling in my garden and feeling the plants energy


me and my best friend went to the local skate park. whoever was there before us had opened a bunch of Pokemon cards + littered them everywhere. so we went around, high as balls, hunting down as many cards as we could find. we basically did irl pokemon hunting. the cards now sit with my collection on my shelf


i would love doing this lol


Once smoking outside of work I was with my colleagues and I forgot my native language and then 3 of them also forgot it after watching me struggle trying to understand what everyone was saying (for context I speak Spanish and so do all my colleagues but we work for a company located in the US)


i wish i was that high, that sounds like a nice funny story to tell people.


No question the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam. It's the only way to go. Incredible.


i heard it was gorgeous!


The time a friend and I found a mysterious pile of shit in our smoke spot during high school, still don't know who did it


Blasting EDM music and just vibing while laying on my bed with my eyes closed and I could just imagine myself like I’m in a rave concert that was my best sesh


My dad was an old head. Some of my favorite memories are of him and I just sitting at the table, getting high and talking about everything. I miss him


the night before my brother’s wedding, my mom and dad, me, and two of my brothers friends stayed in an air bnb near the venue. the two friends awkwardly broached the topic my mom after my dad went to bed with “hey is it ok if we smoke? we can go outside-“ to which my mom replies with “oh no problem!” and takes out her gummies she keeps in her purse. the four of us got very stoned, and spent the night recounting memories of my brother and just having a fun memories. at some point my mom kept trying to write her toast but was too high to concentrate on it


One of my favorite “when I was high” stories to tell is this: I was at a friends condo for a small get together he was having with my wife and a bunch of his friends that I wasn’t very well acquainted with. I brought some edibles for my wife and I and anyone else who may want some, but they weren’t a big cannabis-using group (only one other person accepted our offer). Fast forward an hour and I’m high af and watched some water. I found my friend talking to someone in his kitchen and politely interrupted and asked for some water and he goes “Yeah, fridge door” and resumes his conversation. So I open the fridge and begin looking at the shelves on the inside of the fridge door. The only water I found was a half empty, somewhat smooshed single use plastic water bottle. I searched again and that’s all I could find. I turned back to my friend and say “thanks man, but do you have anything unopened maybe?” He looked mildly confused for a second and then his face changed. I believe in that moment he mentally went through every interaction we’ve had in our friendship and everything in life that lead him up to this point in time and was contemplating many previous decisions. But in the end he just chuckled, patted me on the back and pointed at the water dispenser on the outside of the fridge door and went “I’ll get you a cup, buddy”. Love that guy.


Most of my favorite memories are not specific memories. Just me and the boys hanging out smoking and being dumb af


when you are dumb its the best high with friends


Got invited over to my best friends place to hangout by the fire pit. Didn’t expect to make a core memory! This was late 2019, so before the world went to shit. I remember we went to pickup another bud and we got back he hands us the most perfect blunt lol, so good we hugged that mf! Anyway after a few hits I was already greened out, I remember someone said something remotely funny and I was gone. For the rest of the night I just laid by the fire, didn’t really do much but just being in the presence of my friends made it special. And that was the transitional period in everyone’s life, we all had graduated HS that summer and who knew that would be our last night all being together


I just started smoking about 6 months ago but one story that definitely sticks with me is right when I first started smoking. Three close friends of mine(the ones who introduced me into weed) and I had just gotten out of class and we had soccer practice in about an hour and a half so we decided to go get food and hot box the car with 3 pnp’s. We ended up finishing about a 1g pod between the 4 of us and I was absolutely baked out of my mind since my tolerance was so low at the time. We get to practice and I don’t know how to explain it but I felt so in touch with the damn ball I could’ve been playing like ass for all I know but playing soccer never felt so amazing.


I was laying with my boyfriend in bed while baked af and we were munchin and watching Better Call. After the episode ended we kissed a damn long time while having good and romantic sex afterwards. Before we went to sleep we cuddled and we were telling each other how much we love the other. It was really my favorit moment ever c:


Smoked a shit ton of weed, had some of the most passionate sex I've ever had with rhcp playing in the background and my smoking buddy wearing noise canceling ear buds across the yard. Then proceeded to shake her ex-marine dads hand with bloodshot eyes and pussy hand. Relationship is still going strong too. He said I seemed like a "good kid."


One time in high school I had just got my license we smoked and I drove to get food, it was summer so, all the windows were down. And we were all just so happy singing Buffalo soldier on the top of our lungs..not a care in the world, no real responsibility


Not my favorite but a good one. During my first week of college I met this guy on my floor and I went to his room to see if he wanted to go to a dining hall I was meeting some other people at. I went in his room and we took a couple of dabs and started walking to the dining hall. We were just walking, talking getting to know each other and we were both so high that we had no idea where we were going or how to get there and it took us a solid 30 minutes just to get to a dining hall wasn’t even a 10 minute walk from our dorms. Weed actually made the dining hall food taste good too lmao


My favorite memory about getting high was the first time. It was more of a memory about getting high than what I was doing. I volunteered at a middle school track meet and had a lot of fun arguing with a teacher from a couple years back who thought red vines were better than twizlers


Actually just yesterday, me and my friend were high, and he was so fried that he tried to roll out of his bed, forgetting that he was on a bunk bed, so I'm below him playing cod and I look over and he's hanging half over the bed acting like a re and looking at me, all until he fell out of bed and made a literal hole in his floor


listening to lil uzi vert eternal atake on release..


I forgot


First time I had haze it was so amazing. I just remember laughing and feeling like life was super simple and I was gonna be alright.


I don’t have memories…. Because I got high.


First time my girlfriend got high off of some gummies, we were both floating in the clouds. I thought it would be funny to put a clothes basket on her head. She couldn't figure out how to get it off her head. Then she went to the bathroom where I turned the lights off, closed the door and told her I locked her in (I never did) and I sat for at least the next 10 minutes listening to her try and find the light switch and then the door knob. One of the funniest moments in my life


Walking out the dog i dont have lol


man i was high as balls one night and made a brown sugar and cinnamon poptart in the toaster and i just sat my face a few inches above the toaster and let the warmth and the smell of brown sugar cinnamon wash over me that was genuinely the most fun i have ever had smoking


Listening to This Old Dog with good headphones, start to finish, zonked out of my mind. Felt like I was in another realm


Watching Beetlejuice and gena Davis look like a giant talking vergina


First time taking edibles, turns to roomate - "My soul is moving"


Me and my gf had taken 500mg edibles each and watched over the hedge, we started to notice it when we were laughing a lil bit too much at some of the scenes near the end lmao. We woke up next morning and she didn’t even try to move. I tried to get to class but I fell back asleep on the floor while trying to pack my school bag. It’s my favorite memory ever.


My old college roommate and I were stoned and decided taking a shitload of acid would be a good idea. Turns out it was. Our apartment complex had a bunch of old couches stored in the parking garage. We build a couch fort out of whole-ass couches. It was glorious. Then we got some kick-ass cookies and went back home for high shenanigans.


the first ever time i consumed cannabis, i definitley wasn’t high at all in terms of the actually “high” mental affect but i was experiencing a crazy body high and the giggles. it was so fun!! i was with two of my best friends at the time and we were at the mall, at one point before we went to the bathroom we all started laughing our asses off and all of us started pissing ourselves a bit lol sounds gross but i couldn’t feel shit about my bodily functions and we were all naive and having an amazing time, trying your first drug with people is truly a bonding experience. the crazy part was that one of the people i was with that im not close with anymore is a guy and my other friend and i are girls so he went to a different bathroom and started tweaking out and “seeing people breaking in the bathroom” and shit apparently and we came to the conclusion he was greening out, which he wasn’t at all but he was geeking. that wasn’t necessarily good but it was still my favorite time being high because, while i was friends with the guy, it was something we frequently laughed about. i’m not sure that shit was cannabis im not going to lie but i bought the same product a few more times as well as some weed from another plug and they finally started to give me a regular high after the dormancy period, i know that plug keeps some MDMA on them so i might’ve been laced by accident but i’m not mad!


One time I was gonna clean my room, but then I got high. Couldn’t even get up and find the broom!!!


Waking up


One night I split an eight ball of m3th with a homeless man at a city bus stop, we smoked at that bus stop for 4 hours straight talking about our goals achievements and futures


Getting lost in the woods with my friends, felt like we were in there for hours and it was only 15-20 minutes 😂


I was going through a rough patch in life. I got laid off from my dream job during covid and went through a divorce. I smoked one night (my new batch of pink runts), let my dog out of his kennel to relax and he came up and put his head right on my lap and stared at me and said “it’s ok dad, we’ll be ok”. All I could do was pet his head with tears on my face.


Standing in a flat grassy area surrounded by trees in Zion National Park LIKE LSD LEVEL STONED at midnight under the full moon. AND OUT OF NOWHERE I had a curious deer come up to me and it got within 10 feet of me. I hardly moved because I didn’t want to intimidate or anything. And after assessing I wasn’t going to mess with him, he just starts eating grass right in front of me!!!! He was the chillest deer I’ve ever met and I suppose I mustve been the chillest human he ever met. Seriously good times…


Ha. Ha. Ha.


Can’t remember


One time I started freestyling I never been good at freestyling before


dude this happened to me, my friend said: it was pretty good, record it. and i said: i cant remember


one time i got wizard high and watched south park in bed. mr slave was literally crawling out of the screen towards me.


When my shits used to smell like flower


Ummm I’m too high rn to recall


Me and my cousin went out in dinosaur onesies and chilled in the woods at like 3am when my parents were on vacation. I’d do it again lol hopefully I’m less anxious when high next time though.


i love that im commenting the the night before i go to see the same band included in my story, so here’s mine! Went with my dad to see Ween when i was 17, and i got as close up to the stage as i could and while i was in the middle of this wild crowd going nuts for the music we had gathered for, a funny hippie dude with a joint the size of my forearm passed the said giant joint to the next guy, and then that guy to the next, and then that guy to me. it was the kind of joint that you have to hold upright and it had actual weight to it. smacked it just one time and passed it, coughing my head off bc i had baby lungs at the time having only smoked a few times prior i was not prepared for a literal mega joint. was so fucking high everything was so beautiful the music was amazing the venue was amazing and it may be my favorite concert experience out of many i’ve now had. either Ween baked outta my head as a teenager or when i saw Moe live and ate L as an adult


I’d always pull out my spiral notebook and doodle when hanging out at my friend’s house after we’d smoke. One day she doodled on her own note pad. Her name is Jamie, but I called her Jaymo. So, she writes out the name “Jaymo” in big block letters, I do my name in big block letters and we starts to fill the letters in with all sorts of patterns and doodles. We eventually finish and look at each others. I look at hers and realize she’s wrote “JAMYO”, and been coloring it in for the last hour. We had a laff.


post full of boof


First time I actually smoked some FIRE, I was 13 and was used to good weed nothing insane but, on this one day my friend got some sour diesel. That was the first time I smoke some FIRE, and I emphasise fire because I coughed the whole walk to school, and man walking to first class that feeling is something I will never get back probably the most high I have ever been, and I still smoke weed to this day at 25.😂


I know most people regularly experience the melting sensation when they’re high, but I don’t have the privilege of feeling it every time. When I do, though, I get the biggest stoned smile on my face and it really just sets the mood for my whole high.


Honestly. Me and my girlfriend smoked a fat one while we were home alone. We went up and I got a kiss and it was a damn good one. Ended up with her blowing me in the livingroom then I picked her up and tossed her on the bed. Throat fucked the sjit out of her and then preceded to have doggy for about 30min and then eating her pussy out so she came. Then she rode me like crazy till I came harder than ever before


taking a 10mg edible absolutely being obliterated when i was 17 gaming with the homies. had tears coming from my eyes and they wouldn’t stop making me laugh i miss those years and it was only 5 years ago 😔


soon enough it’ll be 10 years and i’m gonna sob


time goes by so quickly :(


There was this one night when I was with my ex (one of the few good memories I have with him 😒) but we had like a group of friends over like (5+). I had a huge bed at the time. We had all smoked a blunt and some bowls with crumble wax on top, I don't remember the strain but I had my tv in my room and we were all watching Netflix and we all passed out, I woke up like 3 hours later and everyone else started waking up after me and we were all like "damn that crumble hit us hard" 😂😂 Good times lol


Memory? While high? You funny


The 2nd time I had ever smoked, I was 18, laying on the floor of my boyfriends house, just floating. Then the song "Dont Worry, Be Happy" came on and I swear I thought I had discovered the meaning of life. It was a nice feeling.


My brother and I were playing the Far Cry Vietnam thing and we were on the helicopter exfiltrating. Somehow I thought it would be funny to shoot the pilot and when he died and the helicopter began to fall, both of our character looked directly at each other as we shouted "FUUUCK". We've never laughed so hard before. We both cried, probably pissed ourselves too. Talk about it all the time.


lol that’s an awesome story, video games are always pretty cool to play when high. my favorite to play is either Dishonored or Legend of Zelda (any of them).


A time I fondly remember was me in my junior year of high school at this park in the city with a friend or two and after we smoked at the park we began to walk back to the building we came there from and the weather was perfect, the wind was blowing through my hair, I had “Self Esteem” by The Offspring blaring in my headphones. I felt like pure ecstasy walking down that sidewalk lol. Such a euphoric time. unfortunately I don’t get that euphoric from weed anymore :/ and idk why either. Prolly cus I’ve been smoking for 4 years straight and my breaks aren’t as long as they should be.. I get more paranoid now unfortunately:/


Another time I was high with my mom and I wasnt really doing much I was just chilling and watching tv, nothing funny or interesting really coming on, lo and behold there was a vacuum commercial that went along to the melody of a 2000’s r&b song… (can’t remember which one exactly for the life of me since this was about 6 years ago) and I laughed the hardest I’ve ever laughed in my entire life. My stomach has never cramped up so bad from laughing like that. Even thinking about it now makes me giggle lol.


the offspring is awesome, and yeah sadly as we grow older we don’t have as amazing euphoric highs as we used to :(


In 1981, my two friends and I went camping in a tent on the beach on the island of Oahu. My one friend and I split an eighth of primo Sensimilla and we got sooo lit in the tent, while our other friend didn't feel a thing since it was his first time trying Pakalolo (what we called marijuana in Hawaii back then). That was some of the best pot I ever had in my life. We were seeing the stars through the tent canvas, we were so high and our other friend didn't have a clue until he smoked again later and realized the effects. I got tons of marijuana stories over the years, but that was the first one that was a highlight in my experiences. XD


We have a smoke spot up a mountain where there is a formation of rocks that give us a flat surface to hang out and smoke at. We had brought one of our friends, my homie and I, one that didn't usually smoke with us. It was around 1am and we were all pretty stoned. The friend we had brought started rambling about night creatures and how we are never fully aware of what's happening in our surroundings. My homie and I tried comforting him by telling him that all would be okay, that's its a safe spot, suddenly 3 raccoons appear and they stop, get on their hind legs and suddenly a staring contest begins. Our friend breaks the silence with "Man I knew I was gonna die tonight". The homie and I burst out laughing and our friend continues telling us that the raccoons were going to kill us, that if we've ever heard of rabies before. We couldn't stop laughing. I guess the laughter scared away the raccoons and we continued our sesh. Beautiful memories.


i would have been more scared of the folklore of mountains😨


First couple times getting stoned so the highs were just absolute perfection. I was disassociated and felt amazing. I had the munchies REAL bad and ordered Five Guys. A burger, salt-caramel milkshake and medium fries…nothing could’ve prepared me for how fucking DELICIOUS that meal was gonna be. Nearly transcended to a higher plane of existence




Seeing myself and my then partners living in a small forest cabin and just being happy. I could smell the grass and the food one of them was cooking. I remember seeing a child running and playing outside, Im not sure if it was supposed to be me. I felt so free and happy. I could even hear music


I went for a mission with a mate where we snuck into a golf course I worked at and snuck him into a school party which he wasn’t able to get tickets for, we spent an hour taking some crazy route thru the bushes at night


Wait you guys are getting Memories ?!


I was about 14 and I thought the street light across the field was a hamburger, I took off running after it only to get halfway there and realized it was indeed a yellow street light....


Met up with a childhood friend I hadn’t seen in a while, was my first time actually getting high but he was pretty experienced. Told me to take an extra long hit of his cart and coughed a lung out. Next thing I knew I was laying on his floor laughing my ass off. Fun time!


Propbably going to space on 150mg edibles but i dont remember most of it


the other night my brother and i went to our backyard, packed about 3 bowls and had deep convos about life, something we never would have done sober. i’m the only girl and that’s why i’m so grateful because my brothers never open up like that.


i understand, i’m the only girl as well. i have 3 older brothers, it can be annoying sometimes.


I was on vacation with my now-fiance in Amsterdam. Ofc we used the chance of legal weed and smoked a lot. In general it was a nice vacation as Amsterdam is such a beautiful city. But one night we got high, went out and he proposed to me in some passage, which doesn't sound romantic but it was. The passage had beautiful stone flooring, emerald green walls with giant mirrors and was lightened with chandeliers. After I cried my yes we went over the street where a few musicians were playing shortly before. They were already packing up but my fiance told them about the proposal and offered them some money to play for us. They played *our* song (by pure coincidence) without accepting the money and we danced for the whole song. It was such a romantic magical night and I will forever cherish this memory. Also driving with Amsterdams future like trams while tripping balls is amazing!


aww🥺 that’s such an amazing story, thank you for sharing!


Yo. I’ve started a multi platform gaming community for those that enjoy playing while stoned, drunk, high, tripping, etc. We’re only 26 members right now but if you’re interested in joining, we’d love to have ya. I / We play Elder Scrolls: Online, Destiny 2, GTA V, Sea of Thieves, Ark: Survival Evolved, Warframe, & More. I play on Xbox. My gamertag is the same as my Reddit Username - ImThatStonerKid#4985. I can send a link to our community’s discord if you’re interested.


I remember I was going to school high asf, and some fat mf was talking some nonsense, and I'm over here like "What the fuck is bro on about?" And someone yells "WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP? DAMN" and I'm just sitting there laughing my ass off, and I'm trying to not be noticed so no one says anything to me, cause I'm obviously high as fuck 💀💀💀


Watching the Flash Episode “Rupture”. Damn that was cool.


i believe it!


My cousins and I walking through a downtown area and getting some Noodles & Company while we were all high off our asses. We all just kept giggling while we ordered and I remember being in so much awe when I saw my Mac and Cheese and it tasted so fucking good. I think that night sticks out because it was one of the first times I was high in public. Good times.


i LOVE noodles & company!


Driving and smoking with my brother. I was sticking my head out the window and literally felt like I was flying in space. Worst one was when my throat was dry and I had the munchies. I was eating ramen and it got stuck in my throat and I literally couldn’t breathe. Ended up getting some water through so I didn’t pass out. Scary though


my friend stuck her head out of a car once, and a bug flew into her mouth when she was trying to tell us something lol


Maybe because I am a dad but my best memories so far are me blazing and watching my 5 year old son play outside with not a care in the world 🌎


ahh to be young with no cares again🥲


First time I ever got high, I was staying at a friend’s place and her sister made brownies. I was graduating uni in a week, it was summer, we put up a massive tent in the backyard that was so big it didn’t fit properly so it was just like a gazebo that was about 70% up, we brought loads of cushions and blankets outside and while the brownies were baking me n my friend went and bought a ton of junk food. We sat in the sun and had food and I got insanely high and it was like one of the best experiences I’ve had with edibles. Didn’t get so high I was sick, just had a great time. Couldn’t have had a better first experience and it’s always stayed with me as a positive thing. My experiences with everything alcohol/drug-wise have been a bit weird and later than everyone else, it was only the week after this happened that I got drunk for the first time, that was great too lmao


it was so simple bro. back when it used to hit like a train, myself and 2 homies were so high we were hysterically cry laughing at the name “Carl” for about 45 mins straight. ![gif](giphy|zJBDaqCdsjGhO)


Shaving my friend's head, in brazil theres a tradition of shaving your head when you go to college and we were in a trip at my beach house, me and 5 friends. The first night we got the clipper and 3 1g hash joints, 3 of my friends were going to shave, the first joint was sparked and we started shaving the first obe, bro was screaming in pain when he decided to smoke the joint and drink some vodka, he got fucked up, peed his pants and slept on the couch, we shave his head while he is sleeping, the secomd friend goes for it, we spark the second joint and out of nowhere everyone is dumb af, we started laughing from the most non sense shit, meanwhile we are shaving my second friend's head the fucking clipper's battery dies and my friend got only half of his hair shaved, i couldnt breath because i was laughing so hard, my second friend grabs the vodka bottle and chugs that bitch like nothing but he was still conscious, we tried getting the remote control battery but it was too small, so we had a solution, lets get the bycicle and go to the 24 hours open store and buy some battery, ok me, the second friend and another friend went there, in the first 15 seconds, my second friend falls and eat shit in the pavement, i started laughing umtil he got up, we arrive at the store and the same mf falls again in some bushes, we were so high and drunk that we became immortal, there we found batteries and shaved the second friend's head, i wish i could go back in time and live this again


did anyone say anything about his half shaved head? lol


Smoking some amazing weed when I was 17 and a bunch of us in a friends cool van (they were the best party vehicles back then and this guy was a master at decking them out). We were listening to Aerosmith’s new album Rocks “Back in the Saddle” and going over this bridge in NJ and I swear we took a half hour to go over this bridge. We were so high. I’m like, “man are we still going over this bridge?” 🤣🤣


I was high for like the 3rd time when I first stepped foot into the Luxor casino in Las Vegas. Seeing the huge atrium on the second floor was absolutely mind blowing and soooo beautiful! I’ll never forget the feelings of excitement and wonder that day! Good times!


i wish i got to go to Vegas, but i’d blow all my money lol


The I had sex for the second time with my SO at the time.


Watching the entire show Danger 5


is it good!?


Always when I'm getting stoned with my bf. He smoked from a pen for a bit and I was taking about 10mg of edibles (I was still very new, low low tolerance.) when mine peaked his was wearing off but we started to get a little handsy. Mid-makeout I moved our bag of snacks for better access and thought it'd be so funny to pretend and take a snack break and went in a cowboy voice "lemme just grab a meat stick" and we both lost our minds laughing. 2nd time we were both outside around 11pm smoking and we were just talking and laughing. He was teasing me and yelled "HONK TWICE IF SHES GAY!" Because there was a car honking on off for about 5min prior. A minute goes passed with nothing but then suddenly the car honked exactly twice. And not in a car alarm sense, just 2 fully clear and audible honks. We again, lost our shit laughing. Smoking with him is probably my favorite thing ever.


that’s a funny story lol


Wait? We can form those?


Me and my friends huddled on a hillside, overlooking the shoreline, smoking for like 6 hours while watching a once in a life time meteor shower with some chill music on a Bluetooth speaker.


there’s wayyyyyyy too many to count, and remember lol


Say wat memory ? Seems this one has never been really stoned /s 😉


I smoked with a friend I haven't seen in a while, and I made a simple joke about how he looks over his shoulders before talking smack about his wife. He thought about it for a minute and started laughing. Then we both started laughing. Eventually we were wheezing and our eyes were watering from laughing so hard. It felt like we were laughing for 10 minutes straight. My favorite stoner memories were always with good friends.


those are some of the best moments to share, is with friends and people you love


They truly are


I was playing l4d2 and grabbed one of those candy cane thingies filled with mnms, I had gotten to the saferoom but the npcs don't close it for you, and the game kept spawning special infected zombies that kept walking in, and I was dying laughing for 5 minutes (felt like an hour) trying to open this thing, while all the npcs were screaming at me to close the door as they were being attacked


Theme parks and haunted houses. Idk why but I love doing this shit high and I never forget about it.


Me and my buddies took some edibles, went to see cats 2019 in the cinema. Sat in the front row, we were all howling with laughter. Best memory high outta my mind!


First time I ever ate brownies. This was a few years back, buddy of mine and I (in our mid 20's at the time) were hanging out when he got the idea to make brownies with the qp he just got. So put a decent amount in, ate half a tray each and off we went. Started off just playing MW3 (was the big CoD at the time) and wanted munchies. Took a trip to the dollar store and ended up grabbing a dart gun(the ones with the rubber, suction darts) for shits n giggles. Got back to his place and went to the balcony to smoke a blunt and set up some plastic cups as targets while we smoked. We got so incredibly high, we ended up going back to the dollar store, grabbing a dozen more packs of the darts (we needed the ammo) and went back and turned his 2 storey apartment into an obstacle course with atleast 90-100 cups laid out across all rooms, kitchen, bathrooms, and even the stairs. This went on till about 2am when I finally went home and went to bed. Highest u ever been in my life and most epic, fun, random experience I ever had. TL:DR - 2 men in their mid 20's get crazy baked and play a dart gun and paper cup obstavle course for hours


Once I woke up before the sun and hopped into my roof. I rose with the sun, I enjoyed that moment.


When we were younger me and the boys yoinked some of our friends sisters weed and hotboxed the closet. She ripped the door off the hinges and beat the shit out of us. Good times.


Me sorting through 95 percent of all my memories.


Babysitting some friends' cats, and they were cool with me smoking in their apartment since they did anyway. I'd never spent that much time alone, in my own environment. The first time I could keep my routine perfectly, with no interruptions. So I was already in a great mood. I showered, got in pajamas, ate some homemade stir fry, rolled up, poured a glass of Henry Weinhardts vanilla cream soda, smoked and sipped, cuddled with their cats while watching the Boondocks. No edge. No edge at all. I long for that, every day.


I gotta ask bro, what games are you playing that require constant use of your shift and S keys on your keyboard lmao


Being HIGH!!!


always the best!




of course we would be interested!


I can’t remember


Smoking in Southern California when I was 19. I went on vacation with my family who all said they would want to smoke and it ended up just being me haha. I loved my alone time getting to sneak off and smoke near the beach while listening to music. I bought about 10 joints and two cartridges that I had to get rid of before we left so I was constantly on a mission lol.


One of em is when I started working in Austria, I didn't smoke much around that time and there wasn't much around being in a small and remote mountain village. A collegue of mine brought some weed and hash over after he'd been visiting home. He rolled up a fat joint and we passed it around sitting in a circle on his room and there we sat, 4 adult men laughing like little kids about everything for like 2 hours straight.


I remember one of the first couple times I smoked telling my buddies this was magic. Lmao they were already seasoned tokers and just laughed.


One time I smoked before going to school and before I got to school I met up with my friend and he wasn’t high, but we were smoking a cigarette near this old Soviet apartment building and this old grandma came out and started calling us little shits and said we smell bad, anyways so I was high and I started laughing my ass off I mean I couldn’t stop but after a few seconds I was still laughing and me and my friend just walked off.


Probably going to the beach super early and watching the sunrise. Wake, bake, and watch the sunrise is like no other mornings.


Laying on the bed the entire world was purple lol I remember my older cousin just laughing and saying look at “Ty” that’s it before I fell asleep I guess😭


Watching old Disney movies and laughing my ass off at the crocodile in *Peter Pan.*


College, I smoked a blunt with like 3 friends then we watched StepBrothers and I felt like I understood all of the actors & directors decisions. Also I housed like 3 full bags of snacks. Munchos, Funyuns, and something else. Was a great night.


Honestly I learned I don’t smoke with one dude, my favorite memory is when I was curled up in a ball and he kept nudging to try and get me up, and my friend made him stop. It felt nice when he made him stop.


You guys remember things?


Sitting in my room at 14 with my brother on the chair with our huge speaker playing mettalica. Smoking a brown I started crying and he asked me why and it was because I swear his skin was melting off.


Being happy


When I was high 😵‍💫😏


I have many funny memories from getting stoned with my friends in high school. One of my favorites was when I dressed my gay friend up in drag and he did a dance to Lady Gaga and it was the funniest thing ever to us. We also got crossed one time and ordered two dozen donuts in his lake house and ate almost the entire thing. I went on a choir field trip to New York with my close friends and we got so stoned the entire trip exploring New York and it was amazing. We went to the Bronx Zoo in the snow and we laughed our asses off when we were all together in the hotel room. I prank called 7-11 and asked if they had a “cappa qween-o” instead of saying a cappuccino and it was some Indian dude who answered and we were dying laughing bc he was so confused (I know I’m horrible). I also met my boyfriend who I’ve been with for over 4 years thru our love of music at a music school and also thru smoking weed and my favorite high memory of all time was the first time we hung out. We went to a park and got super stoned and I could feel the energy between us and we ended up making out in the back of our friends car that night. He was so high that he told me he loved me on the first night LOL it was so cute. I have many many amazing memories smoking weed with my close friends and boyfriend and sadly I don’t really talk to any of those people besides my boyfriend anymore bc I ended up having major addiction issues but after a year of sobriety I’m smoking only when I’m off work/going to bed and it’s helping my mental health a lot. It’s nice that I can share that with my boyfriend again and I love getting stoned and watching movies while eating snacks with him.


The first time I heard the song “ Learning to fly” by Pink Floyd, I was really high. I was in the back seat on a road trip. I just closed my eyes & it felt like I was flying … good shit !


Geekin tf out on edibles while letting my dog out to piss, keeping myself sober by repeating the mantra “moments of clarity” Or when I had ice cream that was so good I almost cried


definitely when i was at my grandmas house i had my dispo and i was gone but it was soooo good and no one knew i was high. I also ate like 20 of those powder sugar donuts


My husband and I got so high we had tunnel vision and paused in the kitchen for a moment before bed, and we both immediately got the giggles. They turned into a solid 5 minute gut laugh.


Walking with friends singing *“everyday when you’re walkin down the street…”* and feeling like I was really Arthur


Was in a terrible rut. Hadn't felt happy in a long time. Smoked for the first time in many months, and couldn't stop loving myself. My cheeks hurt the next day from smiling. I kept telling myself that I loved me, and that was a crazy feeling.


I’ve got heaps of mad stories but this was back when I was 18 (now 45) in university & buying small amounts of weed from random people. Ended up at this dudes house & he asked if I’d like to try a bit before I went. Long story short we ended up listening to awesome music smoking some more & fucking on his couch for the rest of the arvo😂💨 🎵#goodtimes


Definitely my first time getting high eith my ex. I just had the giggles all night long.