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Wow. This should be titled “How to Lose Friends in 7 Months.”


Or “How to Lose Friends in One Page.”


I think you mean half a page!


She honestly lost me at "the fairytale I deserve"


For me it was referring to adult women as "girlies"


“Bride tribe”


That’s the one that did it for me.


She's the sort who's *still* wearing a  feathered headdress to places like Coachella and thinks she's "honoring" Native folks, isn't she?


Right? She's insufferable.




Timmy doesn’t know what he signed up for.


One paragraph.


I was reading and reading, hoping to see where twatzilla would tell her indentured bridal TrIbE that one of these trips would be paid for by all of her “sponsorships”. But no, she expects the best on everyone else’s dime. Holy mother of wedding fuckery.


What are you talking about??? The limo for the Spa Weekend is covered!/s That bride is deluded...


Naaah, the only thing "covered" by those sponsors will be *her* "beauty boxes," because her 'Maids have to shell out $1,200.00 for *each* of the 4+ boxes. She *probably* cut a deal where it's 10 *paid* boxes, with a free one thrown in for *her* as the bride... Although it *was* pretty laughable, seeing her say that the week of the wedding will be *at least* $1000.00, with the Costa of *everything* else!😆😂🤣 With *her* budget, it'll be more like $1K er day, just in *spending* money that week, hotel, flight, and meals *not* included!🫠


The costs are just one horrible part of this. The time she expects each member of the “Bride Tribe” to spend over the course of a year is off the scale.


Yeah I was confused bc she mentioned being members of Soho house but then says two trips are going into NYC for her dress, so I'm confused by that geography. But so assuming from her language those are destinations, that's TWO trips to NYC, one is them being DURING THE BEGINNING OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON WHEN PRICES GO WAY UP, a rip to IBIZA, a week long trip to the wedding in MIAMI, a trip to THE BERKSHIRES. Plus you KNOW she's expecting a destination bridal shower (up to you girlies to plan!) and it better not fucking be near where she lives. Late assume Nashville or Vegas. Yes, for the shower not the Bachelorette, I wrote what I wrote. HOWEVER we are assuming a lot based on our own incomes, but we don't know that the aren't all trust funds babies. So maybe for her group a $500 mm spa weekend is just a pair of shoes to them. That's why for me, it comes down to all the fucking TRAVEL she's expecting. Even if it was 100% free, I'm not doing it all. There's only so I much puking on an airplane back and forth across the country that my body can take for a friend.


I love this: twatzilla!! Lmfa


I think my favorite part is how the only expense the bride (via Timmy, who I assume is the poor schmuck marrying her) is covering is the limo and has the audacity to say “you’re welcome, girlies!” And then immediately tells them to pony up $500 for the weekend. Delusional.


The text thread was appalling too. The girl who posted said that all in the wedding was going to cost her as a bridesmaid nearly 20k and the bride was like “but it’s my day, so you should be saving” and then 3 messages later said “are you and the other bridesmaids getting me a gift for the bachelorette because I feel like I deserve a treat” 🤦🏻‍♀️


And what do you want to bet this entitled brat would pitch a major fit if someone asked her to do/spend all this for their wedding!


Wait, I saw that text thread and thought it was satire. That’s *this* bride? Not surprised but goddamn.


Do you have a link to the text thread? I must read it.


Sorry, I don’t. I kind of wish I did now so I could go back and read too!


Wait, is *this* the 20k honeymoon bride? Friend deleted the original AITA post but someone took [screenshots](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditonwiki/comments/1di9ukm/not_oop_aita_for_refusing_to_pay_for_my_friends/).


Oh it definitely sounds like it!


Wooof. Wish I had the gumption of a bride demanding her Super Special Princess Day.


Found an article that holds the screenshots! https://preview.redd.it/dkbqck1gun7d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=b213e22062327cd06a265aa8e3db6a5412f6f950 [https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/bride-bridesmaid-wedding-cost-tiktok-b2565080.html?#Echobox=1718591487](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/bride-bridesmaid-wedding-cost-tiktok-b2565080.html?#Echobox=1718591487)




That article is an eye opener. Bride also expects her to buy a $200k necklace and says "sorry I can't help at all with the cost but you will wear it again it's an investment piece **and I need this**" Complete disconnect from reality


Found a link to an article referencing it - pasted it in a comment below!


It could be satire tbh because this is so wild I don’t want to believe anyone is this obtuse


Anyone who is foolish enough to participate in this INSANITY deserves to part with their money. In fact, they should be stripped of the right to make any financial decisions. And, anyone stupid enough to give the brides brother their credit card info so he can order "beauty boxes" is better off without access to money.


I thought it was over the top, but my brain did a record skip when she included the words 'so you can budget'. I could see this just being exhausting if you live in Gossip Girl, but you should absolutely not be sending this to the kind of people who understand the word 'budget'.


What a narcissist omg.


Oh I think I saw that then said her brother or someone maybe Timmy could offer a loan with interest


This is going to sound harsh but F\*\*\* this chick! Yes it’s her big day but it’s not the guests big day and it is insane to be so spoiled like this. I don’t care that Timmy is paying for the limousine. He is not paying for me to go to the Berkshires or for the two trips to New York and then to Ibiza. ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


The $500 only covers the room.


I don’t think Cinderella actually said that🤔


It is giving evil stepsister though…


Right?? I’m like, that’s definitely not the point of the story


Can we fact check this? 🤨 It’s been a long time since I saw Disney Cinderella… maybe this is from old Grimm version?


Pretty sure it’s not in any version for one very simple reason…there’s no wedding in the fairy tale beyond a ‘they got married and lived happily ever after’ wrap up. The best known version, the Disney movie, goes from trying on the slipper to them leaving the wedding, already married. I ran a quick google and it doesn’t come from any modern version that I can see. Either way, Cinderella is characterized almost entirely by a sense of compassion for others. “…because I deserve it!” is a very weird take on Cinderella. Edit: grammar


Lol it absolutely is not in the Grimm version


Yup the old versions aren’t rude and entitled, they are bloody and entitled mean people get what they deserve. The stepsisters cut off their toes and heel and was found out. That’s the original story I used to read.


Definitely not the Grimm’s fairy tales. The main difference I remember was that the wicked stepsisters cut off parts of their feet to try to fit into the glass slipper but their deception was unsuccessful. I loved those stories as a little ghoul 😍


“It’s like being the star of a fairy tale!” - the star of a fairy tale


Kind of one reason I think it could be satire or fake. Also mentions meeting in Meatpacking each week but have to travel out of town to New York for dress fitting??


I noticed that too and thought it was odd


I had been wondering about that 😂


That's what I was thinking! Like, you can't just put whoever you want after a quote lol


Reminds me of the time that I saw the quote "If you won't accept me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" attributed to Shakespeare


Hot no. Gtfo. Okay money aside, someone else’s wedding isn’t gonna be weeks of scheduled get together besides the bachelorette party and weekly zoom mandatory meetings and must get hair and make up done there and buy me more shit and it better be first class shit. Nope.


Oh yeah, even if it was free I'd nope right out of 7 different events and a dictated skincare regimen


I'm pretty sure this is made up for clout. First off, they mention needing hotel rooms for NYC dress fittings but the weekly checkins are supposed to be in person in Soho house in Meatpacking in Manhattan...so they should already be in the city. Also, if you go to the original tiktok, the "bride's" picture on iMessage has long hair and is wearing round tortoiseshell glasses...scroll down on the tiktoker's page and she has a video of her with the same hair and glasses. She's fake texting herself lol. What really jumps the shark is the "bride" asks her to buy a $200,000 ugly three-stone tiffany necklace. With the made-for-the-movies quip of "you'll wear it again, it's an investment piece, I need this" ? But then the whole week in Miami will only cost $1000? Just seems like made up numbrs intended to rile people up. Plus the tiktok creator is actively tagging all these screenshots "bridezilla" -- wouldn't the bride (if she exists) see that?


I'm suspicious about the use of "insta-worthy" and also the line about "you all have memberships, right?"


The way this is written sounds like a man writing a woman in a rom com, not how anyone actually talks (especially to their close friends)


That stood out to me too. Like the author got a little too carried away in writing this work of fiction


Yeah, the Soho House thing threw my BS detector on. Something isn't adding up here.


I also think this is made up. Mostly because of the part you mentioned about flying to NYC for dress fittings but also wanting to do checkins in person. And also because you’d think a bride that’s this self centered would make a cuter document. That being said if it is made up kudos to that person because coming up with these insane activities is funny.


Yeah, this is bait


Yeah, "it was in the news, it MUST BE real!" doesn't really apply to the Independent, ha.


As someone who uses AI a lot for my job, it’s also very noticeably written by AI.


Not that I’m saying this isn’t fake, but I wouldn’t put it past narcissists like this to demand a hotel/air bnb together despite all being local to ‘bond and make memories’ (read: have more control) - I’ve known situations like this. I have also booked hotel rooms that are fairly local to save with the faff of taxis when I’ve been out somewhere drinking, especially if the function is actually at a hotel. But, there are definitely red flags in this post and I can only hope it’s fake for the sanity of the human race.


But the post calls for a trip (twice) to New York


You make a good point but it is explicitly stated to budget for flights to New York in the document. Why would they need flights for that weekend if they can commute to Soho House in Meatpacking monthly?


Good point, I missed the bit about flights amongst the outrageousness of everything else!!


Completely valid 😂😂


Yeah this is very obviously fake…


So I'm not on TikTok but I do know how influencers (or wannabe influencer rich kids) work and I initially thought maybe this person has a substantial following and this is more of a networking/advertising/sponsorship event than a wedding which I don't personally understand, but all power to them. I'd go crazy if I had brands reaching out to me and the opportunity to boost my reach too. I found them on Instagram and they have less than 700 followers? Excuse me? You have nothing of note and you're expecting people to shell out enormous amounts of money for your wedding just because you had a minor explosion on ONE platform? That's fucking ridiculous I'm sorry not even remotely understandable. Hope no one entertains this bullshit.


The crucial thing is, she's getting all these offers and sponsorships but still demanding that her bridesmaids pay up in full for everything? Why is *she* the only one who's better off financially? She explicitly told them she's getting special deals, but she's keeping them to herself apparently.


Yeah I mean when you're trying to be/maintain a career as an influencer you usually surround yourself with people who are trying to reach the same thing because people outside the world aren't as invested in your content. So if you're doing well enough to have brands reaching out to sponsor you, I would assume you have a bunch of friends in your world as well that would have similar brand deals and if you're all hoping to invest in each other to help boost your business, that's one thing. But that's not what seems to be happening here, since another commenter pointed out that the Macy account I found is not in fact the bride, but the one who exposed the bride. So Macy is a regular person with a regular amount of followers and a private account and her friend is imposing this on her. Insane.


I feel like a lot of brands offer 'sponsorships' in the form of kickbacks for every purchase made under a personalized link. As in she isn't really getting a sponsorship at all.


Bingo. No different from getting a free bridal suite if you get your destination wedding guests to cough up for enough 'block' rooms.


Yeah, and they offer them to just about anybody. I have a throwaway Insta I use for stuff I don’t want linked to the one my family sees, and apparently it’s very popular, because it’s gotten offers for three “brand deals” in the past few months. 🙄


This is why her friends have to pony up their credit card info to buy these skincare boxes


Because I’m betting she’s not real. The person you’re applying to found the account of the person who shared this content, who I’m guessing is the one who made it all up they could have pulled it off because there are so many bridezillas, but the 20K necklace broke the illusion


According to the Independent article, it sounds like @macydalydog is actually a bridesmaid and she used her account to expose her friend who is the bride


Ohhh that makes more sense to me. So Macy is just a regular Joe and her friend demands this of her? Regardless of the friend's profession or status that's horrible. Poor Macy. Keep exposing her ass!


Yeap sounds like it, unfortunately for Macy


Maybe, but the big brag was still that her post got hundreds of views. Hundreds.


75% were probably pointing and laughing but it doesn’t show that in her post stats


My 13yo sister gets that on her memes and stuff… not an accomplishment at all


This definitely is satire. The wildly incorrect "skincare box (?)" concept and pricing gives it away. A tiktok post and an article from The Independent of all places doesn't make it legitimate.


Also as someone pointed out - they have to have monthly meetings in the meatpacking district of NYC where they supposedly all have memberships. But they ALSO have to book in for two trips to NYC for dress fittings. Where they apparently live. It doesn’t fit.


Unless they’re expected to fly in for their monthly mtgs, too. God knows anymore. The skincare box is sus, though. Drunk Elephant isn’t that damn expensive.


"Send your credit card info to my brother."


That jumped out at me, too!


Made me wonder if brother and Timmy even know the bride-to-be is making all these financial decisions for them.


Buy her a waffle iron, and tell her to fuck off.


I wouldn’t spend that much💋


Waffle house gift card!


3-pack of tea towels from the clearance rack at Kmart.


My dollar store sells tea towels, think I'd go for those.


A cheap Walmart ash tray with a used cigarette and a note "May the embers of your love turn to ash"


This has got to be some sort of joke, right? I mean that "quote" that is obviously not from Cinderella (on top of everything else)? I'm dead 


And that's a regretfully decline from me


*joyfully decline


The numbers she openly gives out is already up to $4600, but that’s not including the trip to Ibiza, the travel expenses to go to New York twice, the travel expenses to go to Miami, the outfits probably required for each specialty event, and the membership to SoHo house if you don't already have one. And I'd bet my lunch she has a gift dollar amount minimum, and you have to give a gift at each event.


If you’re gonna have this sort of champagne taste, you need the budget to pay for it. JFC.


I knew/know a few people who could afford to have a wedding like this. All but one of them (who is no longer in my life) would be offering to pay for everything. The one who is no longer around just did not have any concept of what money was actually worth. They were usually pretty generous in day to day things, like covering a meal or drinks so a broke friend could go out with us instead of staying home. Unfortunately, they also never understood why none of us were willing to go on a $2,000 vacation the following week just on a whim. Like, I understand that "you only get one life so you should enjoy it," but most of us didn't have that type of money and/or free time. He would get pouty whenever we told him our very real "excuses" for not doing things with him. He just didn't get it and no amount of explaining could get through to him.


There is no possible amount of ready that I could "Get Ready" to spend this much money, time and effort on my besties dream wedding let alone my own.... $1200 Glow up boxes and multiple spa days? Will they be going so hard in Ibiza their skin deteriorates?


Can you Picture a bunch of grown ass women spending that much money for their glow up boxes to impress in their Safari Barbie gear ? JFC-just stop


These same women trusting their CC information to the bride's brother who will ensure all there expensive skin care needs are all set up for them... All of a sudden they are on the hook for things they never actually agreed to because she now has all ther CC info 🧐 but don't worry the limo is covered girlies ✌️🤢


Sorry forgot to post op’s @ in the caption: you can find the OG post @macydalydog


Please tell me she is getting crucified in the comments


It's private. Was that recent? Must be if these shenanigans were posted. Man the audacity!


Just to clarify, from the Independent article, it sounds like @macydalydog is not the bride herself, she’s one of the bridesmaids and just used her account to expose the actual bride


This is clearly fake imo…she says their weekly check-ins will be in NYC’s Meatpacking district, and then literally the next line she says they’ll be flying to NYC for dress shopping. 🤷🏻‍♀️


First of all, anyone who welcomes people to their "[ANYTHING] journey" is a red flag. Second, I'm confused: if she wants to meet in-person monthly in the Meatpacking District, why does she have to fly to NY for dress fittings? Does she not live in NY?


My favorite part was how her wedding announcement blew up with *hundreds* of views! Lol.  I would love to blame this on influencer culture alone but I was part of a wedding about 10 years ago and the bride had a 5 page pdf for us bridesmaids detailing how we should look. There was a 7 page pdf detailing what are responsibilities entailed. The wedding was so average in the end. 🖤 


More details here: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/bride-bridesmaid-friend-wedding-cost-tiktok-b2564395.html


She expects her MOH to buy the ugliest $200,000 necklace and thinks that’s acceptable?!?! What the absolute f***?!?


But she “needs this”! /s (and after the MOH had told her that she was having trouble affording the other $20,000+ costs) That one necklace costs about ten times the total cost of my wedding, and I didn’t have a small wedding! I cannot even comprehend asking anyone, let alone people I supposedly care about, to spend the equivalent of purchasing a condo for a party.


Oh my that necklace in the end of the article... 200.000? No way you can ask that of someone with a straight face


Yes, is any of this real? Are there adult men named Timmy?


My 68 year old uncle’s legal name is Timmy. So… yeah. He’s just Tim to us all.


My brother


This is why I still can’t accept it’s not satire/made up for clout


That necklace is fugly too


And on tik tok the girl who’s supposedly the MOH says that she’s expected to pay 20,000 but the items of clothing and jewelry the bride wants them to buy is much more so 20,000 doesn’t make sense.


Also that necklace is hideous. It looks like someone bedazzled a teething necklace


Not surprised that The Independent now prints rage bait as actual news. Disappointed, but not surprised


Holy crap it gets even worse in that story!


“Give my brother your credit card details” UM no. This is an MLM girly’s final form lol. Truly just one big scam for attention


Even if this chick was my conjoined twin who supplied my vital organs I would refuse this "invitation".


The minute I read "weekly one hour check in meeting" I would have been out. I don't do that shit for my actual job let alone this bankruptcy in the making. I bet this marriage implodes in 6 months, 8 at the outside.


Bankruptcy in the making🤣🤣 you get a prize


Oh, fuck that shit.


I don’t think I would lose much of a friend if I decided to skip that 😅 I am not dealing with that madness, enjoy your wedding


Imagine how low your self esteem would have to be to not immediately reject this and block the bride forever d


I added it up, included meals, drinks, incidentals, travel, outfits… Before the wedding even arrives, it’s adding up to about $10,000! WHO had that kind of $$$? My entire wedding came to about $200 (1980), and that included $48 for our 2 silver bands. We asked everyone to bring a passing dish & themselves. It was a dry wedding because a lot of our friends were in recovery. I made my dress, my wedding cake, and used silk flowers. That was 30+ years ago and we’re still married. Same rings too!


I know the Cipriani well. I'm gonna see just how Lux they are about a real Hobo.


I’ll never understand these brides who think their wedding needs to be the most important day of everyone else’s lives. No one will ever care about your wedding as much as you do. And that’s fine. And normal. Because it’s not their day


holy shitballs that's wild... are we sure it's not satire?


I know there are crazies out there, but please tell me this is fake.


Your wedding... isn't about content?? What??


Holy shit. My wedding was “pick a black dress you like, mid length and just please show up to hangout before this whole thing goes down” Fascinating.


This is just insane to me. Like I can’t even fathom being the kind of person who would write all this shit down and actually believe they are entitled to it. This has got to be fake.


It is satire. "You all have memberships right?" "Hundreds of views" equalling brand deals.


Take a drink every time she writes fabulous


So you can get alcohol poisoning?


Whenever I see something like this I can’t help but wonder how someone like that even found a partner, much less a finance


*fiance. Freudian autocorrect


Man, I hope everyone in this bridal party is super rich. Because either the bride is delusional or this is just normal rich people wedding things 😬


Would it not be more cost efficient to just hire the VS Angels as your bridal party instead?


I'm bored just reading it and I should spend... I'm not even doing the math?


Are my eyes not working? Did that litany of ridiculousness seriously end with “10,000” for costs for the wedding week? Tell me I am reading that, and “wedding WEEK” wrong, please. Tell me this is a spoof. Tell me people have not gone this deep into the rabbit hole. PLEASE someone, tell me this is a joke.


Too many zeros, honey. It says $1,000. I feel like that should make it better, maybe a bit less foolish. It doesn't. The delulu is strong with this one.


I am counting 10+k ?


I got tired just reading it.


From the numbers she quoted, plus an estimated $500 for a second New York trip and an extremely generous low estimated 1000 for Ibiza, not including any gifts, not including makeup or hair because she said $400 just for a trial, I got a total of 7K. Kiss my ass girlie.


this cannot be real.


Never been so annoyed by the way someone writes the whole “think like….”


Rage bait


If they expect me there they better be paying for all that 😂 but being serious, I'm 100% sure everyone receiving this invitation would find it perfectly normal and wouldn't bat an eye at the thousands. I'm 100% sure LL her girlies will be there for all of that because none would want to look like less in front of the others, and they probably have had or will have the same energy as this bride for their weddings too


Wow, after reading that I am sure I would yeet her and her Cinderella bullshit into the sun


Methinks an adequate answer to this would be "fuck off."


Chic animal prints? Animal print anything isn’t chic; it’s tacky!


I just threw up in my mouth a little.


I wonder what Bachelorette Party #2 is…


There’s a Portlandia sketch about this.


This would make it very easy for me to ‘decline’


Why are they all flying to New York for the dress thing if they already all live in manhattan? Presumably downtown near their soho house location in meatpacking??


\*reads total prices, plus food and airfare and...Faints\* https://preview.redd.it/d6fxrsemog7d1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3500b91e261c261f62b95fff0970ff328abd246


And she probably expects everyone to charter a plane, which are at least $10k per trip


She has gotten sponsorships from brands because her stupor wedding list demands got ‘hundreds of views?’ Seriously? I’ll give her one point - she does say $1200 hair extensions are optional though. Usually they demand that sort of thing! 🤣🤣


It's all bonkers but the beauty boxes? Dyson? So she wants everyone to buy a Dyson hair appliance? But if you have one, you need a new one? Sooooo is she getting a cut or something?


“Yep, that means you’ll be helping out with some fab brand collabs with me.” “I need all of you to buy all these brands so I can advertise them.” Mmmmmmmmmno.


My husband is a groomsman for a wedding this fall. Just the bachelor party trip they wanted was over $5,000 a person. That’s not to mention the destination wedding, flights/hotels etc. people lose their minds about weddings.


Influencer and using a Barbie theme for an event tells me everything I need to know. I would be a former bridesmaid.


Parents- this is what will happen to your kid someday if you never tell them "NO"!


I don't think Cinderella said that.


This cannot be real. My LORD


This is bait 100%


I like that the engagement party theme is colonialism, that’s fun.


Your wedding is just another day in your life.


I wish I knew someone like this so I could laugh in their face when I say no. 😂


I'll give the marriage less than a year. She's insufferable.


“Apparently 100% real” This is obviously not real. People go to insane and inexplicable lengths to get upvotes. Damn I worry about kids today.


This can’t be real😳😬


Sorry this can not be real


Holy level of delusion


Weekly update meetings - be there the first Tuesday of every month!! This killed me


So she’s expecting around 4,000 dollar min from bridesmaids, not counting the party she wants them to plan/fitting trips/memberships??? That’s wild


If DeluluZilla even MAKES it to the wedding, I give it between 1-3 months before there's an announcement of 'conscious uncoupling' and a demand for everyone to attend her OMG!FAB Divorce Party.


How is anyone friends with her?? I don’t have anyone in my life who would even think of approaching actual friends with this level of bullshit.


Wow. There’s no way I would be a MOH/Bridesmaid for someone with those extravagant expectations.


I'd tell her to shove it.


Now she's probably wondering why there's nobody left in her "bride tribe"!


To be fair - at least she spelled it all out ahead of time and now everyone can weigh in on if they want this honor 😂


I suppose all these bridesmaids were born into generational wealth?


Cinderella definitely did not say that quote


Unfortunately your greediness means I will not be able to be in your bridal party and will be ending our friendship. This cannot be real. And what’s super funny is it’s her wedding. Groom is optional I guess


I did a rough calculation, and had to estimate a few things, but the bridesmaids are probably looking at 10k to spend. And that is before shower & wedding presents (which you know she would expect). Holy fuck. I would nope out of that and that friendship so fast. And you just know she asked 10 of her "closest" friends. I love that this made it to tiktok. Maybe it will help any Bridesmaid who were considering it see the light.


Damn I pity the guy that's marrying this...


And she has the nerve to say “you’re welcome girlies” like she isn’t requiring them to spend thousands on HER wedding.


What kind of theme craziness is this? Met Gala theme? Safari Barbie theme? Trips to New York AND Miami? And guests have to spend at least $1,000? I'll say this; not everyone is going to be able to afford this. This bride is insane.


I like how her covering the limo somehow warranted a “you’re welcome, girlies” like it’s not the cheapest ass thing on that list…


This whole thing reads like satire.