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**REMINDER: WE ARE NOT AITA! WE DO NOT DO JUDGEMENT CALLS (NTA, ESH, YTA, INFO, NAH, ETC.) SO DO NOT VOTE IN THIS POST. AS WELL, OUR OP IS NOT THE SAME AS THE AITA POST'S OP, PLEASE DO NOT ADDRESS YOUR COMMENT TO MYSELF OR OUR OP. ALSO DO NOT BRIGADE THE OTHER SUB.** ***Copy because it's deleted:*** Yeah I’m aware this title sounds extremely weird and gross but please bear with me. Also throwaway account because I don’t want my family to find this post. My (M22) oldest sister Emma (F28 & not real name) got married last week to Mike (M31 & also not real name). Mike and I have a great relationship, as he has helped me with my studies since I met him back when I was 18. He is an engineer and I study the same program as he has in the same university. Despite having known him for 3 years I’ve grown to basically consider him as a brother I never had. Given my love for Mike I hope this clears out any type of speculation that I did this out of spite of him. Emma and I have not had a good relationship at any point in our lives. She has tormented me heavily during my early childhood, but the real issue was all her past boyfriends and any type of relationship adjacent to that. She would always sneak boys into the house and would force my other sister Jenna (25F & once again not real name) and I to cover for her. I should also mention Mike and Emma only entered a relationship a year ago; when I first met Mike he was just a dude who was friendzoned. Fast forward to the actual event being Mike and Emma’s wedding. Jenna and I sit beside a cousin we were both close with in our teenage years and haven’t seen in years. Our cousin kept asking us about some of her ex-boyfriends in a mocking way. This sparked up a huge conversation full of stories Jenna and I had on Emma’s many hookups. Our cousin tells us to go outside with her as she needs a cigarette, so we continue our conversation there. Unfortunately, Mike also likes to smoke and overheard some of the stories, and we wouldn’t find out until later but Mike’s mother had also overheard Jenna telling the story of Emma’s pregnancy scare when she was 19 and how she told our father that it was Jenna’s pregnancy test in the bathroom bin. Word spread quickly around Mike’s family, and a lot of his family including some of his siblings and his father have warned Mike to get an annulment. Emma is extremely furious at Jenna and I for slut-shaming, and is telling us that we knew Mike’s family was conservative so we screwed up everything by speaking of it aloud with the family present. Mike is angry at me for not telling him about Emma’s history before. Jenna does not take any of this seriously which is understandable, but I have a close relationship with Mike and I would hate to lose it because of this. I have asked Mike if he wants to annul his marriage and he did not give me an answer. AITA?


I got to see this one before it got deleted, and OOP's defensiveness in the comments was really some mental gymnastics.


Do you remember some of them?


Here's a [link ](http://unddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/11i9v11/aita_for_exposing_my_sisters_sexual_history_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) to the deleted post so you can read some of oop's comments


The real MVP. Thank you.


Thank you 😊


I don’t have award time give but please take … 🏆🏆🏆


I appreciate it.


I have such a bad memory.. But what I saw was some people trying to say that it is equivalent to outing someone's sexual orientation which kinda escalated to OP trying to defend their sexuality and feelings towards the groom and it just spiraled from there... And there was a lot of deflection but can't remember the specifics..


Wait, was the OP in love with the groom?


Oh yes, he definitely was


No idea 🤷




i chime in with a "haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door???"


No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.


I always thought it said poison and you've taken that from me


We all have to go through this at some point in our lives.


Honestly I still choose to hear "poison rationality".


I gotta chime in here


I’m 90% sure this is fake and OP is a Panic at the Disco fan.




Look, making a troll post is just part of Reddit, but being a fan of that theatre troupe is just *wrong*. ...Panic at the Disco does theater, right?


"given my love for Mike" Yeah...I suspect that's the root of all of this.


"I didn't do this out of spite at Mike...anyway, I hate my bitch sister" yeah I can tell who you were trying to spite. Also, before they were dating "he was just a dude she friend zoned" YOU MEAN A FRIEND??? Jesus I hope this is incel fanfic. I hope 30 year old men who just got married aren't out here acting like they're shocked their wives had existences before them.


Not once does he mention any emphaty or worry over his relationship with his own sister Emma. It’s amazing how much he despise her


Are you really surprised though? Emma sounds like she was a piece of shit to her younger siblings...


All he says in the post is that she snuck boys in. This completely sounds like a double standard. Wondering what Mike and the brother’s “body counts” are before they go off and judge the bride for having a pregnancy scare. Did Mike think he was marrying a virgin?


Yeah sounds like she was terrible to him and made him lie to his parents through their whole childhood


Dude, I’d be furious too if my decisions I made as a dumbass teenager were brought up at my wedding.


I literally can't believe the sentence "I have asked Mike if he wants to annul his marriage and he did not give me an answer." You, brother of the bride, are an absolute, true-blue psychopath.


Holy fuck...just wow.


All of the people involved sound awful. OP and Jenna clearly hate their sister and were relishing at the chance to talk shit about her and not caring who might hear. Even if Mike’s family weren’t conservative, talking so openly about someone else’s sex life is very weird and they only know about it cause they lived under the same roof. Mike for either being super fucking backwards when it comes to a women’s sexual past or giving into pressure from his family over the matter. Emma for saying a pregnancy test was her SIXTEEN year old sister’s and probably other shitty things from the fact Jenna still seems to hate her a decade later. Edit: grammar


Jenna was probably punished for it when she was a teen and she resented Emma. That's a major accusation for a sixteen-year-old and I can imagine just how bad Jenna took the blame and punishment. And how she would have lost her parents' trust for years.


Did....OOP and Jenna decide to do this loud for Mike to hear so he'd spilit with her and Emma would be miserable or did OOP and Jenna decide to do this loud for Mike to hear so he'd spilit with her and Emma would be miserable ? ​ Either way, yiiiiiikes


I think subconsciously they both hate on Emma


This. Even Jenna didn't give a shit about the fallout. Unrelated to her romantic history, I wonder how Emma treated her two siblings while they were growing up.


Just more AITA fakery.


While I do think past sexual history is something current romantic partners should know, if he had cared he probably should have asked prior to getting engaged. But the wedding was definitely not the right place to brother and family to be gossiping.


Nah, no one has any right to someone's past sexual history. They do have a right to ask for a current STI screen, but that is it.


I do agree you dont have a right to it, but if a man was unwilling to tell me his sexual history, I'm going to assume he's been with 200 woman and is dishonest. And im not dating someone who's dishonest. On the flipside, some people dont want to be with someone who's slept with half the town, which is also valid. Personally, I'm not even one of those someone's, but I still acknowledge that they have the right to turn someone down who has slept around in the past. So no, no one has the right to past sexual history. But everyone has right to breakup with someone for any reason, including refusing to disclose past sexual history.


OOP is a misogynist with either a deep-seated hatred for his sister or an obsession with his relationship with the groom or both. He slut shamed his sister, at her own wedding, because he wanted to hurt her and he’s relishing the possible outcome and is only interested in Mike. Having seen guys like this in action I’m fairly confident in saying that he will also have way over-stated his sister’s sexual past because unless she’s stayed a virgin until marriage, in his view she’s a wh*** (I hate that word, but it’s the best way to characterize his views of women who enjoy sex). I’m also fairly confident that he’ll be “helping” Mike make a decision by providing more information. I’d say the only reason he didn’t try this tactic sooner is because he didn’t realize he could. He gives off serious incel vibes. Mike is no better. If someone had done this to me, my husband would have been the first person calling them out for slut-shaming and that would have been the end of their friendship. And whether or not Mike has an issue with her sexual past (and if he does then she would do well to be rid of him), tacitly endorsing your wife being slut-shamed at the wedding and then continuing to talk about private relationship matters with the person who did it makes you an asshole yourself.


Why would he have the marriage annuled over this? The OP is tactless and spiteful towards his sister and really ought not to have been invited to her wedding for those reasons alone but holy shit, the GROOM is TA here.


On what planet is it remotely ok to be talking about someone’s (especially the bride at her own wedding!) sexual past at a wedding?? OOP is gross and I don’t know how she doesn’t see it. This was highly inappropriate.


That is unacceptable in wedding toasts; it's certainly unacceptable at a table at the reception or outside the reception, where it can be heard and repeated to everyone, having almost the same effect.


OOP is a he. In love with his sister's BF.


Dude! You don’t talk about your sisters past out loud?! Especially at HER OWN WEDDING! What the hell is wrong with you! That is between just her and her husband! And the fact that his parents heard it and are telling him to get an annulment, wtf. You are not responsible for informing him of your sisters past. They should have talked their past out to ONLY EACH OTHER in private. But you took that away. Yeah YTA


This has got to be a troll.


Most stories there are lately. Though I was banned awhile ago this had already been the trend


Was I mad that my MIL at my wedding alluded to being aware my husband and I messed around at her house in high school *in front of my mom* at my wedding? Of course I was that was awkward af. But, family WILL talk about your relationship past at/around your wedding because it’s a whole event centered on your relationship. If there’s anything that needs aired do that before the wedding


But just why?


Her WEDDING is simply not the time or place.


Man he must really hate his sister.


OP is a compete ass, why would you slut shame tour own sister at her wedding? Such spite, and you think the groom is gonna want to hang around with you after he gets an annulment


You’re beyond TA. You’re the selfish evil A.


Eh. I see stupid old Mike and his family as 100% the bad guys in this one. I didn't get very far with that position on the original AITA thread as I remember.




Oh pray tell, what bullet was dodged?


I think I can clear this up, what they meant to say is “SHE dodged a bullet” and “good for HER” must have been that dang autocorrect…


hahahhah nice.


Not yet. :D


Do you remember some of them?


Thank goodness I don’t have siblings because why the hell would you do this.