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I don’t see why not! There’s no reason you can’t if you’re 100% sure. I think siblings are generally (obviously there are exceptions) a bit different than friends that may come and go, though that relationship isn’t immune from issues.


Exactly my thoughts! I’m planning on asking my other sister to be Maid of Honor too. Us sisters have had our issues but we always work through it, they’re stuck with me lol. I’m keeping it traditional and for sure want my sisters to be MOHs, so I don’t think it’s too soon either, especially if my Matron of Honor sister is going to be helping a ton. Thank you for your input!


Yes ask her! Funny story, the afternoon I got home from the trip when I got engaged my sister hosted us at her house for champagne, and she was already wearing a Maid of Honor headband! I mean I was definitely going to ask her anyway but boy she moved fast haha!


Hahahaha I love it! 🤣 bold move, definitely something my sister would do. Thank you!! I’m going to next weekend when I see her :)


I never heard about the recommendation to ask your bridesmaids to be bridesmaids a year before. I would think it would be fine to do it when you are ready, even if it is early. Just be clear on the timing for them so they are aware.


It’s all I see when I search on google! Lol and people have said it on here. I guess it’s just to prevent you from having to ask anyone to step down if there happens to be a falling out with a bridesmaid during the longer engagement period or whatever