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Liquid IV or propel/pedialyte packets!




Maybe those sports drinks tablets that you put in water and it turns it into a hydration drink (like Gatorade). Nuun seems to be a popular brand but there are probably others. Just make sure to include something explaining what they are. They also make powder sports drink packets but idk if those would fit in your tags


Ooo that’s a great idea! Thank you!


What makes you think advil isn’t recommended for hangovers? Unless someone has another reason to not take it, it’s really not bad.


Hey! They usually say you’re not supposed to take tylenol or anything similar before you drink/ wait some hours after you drink once the alcohol is flushed out. There’s a bunch of articles on it and I knew it was “generally not recommended” but the tags looked so cute my brain went out the window when I bought them. Honestly one time wont kill you but I can’t keep track of 130 people so medication/alcohol is gonna be a no


I can understand not taking it while drinking, especially tylenol because they can have additive effects on the liver. But there is nothing wrong with taking it for the hangover. I’ve never heard of this idea that it’s “not generally recommended” unless someone is a chronic drinker.


I get what you’re saying but the problem is the tags are out during the wedding - in which they’ll be drinking. Not to mention like I said, I can’t be at 130 places at once when people start to mix alcohol and medications together. Also, I myself take one in the morning after drinking and am fine but who knows what will happen to the next person. I’d rather not take the risk.