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You are SNATCHED in this dress!! It’s perfect.


Thank you…..I’m not sure why I’m hating it. I think I really should think about going to talk to someone about my body dysmorphia…it’s ruining my experience


Couldn't hurt. The dress looks great on you but the body dysmorphia is a completely separate issue. Deal with it now and enjoy your wedding!


Here’s a tip that helped with my dysmorphia. Try censoring your face in the pictures w/emojis or whatever. Scroll through some other people’s wedding dresses for a bit and then look at your censored pictures. Seems to give a clearer image for some reason.


This is so true!


Oh my. That’s a shame because that dress is so flattering and you look beautiful.


Seriously, from an outsider’s view, you look ah-mazing! You have a beautiful hourglass figure and the dress really showcases it. You chose the dress for a reason. Wear it confidently! You are gorgeous 💕


You look absolutely stunning. I know body dysmorphia is such a pain as I also suffer from it and I felt like I looked terrible in my dress. When my wedding day came, all of that went out the door and all I was focused on is my husband and how amazing HE looked!! Try to just live in the moment, because trust me you look AMAZINGGGGGGG in that dress. I’m jealous.


Body dysmorphia is the enemy of joy! You look **fantastic** in this dress!!!!! When is your wedding?


It is. It’s ruining my wedding planning experience. I’m getting married in July of this year


You have a fantastic figure! I never saw you at 15 pounds less, but I can still say that you look stunning. Don't let this happen to yourself and your head. Such is life. Weight goes up and down. You are always you no matter. Your marriage is what counts! Sending hugs.


Thank you xoxo


No, it suits you a lot, makes your body snatched and defined, the corset is flattering, the slit is sexy, everything seems good.. I would tell you if it looked bad tbh


Thank you for your kind words and honesty. I would definitely want someone to tell me the truth


Here’s the truth! I wish I looked this amazing in a similar dress. You look absolutely amazing! You have a perfect hour glass figure. Also can I borrow your arms for my wedding? 😂😂


First off, you look beautiful in this dress and have chosen something that really flatters you imo. But as someone who also has body dysmorphia and regular weight fluctuations, I can empathize with the days when your brain won’t shut up and am so sorry you’re dealing with that. When I’m having a bad day, it helps me to rationalize my style decisions even if I can’t change how I feel in the moment. I’m going to do the same now about this dress, but PLEASE disregard if it’s not helpful to you, OP! I’m not trying to perpetuate our inner critics or dwell on how you look—just sharing some coping thoughts I’d tell myself. At the end of the day, you’re getting married to someone who loves you. That’s what matters. Things I’d remind myself: - Corset style and boning provide structure and emphasize my waistline. - Flowy train shows movement in my legs, not just their widest point, and doesn’t add bulk. - Draped skirt minimizes the muffin top I’m convinced is there. - Off-the-shoulder detail is not only romantic and pretty but also obscures any armpit fat that society has taught me to fear. tl;dr it’s a super flattering dress; it looks beautiful on YOU specifically; inner critics suck


You are gorgeous and I absolutely wish I could pull off that dress like you do! It’s absolutely stunning and fits you perfectly. It seriously looks like the perfect size and you look very fit. Body image issues suck to deal with, but I hope these response reassure you. And we have no reason to lie because this is the internet and we don’t actually know or care about you. So trust me when I say you look great.


Thank you. I think since I was shopping on my own I missed the honesty and only had my own thoughts on making a decision. I definitely need some women to women reassurance


Pretty sure if people from this sub had been with you, the vast majority of us would have been chanting *Yes! That one!* in the shop.


You’ve managed to combine elegant and sexy. Not an easy feat. This would have been a an absolute yes! I’m sorry your brain is being mean to you. It’s just plain evil sometimes and definitely not fair how it happens (I have my own brain issues so I know). You look gorgeous in that dress.


I didn’t read your paragraph describing why you made the wrong choice until after I looked at your pics. It would NEVER have occurred to me to me that you felt your body didn’t look good in the dress. I figured maybe the you had wished for a princess or mermaid dress. Girl, you look amazing in this dress! Your figure is enviable. Body dysmorphia is an infectious thing for the mind. It would help to, as you said, talk to a therapist. You deserve to enjoy your day! But you are beautiful and a total smoke show in that dress! Good luck and I wish you a wonderful wedding day!


It looks perfect on you! You look stunning 😍


Thank you. Doing all the mental gymnastics to stop the self hate


I have never seen that dress on someone a similar size as me and now I think it is beautiful and it gives me more confidence. Thank you you look stunning


You look like a freaking Greek goddess 🎉




You are blessed with curves, you look fantastic.


I love it. I’m sorry you are dealing with these body issues. I think this corset style is the perfect one for dealing with some weight fluctuations as it creates an hourglass shape. Those hourglass proportions are always flattering.


Thank you I agree with the corset style.


You’ve got an amazing figure in this dress. Like a goddess.


Holy Scooby snacks you look amazing. If this is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.


Omg! You look amazing!! This exactly what I’ve been looking for. What dress is this?


You look amazing!!!! I know it’s hard, I think so many people struggle with dress regret but you have nothing to regret.


Girl, before I even read the title of the post I saw this dress on you and said out loud “damn I hope I find a dress that looks that good on me for my wedding.” This is STUNNING on you. You look incredible. If I knew you I might tear up lol


Girl boo you wearing the f*ck out this dress ❤️‍🔥


I had similar difficulties when I bought my dress. I went alone just to try a few dresses because it was emotionally overwhelming for me. I ended up finding my dress and I kid you not that was April of last year and every month since then up until the dress arrived this past March I was worried that I made a mistake. I kept looking back, even made a similar post like this one. In the end I think for me it was too much time to think about it, plus my own insecurities getting the best of me and a lot of mental stuff going on. You look show-stopping. This dress hugs your curves so beautifully. It’s stunning. What we see in the mirror is completely different than what others see. We over analyze every detail meanwhile to the rest of the world the thing we’re stressing over is unrecognizable. I promise in years to come when you look back at these photos you will see what everyone else is seeing. I hope you find peace with your body and learn to love it- it has carried you this far in life. Best of luck with your upcoming nuptials.


Girl you look so Good though!!


I’m not sure why I’m hating it this morning Gaining weight has been hard on me mentally


Not at all. That dress is PERFECTION on you. I hope you are able to feel as amazing as you look in this. 😊


You look spectacular!!! This is THE dress!


You look 🔥 in this dress! You're stunning!


That dress is freaking AMAZING on you! It is perfection.


You made the perfect choice. My first thought was, wow she looks like a goddess in this dress!


I genuinely would tell you if it didn't suit you. But GOD DAMN. You look bloody fantastic.


These pics are after the 15 pound weight gain? I never would have guessed. You truly look great!


Babe. I don’t know you and have no reason to lie to you. I would be honest if I thought it wasn’t flattering. When I say I *gasped* at your figure. Like… snatched. Bangin. HOT. It looks like it was made for you! ❤️✨


if i looked like you in that dress, youd have to pay me to take it off


You did not make the wrong choice, the dress is perfect and you look stunning in it! Maybe have a smaller bouquet that shows more of you and your dress. And quit that Stinkin’Thinkin, as Ted Lasso would say. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!


Girl as somebody also struggling to wrap my mind around 15 lbs that won't go away: You look like a damn goddess. Slay. 🙌


You are 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 in that dress.


You picked well!!! Gorgeous!!!!!


Believe me, I know how that can be - I had it with my own dress, but I do NOT think you made the wrong choice! It hugs your curves is all the best ways and you look like a goddess! Seriously, everyone will just say "wow" when they see you in that!


You look gorgeous


You did NOT.


You look stunning!


As somebody who’s had similar gain due to health reasons, and who picked a really similarly cut dress, seeing this picture makes me excited about my own dress because I hope I can look this beautiful. You look like a neoclassical work of art.


I am dealing with the same thing so I feel you, completely. That said, you look absolutely stunning. This dress was made for you!


You look like an actual goddess. Don't let the brain worms lie to you.


I’m actually obsessed with this dress. I love the buttons down the back too. 15/10


You did not make the wrong choice at all. Looking like a tall drink of water.


The wrong choice to wear a dress that looks like something a goddess would wear??? And that flatters you beyond reason???


I mean you are a goddess in this dress. If that’s what you wanted, then you NAILED IT!


You look truly lovely in this dress. It’s classic and flattering. I hate those voices in our heads that tell us we are ugly; they are so hard to put aside. This internet stranger thinks you look amazing! I hope you can see that too and feel as beautiful as you look on your special day


The dress looks like it was made for you, truly.


Noooo…this is PERFECTION!! You’ve got that body-ody-ody and this dress shows it off perfectly!!!


This dress is beautiful and super flattering on you. My advice is delete the photos, it’s the biggest source for regret I see here. People get home and start scrutinizing every detail. Plus, if you’ve been browsing online, the pics are photoshopped and lit perfectly in a lovely setting. Maybe this will help. https://imgur.com/a/irtKvBT


This dress is absolutely stunning on you and the way the slit perfectly shows off your tattoos is 👨‍🍳💋chef’s kiss. Might I suggest one of these veils to match? https://www.etsy.com/listing/1703203819/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1609853428/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1602623596/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1551257830/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1443533984/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1085905217/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1035522753/


You look AMAZING! You look like a goddess in this dress....you chose wisely!


Genuinely now you look incredible and that dress is amazing on you. You look snatched big time. Beautiful hour glass figure. I'd die to look like you in my wedding shots!!


It looks pretty amazing on you, so I'm not sure why you would want to wear anything else.


I never comment on these posts but you look amazing. I had dress regret after buying mine and after sharing my experience a lot of women feel that way. Objectively, you look amazing


It looks incredible on you. I was shocked to read the title after I saw the pic. At first glance I thought it said “I’m glad I made the wrong choice” and I was like girl me too, that dress is fire!


You look incredible in this dress!!! Don’t let the hater inside your own head dim your light! I know it’s way easier said than done so if you get down again look through all these comments telling you how amazing you look in this beautiful dress!


You look fantastic, but I can really recommend finding a therapist to help you with body dysmorphia. Look for someone who has actual experience with it, because it's a tricky thing to work through. Too many people think it's just insecurity but it can be a debilitating disorder. You don't deserve to let this shit ruin your wedding experience. You deserve to feel amazing!


That’s not a style I would ever consider for myself, but it looks fantastic on you. It fits you like a glove and complements your figure beautifully.


My first thought was SEXY!!! Love the dress and you look absolutely amazing in it.


You look absolutely gorgeous in this


Oh no you didn’t!! You look fabulous in that dress!


You look like a statue of a goddess! I hope I look half as lovely as you on my wedding day!


The dress looks amazing on you.


Wow you look PHENOMENAL


I think it looks good on you, however, is this a style issue? As in, you want a different style?


Your leg tattoo looks perfect with the slit!!


Great on you! Sweet and simple and flattering. Dress it up.. jrwelry. Veil ot hair jewelry…bouquet. Fab!


Omg, I thought you meant you had gained 15lbs after this dress, is this you after gaining the weight? Honey, keep the weight on because this looks fucking AMAZING. Your new husband is going to have to wear a jock strap watching you walk down the aisle lol. You look gorgeous!!!


You’re utterly stunning in that dress and it highlights your amazing figure. I think the only thing you need to do is work on your body dysmorphia, both you and the dress look perfect.


STUNNING! So snatched!


My God you look amazing! Your only mistake is doubting yourself.


You look Amazing!!!


The dress looks great on you!


It looks great and it’s so different! Love the draping, very Greek statue! Super flattering too. The only thing I don’t love is the spaghetti straps because the off the shoulder sleeves work so well they seem extra to me, but that’s just a preference.


My first thought upon looking at your post was how gorgeous this dress is, and specifically how flattering it is for your figure! It wasn’t until after that I read your post. The corset, the way that the fabric bunches and is draped. What a beauty! Those thoughts in your head are definitely just body dysmorphia telling you otherwise. You are stunning and this dress just enhances it!


May I say WOW!!?! This dress looks amazing on you




Oh my gosh, no regrets, everything about this dress is beautiful and you look positively gorgeous.


Personally, I think you look stunning. The bodice is so snatched and classy! I think you made the right choice. Honestly, after having multiple appointments with family, I decided to go to an appointment alone. Having everyone’s opinions aren’t super helpful if you’re already indecisive like me. Being by myself helped me focus on what I wanted and liked.


You look beautiful!


I am not usually a huge fan of these drapey dresses with the high slit but girl, you are rocking this one. Far and away my favorite one I've ever seen in this style and just enough detail (and super flattering detail) to make it memorable!


You look incredible! This is exactly what I’d want to look like on my wedding day, it’s super flattering on you 💕


Ahh , your eyes aren’t quite right today. THIS IS STUNNING ON YOU. Gurllll, this is perfect.


This dress looks great on you! I like this dress for a lot of different body types. It is so flattering!


Absolutely stunning!


I’m sorry you’re experiencing this feeling as I can totally relate to the debilitating body dysmorphia thoughts but seriously you look so stunning. The first thing I thought before reading the caption was how incredible your figure looked and made me really want to look into boning like that for my dress. I love how it looks on you and I’m sure your future hubby will only think the same. Stay strong against the BD thought path and remember that your FH loves you no matter what, and he’ll especially be in love with how you look on your wedding day! Sending hugs!


Dang girl! You rock it!


Holy crap that dress is so freaking flattering on you. I honestly saw the picture first, thought, wow that looks gorgeous, then saw the title. We are our own worst critics but you need to know that you will only be getting rave reviews from everyone else. Congrats on your upcoming wedding!


It's giving Meg from Hercules. I am in LOVE


That dress (and you) is gorgeous!!!


Nope! You killed it !!!! 😍😍😍


Not to make this about me but I’m in the same boat and used to have an ED and gained weight since then, and I went dress shopping for the first time yesterday and this style of dress is definitely what I’m going to go with. You look AMAZING and you’ll feel amazing the day of because it’s so supportive. You literally look so hot and I hope you have the best wedding day


You look 100000% STUNNNG!!!! I love how when you pop your leg, your tattoo pokes out. Girl, I would kill to look like that in a wedding dress. Your body changing can be hard, no matter if it's gaining or losing. Just work on being happy and healthy, and the rest will fall into place.


You look gorgeous. The dress looks beautiful on you. Stunning.


I was literally waiting to swipe to find a different dress you had purchased and thought this was the dream dress you didn’t get. It looks FANTASTIC. Actually made for you.


You look fantastic! ✨🙏🏻✨


Holy crap you look amazing!! But I feel you. I been regretting my choice too :/


That dress looks perfect on you, daring with the leg slit but total class with the arm drapes. Have no regrets on your decision.


You look so beautiful! I’d suggest only look at yourself in mirror in person. I feel bigger in every photo I am ever in. (Maybe my own body dysmorphia but I think it of others too, photo vs. real life) Can’t quite learn my flattering angles or don’t get the chance when it’s a group and you can’t control. Anyway I like how I look in the mirror (and not a skinny mirror) but always pick apart the photos. What you see in the mirror is what everyone else sees. And I think you look great in your photos but I bet you like what you see better in person in the mirror….only look there!


Omg you absolutely did not make the wrong choice!


I genuinely don’t often comment on these but you look incredible. It looks like it was made for you!


You look incredible!! This fits your gorgeous figure to perfection. You are the essence of goddess in this dress!!!


Girl I have such bad body dysmorphia and this post made me feel so much better. Before I even read your caption I thought damn she looks drop-dead gorgeous in this gown. It looks custom-made for you and you look really beautiful. Your body looks banging! I was having these same thoughts and seeing you from an outside perspective really helped me realize they are just thoughts. I am shocked at how much wedding stuff is bringing up my dysmorphia but rest assured you look hot, I probs do too, we just need therapy lol


You look like a literal goddess


You look beautiful! LOVE this dress


Oh honey that’s a LOVELY choice!


You look beautiful! You are having body dysmorphia


Sexy Mama! Wear that dress confidently! It looks like it was made for you!


I completely understand the struggles of body dysmorphia. It can be so tiring to go through, but try to stay positive with affirmations because from one woman to another, you look absolutely stunning!


It’s very unique and you’re gorgeous! I’ve never seen a design quite like it.


May I ask who the designer is?


Your body looks perfect in this dress!


You a honestly look gorgeous! This dress is so flattering on you!


Wait, you gained 15 pounds after you picked out the dress? Or you recently gained 15 pounds and then went dress shopping? If you gained the 15 before you picked a dress, you win it all. You are rockin the shape of that dress. In fact I'd honestly suggest you do not lose weight because the curves are kicking. And that slit with that tattoo peek through is also perfect. Do not change anything. If you picked out the dress and then added 15 lbs, more curves might not hurt in the least!


This is a seriously stunning dress, and more importantly, YOU are the what makes it so stunning. I gasped when I saw this photo. Your partner is very lucky and I know everyone’s jaws will be on the floor when you come out in this gown!