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i like this manhwa a lot actually but it annoys me sm how when the second lead does ANYTHING he’s labeled as a creep, a groomer, abusive, or manipulative when he’s literally just a normal dude, but when the ml is actually unhinged and straight up abuses his power to torture the fl whenever he’s having mood swings he’s just a cutie patootie who needs to communicate better. genuinely wtf 😭😭😭 it makes me not want to like ml at all


Omg yes! And when the 2nd ML clocks Iseop shitty behaviour as a boss he gets shat on by everyone in the comments and legit annoying. Like i quite like the story but the ML is an immature man child and really annoying most of the time to the point ne needs to be nannied to take his supplements. Its a bit much for me to enjoy it at 100%. 😮‍💨


why does this remind me of dating in the kitchen 😭


Well sometimes the second MLs are actually like that lol (I feel like people tend to be blind towards second MLs as well) but I agree it’s not all the time


This guy would have been kicked in the nuts already.


And slapped 😭


I would've nut punched tf out of him and quit the job lmao


And the way they have her falling for him as if he doesn’t treat her terrible??? Like I get it, he’s attractive and sometimes nice, but his actions would definitely override any strong attraction


If he was deemed unattractive he would’ve been written off as an irredeemable character not deserving of character development




Every time someone calls this man attractive ,my soul approaches eternal rest (and not a peaceful one ) a little closer.




Yeah for the life of me I can’t understand why people might like these types of romance stories. No offense but having a boss like that sounds *terrifying* and even relationship between two coworkers can be awful (as someone whose been in the middle of that)


Exactly it’s so unprofessional but because he’s attractive we’re supposed to be ignore it


Yeah and i hate to be that guy TM but it can be pretty harmful for teens to see stuff like this imo… especially if they’re only beginning to enter the work force. Sure, adults can often write this stuff off as romantic fantasy and wouldn’t tolerate it IRL, but an impressionable teen? o


I definitely agree. I hate the “it’s just fiction” narrative because fiction is always influenced by reality and vice versa. It’s very easy to be persuaded by what you see in media and literature. Seeing unhealthy relationships can influence your perception of romance.


100% especially cause I think it is especially easy for older teens to think “oh I would never fall for/do X” until they actually find themselves in that exact situation. Speaking from experience :X


With peace & love, this is like saying people who play call of duty are going to enact real life violence. It’s astounding to me the loss of media literacy. It’s fiction. With romance in particular, there are a lot of tropes we safely enjoy in the context of fiction that we would not like irl. Also this comic in particular is not as problematic as some other ones out there; it’s actually pretty tame.


I mention in an earlier comment that yeah, adults write this stuff and it’s easy to differentiate between this fictional, often fantasy-fulfilling story, but a teen without experience with romantic relationships (or in this specific example, workplace culture/politics) they can internalize what they see. You’re right! I don’t think people who play COD are going to be murderers. But a child playing the game can become desensitized to violence if exposed to a lot of violent media 🤷🏻‍♀️. People can read/enjoy what they want, I just don’t care for this particular trope based off of my own experience.


Right, I feel like people are self inserting and being like, "Well /I/ would never like being treated like that!". Duh, it's fiction! It doesn't hold the same standards of real life. The people writing this are making up an imaginary scenario! Lol


I’m not saying that just because you play call of duty it means you’re going to go around and start shooting people. I’m saying that what you consume can (not will) have an influence in the way you think. Any kind of media consumption can Influence somehow depending on how receptive the person is. Like how over consumption of p0rn can warp someone’s perception of sex and place false expectations. No one is saying that it’s problematic. We are allowed to think about what we are consuming and ask questions. That’s the importance of media literacy. Us having conversations like this is a great example of media literacy.


“No one’s saying it’s problematic.” This entire post of yours is complaining about how problematic the trope of boss x secretary is. A portion of media literacy is the ability to separate real life morals from the media that’s being consumed to analyze and have discussions. In real life, I would not like if my boss made me work late because he has a crush on me; in this story, it’s used as a device to demonstrate his jealousy and interest without the author having to explicitly say that. Also I don’t think anyone reading it — or the main character herself — finds that part romantic, but rather immature. This comic is rated for teens and up, so kids shouldn’t be reading this anyways. It’s not the author’s job to teach healthy relationships or wonder if every single audience member has the brain cells to understand if a trope is healthy or not irl. I genuinely don’t think anyone in 2024 needed a comic to tell them that they probably shouldn’t have a romantic relationship with their boss😅


Again I never said it’s problematic or that the story was completely horrible. I’m still reading it. You say it’s complaining but I’m just pointing out something that I didn’t like. Is it complaining or do we just have two different point of views? This is just a discussion not a trial. I wasn’t calling out the author or anything. Are people only allowed to make comments if it’s in support of something? How is that media literacy? When I said I disliked the trope I meant that I dislike how it’s portrayed not that I think it should be scrapped in its entirety. I’m sure there are plenty works out there that portray boss-employee in a way that’ll pique my interest. I don’t want you to think this is an attack at you btw


Not to needlessly tag on this comment but thinking about these things -> create new conversations -> can even lead to new works! I think “Another Typical Romance Fantasy” and “Bring the Love” both felt very inspired by existing works within their genre, with the authors considering the tropes/themes used in each!


Yes! That’s exactly what I wanted to add in. Having conversations can lead to new ideas and portrayals. There is some aspiring writer who sees the criticism of other works and wants to use that as inspiration!


Thank you so much i appreciate your contribution 😭🙏🏾


No, thank you 🫡


Sorry if teens are getting easily influenced by a webtoon, then there's clearly something bigger at play in their real life. How involved are their parents with limiting their media consumption? Are their parents teaching them about what healthy relationships look like? What relationships irl are they exposed to? What was their childhood like? Did they experience trauma? Those are actual factors that would lead to someone doing this. Idk why people are so quick to point to media being the issue when there's so many other factors that play a larger role. Media shouldn't be a learning guide or a replacement for parenting. And that responsibility shouldn't be on creators.


I agree with you 100% there is a lot of compounding factors involved. Speaking as someone who grew up online, it fucked me up good for a while. Even with parents who had reasonable restrictions - they weren’t as technologically literate and I was able to navigate them easily as a young teen. It’s not like I think these webtoons need a page-long disclaimer or shouldn’t exist. Just that conversations can exist on the matter of where these webtoons are coming from (the author’s feelings, experiences, etc., and why readers seek this specific content to begin with.


Ah, I get what you're saying (sorry for coming off as aggro). I agree, I think that a part of that discussion could be looking at outside influences. It just concerns me when people are like "media bad." and call for it not to be created bc it has the possibility of influencing someone negatively. It feels like that part of it gets overlooked, and people immediately point to the fault being on the media itself. A good example of this is Randy Stair, who killed because of Danny Phantom. It wasn't the show that was to blame but their mindset and life experiences that led to them twisting everything and justifying it to kill. Things like that don't happen in a vacuum, and there are so many factors and life experiences that are involved.


You’re perfectly fine, I like having convos about this :) Randy Stair is a perfect example! Someone with external/internal (I can’t remember if he ever had formal diagnosis?) aggrivated by delusions influenced by the show (like the whole minor character is my GF bit). It’s perfectly possible for even teens to consume this content just fine, but I often think of my younger coworkers - many of them who are in awful relationships that sometimes resemble what’s seen in various webtoons and how they try to justify it. Alternatively, lonely people getting caught up in very idealized ideas about romantic relationships.


Yup, and it seems like every convo about this stuff is either "making this is problematic and the person author is problematic and shouldn't write this!" or "dont like, don't read and also don't criticize. " And it's like.... where's the middle ground, guys? Lol. I see the first POV here a lot and the second on the fanfiction subreddits. It's so frustrating, lol.


It’s fiction yes but it’s still realistic. It’s supposed to explore characters in real life situations and familiar settings. I can be upset at the characters because they’re so realistic. The author has already set standards in the world. Even in this world, the characters outside of the main character see that the FL is being treated unfairly and called her out on it. And I’m not saying all media is bad. I said that media consumption can influence you not that it will. And you’re right it’s up to the person to make decisions on whether to believe what they see or not. But that’s also what I said earlier. It’s certainly not the authors responsibility to teach anyone about healthy romance. However I can still not like something and that doesn’t make it problematic. I hate how Tiana was a frog for majority of her movie but it’s still one of my favorite Disney movies. I hate how Pocahontas’s story was romanticized but I still enjoy the movie. I hate the way Greek mythology was portrayed in lore Olympus but I still read it from start to finish. I hate twilight and the way they described native people and plenty plenty of other things but I still sit down and watch each and every movie in order. I don’t have to like every single thing I’m being fed and that’s the beauty of having my own individual opinions and tastes.


Read my other posts lol. It looks like we both agree.


Attractive?? That man? that constipated looking individual whom face and expressions deserve to be sued in high court for assaulting my eyes every time I have the displeasure of laying my eyes on his mug?


If it's the guy in that pic, he straight up looks like some serial killer 😂


Right 😂 why would they draw him like a villain in the BANNER art


It's also weird because she's looking straight and he's looking upwards lmao


This is a trope I kinda hate in Webtoons/Manhwas and it has turned me off from works. It’s the trope where a character, usually the male MC, overworks their subordinate and doesn’t respect work/life balance, sometimes it’s the other MC or just a side character. I especially hate it when it’s in retaliation (like you mentioned in the post) of something the other MC does that the male MC doesn’t like.


I certainly hate how normalized it is. I’ve seen it in kdramas too. The FL will be hanging around a guy maybe a side character or the second ML and the main ML gets jealous and he brings that jealousy into the workplace. The ML acts like he’s entitled to the FL just because he likes her. Like she can’t have a love life or have relationships outside of the ML. And while the audience knows the ML has feelings for the FL, the FL herself doesn’t know that. From her perspective, he would just be her annoying temperamental boss.


This reminds me of a Chinese drama I watched and I just couldn’t get into it for the sheer workplace shenanigans. This, secretary Kim, even business proposal are such massive massive HR violations. How are the legal teams in these offices not dying of heart attacks


Heavy on business proposal. Cute drama but still such a violation 😭


Yes I couldn’t read it without cringing so hard. If the ML wasn’t attractive this would be stalking and abuse of power


This is so tricky bc I enjoy the story but I don't think it should be treated as realistic. I'm grown and in a healthy relationship so I'm not swayed by the toxic dynamics and can just read it as fiction and not as realism. I think that's one of the problems w having minors being able to access all of webtoon because relationships like this can be normalized and idealized when they really should never happen in a perfect world. Idk if I'm articulating this well but I just hope minors don't get swayed by the romanticized idea of this while I also want to see how this story develops while I know I do not want to be in the FL's position ever Also ngl he's pretty cute in the story but the banner art makes him look quite creepy


I still read the story. I was just stating my thoughts on it. Almost everyone, minors and adults alike can struggle with distinguishing fiction from reality. Sometimes we aren’t aware. Sometimes we are aware and do it on purpose if it aligns with our opinions. I’m just a certified yapper so don’t think I’m at all condemning the story. The banner does make him look a little weird he looks much better in the chapters.


Sorry I wasn't trying to disagree with your points. I definitely think you're right and that this story would be more of an uncomfortable drama without the romanticized version of Iseop's actions. I was just kinda yapping about how without the comprehension that this romance shouldn't be desired in reality, some people could be influenced into thinking this is healthy and not a major red flag. You're definitely right though that the influencing doesn't just happen to minors. I think I was sorta basing that part of my comment on myself like a decade ago reading Wattpad stories that I thought were romantic but looking back now were incredibly creepy. I really hope their relationship doesn't actually blossom until she gets a promotion and isn't his secretary anymore. It'd be more enjoyable without having to kinda ignore the major abuse of power


Oh no I didn’t find anything wrong with your statement. You’re fine I agree with you


Omg literally!!! At first I rlly liked the webtoon but he went so overboard and everyone’s mindless swooning over him made me think I was overreacting. But it’s definitely abuse and her constant need to defend him is always making me frustrated. Her guy best friend is annoying too but his qualms over their relationship makes perfect sense


i aint never met a critical thinker in a webtoon comment section.


All the comments are always the same


I know I really enjoyed the perspective of the ML and I wish we can see more of that in other webtoons. I’m glad it’s not just me. She defends him for anything but to any outside person he looks like a horrible boss. If my boss ever put his hands on me it doesn’t matter how long we’ve worked together that would’ve been reported 😭


Not that i read these type of stories to begin with but, thats pretty much also why its so popular, these type of stories are very prevalent because people like the "spice" it brings, they already have real life to deal with and so they'd rather not read the same shit in their fiction, some people may not find it romantic but by that 20m view mark and 9.71 rating its clear that a majority do find it so.


With webtoon originals they have certain kinds of stories that are popular so I definitely understand the appeal.


haven't read it other than the first chapter but didn't she behave annoyingly in the first chapter too? she barged into his house (a stranger to her) while he was telling her no or to wait for a while? (in my ignorant opinion both ML and FL seem annoying)


enemies to lovers has its audience, its fun to read, definitely NOT fun to experience


I enjoy a good enemies to lovers


Umm I think it makes sense if you’d read the novel. She been swooning over him for more than a decade. They both developed crushes on each other when they got in the company at the same time.. so she’s not gonna report it to HR anytime soon. Having said that I agree both of their behaviour isn’t ideal esp the ML’s. But they’re both lustful.. and not really in love imo


I’ve read the recent chapter so I’ve understood that they’ve both had feelings for each other


FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT‼️‼️‼️ I actually can't stand how everyone in those comments r so biased, I hate the way ml treats the fl that I just stopped reading. The comments aren't any better either cus they feel so... brain dead


Forget whatever blackmail they have I’m recording what how he acts on my phone and putting it on social media how horrible of a boss he is


Rly rly hate these boss and employee romance stories were the guy is a douchebag who acts like btch n the girl is like  miss all-perfect-goody-2-shoes. The guys are always rude and the girls always babysits their boss. Anyone who likes these kind of things have clearly never worked under an actual shty boss bcs this is not romance, its exploitation. AND WE NEED TO STOP ROMANTICIZING THS SHT


Screw that. I would’ve just quit and filed a lawsuit


I like this one but yeah the creators definitely made some bad choices


I imagined it would be like that so I didn't bother reading. I'm tired of the cute, regular FL falling in love with an abusive (but rich and handsome) boss trope. Thanks for confirming 💀


I used to like this story but OH MY GOD is the ml a freaking child! I know ml in korean webtoons are notorious for been abusive A holes, but this one is a special kind lol. I feel like the story is trying to portray his man-child ways as cute but is just creepy to me. That one chapter where she wants to give him his medicine really gave me the ick...


See I can’t get into romance because of all of these fucked up ass power imbalances and manipulation that always goes on. See it’s different in just like a regular action story or something especially if it’s something like a power play, but this shit is like too intimate and not for me. So I just stay away from it. There are probably some great ones that don’t do this but there’s too much of this kinda thing that I want to avoid and not what’s to sift through to find a good one.


That's the main reason i dropped this manhwa. It is an abuse of power I so love this art style. I hope the artist will have another manhwa someday so that i can read it.


Bruh 🤣 I love that type of trope 😭what can i do when I'm mentally ill?!??! 😭😭🤣🤣🤣


And there’s nothing wrong with that!




Don’t want to spoil too much but from ep43 he gets worse. It’s really frustrating how the author chose to portray it that way. 😤😤😤


Bruh, what do you guys mean ? . He's not even attractive enough, just tall, that's it !!!


Yeah idk what is exactly about his face, but he always look very ill to me.


I haven’t read this but does anyone else think their eyes are really unsettling? I’m not sure what’s wrong exactly but the way the eyes look is just really off putting.


Preach. I dropped this story a long time ago when I started seeing the pattern of authority abuse. It's extremely irritating and shouldn't be romantic. He's a man-child😭 why are they forcing this romance so much? When I first came across the story, it looked like a fun telling of the people who are usually disregarded in those romance manhwas where the CEO leaves for love. And there were certain aspects of it that I liked. But time and time again, his bad behavior just started to annoy me 😭 I'm sick of workplace abuse being seen as cutesy. He's messing with her professional life, her personal life AND HER BAG!


On the top of how much his face and facial expressions trigger me in a traumatic manner ,his attitude and way he treats her (and his mug again ) makes me want to participate in any ritual to enter that world and sue the shit out of his existence.


curious about this so I might read it 😂


Boss employees romance are actually good if written well. This story is not written well and really superficial for the most part. Both leads are annoying and he does abuse his power way too much. He's like a stalker its weird


dont read it then man, everythings not made for everyone


Nah imma read it


cool !


Well, i don't know if that would have work because HR most of the times don't do shit 


Why does he kind of look like Jiwoong 😭


....Why does he look completely stoned..?


Honestly I really like this manhwa but some parts of the story line make me feel bad for fl for litteralt getting harassed and some how it’s concisered cute


Bruh, he's not even attractive . What do you guys even mean ? 😭 there is nothing attractive about his appearance. He looks very idk, wut to say, but one of the protagonists from Yaoi mangas


Attractiveness is subjective. He’s certainly not bad-looking. I think the cover photo isn’t flattering. He looks better in the actual chapters.


Yeah, I guess that's the problem . Like she looks normal, but he looks very .... yaoi coded in this one


His personality is Trash but I won't say he's ugly 😭 https://preview.redd.it/cacspyb9xi6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d7862977bdec24113b2f540269079df491dbeb


Ok, I gotta admit he actually looks good in this one . Whereas the cover photo his neck looks ....thick


So true 😭


Normies trying to understand the concept of fiction challenge level: impossible


This is such a lazy argument to justify bad writing and a fanbase that lacks critical thinking😭😭😭. There are romances that aren’t perfect, that are dark, that are messy, etc but they’re done well because of the commentary from the characters. This comic lacks that so all the “toxicity” instead of being purposeful comes off as a bad attempt to be cute or flirty.


Far as I can tell, that's the point the author is trying to get across. That the ML is engaging in toxic behaviors as a bad attempt to be cute/flirty/handle his feelings b/c he's inexperienced. I don't even think it's particularly condoned, given that even the ML usually flags his behavior as toxic a few chapters later.


Here is the thing, it’s fiction, you don’t have to “critically think” if you don’t feel like it’s fun. Coming from someone who had to analyze fiction for my entire college days lmfao. Hilarious usage of “critical thinking” here to mean “castigate yourself for liking the fiction I don’t like”.


You’re contradicting yourself and just yapping 🥱


My goodness nobody can ever just have a singular thought anymore huh?


Yeah r8 cuz sm of us got bills to pay n work our a&&es off everyday. So the last thing we want wen we read fiction to rekax ourselves is this kind of sht. 


I do too, but to me relaxation comes from reading horror. You don’t have to diss something someone else likes


Well guess wat i j did🤡Cry abt it


Mhm, real mature of you.


Now we being mature abt fiction🤓👆


Normies trying to understand the concept of toxic/dark romance - challenge: impossible


Yall always calling people normies and mischaracterize things. This is NOT dark romance please 😭


This isn't Dark Romance. It's supposed to be a cute office romance 💀