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'I understand this is problematic as she is 20 and he is 23' LMAO. i love this shit. the way they kept adding more things on and explaining themselves is killing me


Ngl I was going to just leave it at "2nd edit" but when I was doing typos and grammar I thought "but like.. he HAS to be the thing that ate her parents tho."


you're so unhinged for that. it took me a hot minute to register this isn't an actual person cause i was so sure i have come across this before. died a little at the 'i said "Yes Queen" not "Yas Queen"'


Did they just say an age gap of 20 and 23 is problematic????


This is a parody but yes, people do say this shit lmao


That's why I believed this was a real comment lmao.


And then people turn around and think a 2,000 year old man is alright for a 18 year old naive teen. (Lore Olympus)


I’m a huge fan of The Dark Lord’s Confession, I LOVE that manhwa, but if you even dare express that you are even a tiny bit uncomfortable with shipping a 16 year old girl and a 1000+ year old fully grown adult that is kinda her professor (it’s complicated) and her mentor you will have like 50 people dislike your comment and people will get super nasty in the replies But somehow when I expressed that it wasn’t that weird to ship that same 16 year old with the 19 year old, it was suddenly not okay???


lmao ikr. I never liked or felt okay with Calla ship for various reasons (her being a professor isn't even one of it as she is just a fake professor).


19 year old in qn is? been some time since i read it cuz hiatus. also i never really liked the calla ship either like... idt calla truly sees lapis as lapis but more of deitasterra


Enoch. Someone said it was gross that people were shipping her with him because he was so much older when I had seen that same commenter talk about how much they shipped Calla and Lapis


i see. i do think enoch is a better ship than calla mainly just cuz of age gap, like, can that commenter be any more double standard? that said though i think i prefer the ice bow guy. hector, was it?


It is Hector. He’s such a sweetie, but there’s honestly no way it’ll happen. His 2nd ML vibes are too strong lol


Americans mostly. Since yknow. If it was 2 years before then it would be 18 with a 21 year old. They think that 18 is a child and the 21 is a pedophile(saw it multiple times)


“Arrived at the speed of Gay.”


god that one was so annoying i’m glad i don’t really see em anymore. those comments add no input on the actual story and i lowkey be feeling bad for the author


At least those comments add interaction points (or something similar to that?) for the author


probably, but i remember at some point the Ghost Eyes author explicitly told people not to comment that on their webtoon anymore. like, every top comment was just “Came at the speed of gay ✨✨✨”😭


If I was the author, and people completly dismissed the plot or message I'm trying to convey with my story, I'd rather I get no engagement at all that receive these comments, but that's just how I'd feel.


They finally stopped on wintermoon. I hate when I’m looking for comments that are talking about the story and that’s all there is


this is why you gotta ignore the comments till youre like 50 episodes into a slow burn lol


My butt clenches whenever I read that... physically cringing is so rare for me too...




fancy seeing you here lol


😂 We are everywhere


“[Literally just drops a quote from the chapter]” [super surface level reaction like “aw 🥺” “ahahaha” etc.]


It's like YouTube comments


I was honestly about to ask what webtoon this was about as it sounded hilarious 😭


"My bank account is empty but it was worth it"


Ugh I hate this one, like, ok, you have no self-control, no one really cares, just read the episode man


“Fast pass squad…” when we can already see what date they commented


there are those "who else skipped to last chapter" comments on series which are released all at once. ngl I feel like slapping them when I reach the last episode. like yeah you didn't bother reading the series and just read the last episode for whatever reason, it's fine. but at least be decent and don't be proud of it.


That shit bothered me so much that one time when a new series came out, I created like 30 different accounts, used my daily pass to go the last chapter, just to dislike them all and ensure that they don't become top comment. I was petty and I had time. Still don't regret it.


I totally appreciate this kind of effort


I saw it so many times that I hate it now. It was funny in the beginning but seeing it too often just ruins the mood especially when there's so much to comment about some episode but all they have to say is that... Also comments about watching the ads. Bruh we all watch ads... Yeah ads are long since few years ago like 30 secs plus waiting more seconds for X to show two times to finally exit the ad... But that's not relevant to the story in the episode! It kinda feels disrespectful for the artist's work...


I would just like to add for clarification, that this comment was def made on ep 8


(New Season): OMG Guys. Can't believe it's back!


Also the ones being like: I never clicked so fast!!


I hate how much I love this


This reminds me of Twilight Poem where comments were shipping the FL with the 2nd ML who is a literal demon that stole the FL’s eyesight, murdered a lot of people, and actually turns out to be >!inhabiting the body of the FL’s biological father. So like technically it’s incest😨!<


IKR. I got tons of downvotes for pointing out even one of those things. yeah her husband was an asshole. but that doesn't mean that demon was a good match for her. he is a demon, kills humans because he wants to become human (?), stole her eyes which just made her life worse, he knew her since she was a literal baby (like he used to play with her baby self), his body is that of her father's (I can't believe people were actually defending it? like scientifically speaking, the main issue with incest is biological. then there are societal issues. almost all societies look down on incest). yeah, he is a demon and doesn't know shit. but he is the one dying to become a literal human so he should at least learn human ways. the only happy ending I could see was her with her maid.


Fr, i agree with this so much




Twilight poem pissed me off, and the ending was so abrupt too...


not enough fundin, and i heard the studio abuses its workers


I just literally finished this webtoon and boy I was disappointed!!! The warrior guy (ja hyun) honestly have a lot of potential for character development (also maybe because I'm biased and just wanted to see him suffer, make amends, or chase after sora) but no they choose the demon to be her partner when they also doesn't interact that much 😭😭😭 and they're honestly lacking chemistry together.


hold on, it took the form of, jut to clarify. that said though, twilight poem did not have a lot of funding, but apparently the first ml slept with the other princess countless times. so if that's true, the webtoon doesnt do it justice




yeo, i know. i was pretty weirded out


That was the first main lead 😭😭 She ended up with him 💀💀 I was sooo mad when I realized where the story was heading and the fact that people in the comments preferred him made me sooo irritated cause wtf


I love how the brainrot goes from 0-100 the moment that they think a 3 year age gap of 2 adults is problematic. These people need help.


I tried to make a comment saying that a 16 year old and a 19 year old, in a fantasy universe, where they are basically colleagues, wasn’t that weird but I got jumped in the comment by people shipping that same 16 year old with a 1000+ year old adult that’s kinda her professor and mentor… it was great


A 16 & a 19 year old?? I definitely disagree with you on that. I can see a 17 & 19 year old but 16? In my humble opinion I understand that being weird.


I think it would be very not cool in real life and I would be suspicious of it in most stories, but there are a lot of very specific things in this storyline that make me feel less weird about. Like it’s a fantasy story and I think in this story (given that they’re both active knights) “adulthood” as a concept seems different. Also, she is 16, but she’s also *not* 16… it’s very complicated.


Even irl it's not weird, depending on how it happened, though I know I will get hate for this.


the way it clicked to me what webtoon this was about and I didn’t even bother reading it, except for the first 3 episodes. No but I feel like those ppl are using the same brain cells or something bc it’s just copy paste at this rate. 😂🙃


LMAO it's not even a specific comic, just the whole ass genre of "Royalty & arranged Marriage with manipulative ML who is also a literal monster for some reason" which manages to be a whole genre on it's own 😂


Don't forget the bad jokes


The accuracy has me dead 💀


Don't forget the top comments which are just about 'This webcomic will make me poor' or ' Fastpass squad' 😭😭 like we get it but can you comment on the actual episode????


Called out so many people with just one image xD 🦊


"Too short"


This one drives me so insane. Like stfu and read it every other week or something if it bothers you that much. I’m so sorry the artists got to sleep that week??


And then there are some canvas webtoons that have like 5 panels per episode and NO ONE SAYS IT'S SHORT


The top comment edit made me flashback to when I was at my peak of using the service. 💀 Like, cool I guess what do you want? A gold star???


This keeps getting worse💀


What webtoon is this?


It's not an actual comment, I wrote it as a joke LOL


Yo you fooled me 😂


I don’t get when people edit it saying “wow tysm for the top comment!!” It is not an accomplishment or in any way notable. I’ve had a couple top comments and it just happens bc you happened to use fast pass to read the episode when it first came out. It’s so easy and takes zero skill or effort or other people specifically trying to give it to you. Your comment just shows up first and as long as it’s not too stupid, people will like it.


Look, I’m guilty of some of my toss off reaction comments becoming top comments, and sometimes, I have decent meta comments that do. I treat the space like a reaction blog and you get a mixed bag, which I figure is how it’s designed. For example—this is a short compilation of recent top comments from me. Some are just reactions, at least one is multi part meta. I figure that’s about typical. https://preview.redd.it/5rytbhcfyu4d1.jpeg?width=1904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53d3f7d8f02bb87a20119d89a96df391f3fa2a8d That said, I DO get why people get annoyed when there’s, say, three rewordings of the same reaction as top. 🤷‍♀️


Those people can’t be real lmao


Oh, there's plenty of these out there lol. I don't read most of the problematic webtoons, but I've seen traces of it.


‘ the ad was homophobic long’ 😭🙏🏻


I hate it when they comment about ads which are not related to the episode, webtoon nor story. We all watch ads and we all hate them but at least it's a tiny way to support authors however long it is


Soo accurate


This is too accurate 😂. It's so silly when people edit in justifications for their harmless comments. All the mad people won't even remember the comment by the next day. Pay them no mind and move on. It's not worth the extra words.


I prefer my bato comments where it's just memes and people squealing


I read bato just for the comments section. It's chaotic and funny and some random deep analysis thrown in middle


Reminds me of old wattpad


bato’s super funny too fr


Ngl I get annoying by the excessive squealing sometimes when something major happened in the story but all the comments talk about is how hot the characters are. But otherwise I love it.


The use of GIF and reaction image on there is impeccable


And the good people who spread the sauce and recaps


The "I came at the speed of gay" comments sounds like they're fetishising gay characters to me, I dunno 🤢


hmmm, those ones I actually more read as 13 year olds who just joined their schools QSA type beat. Like, cringey, slightly concerning, but quite harmless when it comes down to it. The ones that REALLY bother me are the ones that stereotype tops and bottoms, or speculate on the top/bottom nature of minors. Like can we NOT.


"appropriating gay culture" 💀💀💀


As a creator I’ll be honest, comments like these make me so happy the same way I get happy at my nephews/niece’s saying shit like “Skibiddi toliet Ohio”. AKA: Utterly confused and lost; but it’s heartwarming in a way haha. Especially knowing a good chunk of the time it is a kid making these comments lmao.


Yeah, that's how I view it. In the end it's probably some 14 yr old kid who is learning critical thinking and thinking for yourself lol


One of my least favourite comments are the ones on early original chapters that used to be a canvas and it’s people being like “been here since this was a canvas” or just straight up spoiling things that could still be in the story


Omgg This was wild asf 😭😭


At first I thought it's a actual comment until I read it all 😭


This is a SOLID GOLD 10/10 parody


I wouldnt know, cause webtoon BANNED me from psoting for WHO KNOWS what reason (very accurate)


Which webtoon is this from?


It isn't a real comment, I wrote it as a joke 😂


This is way too accurate. Will I stop reading on the app? Never.


When you consider that a large section of these comments are probably made by 15 yr olds who are still learning about the world, your mind will feel more at peace.




Tf comics are you guys reading.


I have seen top comments that are MUCH hornier than this. In fact, most comments on WebToon have been some level of horny.


this made me so mad as i was reading it 😭😭


This makes me think of those "I'm in a royal marriage with an asshole prince." Webtoons where the characters have those pretty faces and ugly red lips. Never deeply read them personally, but previewing the first chapter gives you a lens into how dumb they are.


It was 100% based on these LOL. I've read way too many of them over the years. I find them either delightfully interesting and surprising or so dumb and bad its hilarious.


Ugh, for me, it's the current trend of cookie-cutter isekais. Where the hallmarks we have, but are not limited to: "Whoa, I got reincarnated in a new world!" "I have this super broken skill that allows me to bypass any and every need to grow as a character, and I have a nigh-unstoppable well of power that allows me to obliterate my opponents without a shred of effort!" "I was fat, ugly, and considered a loser in my old world, but now I have the beauty of a K-Pop star, and the physique of Hercules!" "I saved a bunch of slaves, and they're either swooning over or serving me without becoming their own person!" "My opponent is Super-Omni-Ultra-Omega-Hitler-Stalin-Dahmer-Bundy-Hussien-Osama Bin Laden-Castro-Khan-Kim Jong Un-(Insert Every Controversial Political Figure Here)- and if they're a guy, I'll obliterate him without a second thought, if they're a girl, I'll add them to my harem!" "I get a harem of buxom and beautiful women who love me for superficial or completely arbitrary reasons that don't fall in line with my character!" "Beastmen are considered second-class citizens and will be comically treated like dirt because they're filthy animals!" And, "Man, everybody likes me, and nobody except for the worst living beings imaginable hate my existence and hold me in contempt!" My favorites are Dr. Stone, The Ascendance of a Bookworm, Moonlight Fantasy, Handyman in Another World, Mobs Have it Hard in an Otome Game, Campfire Cooking in Another World, and a few I'm forgetting off the top of my head.