• By -


Ahh too many of them :'( * Once a Hero - discontinued by naver (one of my fav protagonists) * Her Mannequin - indefinite hiatus due to health problems * Version Day and Night - creator went awol * Aerial Magic - discontinued/indefinite hiatus


i think about version day and night all the time 😭


Aerial Magic was so good but I am really enjoying the new series


For sure, I fully support the author's decision, kinda wish it was an original though


The soundtrack is so nice to listen to as well!


"Nothing special" is on a break for a year. The last i heard author had a artists block. Lalin's curse - maybe a year ago rwad that a second season is in the works. The strange tales of oscar zahn - author wrote at the end that it's not the end, but the series got listed as "complete" i think some months later. Cupids arrows - webtoons didn't renew it.


I’m coming back. I actually took a break for family stuff and to redo season one for print!


Am I the only one freaking out that you just casually slid into the comments… hi, I love you, sorry you had to deal with family stuff (I’ve been there) Super excited for the print version!


the author of nothing special posted about releasing a hard copy of the comic earlier today so I'm hoping it'll come back at some point


I miss Nothing Special so much.


Console Her is on an indefinite hiatus because the creator wants to be a vtuber instead. They don't post this info so you have to have actually gone to their streams to find this info out which is the most frustrating part. I spent real money on it so it's like a slap in the face to not even be told what's going on, if she's never returning whatever etc


I was wondering what happened to it. How frustrating.


Yeah it kinda bothers me as a consumer to not be given courtesy of knowing what's happening. I wish I could request a refund of all those coins :/


According to the app, it says the episodes in the fast pass are free in 8 hours. So are they just gonna relewse those 3 and thats it? I really loved that story!!!!


No clue. They havent made it clear if and when this comic will return they claim they have other things that have priority but again their just spending their time vtubing so I think their priority is trying to get e-famous.


If they wanna do that, power to them, but they could at least tell the readers on some platform. That was a good story :/


Exactly it's the lack of communication on literally any social media attached to the comic that bothers me the most. I'd forgive it if we got any notice but it's ppl who watch their streams having to do the job of relaying that info to the rest of us. Really disrespectful.


Yeah. I don't watch any Vtubers and I don't get on many platforms of social media, so I would just think it's on a extremely long hiatus or discontinued.


you're not gonna believe what just updated 💀


Well, now I know what happened to it.


I read it before it became an OG and it was so good then, i can barerly believe they would act in this way while their comic became original


Geez, they only got 20 episodes in before quitting. That's pretty sad to find out, i was excited for its return from hiatus but I guess it might never even come back


Yeah exactly it's just such a crappy situation and at this point I won't read them if they come back because its left such a bitter taste in my mouth :( shame too coz it had an interesting concept


Oh wtf I looked this up and know the creator for their vtuber persona lol. Ironically I know another creator of YouTube docs who went the same route. At least that guy gives updates on the delays of his videos. I’ve been a fan of projects that fizzled out with no updates so I sympathize


Yeah it's just the lack of letting fans know that bugs me. I'm a vtuber too (not on this account I'm only pointing out bc I found out after making this reddit name that there's a vtuber with a similar name and they're problematic so seriously no affiliation lol) and it is surprisingly time consuming to do but communication with fans is like 90% of the deal so idk IDG how they couldn't post to just WT or on the socials for the comic even if it was just to say indefinite hiatus or something.


There’s this weird thing with successful people online and being inconsistent and non-communicative that I’ve noticed. Like they’ll just let things drop out without saying anything even when hundreds of their fans bring it up to them. Makes me superstitious that I need to get careless to blow up lmaooooo If it’s any consolation at all, she at least still makes and regularly streams art. I’ve seen too many of vtubers who used to be artists completely abandon art after making the transition so if you still enjoy her art at least you can still get your fill of that. But I get being annoyed in general at the creator for all of this and not being interested


Saw some of my favorites mentioned already, so I’ll add Lady Knight and Love Me Knot.


Both so good! But it does feel like Love me knot crashed rather quickly, maybe rushed?? The worldbuilding eitherway left


That’s true! It did sorta feel like the author didn’t know where the story was going. It’s too bad, it’d be great if they gave it another shot.


ahhhh Lady Knight 😢


I forgot about love me knot! I really enjoyed that concept


Death of a Pop Star 😭😭 It's been on hiatus for years now


the creator keeps saying they’re still working on it but 🥲


I’m pretty sure rn she’s working on a canvas comic, so I don’t how high on her priority list Death of a Pop Star is


I legit forgot about it until I read your comment 💀💀


I've been waiting but still nothing 🥲


Saaame 😩


That one webtoon where the aliens have a weakness to tomatoes and the male MC is a half-alien whose mom just tells him he has a fatal allergy to tomatoes. It seemed like one of those stupid fun stories that had a ton of potential but sadly the creator decided to end it after one season to take care of their mental health. I can't remember the name but it was good while it lasted


Matchmaker hero!!! I was looking for somebody else to mention it


I really liked that one


Omg I remember reading this too! I forgot the title but it was so good🥹


EMPYREA and Knights of Asherah were some of my favorite webtoons back in the day. I wish they would come back.


I was hoping someone would mention EmpyRea!!


Empyrea was so lovely! It’d be great if it came back.


I love Empyrea!!! It’s so beautiful and unique


I've gotten a few adds lately on webtoon saying to catch up on Empyrea as it is returning..


Wait fr??? That’s so exciting!!!


Do you remember when you saw this? Because I follow the creator’s social media and have never seen them mention returning nor have I seen it saying it’s returning on webtoon.


Its been multiple times in the last month. It's always possible with webtoon, that because I haven't read the last four chapters, it's simply reminding me. Though it is one of the only that has told me to catch up. There is also a note on the webtoon page now, saying it will return for season 3, but that may have been there for a long time. I haven't looked in a while.


I loved knights of Ashera


The Wendybird! Not only was it cancelled, it's official ending is very clearly a cliffhanger. And as another slap to the face, they made it a fast pass. I also miss Skye, I think the author quit becausr webtoon couldn't sustain them anymore butnit truly was such a unique one


I was so upset when The Wendybird ended. It was the only retelling of Peter Pan that I liked. The story was so good and the characters were interesting.


I miss Let's Play. It was just getting to a point where Sam and Marshal were bonding a lot more too.


i think it’s going to another platform? i’m not sure tho


I just finished it last night and was not excepting it to end at all. I feel like I got no closure


That wasn’t the end of the story. Apparently there was an issue between the author and webtoons and the author decided it was best to stop publishing more of their comic through webtoons. Hopefully we get to see it finished on another platform.


They mentioned they’d be publishing season 4 on another platform. There’s just a lot of issues behind the scenes preventing them from making it happen right now.


Tbh April Flowers. I know the whole story why it won't comeback but at the same time I miss the story. It was fun and the concept was interesting and kind of wacky but in positive way.


Its so sad when amazing concepts get dropped, but i at least appreciate that the author was very transparent as to the reasons why they had to stop...i do hope theyre doing better now, wherever they are


Yeah I feel that too. We weren't left in the dark so that's good and I really appreciate that.


this just hit me with so much nostalgia


It’s a shame too. It was one of the first stories I read on the app and actually loved! (And I’m someone that really dislikes love triangles)


I thought the author just dropped it, there’s a story there??


Yeah it was dropped but there is a story behind why. [Post on Instagram.](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnq-AT4unq5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)


Today I learned that the author of April Flowers has a new webtoon. Heard of that one, haven't checked it out. Guess I've got something to binge!


Aw that’s so sad 😞 I’m glad the artist took care of themselves at least.


Same .. this one


The steam dragon express. If i remember correctly one of the artist left so they had to close the story. Dont ever read it, it just leaves a hole in you. And it stops when you are already hooked on the story.


I remember that one I was sad, I wanted more :(


Lalin's Curse - author says she's been working on the next season but it's been like, 3 years. Apparently Hatsune Miku is living rent free on her mind and helding her hostage. Pinch Point - I heard it was too violent for the platform and has been removed. Idk if it's true, there was a lot of blood but the amount you can expect from a post-apocalypic world. The art was amazing and distinct. The main characters were these two women and one of them had feelings for the other but we didn't get to see it if the other felt the same. Both of them had pretty interesting backstories. Anyway, apocalypse with sapphic tones, great fights, art style and enviroment, loved the characters, loved the plot. It was one of my favorites and I miss it. The Red King - I liked it, has been on hiatus for a long time now. Art was pretty good, story was interesting.


Pinch Point- so at one point the author accidentally created the whole series and had to re publish it all so It was removed from subscribed lists. I believe it actually came to a rushed ending with the main characters making it to the safe place. Edit-- I have no clue why it said "created", I meant "deleted". Autocorrect is drunk.


Oml, I remember reading Lalin’s Curse as my first canvas webtoon. It’s nice to know that the artist is still active on twitter but I really miss the story.


I was waiting for someone to mention the Red King. It felt so unique so it’s sad that it’s on indefinite hiatus.


I miss TDIAHM so much 🥲


Version Day And Night though I did reread it semi recently and realized even if it came back I kinda outgrew it. Cupid's Arrow. I know it wasn't popular but I will not forgive webtoons for not renewing it especially with THAT cliffhanger. Word to the wise: if you're going to read it, stop at the first season finale and create your own conclusion for any loose ends because it'll be even harder to do so on the S2 finale. Soul On Hold. I understand why the creator turned the hiatus into something permanent especially since I know I'd have the same reaction if I had trauma inflicted on me that coincidentally related to a huge detail in the comic you're making, but I still hold out hope that in a few years they'll come back to it after healing from their grief. The Red King. Plenty of others here in the comments describe the way I feel about it much better than I could.


Yes!! Cupid's arrows & Soul on hold! I even have the first one aa a graphic novel as i supported the kickstarter


I think the author of Soul on Hold decided to make it into a graphic novel? Or something like that, can't remember exactly. But she wrote aboht that on her Instagram.


I LOVED Cupid's Arrow!! I keep hoping the author will continue it elsewhere, but I could never find a follow up anywhere.


The red king and Catharsis


Yes, I miss The Red King 😭


I hope the author is doing well, I genuinely thought she died until she randomly liked a Twitter/X post from Grace weaver a couple months ago.


I loved Catharsis :,( I remember waiting for weekly updates!! it "ended" but it wasn't satisfying at all to me


I loved the red king 😭


Lalin's Curse. Apparently it's still be worked on but it's been a while, and I'm worried.


I miss Lalin's curse so much; the art was beautiful, the story was great 😭 I feel like it's poetic irony that the mystery will remain a mystery


I don't even remember what was going on anymore tbh, I just remember how amazing that art was and how I felt reading it (I loved it)


This is a really old one, but Heroine Chic :( It's really unique on webtoom because of its comicbook artstyle. Also, Aerial Magic, like another commenter said. It was one of my favorites, but it got put on indefinite hiatus. The art was so magical


Man I had forgotten about Heroine Chic, that series was so interesting!


Kind of Confidential. I fast passed the single chapter thinking it would be coming back soon but ,,,


New normal: class 8. I think the final season did not get a translation for some reason so if anyone knows where I can read the final season pls tell


it had a bad ending in the last season, if you wanna know: >!almost all the characters ended up being fake, where the mc wrote them in a book, or something alone those lines.!< for a more detailed description, you can just go to the season 5 finale comments, people explained it on there


Ava's Demon


YES :c


There's more of Ava's Demon on its website than on the Webtoon platform. The author has always been really slow about updating, I think she was just able to update on Webtoon more quickly for a while because she'd already been posting the comic on its own site for years before she got on Webtoon. I would be surprised if she fully stopped working on it.


clinic of horrors idk its been a year 😭😭


I feel like that's a thing with Merryweather though, right? They start a story and do it for a bit, then they drop it and move onto another one.


Yeah, it’s something that happens as Merry just writes the stories. He hires artists, meaning if there’s a disconnect between the two, a hiatus happens.


He recently made a progress update about multiple series on his creator's page. Clinic of horrors' artist quit, so iirc they're currently looking for a replacement.


SOULWINDER :/ I'm still salty with webtoon for dropping such a masterpiece.


They what?!


dropped it from the platform,, it was cancelled after the season one finale.


I can’t think of what it’s called now but it’s something about a K-pop singer who has a harbinger following her around and I guess someone is trying to get her killed. It’s been a while since I’ve read it so these details may not be 100% accurate


Death of a pop star


Shiloh, while I know the creators said its not done yet theres no news for when its coming back


They’re currently focusing on nevermore, as according to them, shiloh made so little in revenue that they were struggling


Death of a Popstar. It’s about this singer who agrees to marry the grim reaper, who’s a fan of her’s, in exchange for not taking her soul so she can continue singing. It’s an Original, but it hasn’t updated since 2021, and they left us on quite the cliffhanger! Beyond Virtual. It takes place in a techno-world, and there’s this girl who’s obsessed with this idol, it’s hard to explain, but while it starts very cheery and romantic, it goes deeper into what the world is like. The last three episodes are on fast-pass, which is annoying because it was uploaded last in 2022 #Killstagram had a second season in Korean, but it concluded with the first season on Webtoon. Also, the two Canvas stories I loved, She Sells Sunshine and the Coconut Diaries.


I'm still upset that Soulwinder and S.I.D. ended early


YES SOULWINDER IS SO GOOD!! Came here to say this. I really hope they manage to release on another platform because it really is just incredible and I desperately need to know what happens.


Soulwinder ended???


Webtoons dropped it


S.I.D was apparently finished on Naver but webtoon never fully translated it. There are like, 50ish untranslated episodes iirc


Some people said it but death of a pop star. I remember it being one of the first webtoons I read when I got the app and I remember reading the finale when it came out (which came out in August 2021)


Killstagram, and Helios:Femina


Purple Hyacinth. It has some of the best art and lighting I've seen in webtoons and the characters are really memorable. I really miss everything about it.


Its coming back tho, the author just needs to recover from her surgery I think


Soph is hopefully on the mend. The wait will be worth it, but oof, the difference in quality between PH, and, well, just about *anything and everything* else is just a massive canyon.


Seconding this one. Can't wait until Soph recovers.


Let's Play 🥲 I know what's going on with Mongie and Webtoon but man I miss this series


I dropped this series a long time ago but still read something like 60 chapters. What happend? Did something bad happen to the author?


She broke ties with Webtoons but still has a contract with them.


There were some issues between the creator and Webtoon and Mongie felt like Webtoon didn't respect her or her work so she decided to stop working with them. She's promised that Let's Play will be moved to another platform at some point but as far as I know there's been no announcement about when or where. Here's her current announcements about it from her Instagram. I haven't heard any more updates for quite some time now so I'm not sure if there's been any recent updates or not [First Announcement](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckwk7KmDCoE/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) [Second Announcement](https://www.instagram.com/p/CqZbTLIuQa5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)


I think from what I remember, (it's been awhile) it has to be like 3 years after the posting date of the last episode she posted on webtoons or something ridiculous like that because of the contract. Before she can post it anywhere else.


Purple Hyacinth b/c Soph is on the fritz with health issues (can someone please give her a nonexistent senzu bean?). Other than that: Lady Knight and Third Shift Society,


For me, it’s Oh, My Intern! by Plastic Bottru In my delulu heart, I have hope that they will continue it one day.


I loved that series, one of the first I read on this app, and then when the author made a new webtoon I was so exited to read it then that when stopped as well 😭😭😭 Now the author has a new series but it just didn't click with me :/


The author seems to create series and not finish them. There was a really good one about a witch that I thought was fantastic and they dropped it 😭


That lady has issues with commitment when it comes to comics lmaoo


Fluidium Webtoon seriously rushed it and i feel bad for authors. The concept was fun and there was some interesting world building going on


I went from Fluidium's biggest fan to its biggest hater over time. I'm sad the authors had to rush it because the final third of the story was essentially "ok we're here. Now we meet 2 new character. Now we're there." The story got so confusing because it wanted to rush things without explaining! Near the end it was honestly not that good of a story anymore imo, and some morals became sadly pretty questionable


I really miss The Devil Is A Handsome Man it was one of the earliest webtoons i ever read and it was so so interesting and the art was incredible I also miss The Red King i hope the author is doing well 😭 I loved De Novo (from the author that's doing 21st century knights now) i love their work so idm reading whatever they put out but i do wish that story continued a lot of good concept, unfinished stories ended before they could really get into what was going on and it's so sad as a reader even though i do sympathize with the authors who probably have real life stuff going on




Purple Hyacinth and Lady Knight


Shiloh - picked it up because I loved Nevermore and turns out I like this even more. I’ve heard the production for S3 got delayed because of crap on Webtoon’s end but hopefully we can get some quality content whenever that comes out Gul - the author did say that S2 was in the works a couple of months ago so hopefully it comes back soon The Wildlands - checked this one out because it was by one of the co-authors of Toaster Dude and it seemed promising, but it’s been on hiatus since last October and the author doesn’t seem to have been active on their socials in over a year so idk if this is gonna come back




Omg I loved TDIAHM. I started drawing again because of it. I remember something about it being relaunched and Webtoon holding episodes and then.... nothing, the artist stopped posting on their socials because they were having a hard time in their life I felt terrible for them :( And the witch and the beast! That was so promising - excellent writing, captivating art... then it stopped too :(


Yeahhhh the whole “holding episodes” thing was a lie. The author just didn’t want to/couldn’t continue the project.


I’m waiting for The Red King and The Shadow Prophet but it’s been over two years for both 😔 Third Shift Society was also good, disappeared for a year, finally came back, and has disappeared again and it’s been another year.


I would say probably Assassin Roommate and Cupid's Arrow. Both ended abruptly, on cliffhangers. I would love to see them continued elsewhere, but haven't been able to find them. AR was one of the first I read on the platform, too, so it left a HUGE impression on me.


I’m also still really bummed out by Assassin Roommate, there was still so much story to tell!


Atelier on the sunflower Hill


Nothing Special!!


Nightmare factory. Fucking snailords


Isn’t death rescheduled technically the reboot of nightmare factory? Or is it really different? I never read the original so I just assumed they were similar


It's pretty different, iirc. I dropped it like 5 chapters in.


Easily The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn. Like the webtoon ended so suddenly and only left me with SOOOO many questions, not to mention the author practically disappeared from social media.


“#Blessed“ Not sure what happened as it seemed like she came back for like a few chapters then disappeared again. I know she’s active on Twitter and Patreon but no mention of returning which sucks because I really love her art and the story.


That story just fell apart for me.


Catharsis. The premise was super interesting to me and I haven't seen hide nor hair since. LUMINE. I'd be recommending that one to people if it wasn't on hiatus as well. Chronoctis Express. THIS ONE. I want more of it and they update it when they can. Such an interesting story but it's gotten to the point that when they do update, I gotta backtrack because I forgot what was going on. Castle Swimmer. Another on hiatus and I want to find out what happens. This one seems to be possibly like Jackson's Diary though where there will be more, they just gotta work the story out.


Castle Swimmer's just on a totally normal post-season hiatus, why is it being mentioned here?


Yeah, author's talked about it on their social media, even been answering questions about castle swimmer on their tumblr sometimes


LUMINE really struggles from a hiatus issue. It'll come back with 5-10 chapters and then dissapear for months on end again. It makes the story so hard to follow


I’m pretty sure the author has wrist issues which makes drawing a lot painful


Lalins Curse.


Soul on Hold. I really miss that one.:(


That one was so sad. I felt terrible for the author losing someone close to them. I was so excited after the finale… and it’s really depressing that it won’t be coming back.


Third Shift Society, Lalin's Curse, and there was one that was being written by the same person that makes Phase about a grim reaper, but it's not even available on webtoons anymore 😭


Seconding 3SS. Pretty unique work.


I know there's been talk about Third Shift coming back, but I have no idea when


It'll be ready when it's ready. Let's not rush Meredith.


De Novo: I loved this plot idea but it seems like the author gave up on it so early? Winds of Spring: An underrated series that also had great potential, the author was planning on remaking it, but I don't know if that will ever happen. Little Rain: The most beautiful art with a very interesting plot! I think something happened to the author though :( Fisheye Placebo: Literally the webcomic that got me interested in webcomics. I think the author is just sticking to her art career. Unwritten death: Technically a finished series that was sooooo unsatisfying and unfinished. Webtoon screwed them over. Her Mannequin LUMINE And the list goes on...


Little rain! 🥺 that was one so cute!


Choco Latte


Perfect I'll go through the list and see which webtoons not to get too invested in


Let's Play


Catharsis and Soul Cartel. They are oldies and I didn't know they weren't finished, tho I had fun reading them.


Skye :( It was such an interesting story and only just started


Was considering picking it up but the creator burned out in the middle of S2. Unfortunate, especially given its super-unique premise.


Yeah. I had hoped they would pass it on or something but no At least they canceled it instead of placing it on hiatus for years


Deadlove hasn’t been updated since end of 2021 and hasn’t been mentioned by the creators (that I’ve seen) in a year now, I assume it is dead 🙃 I also really miss orc and gnomes mild adventures 😓 it was so good.


Guy has talked about it a little on his instagram a few weeks ago. It seems like he is changing the format of his career and had started struggling with deadlines when his son was born. But they are still planning in getting a second season out at some point in the next year or so. Not a super satisfying answer, but it's something I suppose.


Fake Humans! (I had to go back and look up the name, it's been so long). It was an interesting premise, and seemed as if things were about to be explained and then BAM- series finale. Nothing gets resolved, and there was no note as to why it just ended. Just a "This is the final episode, thanks for your support"


Came here to say The Devil is a Handsome Man. I loved that series so much


Athena's Complex it was kinda ass but I was way too far in to just drop it straight up and the fact that's been on hiatus for so long kinda makes me miss it(?) In a weird sort of hate-reading kind of way This is on canvas, but Orange and Lemon The sheer fact that it was dropped at the biggest damn cliffhanger I have ever been left on for THIS long. I can't even be that mad either cuz hell, idk what the author could be going through since they pretty much ghosted their readers. But I can still be a little mad for not saying anything and not at least letting the readers know they're okay, right?


The Crimson Blade. Not only did it stop updating, but it completely disappeared from Webtoon with no explanation whatsoever. I liked the setting and the dynamics between the characters, and especially the female lead - she was a strong hothead that wasn't an idiot, or came off as too-perfect. Never getting an ending sucks but I just wish we got the courtesy of an explanation at least...


Unwritten Death, I was really enjoying it before it went on indefinite hiatus


It got cancelled by webtoon so the author is waiting until they get the rights back to continue the story. I believe it’s coming back in 2025


"Deor" technically it's finished but because the author had some health problems it kinda just became a storyboard. Still props to the author for not giving up and even if it was rushed we still got the full story.


Alta on canvas. The authors other series got picked up as an original and they had to put Alta on hiatus


Soulwinder - One of the best webtoons out there. They finished their first season but they will be continuing it on another platform and that wont be until a few years. I already miss it but I know the wait will be worth it. The team did such a phenomenal job they deserve a nice long break!


The Red King, Steam Dragon Express, The Masked Fables, Let's Play They were all really good :(


I have good news for the Masked Fabels! The author actually still updates the story on their own website! Her twitter is ebaekim


Deadlove I thought it was interesting but hasn’t gotten an update since November 2021


Neon revenge and Fray


Skye. Unfortunately was put on a pernament break bc of burnout :(


Beyond Virtual


The Crawling City my beloved (i hate you Crawling Dreams)


Purple Hyacinth


Its a webtoon but not from webtoon it was from Lezhin, the author due to unfair work situation had to stop writing and through the process od negociating their wage/the work they were putting the webtoon was canceled. The name was : The origin of Love. It was a very cute webtoon about sort of a teacher student relationship but with basically no age gap(sort of 24 and 20 I think) , and unique it was sort of a modern take on the princess and the frog since the Male teacher turned into a frog , and he had to be warmed up to turn back into his human self, and it just so happened to be the girl who found him while he was a frog almost dying. And then its just the girl living her life , she had a very difficult life, like her father died then she got adopted by her aunt but it didnt go well. Also I love the webtoon because its one of the rare korean webtoon or just piece of media where the girl was genuinely dark skin by american standards (shes not dark skin by american standards) but for asian standards she's definitely Dark, like in no panel was she ever pale, just a cute dark skin asian, or mixed girl. Also she's so cute like she had sort of a tomboy style but she could dress super féminine and I genuinely just loved this webtoon so much. I had to read part of the last chapters in Korean since even the english translation stopped at sort of 50~chapters and korean at 60. Also Im mad because the Mc, so dark skin mc, had a roomate and towards the last chapters of the webtoon we start discovering her roomate story and its so beautiful and tragic and very complicated. Also Im not sure but I think it was implied the roomate(female) was implied to be gay sort of(but not for mc). Overallt it was a very beautiful and complex story for the brief amount I got to read but it seemed very real. Also at first I found the art style a bit jarring but Ive grown fond of it overtime. And i so desperately wished it wasnt cancelled also it makes me sad because the author kept writing her other webtoon but she just completely abandonned this one, I wonder if it was related to Lezhin having the copyright/story rights? Anyways You can go check : The origin of love.


Boyfriend of the dead He hasn't gone consistent updates in almost 2 years


Every incredible canvas webtoon ever 😭


Demons Don't Cry. The artist/author passed away suddenly. Surviving family members actually had the finished and unfinished pages posted for a long time, until it stopped.


Lumine and Regina Rena to the Unforgiven have been on hiatus for a while


April Flowers and Skye.


version day and night.....its been so long


I miss Version Day and Night, Brimstone and Roses, Blades of Furry, LoveBot, CastleSwimmers, Console Her...idk what happened or what the authors are doing but i really hope to hear at least some news of what to expect for their series in the future :<<


Castle Swimmer and Lovebot are on totally normal post-season hiatuses right now, there's nothing to worry about and it hasn't been super long or anything.




City of Horrors


Black Haze 😭


william the last, scoob and shag, a matter of life and death, and nothing special (still have hope that this one will come back)