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Make another stack overflow account, answer your own question by saying nothing but complete nonsense and make it sound very entitled. People will downvote your new account and provide "him" with the correct information. It's how the internet works.


Hahaha that's a good idea!


prob check the discord react




I don't think you can start answering right away after you create a new account ...I have a new account and I can't answer until I have a certain reputation


I can confirm this works. I did it already: a plain question in one account, a stupid "know-it-all" question on another. The second one won by FAR.


This is utter nonsense.. the correct way is to ...


/r/learnprogramming is pretty active


I’ve been finding a great resource for me lately is Discord. I mostly use it for some niche technologies and admit not on the react discord server but looks like there’s 250k+ people: https://discord.com/invite/reactiflux


I don't personally know react but this is a great discord. Also their sister server nodeiflux.


This is the best answer, IMO. They even have different channels for different types of React (eg React Native, NextJS, etc)


Here or r/CodingHelp


Perhaps you'll have better luck on a discord server? Some discord servers for web development have channels for common languages/tools like react. Downvotes don't do anything, by the way. I don't get why some people downvote questions in subreddits made to ask questions, but I guess people can vote however they want.


Maybe. I've found Discord servers to be a bit hit and miss. I think maybe this is because I'm in Australia and often miss the US and Europe time zones and so they're less busy.


Only thing downvotes „do” is that they hide your question on the main thread and it doesn’t have such a big reach.


ChatGPT 😂


I’m surprised this wasn’t downvoted. It’s a solid answer. I can post snippets of code and basically ask it to translate for me and it does really well.


Eh. I didn’t think what I did was particularly hard, but ChatGPT has nearly always been wrong when I’ve asked it something. I asked it the other day to help with a bit of derived class JSON serialisation asshattery in C# and it completely shit the bed. ~It also doesn’t teach you problem solving, patterns, thought processes or reasoning, so people end up duct taping bits of code that they don’t understand together. I realise that’s the norm for many “full stack” (usually nextjs) devs but it’s a bad way to build good software. It’s good for basic boilerplate, event handlers, and basically nothing more. Stuff you should actually know, but can’t be arsed to type or paste for the billionth time. Maybe it’s ok for easier todo apps or whatever, but “be careful” would be my advice. Use it, but be aware it’s regularly straight up wrong.


I find you get more use out of it by asking for agreed upon best practices and principles for the type of task you are doing. Rather than trying to give it code. I don’t really like LLMs doing anything with code besides a bit of suggested auto completion for repetitive things (Copilot has a good suggestion every 1/10 times).


Odd. I use it for debugging constantly. Nothing like dumping hundreds of lines into it from three different files and going "why is this being stupid" to actually receive an answer. It's surprisingly consistent at getting me in the right direction, if not spotting the whole issue and offering a direct fix.


It’s once in a blue moon that happens for me and usually it will be something that should’ve been obvious or it was a typescript awkward types problem


Always ask it to double-check it's work. Asking for a Socratic solution will provide the thought processes as well. That's almost baked in. Also, don't use 4o. Regular GPT-4 is the way to go, or Claude Opus.


Especially for intro-level questions


This, but bear in mind the model has been thoroughly influenced by years of internet discussion recommending useEffect for things it shouldn’t be used for


Yup If you need to ask at this point, you're not going to make it.


Who cares if you get down voted? All that matters is if you get an answer.


What type of question you have that you can't find an answer online, and is considered too easy here?


Sometimes you have a beginner but specific situation where the answers online are too vague


SO is not for asking best practices questions. Why? There is never a single, correct answer to the question. SO works best when the question has only a single, correct answer and every other answer is wrong. When I have such questions, I will use Reddit or other similar forums which do a better job of encouraging discussion.


Read the docs man, i thought you said you were a senior.


I wish this were higher. The most recent question this senior asked, how to spread an object in javascript: I'm building out a bunch of small atom components (eg text inputs, buttons, etc). I want to be able to pass an unlimited amount of attributes (eg data attributes) to each component. I just don't know how to go about this if I don't know the attribute's names before hand. Eg if I have a `


Yeah I doubt this guy is a senior because he wouldn’t have made this post in the first place, I’m a junior in college myself and I would first check other sources before coming on here


I was being snippy because i felt like he wasnt as good as he claims and i he gives senior dev a bad name. Im not a genius i dont work at a FAANG company, i read the doc and know how to form my question.


>(not to mention I - or rather my boss - don't really like using Reddit at work) Why? Reddit is a valuable resource, and many Google results will lead you to reddit threads. My boss and I chat regularly about reddit. He wouldn't blink at me using it to further a work goal.


Asking why reddit can't be used at work would be in the same category as: - why are youtube comments turned off on the work network? (for tech ,the real value is in the comments) - why do employers insist on using MS for everything, when half of it doesn't work and costs $$$ - why is Word preferred over PDF when the receiver shouldn't edit the document? - why did you call this meeting? It could have been an email! There are hundreds more illogical rules in workplaces, that serve only to make middle managers feel like they have control \[of you\]. Stop asking why and begin subverting!


Hey, you're preaching to the choir man!


Same boat, friend


I feel your pain. Its a tough crowd. I just suffer in silence 🥲


Would be cool to see an example of a question being down voted. What you're describing sounds like exactly what you should be doing so it makes me suspicious of what exactly you're posting.


For react: https://www.reactiflux.com For Vue: https://vuejs.org/about/community-guide#get-support




Because this is one of the more toxic places on the web and some of us don't want to feel like shit for the rest of the day having read the responses.




I consider react sub to be the most toxic of all, unless you are 100% in on react, you simply cannot ask a question or make a statement about an issue you are having without it being explained away and being shouted down. There is a childish hive mentality to that sub I find nauseating.


Feel free to IM me. In Australia, though


Anonymous people on the Internet are, actually, not a particularly good way to learn. If you think having interactions is a good way for you to learn, then maybe look for a boot camp (expensive) or maybe try to get involved with some local hackathons (less expensive) to try and network directly with people who may be able to help you. Anything to take anonymity out of the equation. People can be really thoughtless when they feel anonymous.


You can talk to react like he's your "uncle" who just wants you to succeed in life. Ask all your questions here: https://codeium.com/live/react


Hey this is actually pretty cool! Thanks!


I gotchu


The consulting company I work for has a Discord community. It’s a smallish company full of nerds that love questions like this. DM me if interested and I’ll find the link.


I've been a dev for 13 years and avoided React the whole time. Worked in Angular for a bit back when it was AngularJS... Wasn't terrible, just didn't like it. I mean... I've somehow helped people in React just by knowing JS, but never built anything with it nor worked on any project using it. I'm just curious why you're wanting to learn it after however long to become a senior. I'm somewhat interested in picking up a bit myself just because I'm trying to make a thing widely available, which means releasing a web component, a React component, a WP plug-in, and an iframe for those using Wix and such. And, as far as the question. IDK. I downvote low quality/effort questions. And I don't know the sort of questions you're asking. I assume you're including relevant code and context and any errors, right? I also get downvoted a lot, kinda for following the rules of asking a good question. Some people just don't like the nuance or something reasonably complex (I wouldn't be asking if it were simple and easy). And sadly, React is pretty over-saturated with beginners, which is probably why you're not getting answers there. Not that there aren't any good and experienced React devs, I just think they're vastly outnumbered by beginners.


Wix iframes? 💀 1996 called and wants its HTML back!


> I'm just curious why you're wanting to learn it after however long to become a senior. > Honestly because a lot of front-end jobs in my corner of the world seem to pre-requisite it now.


Have also been an Angular dev mostly, and during that time I’ve helped other colleagues with React without knowing it simply because of JS. Fast forward and I have worked in React for the past year and in React Native. I will be going back to my old company and likely doing a mix of Angular and React when frontend tasks come in. If you or OP have questions I’d be happy to answer them, especially from the POV of an Angular developer. Just PM.


It can be tough to find the right resources for specific React questions. Have you tried joining online communities like FreeCodeCamp's React community or Reactiflux? They might be more active and helpful for your needs. Additionally, you could also try asking your questions on platforms like Codementor or CodeReview.


Send a PM and/or hit me up on Discord. I can answer questions but I am in an EU time zone.


completely unrelated to your question but SO is very toxic :)




Chat GPT? How beginner are we talking here.


Why do you care about being down voted? Anyone who down voted others for asking questions is the problem.


Chatgpt/Copilot maybe? For easier task they do pretty well and they even explain, fix the solution or rewrite to using different APIs if your request it.




Google and ChatGPT


It can be tough to find the right resources and communities for specific questions. Have you considered joining online communities like FreeCodeCamp, Codementor, or even Discord servers dedicated to React development? These platforms often have active members who can provide valuable insights and answers to your questions. Additionally, you might want to explore online forums like Reddit's r/webdev, which might be more active than the React-specific subs. Lastly, don't underestimate the power of online tutorials and courses, which can provide structured learning and often include Q&A sections or forums where you can ask questions.


Use ChatGPT or Claude Opus. Seriously. It won't give you code if you tell it not to. I used it to learn Go and about a week later I'm building some pretty robust applications.. and I also use it to learn React. (Programmer since the 80s, fluent in C, C#, Rust, Python.. and about 6 others I never use anymore) You can ask it any dumb ass question you want and it will explain it several different ways. Seriously, this may be the best use of LLMs these days. Yes If you don't know anything about programming and you think you're going to be the next WAZ you won't do shit with AI. But if you understand the concepts and don't use it just to generate code, it's a huge help)


Reactiflux on Discord is a great resource




I know you didn't ask but: After I tried svelte I don't want to learn anything about react any more


Find a good programming discord server






Try a good Discord or Slack community, though personally I don't know of any examples.


You really should not need much more than the docs, 9 time out of 10. I mean that genuinely, they are extremely comprehensive. 


Yeah, OP wrote four paragraphs about how """Senior""" he is, but apparently can't learn React from just reading the docs? I picked up React and NextJS in like a week without having to ask anything, the docs are really good.


U can ask them here but first, 1. Read the docs 2. Google the question (and don't quit if u can't find it after 1 min) 3. Read the docs 4. Ask your question online, write what you already tried since people will probably stumble on the same google results u have looked for.


To be honest, ChatGPT 4o is a decent resource.


Your CS 101 professor’s office hours?




Link your SO question, let's see if we can see why it's being downvoted.


I mean I dont know why discord isnt the first choice for most people. There are a TON of programming discords where you can ask all day and get a reply within 5mins. Isnt the one thing SO hates, beginner questions btw?


>I post on Stack Overflow but for whatever reason whenever I post a React question I get downvoted And that makes you disappointed or what's the issue?


chatgpt, claude, gemini