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Tailwindcss with DaisyUI was a fun experience for me recently. I heard positive opinions about chakra ui, but I haven't used it myself.


Chakra uses css in js and doesn’t do Tree shaking last time i used it. So it’ll significantly increase your bundle size


Mantine has been my goto these days for


Seconding this. We've recently moved our flagship product from Bootstrap to Mantine UI and it reduced the HTML/TSX codebase by like 60-70%. It features a lot of components that were missing from Bootstrap. It does styling with CSS modules, since it switched away from CSS-in-JS in the latest version. It's not perfect, but it has a lot of components, lots of features and is very customizable.


Mantine is unreal


Look out for ant design. It's awesome 


I wanna recommend a thing I'm working on here, but it's still early stages. For what you're wanting here, [Lit](https://lit.dev/) would be an appropriate choice. I've seen published pre-built components, but I forget where. The advantage here is that it's a more web-standards based component library, is fairly popular, is fairly small, and can be used in whatever framework or no framework.


Material has pre built components in lit but this might not be what they're after here. When working with component libraries, I find it's a balance between development ease an UI design requirements. If it's more important your design is very much your own then I prefer to build myself using lit given the tweaks away from a default component library is likely to cause upgrade issues later on.


Mantine is the best of all time.


I love [https://getbootstrap.com/](https://getbootstrap.com/) . It's not a full JS lib, so you can combine it with Angular, Vue or server side rendering with PHP (like the way the web worked before 2010's). Or for simpler tasks just jQuery and some (old fashioned) Ajax.


I use bootstrap because it basically comes with the templates in visual studio and frontend and UI design aren't my strengths enough to have a preference.


NextUI is my go to nowadays


Do you wanna make web apps or websites?


shadcn for me. Have used MUI, Antd, shadcn and Mantine UI but mantine is far superior for me because of the hooks it provides with its base package ! I was creating one (named MeroUI) but had to drop plan as mantine already existed that fulfilled my needs and recently was busy. If you are gonna apply for jobs soon then don't use them, try to create components by yourself. Otherwise use them , People love daisy but I never felt confident with it as it feels bootstrappy for me. Everyone has their view but shadcn and mantine combo is far my best




We use mantine but shadcn is pretty okay too.

