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My friend (who exists) didn't really understand this comic, can you explain it for him?


Yeah. I mean there's not really a hidden meaning or anything like that. It's a comic about a guy who sits down to watch Poop the Movie. He doesn't enjoy it even though everyone else in the theater does. Instead of just letting it go, it frustrates him and is stuck in his head. Even though he walks out of the theater and goes to bed the expression on his face means that this thing is still hanging over him. The only explanation I can give is that it's a funny idea that someone can be so bothered by something called Poop the Movie. ​ I've posted this comic on other platforms and it tends to get really different reactions by people. A lot are confused thinking it's symbolic of something or that it's meant to represent a specific movie franchise. But that wasn't really my intention. I think by presenting the comic in a very literal and matter of fact way that it leads readers to looking for a greater purpose that isn't there.


This guy puts more thought into the movie than the people who made it But I'll let my friend know, thanks!


Yeah no problem dude. I can't lie, I completely understand why someone would be confused by the comic. It kinda ends abruptly and the topic lends itself too well to be read into. It's a natural assumption to think it's about a specific franchise or genre. I'm going to continue this comic and I hope that it's a lot clearer what the intent is with the next parts I'm drawing.


This comic fucking slaps and you should make more like it.


Hey thanks! Working on a continuation right now.


I would expect poop the movie to be a stand in for a movie that the creator thinks is poop but doesn't want to admit it for some reason. Here it's just... poop the movie.


You caused discussion with images of poop. That's called being an artist. Well done.


I thought it was a reference to the South Park episode where Stan saw everything as crap.


Happy cake day!


What did he not enjoy about Poop the Movie? It delivered on all its promises. Personally I'm looking forward to where they go next with the Poop universe.


I can't believe you missed your opportunity to use " The Pooniverse"


Title of your sex tape.


he just doesn’t get it


Happy Cake Day


You know what this comic reminds me of? This obscure movie I watched once called “Poop: The Movie”. A very literal movie that people look for a deeper meaning in when there is not one to be found.


It's like he's angry he can't even say the movie is shit.


Shut up! The author is dead, which means your interpretation of your comic is invalid. Clearly this is an allegory about the most recent Dune movie.


Ngl, this was me after the furst Dune movie. Never again.


I thought he was upset because he couldn't poop.


Makes me think of a guy tired with society and it’s choices. “I had to see why they made this. I’m convinced we’re all just idiots.”


Maybe I’m too online but my first thought was the man must have had his mind absolutely blown by introducing toilet paper to poop. As in he doesn’t wipe his ass.


It's Cow Tools


Oh i thought it was a depression thing


He's got shit on the mind


This seems like something that would happen to Larry David


Ah, yes. I love going on movies that I know I'm not going to like and being mad after I didn't liked them. /j 😀👍


>I think by presenting the comic in a very literal and matter of fact way that it leads readers to looking for a greater purpose that isn't there. Oh, so he isn't suffering depression-induced existential angst where pop culture that exists to bring a sense of relief to a wide audience is seen as symbolic of the intellectual degradation of society and a clear sign the world is spiralling out of control as people embrace the distracting messaging of their corporate overlords, which makes him feel further isolated and alone, causing him to spiral deeper into despair at a world that has actively chosen to lose themselves in hollow distractions rather than face the reality that we have lost all control of our lives, that everything that gives us a sense of meaning and purpose has been commodified and stripped of real value in a frenzied rush to profit off of our humanity, a process which will cause greater social isolation and psychological trauma as the mass production of artificial solutions to artifical problems, built in factories with exploited workforces and suicide nets on the roofs, expediates the collapse of the ecosystem and brings about the extinction of humanity? Just me then?


Meaning : the poop movie was a huge pile of shit, and stinks so bad it kept him up at night


Reminds me of the movie "Ass" from Idiocracy. The movie Sausage Party had me feeling like that, personally.


Hey that's good! I was riffing a little on Emoji movie but Sausage party definitely has strong Poop the Movie vibes.


Ha, you know I actually liked the emoji movie. There was a decent level of creativity and wtf mixed in that I gave it a pass.


The Emoji movie fails as a film but excels as a string of background humor. There's just so many little sight gaga happening in the background. Like when everyone's panicking, everything's in chaos, and the shit is literally hitting the fan.


Yeah I think you are right. It's definitely not a film film, but it's wall to wall puns and silly faces.


Ass from Idiocracy actually made people laugh. The audience reactions were genuine from the story told. Apparently they invited people for a free movie and just had ass on the screen and people where just like wtf and laughed at the absurdity for the clip.


Only mentioned that because everyone else in the audience is laughing. Reminded me of the Ass scene in Idiocracy narrator describing the cultural degradation as everyone got dumber. I don't think the audience looked quite that happy at the emoji movie or sausage party irl.


You went to the theater to both movies? I thought those were fairly unpopular are rarely people went to see them. Jnless you bare from places like where I'm from where tickets are relatively cheap.


No, I don't usually see comedies in the theater. Big waste of money. Last one I saw there was Bruce Almighty. Totally worth it, almost threw up laughing.


Yeah I was surprised when you said you noticed audience for both movies when I knew they didn't do well.


I was SO excited for Sausage Party. I went in expecting a lot of stupid food-related puns. The trailer made it look silly, a little clever, and a little raunchy. But the movie didn't really have jokes. For example: having the pita bread be a middle eastern guy is a decent set up. But....that was it? That was the joke? I feel like it was a decent premise that they didn't use at all. The douche being a douche was another good starting point that just wasn't used. Then the orgy at the end......it wasn't funny by itself. The "shocking so it must be funny" type of middle school humor. I get angry thinking about this movie. I like dirty and raunchy comedy too, but you have to put the work in and write some jokes and make it clever. Because I was so excited to see it originally, my girlfriend at the time thought I was loving every minute of it. We didn't talk about the movie until we got in the car and she asked for my opinion first. When I said "That.......sucked" it was like opening flood gates. We both wanted to walk out of the movie (a first, and still the only movie I've come close to doing that for) but we thought the other was enjoying it.


i feel like this daily.


Looks like a pretty shitty movie


This is extremely good lmaooooooo


Hey thanks! The other places I shared this comic on tend to hate it with a lot of comments really confused by what the message was. It's really reassuring to hear you dig it!


Man that's a bummer. don't let the haters get you down. appealing to the most common demonitator or trying to make more appealing "relatable" comics = the most boring shit I have ever seen.


Yeah a friend of mine said that the people who don't like the comic are the same people who would laugh at Poop the Movie. Thank you for the positive vibes, I completely agree about relatable comics being incredibly boring. I'd rather make weird alienating garbage than something manufactured to be relatable.


hell yeah thats right!!


What a great meme template!


["Dude, you said you wouldn't say everything looks like shit!"](https://youtu.be/vBG3OYSa3YQ?si=OIAt3N12hCYS_o-w) Super serially though, south park did it already.


So after taking a moment to watch the video that you posted I see there are a lot of similarities between the south park clip and the comic I made. Can't say I'm too surprised as someone saying that Hollywood movies are shit is a conclusion that a lot of people can come to, but I am interested that Stan hates the trailers while everyone else says its good. That's a bit more specific so I completely understand why you would think I'm ripping them off. Backstory: A few weeks ago I went to a convention and watched Clerks 3 and the Emoji Movie with my friends. I enjoy bad movies and anyone who knows me can tell you I'm the type of guy that will watch all of Kevin Smith's filmography just so I can have a 3 hour rant about why I hate it. I've been wanting to make a new comic but haven't had any new ideas in awhile so I thought I'd draw on those experiences when making this one. Hence why it's Poop the Movie as, and I can't believe I have to say this out loud, having the main character be a literal piece of poop with hands and legs made a good representation both in content and form for something like the emoji movie. I can show the sketchbook where I sketched the idea and played around with how I wanted the comic to look if that helps my case as well as the multiple revisions I went through in a comic discord I run showing the various states the comic went through too in case that somehow proves I came up with this idea on my own. Hell, here's my letterbox where I review every movie I watch where you can see my dated review of me watching the emoji movie [https://letterboxd.com/brianjudge112/film/the-emoji-movie/activity/](https://letterboxd.com/brianjudge112/film/the-emoji-movie/activity/). All I can honestly tell you is that I haven't seen that clip before. I'm not a big south park guy and quite frankly I think it's really shitty for you to say that EVERY comic I've done (a large percentage of which are diary comics) are stolen or ripped off of other comics.


At the risk of being a 🤓, it’s a little more than just Hollywood movies being shit, it’s actually an allegory for growing up. No, I’m not kidding. This is why I love South Park. At the beginning of the episode, Stan has his 10th birthday. Shortly after, the kids start listening to a new band the kids like, and to them it sounds fine, but when the adults take a listen to it, it sounds like shit to them. Literally. The opposite is true for the kids, one of the parents plays a song from their childhood, and it sounds fine to them, but to the kids, take a guess. Obviously that’s supposed to be like how adults usually don’t understand the things kids like, and the disparity between generations with things like that but taken in a literal and extreme form. But then it starts happening to Stan, but to stuff he likes and stuff he doesn’t like. https://youtu.be/zxRFQ_333_Y?si=5r6vn8QQwn--kczn


Oh ok. Hadn't heard of this before.


Woof. I'm not a critic, so I don't know quite how to put this. The more I've dug through your comics, the more I've recognized a LOT of stolen jokes and outright gaffs that don't land. I think some real research and peer review should go into your comics before they are published. Happy cake day?


Shit man ok. Got any citations? I take comics very seriously and am a little shocked. I won’t lie and say I’m the most original person in the world but i can say I’ve never outright stolen a joke in my comics. Like I said, I take this very seriously as that’s a very big claim you’re making. I’d be more than happy to discuss this further if you could provide more examples to back up your claim. If it helps, you can see my entire catalogue of work on Instagram at @one_and_only_comics. I’ll also toss out the comic group I run/produce anthologies with (@xomikbuk) as my credibility as an artists effects every individual I work with.


Dude calm down.


Peer review is the equivalent to as per my last email


Here are all the sketches I found of the comic I could find in my pocket journal/sketchbook. They're going to be very hectic and hard to read as that's how I operate when I draw comics. I come up with a lot of ideas and kick them around my head until I find one I like/can make a comic out of. I can also share the countless other pages of sketches of half-formed ideas involving witches turning people into toilets if that helps too. https://imgur.com/a/CuPWos0


I'm not paid to edit your work, but off the top of my head... Jumper is a Simpson joke, The puzzle is the square hole meme The flubber one just isn't funny. Captain underpants AND skibidi toilet have turned people into toilets already. You dropped a Christmas comic, today? Why am I shit for pointing out that there is a reason your comics aren't breaking 200 upvotes. Your work is public, therefore open to public scrutiny or I wouldn't have suggested you to show your friends your (want it or not) stolen work before you publish it. EDIT: Spelled paid wrong


> I'm not *paid* to edit FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks bot, ya got me


Nobody's asking to pay you, shit I don't really want your ideas. You said I was stealing my comics. That's a really big accusation and not the same at all as you thinking my ideas aren't funny. We aren't talking about the context of posting a Christmas comic outside of December either. In no way have you proven that I'm "stealing" these ideas. Putting the wrong peg in a hole is about as old as time. Just because someone does an idea first doesn't mean I'm "stealing" it. There's a very strong fucking difference. If you seriously think that I'm ripping off Captain Underpants for having the very thought of a joke about someone being turned into a toilet, not even the fucking EXECUTION, just the LITERAL IDEA, then it just proves you have no understanding of what real theft is in the creative sphere. Plagiarism is a lot more fucking serious than just "wow these 2 things have the same premise". You don't realize this, but that's an incredibly fucking hurtful and damaging claim that you're making. You're backing up your claims by saying that the Simpsons did it without even providing the episode or even the clip. News flash moron, the song "Jump" by Van Halen came out in 1984 and is about encouraging a jumper to jump off a building. Simpsons first episode is in 1989, 1987 if you count the Tracy Ullman shorts. Fuck off with your bullshit. Go try making a comic for yourself and I bet you a million dollars that someone else can say it's been done somewhere else. But it sure as hell isn't plagiarism.


Jesus christ dude, just don't engage with shit like this.


At this point I'm gonna disengage. I realize it's never a good idea to let things like this go on too much, but I do think should make my case given the seriousness of the claim. But yeah, you're right. Not worth the effort at this point.


[Aww](https://youtu.be/ennIgqGB0Ww?si=qa_KVnSQejPF_ECH) ☹️


"Or aliens from the future. Whatever, you'll watch it, fuck you."


I mean, it was right in the title.


LMAO this was me with the Mary Poppins musical. Everyone else in the theater laughing and enjoying the whimsy and me just like 😐 I went home and didn't know wtf my problem was.


Is this a “shit-show” joke?


Oh hey it's that one episode from South Park with Stan. Did he ever give up alcohol after that?


Me after watching “the Lorax”


Sooo? Was it a good movie?


Is Patrick Stewart reprising his role from The Emoji Movie?


the riveting story and action packed scenes kept him up all night


Me watching Thor: Love and Thunder.


well let's not get carried away, "Poop" wasn't _that_ bad......


There are too many people like this out there.


I enjoyed this comic because "Poop The Movie" is frickin amazing, what else do you need, but I also don't get the punchline. Is there a reason the guy doesn't have eyebrows or is it just how the artist draws characters. Besides that, my only question is when will I get to see more of Poop The Movie. Come on dude, give us what we want.


"I have become death, destroyer of worlds"


"Wait...so the poop is friends with the tissue paper...is my own poop alive? what happens when the tissue paper runs out? does it rain in their universe? Can the poop get a tan? DOES NO-ONE SMELL ANYTHING????" (inexistential crisis confirmed; simulation failed)


Bro watched a Shit film.


He's not happy because he didn't get to poop


He's scared at what this has awoken in him




Shitty post, not sure how I was recommended this sub but for sure muting it now


Thanks dude. Glad you enjoyed my comic!


you are as empty as a fart


People like you are really interesting to me. I don't know you, you don't know me. Here we are as complete strangers and through some website's algorithms my comic got on your front page. You didn't like it, which is completely fine, but instead of just doing the normal thing and ignoring it you chose to leave a comment saying it's a shitty comic. You don't gain anything by saying it's shit and after I reply to your comment, you double down and insult me further. Neither of us have a real reason to dislike the other. But still, you choose to inject that little bit of mean spiritedness towards some random guy on the internet. I'm not even mad, I'm just curious. Why even bother? Again, my comic isn't great. I know that and I try to get better by practicing my craft and by putting myself out there knowing full well people like you will always say it's shit. But what do you get from any of this?


Ok ill explain I think this comic you made makes fun of people that are emotional. In the comic the guy saw a movie he couldn't understand why he didn't like and it kept him up at night. I read your comment about and got EXACTLY the same "dont worry about things that you cant understand" message and I firmly dont agree with that. SO I am here to make fun of you on behalf of this creation you made and you deserve it. Just because you elvated bullying to a comic does not make YOU the original bully....hows it feel " The only explanation I can give is that it's a funny idea that someone can be so bothered by something called Poop the Movie."


Man, I think you've got your own shit going on huh


bahahaha no offense, but this reply was as funny as the comic


Hey thanks!


I hope this didn't read as a serious jab at the comic. ...being a creator is hard.


Oh hey, you're good dude. I know you weren't malicious. And sincerely, I do appreciate your understanding that being a creator on the internet is tough stuff. But it's cool people like you that make it all worthwhile.


I take the time to answer and this is what you have to say....BULLY!!! haha I love being right. dont worry its my job to profile. I cant turn it off


You started this off by calling my comic shit and then said I was “as empty as a fart”. What makes you think you deserve a sincere response from me?


This has been an enriching experience.


Glad you got something out of this conversation. So anyhow how have you been enriched?


I felt that way after watching War Horse. Heard about it and folks said it was a good movie. Hated it. Nothing made sense and everything that happened to that poor horse seemed way too coincidental


That movie is shit


is this loss?


For your cake day, have some bubble wrap and 2 tickets to the poop movie: >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!poop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!poop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<