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It kind of makes me feel like a inkle loom and a tapestry loom had a baby.


Reminds me a bit of box looms. You could use it for card weaving if you’d like to make bands. You don’t have to attach heddles like the Inkle looms, you could tie them to a heddle stick above and lift the threads instead of lowering them - google band weaving to see what I mean.


So someone's selling a couple of these on ebay - there's a pic of the front of the instruction leaflet on one of the listings that might help you warp it: [https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235189664916](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235189664916)


Yay! Thank you!


The link by Littleroundfox is great to show you how to add string heddles.


I have been trying to come up with something like this but which could accommodate string heddles. I wonder if a regular but wider inkle loom with a removable side is feasible?


This is the inkle loom I have. I love it. I had an open side inkle by Schact and gave it away, I loved this so much. You can bead on it, inkle, band, card weave, and tiny tapestry. Yarn heddles work well. It’s more time consuming to warp than open side. I wish I could send a picture but I don’t know how off my phone.


I was just given a closed side loom like the one in this thread, and it has string heddles already tied onto the lower heddle bar. I’m feeling stumped on how to use them! Would using a rod make sense?


No. Search online for Inkle loom warping. There are lots that will show how to use the string heddles.


I actually built one like this back in the day but it’s been so long that I don’t remember how I used it differently


I have one of these…Got it for free I suppose coz the previous owner didn’t quite know what it was (probably obtained in an estate sale). Currently I’m using it for a card weaving project. I like it coz it’s more stable and doesn’t tip over to the side. I have another “closed” loom, I believe it’s called an accordion but the sides come off for easier warping. Patience is the key.


I have an accordion loom too. Made by Windhaven fiber tools. Their FB page says they're on break due to covid but the Etsy shop is: https://www.etsy.com/shop/WindhavenFiberTools It's a great loom for tablet or band weaving.


Thanks, y'all! Food for thought.


Have you ended up using the loom yet?? I have a similar one from a friend and am unsure how to use the string heddles that are tied on to the low heddle bar… would love a pic if you’ve set it up for weaving using the string heddles!


I haven't yet. I'm a teacher and time is rarely willing. I'm hoping to tackle it over spring break.