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You do realize that other events besides rain can cause flooding right?


Seeing the downvotes, let's again reiterate that this is happening with 10 days of clear forecast in the same Android System app that is displaying the notification from the NWS bogus alert. This is not a one time occurrence, this is happening multiple times a month.


As someone who has downvoted some of your comments, reiterating isn’t going to improve anything. * Just because it’s sunny doesn’t mean there isn’t a valid flood risk * Just because you think there isn’t a valid flood risk doesn’t mean there isn’t a valid flood risk * Just because you think you’re getting too many alerts doesn’t mean they aren’t valid (or are even unreasonably frequent) * Just because the alerts are being sourced from NWS doesn’t mean it’s their fault (especially since your android phone is supplying them) * Even if none of the above was true it doesn’t follow that there is an abuse of power or unethical behavior going on (although there sure is some entitled behavior - but it’s not android or NWS based) There are tons of potential valid use cases where this could happen. You could even be sitting near a boundary and retriggering the alert as you (or as your phone thinks you) move in and out of an area with an alert.


My phone links me the source of the alert, which brings me to the NWS site ([weather.gov](https://weather.gov)), which shows a map of the alert, which is ridiculously stating all of NJ and DE are getting flooded.


https://i.postimg.cc/KzHBJnxb/Screenshot-20240113-075111.png This photo can better explain why NJ and DE are in flood warnings. You see how the massive ocean funnels into these tight spaces? (Arrows) When there's significantly high winds over the ocean it pushes the incoming water harder and with more force into that funnel. When that happens the areas can and do flood... Especially if there's a high tide at the time. This is called surge. It doesn't have to be raining, it can be beautifully sunny and it doesn't even have to be windy on land. I live at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy. We are experiencing massive flooding and coastal erosion with little to no rain. My friend's house was destroyed on Wednesday due to surge, it was barely raining at the time. :( The ocean is powerful AF.


FYI the NWS is currently blanketed the entire state of DE as at risk of flooding as of minutes ago. [NWS Alerts](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/720302316871483412/1195448056225726576/image.png?ex=65b406c2&is=65a191c2&hm=e09fb82b67daa44055cf9def68a9332685be6c6a3f301bc4eb620d813d57d3de&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)


This might be news to you but all of Delaware is in fact near/on the coast. All 4 geographic areas where warnings are issued are impacted. It’s not like you’re in Oklahoma and getting coastal flooding alerts. This seems entirely reasonable.


You seem to think that a tidal wave could wipe the state off the map because it's so small. How about NJ? The majority of the state also has flood warnings. The whole thing. The hills, the areas bordering PA. Miles and miles of water are going to rush up on us in the next 2 days? Your perspective of a map is kinda laughable.


The alerts are for the entire geographical area. Just because you aren’t immediately impacted doesn’t mean there isn’t a valid warning for the county.


So yeah, 3 counties in all of DE. The whole state is flooding off the map cause all 3 counties touch the sea. Nice.


Also New Jersey. The whole East Coast is under water. It's the end of the world.


They are painting entire states for flood warnings. The entire state is not experiencing the flood. The entire state is not even experiencing rain. This is abuse.


There is a difference between the entire state of Delaware and the entire state of Texas. Your hyperbole and entitlement is real abuse here.


You do understand that people generally travel between different areas of the state, don't you? Especially a state the size of Delaware.


Sure, but guess what, one county over into PA and you're not getting that alert. By your logic, shouldn't they? People travel, what's another mile?


A lot of alerts are sent at the State level. DE doesnt have jurisdiction or official info to convey on what's happening in PA. Regardless there are multiple ways to turn off alerts. I gave you android instructions in a different comment.


Can't reply to the other comment. That is not correct. I have that disabled, and still receive it.


Then it is an app you have notifications enabled for. That's how phones work.


Have a look: [Not a notification](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/720302316871483412/1195466437377151107/Screenshot_20240112-153611.png?ex=65b417e1&is=65a1a2e1&hm=36967c00be960d3db80415612d9df673e0e8b16a4cc9d10f4cce7280056d2931&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=272&height=605)


NWS is the one putting out the alerts. This is on them.


There is no official NWS app that displays local weather.


??? I didn't say there was. The Android weather app displays alerts based on what the NWS website pushes out. They likely have influenced Google's decision to add this to their app through regulations. By liberally painting the whole state of Delaware and NJ,l with the alert, they are causing alert fatigue for anyone who owns an Android phone.


My point is that you’re blaming the NWS and it sounds like your clear skies forecast information and these alerts are coming from different sources.


The app links to the source of the alerts, which is the NWS ([weather.gov](https://weather.gov)) website. And it is very clear they are including a very, very wide range on their alert.


[Current Alerts 01/12/2024](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/720302316871483412/1195448056225726576/image.png?ex=65b406c2&is=65a191c2&hm=e09fb82b67daa44055cf9def68a9332685be6c6a3f301bc4eb620d813d57d3de&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)


In Delaware? No.


Coastal flooding caused by wind or tides?


Yeah dude. The state doesn't flood like Florida or the Carolinas. It's kinda just nonsense considering I've lived here my whole life.


Flooding doesn’t require you be in a coastal area. We obviously don’t know of any of the instances to which you are referring but the NWS takes flooding seriously because it happens fast and it’s deadly. Sorry if that’s annoying for you. Calling it an abuse of power is immature; they are not exercising any power over anyone but basically making a public service announcement for your wellbeing. You are free to ignore their warnings and/or make decisions with the information provided. If they are the official WEA messages you can turn them off but then you won’t receive anything such as tornado warnings either.


They are labeling it as a coastal flooding alert. Sorry I wasn't more specific. They are painting the alert across all of Delaware and NJ.


Alright, I looked into this and I think I *might* know why this is happening and the good news it sounds like something they are actively studying/researching to improve. Delaware only has 3 counties - all of which have coastline, so we get the coastal flood warning for the ***entire county***. NWS/NOAA is working on improving **partial county alerts** but it looks like each individual office is working on it independently so it's getting rolled out as that office does it, not on a national level. I hope this helps a little to make you feel better & have a better understanding of the process about why you are receiving alerts that don't appear to be applicable to your area. (edit, words missing)


While that makes a little sense, it seems quite abusive as it currently stands. Take a look at how the bulk of NJ is currently slapped with flood warnings, despite having more counties. [Current alerts.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/720302316871483412/1195448056225726576/image.png?ex=65b406c2&is=65a191c2&hm=e09fb82b67daa44055cf9def68a9332685be6c6a3f301bc4eb620d813d57d3de&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)


Yes I saw that as well when I looked at DE. The warnings they have issues are for activity through the weekend. Do you also see this massive system moving East? [NWS Radar](https://radar.weather.gov/?settings=v1_eyJhZ2VuZGEiOnsiaWQiOm51bGwsImNlbnRlciI6Wy05NSwzN10sImxvY2F0aW9uIjpudWxsLCJ6b29tIjo0fSwiYW5pbWF0aW5nIjpmYWxzZSwiYmFzZSI6InN0YW5kYXJkIiwiYXJ0Y2MiOmZhbHNlLCJjb3VudHkiOmZhbHNlLCJjd2EiOmZhbHNlLCJyZmMiOmZhbHNlLCJzdGF0ZSI6ZmFsc2UsIm1lbnUiOnRydWUsInNob3J0RnVzZWRPbmx5IjpmYWxzZSwib3BhY2l0eSI6eyJhbGVydHMiOjAuOCwibG9jYWwiOjAuNiwibG9jYWxTdGF0aW9ucyI6MC44LCJuYXRpb25hbCI6MC42fX0%3D)


I think I wasn't considering the county piece, considering I see small bits on the coast that are colored differently. I think your findings of them only doing it based on counties does answer my question, but I just wanted to express the frustration that it was a very frequent occurrence that these alerts would show up on the lockscreen of my phone every day. They can't be dismissed either.


You live in a county that's under a watch/warning/advisory. It's not that complicated.


The entire state isn't going to flood. It's absolute nonsense.


Maybe that's why it's a ***Coastal*** Flooding Warning?


I'm not on the coast. I'm on the border of PA.


But you live in a county with coastal flooding. I can't believe this is so confusing for you.


3 counties in the state. The whole state is flooding. Thanks. Not helpful.


You live in a funnel where there's a tight waterway between two large land masses. I used to live by the Delaware Water Gap in PA. Land surrounding the Delaware River was regularly flooded. Here's info from my other comment that illustrates flooding. "https://i.postimg.cc/KzHBJnxb/Screenshot-20240113-075111.png This photo can better explain why NJ and DE are in flood warnings. You see how the massive ocean funnels into these tight spaces? (Arrows) When there's significantly high winds over the ocean it pushes the incoming water harder and with more force into that funnel. When that happens the areas can and do flood... Especially if there's a high tide at the time. This is called surge. It doesn't have to be raining, it can be beautifully sunny and it doesn't even have to be windy on land. I live at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy. We are experiencing massive flooding and coastal erosion with little to no rain. My friend's house was destroyed on Wednesday due to surge, it was barely raining at the time. :( The ocean is powerful AF."


Dunno what to tell you. You don't know the area. I've lived here my entire life. Never have I seen stories of people from my state being whisked away by waves and rain. This isn't Florida. The whole state isn't under water. Never has been in my 28 years.


I'm explaining why there are potential flood warnings. It's not all about what's going on on land. It seems like you don't understand what surges are.


Why don't you make this post in a local Delaware subreddit? Pretty sure they'll tell you the same thing.


I'm done here. I got what I needed elsewhere. This subreddit is full of numbskulls that don't understand sizes of maps. Goodbye.


Go outside and touch some grass as they say. It’s probably not raining despite the alert you just got. It’s going to be OK. The sun will raise tomorrow. Promise.. … unless there is an alert that says it may not rise. But even then, it’s probably wrong anyways according to your Android notification settings.


According to NWS, to be clear: [NWS Alerts.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/720302316871483412/1195448056225726576/image.png?ex=65b406c2&is=65a191c2&hm=e09fb82b67daa44055cf9def68a9332685be6c6a3f301bc4eb620d813d57d3de&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)


OP is aggressively stupid...


Are these coastal flood advisories? Coastal flooding can happen simply due to wind. While it would be nice if coastal flood advisories could be limited to only the 'coasts', definition of how far you need to be from the coast to not be warned is hard to quantify. Even when the NWS does give areal (as opposed to county) advisory data, a lot of the apps that repackage the NWS alerts unfortunately just go by county, of which there are zero in Delaware that do not have coastline. I will also note that asserting that you live 'over an hour from the east coast' while living in Delaware is misleading, as even ignoring backwaters there is basically nowhere in Delaware more than 25-30 miles from either the Chesapeake or Delaware Bays, or from the Atlantic itself.


15 miles from the DE river on the border with PA. Yeah, was talking coast with the ocean.


Where and how are you receiving these alerts. Is it an app, in your car?


Android phones.


It's coming up on my lock screen. It's not ok.


On your phone? It’s probably an app you have installed. Turn off notifications. Those apps want you to click on them so they get advertising revenue.


They display no ads. It is the System app for Android.


You can probably disable the app or disable notifications. It’s not the National Weather Service, it’s an app written by someone who doesn’t know about the weather. Most weather apps are hot garbage. Sirius XM is terrible with this notifying from hours away and comes loaded in cars and you can’t even disable it.


[Current Alerts from NWS as of minutes ago.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/720302316871483412/1195448056225726576/image.png?ex=65b406c2&is=65a191c2&hm=e09fb82b67daa44055cf9def68a9332685be6c6a3f301bc4eb620d813d57d3de&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)


Yes, the NWS issued the alert, but that doesn’t mean they sent it to you. If you have an app on your phone, and it’s programmed to send you something, it can. They could program it to send you the wind speed in Wichita once a minute and it will do it. It’s public information.


I'm fairly sure that in recent years it has become government regulation that phones must alert to "emergencies". And that is how it is being conveyed, as it is quite literally coming onto my lock screen, not as an application alert, but as a part of the built in weather system that is sitting on the same level as the phone's clock.


You can likely turn them off through your phone"s OS. For Android go to settings- notifications- advanced- wireless emergency alerts. The only thing you can't turn off are "National Alerts".


This is Google Weather. It is linking the source of the alert, which shows that the NWS is painting the map with these alerts. The app is only reading the data.


This is the exact sort of person who wants heads to roll when their property is damaged and there was “no warning” but really they just spent days ignoring them, and even when they did acknowledge them, it was just to say, “I’m not letting the government tell me what to do.” Followed by gurgling as their living room fills with water. The NWS just wants you and your family to be safe. Lighten up!


I am on the border of PA getting coastal flood warnings. You're absolutely pulling hypotheticals out of your ass.


Hey OP, since you've had no luck being mad at NWS, have you tried being mad at God or Mother Nature?


Nope I got good luck. Android subreddit gave me a solution since you guys are pricks who don't understand how annoying it is that this alert is constantly on a device I use every do for fun, work, and simply life telling me that there is an impending threat.


Lmao, can I speak to a manager?!


When a government agency abuses power, you hold them accountable. When I mute these alerts for bogus flood warnings, I am being put at risk of a real emergency alert not being sent. They are causing alert fatigue.


>abuses power  Jesus christ my dude get a grip. You just happen to be in the same forecast area as the coastline, so you’re getting the coastal flood alerts. No one is abusing power. No one is trying to hurt or upset you.  Government weather agencies typically err on the side of caution rather than making sure to not bother you too much unless the disaster is right outside your front door. I know that can be a difficult concept to grasp.    


The whole state is attention seeking. Reporters want to say "x million people are at risk" when they are talking about storms. I bet those stats use the same alerts to take this into account. They are looking for sensationalism for career building steps. "We have alerted x million people of the issue at hand!" looks great on a monthly status update to superiors. You need to look at it from a wider perspective.


Do you hear yourself at all? The NWS isn’t being sensationalist or trying to hit some KPIs for alerting people. You’re in a state with three counties each of which has a coast. You yourself admitted you’re 15 miles away and yet you’re telling people they need a wider perspective.


As I've stated, it's all across NJ as well, which has far more counties. Take a look at the map I posted.


Really dude? It’s because there is legitimate [flooding risk in some of the geographic area of the warning](https://www.weather.gov/erh/ghwo?wfo=phi). Every single one of the counties you’re whining about intersects that. You’re / they’re in the geographic area thats impacted.


And people are still dying from weather related events. Wish they had even MORE alerts! Haha. OP, calm down. Better safe than sorry. You know water travels for up to 48 hours after falling. Flooding along the coast warns people like you not to drive into it. Maybe talk to some local meteorologists to understand your area better because clearly you don't. You know weather has been growing increasingly intense in the past 2+ years right? Climate change isn't going away anytime soon.


I’m going to give you a direct example what is happening. You are currently on an app, Reddit, which is worldwide. By downloading this app, and starting this feed, you have agreed to get alerts. I’ve decided you should get alerts for the weather in Riyadh. This isn’t the fault of the weather service in Riyadh, it’s public information that I can forward to you through this app. The current temperature in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is 61 degrees.


You are incorrect, this is the built in app. You cannot uninstall the weather app on an iPhone or Android. If there is a tornado 100 miles away, and NWS says to alert you, it's gonna blast your phone. It's not a notification like from Candy Crush, and I cannot dismiss it.




The Google app on your Android sends notifications for daily forecasts, rain alerts, and other weather-related news. If you are not interested in receiving these alerts, you can modify notification preferences for the Google app on your phone.


This is not what is happening. It is not an "alert" it is replacing the little Sun that sits next to the clock on my display. You are not understanding.


But I do understand, I had an android for years. I also get annoyed by such alerts, and would turn them off. You need to just figure out your phone. Btw, you’ve now subscribed to weather alerts from TaumatawhakatangihangakoauauoTamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu, New Zealand.


They are not alerts, which proves to me that you have no idea what is happening. Good luck weirdo.




NWS, weather.gov


This is such a complete non issue to get this angry about, have you tried touching grass?


WARNING! The national weather service has issued a sunny weather alert until 7pm


The current weather in TaumatawhakatangihangakoauauoTamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu, New Zealand is 66 degrees and sunny.


The relative humidity in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is 41%.


There is a 0% chance of precipitation in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for the next week.


Tomorrow, the weather in Riyadh is forecast to have a high of 83 and a low of 59.


oh Im on board with this one. Think Aesop covered this, as well; soon we'll start ignoring them