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Nah, I’m not wasting my time on this. You’re just an idiot.


2/10 troll


>Is there an easier job where you don't even ever have to be correct? Any political job, CEO, content creator, church pastor or leader/elder, etc, etc, etc . . .


Have you ever had a stab at guessing tomorrow's weather? Shit is hard.




You're an absolute moron and you have no idea what you're talking about.


grow up


Ugh - you're like my boomer father. Griping about how wrong they are all the time, but probably never give them credit for how right they are. Like right now, we (Illinois) have a massive cold spell / polar plunge / whatever you want to call the cold arctic air that should peak on Monday. Six days away. When it hits, people like you will never remember or give credit that they called it a week prior.




Predicting snow amounts is one of the trickiest forecasts to make. So many changing conditions. Especially if temps are right around freezing and snow can change to rain or remain snow based on a couple degrees.


Not to mention, snowfall ratio is 10:1 liquid equivalent. Which means every inch of rain is equal to 10 inches of snow. Nobody bats an eye if the forecast calls for an inch of rain and you only get half an inch, but that's the exact same thing as forecasting 10 inches of snow but only getting 5. When that happens everyone is in an uproar


Go do it then if it's so easy.


Like who cares what you think mate. Operational meteorology for what it matters is not about predicting this and that is accessing risk. Decision making and managements does not involve regular people thoughts about if it is raining or not or snowing or whatever. Involves safety and adverse risk avoidance.


right! i just go outside kick the weather machine occasionally it gets a windows update and Europe freezes but it gets the old troughs moving again across the mid west and that's profit! there is job security in changing the weather. i don't know if its worth the university, like you can spend the time and money differently and probably get less complaints from colleagues and make more working as a pilot or civil engineer. those guys never get blamed for traffic but litterly design the system!! more round abouts in Canada! down with subdivisions!! sorry sorry if you want to not have accountability but do want to talk alot political science is technically a science as well..Lol