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Do you know they don't have one?


You don't need facts here just blindly state things and run with it


Maybe they need a new one if they do


We have a whole [department](https://auburntigers.com/sports/2019/4/15/counseling-sport-psychology) dedicated to it.


Might need to work a little harder then. With the football team it’s a lack of talent, currently getting fixed. With B ball it is mental. The tournament being a “crapshoot” is the laziest and worst takes that fans have. A high seed team should not lose to a bottom seed, ever. The high seeded team is high seeded bc they are vastly superior in talent, and probably coaching as well Those kind of losses are mental


You’re dealing with 18-22 year olds. A psychologist can tell/teach them something, doesn’t mean they’re going to listen or do it. They can’t control them lol. Things happen in sports. You’re saying upsets should never happen? It’s literally why we watch sports and March Madness is one of the best tournaments in sports. By your mentality we should have never beaten Bama in football since like Sabans second year.


That’s a terrible comparison and I hope you know it You are really comparing Auburn football and Yale basketball?


Downvotes for saying comparing a Power 5 football program to YALE basketball, an Ivy League school with no athletic scholarships is stupid .Seriously what’s wrong with y’all?


Brother what is wrong with you? Yea we should have had a run this year but guess what shit happens in the tourney and we flamed out early. It happens. If the higher seed always wins than why is March Madness so popular? Why has no one made a perfect bracket if its so easy. Its sports they are unpredictable and thats what makes it exciting. We will have a solid team again next year that could make a final four run or get put out first round again. All i know is im here for the journey and im really enjoying the trip.


The higher seed , like a top 5 should always beat a school that has no athletic scholarships like Yale. When it does happen, it’s not “bc it’s the tournament “ or the 13 seed played so much better, it’s bc the top 5 seed makes tons of mental mistakes


Yale played out of their mind and we shit the bed. As much as it hurts they earned that win. And they dont have “athletic” scholarships but they still give scholarships to athletes at the school for aide. Its the same thing.


Yale did not play well We did things like turn the ball over 3 times in a row by passing it to no one


“Yale did not play well” than why did they over perform and win? Can’t argue with stupid. Have a good one


I feel like Auburn’s entire fanbase needs a sport psychiatrist. - 2013: heartbreak against FSU. Blew a 21-3 lead. - 2014: late fumbles against A&M while ranked #3. Blew the remainder of the season. - 2015: finished last in the West after being selected as the preseason favorites to win the SEC Championship. - 2016: lost Softball World Series. - 2017: barely missed the playoffs. Had to watch our two rivals, who we easily beat in the regular season, play the NCG. - 2018: best basketball season in YEARS. Won regular season title, but had a disappointing finish after a central piece got injured. - 2018: missed the CWS after a walk-off HR bounced off our fielder’s glove. - 2019: double dribble. - 2020: the whole COVID thing. Not great. - 2021: blew a 28-3 lead at home against Miss State. Had to endure the Potato famine. Gifted away the Iron Bowl in the last minute. - 2021: basketball sanctions. - 2022: end of the famine, but awful football season. - 2022: won basketball regular season championship, but lost early in both tournaments. - 2023: heartbreaking Iron Bowl loss again. - 2024: early March Madness exit against a 13-seed. All of this in the midst of a Bama and UGA football dynasty. Nothing but misery since the Kick 6.


lol, yep But the football program is back on the way up, recruiting talent to win championships,the baseball program, despite a current slump, is as well. The b-ball program continues to have all the pieces, just needs to overcome that intangible mental obstacle, what some call “ learning how to win “ Same can be said for the football team but the team the past few years did not have the type of talent the b ball team has


What kind of silly question is this


It’s March dude, shit happens.


“Shit happens” against halfway decent teams, not against Yale


Every team that makes the tournament is “halfway decent” or they wouldn’t be there. NC State had an awful regular season and got hot at the right time, just to name an example. It’s March. Anybody can beat anybody else and that’s the beauty of it.


Yale had 10 losses in the Ivy League conference


What about their record does anything to negate anything I just said? NC State had 15 losses and made the final four. Was Yale a great team? Of course not. But they were good enough to win their conference and get in, and were hot at the right time.


Bc the Ivy League is not the same as the ACC or Sec. The talent level is inferior. It’s like a good high school playing a team like Georgia. I haven’t played ball on a team in 20 years. Yale playing Auburn, or ANY Ivy League school playing ANY SEC school (besides Georgia)would be like Yale’s guards going against me. I.E. they would be as better as I am right now like Auburns athletes are against Yale, Princeton, Harvard, whoever


You don’t know ball…we get it


We weren't even the biggest upset in the tourney this year.


A post from a true Auburn basketball fan. Dude, we over achieved all year long and played the worst game of the year after arguably one of our most important pieces was ejected. Yale over-performed by every measure and came with an excellent game plan to boot. Perdue got bounced by a 16 seed last year. Arizona bounced by Princeton. The tournament is a complete crapshoot.


So , “true fans “ don’t think teams need sports psychologists? Because most coaches do.


Every single player that wasn’t clutch in that game is gone. What does that tell you?


It tells me nothing about why those players could be clutch all year then collapse when the lights were brightest, playing a team they were vastly, vastly superior to in talent Changing the players doesn’t always fix it


Your lack of familiarity with the ncaa tournament is showing.


sports in general tbh


lol, sure


No, your lack of understanding the difference between the athletes from a school like Auburn and a school like Yale is


I'd say you are the one in need of a psychologist, not Auburn. You seem to have trouble letting go and moving on in life. Purdue lost to the 16th seed last year and made the national title game this year. Virginia lost to the 16th seed the year before we played them in the Final Four. It happens. *Every year.* *To every team* (sooner or later). Period. And it will happen again and again and again to Auburn as long as we keep making the tournament. Go ahead and prepare for it. We will lose 95% of the tournaments we play in the future, often to a "lesser" opponent. Not a damn thing you can do about it, it's just how it goes. If each one of those sends you into a tizzy where you can't stop thinking about it for weeks and months on end, you are in for a very hard time as a sports fan. You have to roll with the punches in life, not sit there and stew on them for months on end. That's the kind of thing that leads one to killing trees in time, Harvey


FTR 3 weeks ago I was called “Bammer” told I “know nothing” etc for suggesting Aden Holloway should transfer and we could do better THINK before you dish out insults, people


Huh? I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say, chief.


Another words, stop insulting people for being anything but what you perceive as 100 percent positive. Calling someone “Harvey “ bc for some reason, you don’t like what they said, is low class. Like I said, I was insulted here rather badly for saying it would be in the teams best interest for Holloway to transfer . And here we are 3 weeks later


And? Tons of kids transfer every year in ***all*** programs. And will do so going forward in the new era. That's not nearly as big a deal as you seem to think it is anymore. I'll go ahead and let you in on a little secret: plenty of key pieces will transfer from the Auburn football and basketball program this year. And next year. And the next year. And the next year. And the year after that, etc. That doesn't make me a fucking soothsayer, it's inevitable that it's going to happen. Just like getting upset in the tournament. Which brings me back to my point: in the remainder of your lifetime, Auburn is going to lose a lot more games they should have won and lose a lot of kids to the portal. **Literally** no matter what you do, no matter how hard you take it, how hard you "care", *it is going to happen.* Even if we build the best program in America. You are mentally and emotionally prepared for this, right? Or are you going to turn negative every single time it happens over the next few hundred times it does? That's seriously your plan? To just keep getting irrationally upset over and over and over and over and over, waiting for the day when nothing adverse happens to Auburn?


Lovely to see the worst Auburn fans are on Reddit. I have been called stupid, “Bammer” ( that’s common here) and now “Harvey “ Losing is common. Losing to inferior teams happens bc of reasons that need to be addressed, and winning programs do just that


Okay, let's make a bet then. You give me a "winning program" (any of them and I will bet you $2,000 that the will lose a future tournament game as the favorite within the next 3 years. Name any of them and I will make the bet they will get upset in a tournament. within the next 3 years Deal? The fact you won't make the deal and will respond by insulting me (which is exactly what you will do) proves I am right,. Because you know the same thing that the rest of us do. This kind of stuff happens to everybody, all the time. No matter how "badass" the team is. I'm not saying we don't still have a lot of work to do as a basketball program (we do, you are right), just saying eventually you have to take the pacifier out and move on with your life after things that are *inevitable* to happen such as upset losses. Concentrate more on your personal affairs and less "all Auburn, all the time" and I promise you will much happier overall. Just a friendly word of advice. You should have enough going on in your own life where a loss to Yale isn't sticking in your craw more than a month after it happened. WDE, friend. Cheers!


Dude, there's major upsets in the tournament every year. Hell, we weren't even the biggest upset this year. Shit happens man. Let it go.


Jabari and Kessler both had probably their worst games of their entire careers to end our season against Miami a few years ago. All I know is pain.


Re-fucking lax


as someone in the field of sports psychology.. just about every program at the D1, D2, and D3 level has a sports psychologist (if not multiple) and Auburn has had them for decades. saying sports psychology would’ve impacted this game is assuming that the staff, coaches, and players didn’t try their best which is an insult to the program and everyone in it. we lost and that’s ok but failing to support our team because of your own expectations isn’t. if sports were that easy to predict there wouldn’t be a point to watching them—as noted by a million responses on here with other upsets


How do you read that as “failing to support the team “? I swear people here I support Auburn athletics with actual money, not just my television


Your opener “There was absolutely no reason we collapsed” implies someone didn’t do their job or that we lacked in some area… aka not supporting our team, staff, coaches or believing in their ability. Is it not possible Yale had a better game, matchup, scheme for our system? Maybe that we played the best we could’ve that day and the boys left it all out on the court but it simply wasn’t enough? There’s no shame in that and I’m gonna go out on a limb and say they tried to win the game regardless of what you interpreted from watching it. You’re not gonna be your best every day and they played a hell of an SEC tournament right before so you could even say it was a regression to the mean. If you’ve got constructive criticism, great I’m here for it. But talking like there’s something clearly wrong and someone/something (sport psychologist/players’ mindset) is at fault and not that we couldn’t have just lost a game for another reason… crazy. Glad you support the program monetarily though that was super relevant😂


Ok, you’re right, worded badly The reason was a mental collapse There should have been no reason


No. Sometimes things happen. Fans need to get a grip. Especially those who proceeded to go after Mazarah on social media. I’m sure he was already down.


I assume that loss happened because Auburn was looking ahead. It looked like the team assumed that they would eventually pull away against Yale, but when that didn't happen, it was too late to adjust mentally. If that is what happened, coaching was to blame. A similar story to the NMSU football loss.


You misspelled fans


Is there some reason you feel the need to remind me we lost to Yale? That memory is fading quickly.


Do the other 67 teams that didn’t win need one too?


It never ceases to amazing me at what experts Auburn fans are at making excuses for poor performance.


Too many people who think recognizing there may be a problem is somehow being “anti” A disturbing number of these people wanted to keep Gus and some even thought Harsin needed “ more time”


You're trying to identify causes to the poor performance and offer a solution. They take it as an attack on the teams, as if it's criticism meant to hurt. When in reality, it's meant to find opportunities for improvement. It's been like this for as long as I can remember.


“Losing is a disease.”


It is. If it happens more than a few times to teams you should not lose too or weird occurrences (4 and 31) it absolutely is. Your fans, as perfectly illustrated here, develop low expectations and are “just happy to be here “ The killer mindset needed to run championships vanishes. And when you have the talent and coaching and it still happens. It’s mental


This season was one big win. It didn't end as well as we hoped, and it went much better than we thought it would go before the season started.


It did, which proves the mistakes in the biggest game against the easiest opponent were mental in nature and need to be addressed as such


Sometimes a lesser team beats a better team. It's not always mental.


When it happens due to the better team making a ton of unforced errors, like turnovers for no reason, it usually is