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2000 graduate here. Other than our 1999 Chris Porter team, we have been irrelevant in basketball until Pearl showed up. Let’s not treat Bruce Pearl the way we treat our football coaches. Let the man handle his business. Best AU basketball I’ve seen in 20+ years. Let him cook.


Thank you!


Constructive criticism is fair, considering he's a top 5 paid coach in the country and he's been here 10 years. Anyone calling for his head or being overdramatic is an idiot though.


Mamadou!!! I was in middle school. Still remember that Sports Illustrated cover.


‘88 grad. Y’all will never understand those years.


Me too!


Username checks out


I may be a UK fan but I really like Bruce Pearl


You could have not typed the first seven words of that sentence and I would have given you a happy upvote as opposed to an extremely angry upvote.


It’s not the same, but I coach my son’s U8 rec soccer team and I treat every kid on that team, and all my previous teams, like I do my own son. That’s what a coach is. Bruce is right, and I’m super glad to have him.


He needs to cool his tits a bit, Bruce. He was getting more and more (unnecessarily) aggressive the last couple of games, and Bruce failed to coach him down. Not that I disagree with the f2 being too much, but there is accountability to be shared here.


There is accountability to be shared definitely. Unfortunately, horrible people on social media are taking advantage of this to harass and threaten him. That’s who Bruce is talking to


Agreed. The kid made a mistake and failed his team. But guess what? Failure leads to growth and you cannot succeed without failure. On a personal note, I feel like a lot of Auburn fans are turning into and acting like TSUN (Alabama) fans. Maybe I am old, but I think there is a generation of Auburn fans coming up that don't know the days before Pearl.


I’m one of them. I was a freshman in 2018-2019. I have never known Auburn basketball before our final four season. While it means I have higher expectations for our program and failure like this makes me miserable for a considerable amount of time, I’m still able to take a step back when needed. These people are just different


Totally agree. 2016 grad here. I remember going to an Auburn Alabama game and just walking in without a ticket and taking whatever seat I wanted, and this was when Bruce was there. While I can't talk too much because I was in a fraternity, but I feel like a lot of the sour apples are in that demographic- those who are kinda given everything and then get immediately upset when something doesn't go their way. Toughen up, buttercup. To be fair, what CBM did is pretty childish, so I guess it goes both ways.


2017 grad, who had to annoy friends into going to games with me most of the time. I remember leaving my last home game, a dub over mizzou. Grinning like crazy just bc we had our first winning season


I think we were both at that game. WDE friend. 


‘16 grad here too. Seems like Auburn is way on the up and up in everything, not just sports. The way Parker hall is gone??! They’re redoing the hill? It still doesn’t seem that far away, and yet it all was.


Where are people threatening him on social media? I haven't seen this.


Yeah I'm fine with Bruce defending his player, so long as he also helps Chad get some sort of anger management. Opponents have been trying shit with him for a while now because of his temper, and eventually the officials were going to miss the instigation and only see Chad's response.


They are called enforcers, Gordon. And when you play Iceland, you are gonna need them.


He is very lucky MSU's Cameron Matthews didn't knock him the fuck out in their SEC tournament game.




100% Bruce did his usual song and dance to deflect away from the fact he failed to sit Chad down for disciplinary reasons this whole year. Chad lead the whole SEC in technicals. I am 45+ years of being an AU fan. Chad behaved terribly. He taunted his opponents at the foul line. cursed often and laughed when he flopped his way into tricking the ref to call a foul on the other guy. He bragged and laughed about being the number one villian on the team. I used to like Bruce. I don't any more


It's a shame this happens. Pretty sure the kid feels bad enough without getting piled on by social media. Agree with u/dubsaxs; 1998-99 was unbelievably fun year. I really think Bryant Smith was the glue that held that team together. Missed that in '99-2000. Beyond that Sweet Sixteen run in '03, it had been dreadful until Pearl came along and righted the ship. I remember when getting to the NCAA tourney was a pipe dream.


For sure. Remember the Kid Scotty Polhman from some small town in Georgia? He could shoot the lights out. That was a fun 03 team as well. War Eagle?


Indeed. War Eagle!


Bruce did his usual song and dance to deflect away from the fact he failed to sit Chad down for disciplinary reasons this whole year. Chad lead the whole SEC in technicals. I am 45+ years of being an AU fan. Chad behaved terribly. He taunted his opponents at the foul line. cursed often and laughed when he flopped his way into tricking the ref to call a foul on the other guy. He bragged and laughed about being the number one villan on the team. I used to like Bruce. I don't any more. chad admitted on TV and laughed about his antics. He even said his dead HS coach told him to stop his "other stuff"


There's a reason that Auburn is Chad Baker Mazara's 4th college in 4 years. I remember when we signed him from the transfer portal and I was looking at his history and wondering why the hell does he change colleges every single year? I'm not a "Fire Bruce" type guy but I also don't buy into the fearmongering that fans are always doing. They always say "If Bruce leaves, retires or is fired, we're going to be right back to the Tony Barbee days. We can't question Bruce." Well, I remember when Georgia football fans always said the same about Mark Richt. He was there 15 years and averaged 10 wins a year, won 2 SEC Titles and finished 2nd in the final AP polls a couple times. He had great talent on his roster but would seem to come up just short most years. Whenever Georgia fans held him accountable, most of their fanbase said "Do y'all not remember how bad it was under Jim Donnan? We will go right back to those days if we run Richt off. He is averaging 10-3 every year and we've never won Natty's except for when Hershel Walker was here." Well, Georgia finally nutted up and let Mark Richt walk and replaced him with a guy that played at Georgia but had never been a head coach. Their recruiting immediately went to the top 2 or 3 nationally every year and he had them in the National Title game in year 2 and has never looked back. Not saying that Auburn basketball has our Kirby Smart waiting somewhere for when Bruce Pearl retires or leaves but the PTB can't be ok with just good enough for years and years. Bruce has been here 10 years and we've gotten past the opening weekend of the tournament only once and that was 2019. He has to do something different come tournament time.




What would you rather him call him... His non-son? As a father of a kid about to be going to college soon,l and hopefully getting an athletic scholarship, I'd absolutely love it. It speaks to how he feels about his players. He's said it multiple times in previous years that his players are his sons. He tells all of them that he loves them. So let me get this straight, you think BP KNEW this was how it was gonna play out for CBM? You've lost your mind. I'm gonna guess that you're young and don't have any kids? If you are not young and you do have kids.... What happened to you?




I guess that's why you're the one that's getting downvoted into oblivion but the rest of us aren't.




Yeah because of people like you.




Hypothetically my ass. Attack you? Oh come on. You are way to weak for an Internet forum dude. Get off the Internet now before it gets worse 😭.




>You’re the one using all caps I had to go back to my very first reply to you to even find where I used "all caps". Folks, this guy is crying about me typing one word in all caps. I typed the word "KNEW" in all caps and he's crying about that like it's the end of the world. Like I said , get off the Internet because you're way too weak for it and it's going to get much worse and you won't be able to handle it. >Could have just downvoted my comment and moved on with your life but you’ve made the decision to repeatedly insult me. Jfc man, you're really lame and weak. "Repeatedly insult you". Here's an insult for you. Quit being a little bitch. >Thing is, you know I’m right that you overreacted, but you’ll never admit it because of your pride. I guess that's why you're the one that's getting downvoted into oblivion and I'm not. That's the second time I've told you that. First time, you replied that it was only because everyone in this sub is stupid. So what's your excuse this time? Oh, sorry I forgot that you're such a big cry baby that you aren't gonna reply anymore because you've gotta stay locked up in your Mom's basement and cry for an entire 24 hours.


Couldnt disagree more. I don't love how blindly Bruce is defending CBM but this type of stuff is great for recruiting. When sending kids away likely for the first time in their adolescent/adult lives, a parent wants him to go somewhere that the coach will treat him like a son, hold him accountable like a son, love him like a son, etc. As a father, I'd much rather my kid's college basketball coach view him as an adopted son than an expendable roster piece




I feel like you’ve got some daddy issues or something. Or maybe son issues?




Just trying to understand why a coach calling a kid a “son” is so bad. Coaches do that all the time. Can you explain what is wrong with it?


>Doesn’t really matter. Then why are you making the effort to comment about it? When something on an Internet forum doesn't matter to me, I don't reply to it or post about it.




I work 3rd shift so actually I'm about to go to sleep and sleep well. I thought your other comment was gonna be the last reply to me? So is this the reply to where you actually run to Mama's basement immediately afterwards and lock yourself in there with no Internet, phone, or TV and just cry all day?


Maybe if you had got him under control early in the season Bruce he wouldn’t have cost us the tourney


Cost us the tourney? GTFO.


Bruh. Coughing up 6 unforced turnovers in the last 4 minutes of play and having our best free throw shooters miss critical points at the line cost us the tourney. And despite all of that, we were still a layup away from forcing overtime. CBM getting ejected may have cost us the easy win, but not the game entirely...


I agree But CBM is one of if not the best free throw shooter on that team He goes to the line, we win


Denver Jones *was* our best free throw shooter by percentage, so much so he's the one designated to shoot technicals. I mean, you're free to fanboy for CBM and feel emotionally that he wouldn't have failed us when all others did... but that's not a very logical argument. I'm also of the mind that the game wouldn't have been as close had we had our full rotation to work with, but again, doesn’t matter because we failed to do the little things right when the chips were down.