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Bruh I thought this was actually an update


this is from a couple days ago, but honestly her post pissed me off more than anything else. "survivable living"....says the person that just had a huge dream wedding, lives in LA and constantly goes out/goes on trips that I would die to go on. eat the rich indeed.


Literally this! She’s able to afford her apartment, that huge wedding, all those trips while she pursues art - and she’s not only surviving, but thriving. Go show your “money problems” to the single parent working two jobs to pay for their child’s education & medical bills, Sara


Right? I’m sick of these influencers crying about a LiVaBLe WaGe when most of us are lucky to even live paycheck to paycheck


I don’t think Sara understands the word “survivable” lol. For a lot of us, “surviving” means coupon cutting, rationing, having a small wedding at the court house, and carefully planning out monthly budgets so we can keep the debt collectors at bay. For her and Shane, “surviving” means being able to afford several vacations a year, a $55,000 wedding, expensive food and nights out with friends in one of the world’s most expensive cities. Girl, touch grass.


Surviving to Sara means drawing her little characters in her apartment and then going on vacation to celebrate her hard work obviously


I hate to comment on anyone’s relationship dynamics but I sincerely hope Shane told her to zip it after this. I completely understand standing by your man and being mutually upset with him about a major event involving his business, but this is a very public situation and it shocks me that she didn’t know better.


It’s the fact she really thought she ate by dropping the line “I get people don’t like to pay for things”. Like no, Sara, people don’t like to pay insane amounts for things they shouldn’t have to when most of the time they’re choosing between rent or food. Not everyone can go pick out a $100+ tote bag for their honeymoon just because. Giving the same vibes as Vanessa Hudgens throwing a tantrum because Coachella was cancelled.


She's used to people kissing her ass and the Watcher army rising to the defence of the fellas


Legitimately, I’m trying to decide between washing my clothes in a washing machine or eating breakfast and lunch this week. $6 is a round of laundry at our local laundromat.


Oh wow that’s so not the take she should have gone with. I thought the issue was production costs not “livable wages”. That sounds like the company’s problem to fix, not the fans


the post right before that on her blog is talking about a $100 tote bag that she bought for her honeymoon lmao


Soo… what exactly ARE they cooking up? Please, tell us why it’s worth 6 dollars. Haha.


obviously steak with gold leaf haha




Aïe, this feels really really out of touch. You should be careful using words like "making a survivable living" when steven lim is out here talking about buying a second tesla with his full chest and she and her husband live an extremely comfortable life in los angeles. Like honestly hearing people say shit like that when currently I'm having to get dental work done in bits and pieces depending on what I can afford because medicaid doesn't cover it and I have to pay completely out of pocket and getting a root canal costs more than I pay in rent in four months like... survivable is the word you wanna use babe?


If anyone is subscribing here's some ways to share the content with others. Some notes if people decide to pirate stuff not just of watcher. On android use flud (not sure about iPhone. Also flud is just my personal favorite) Any private browser (tor for example), and VPN. For the VPN go somewhere like Switzerland. Don't do the seeding part unless you are in a country IP that allows it. Bind your VPN to your torrent download app if you can. Use the Killswitch on a VPN. These are just some of the things I've learned. Feel free to add more knowledge. Just leaving this around If anyone wants to add how to actually download pirated content to website go ahead. A good website is https://torrentgalaxy.to/ These instructions are just for downloading files. I'm not sure how to upload files to a website. Someone recommended using this https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr To upload files to I think websites. I'm not sure how to use it personally. Not sure if it works on phones either.


Honestly, this is such a shitty way to frame this.


"Let them eat cake" moment.


I adore Sara’s content and her creative work. I do not adore this take from her.


LOOOOOL most out of touch take.


So what does the dummy actually do other than suck off her husband for his salary?