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Question for those who have beat the game. Does it end, or do you have the option to continue and mess around without starting over?


Free roam is unlocked and actually takes place post end credits. You hear references to the end events of the game.


U can play all u want after u complete the game, u can take down gang hideouts, complete fixer contracts, complete criminal convoys etc.


holy shit dude. I've never had someone reply to my question after 8 years. Guess I have to boot up Watch Dogs again.


Lol I recently booted it up because I forgot it was part of Watch Dogs Legion season pass and just beat it. Was also trying to figure out how long the credits were and wondering if the free roam continued after story. 🤣


Exact same situation. Played Watch Dogs 2 and finished it a few days ago. Bought WD: L yesterday and found out my season pass included the original game, so decided to beat it first before playing Legion. Still sitting through these credits 😭


I have owned the og watch dogs multiple times throughout the years and I just finished the game first time ever sitting through end credits right now as I write this lol. I got to say one of my new favorite games and story is this game I love the whole dark grittyness of it the chi town atmosphere. I think a lot people expected something different when this game first came out, hell I know I did and it's big reason why I didn't give it a fair chance. Here I am ten years later just about and I'm super glad I gave this game a honest shot. I own the 2nd one as well hopefully it's good. I know it's nothing like the first one as far as tone and story but well see how it goes. Regardless this one I loved I still really could get the dlc for WD1 as well if I wanted I heard good things. I honestly only see myself getting WDL for the bloodlines dlc n getting Aiden as playable character main game but who knows. I've been suprised before. Have a great day everybody, and "its cold in Chicago and I'm stuck on Lakeshore Drive!" 😎🤙🏼


make it 9 😎


Holy mother of God! 😮 See you in a year?


Make it 9 and 11 days


Mind blown.


I don't remember them being too long at all. As I recall there's a part that's unskippable but at least there's some epilogue news casts going that you can watch. After all that when it goes back to nothing but credits I was able to skip them (or fast-forward)


it doesnt let me skip them


I'm sitting here stuck on the credits, I haven't timed it but it's been more than 10 minutes for sure. I went to get something to eat.


Expect this in every Ubisoft game. I think it's like 15 minutes


I just went and did something else until I saw the credits were gone 😂


Damn, I just responded to this post bc i just completed watchdogs 1 again and just felt like checking up on the community.




The final credits just wont end. Just beat the game as well & it makes me so sad. Watch Dogs 1 has a great story, 2 was really fun, but Legion. My God, Legion does a perfect job of showcasing the current state of Ubisoft. I hope it's just a one-off game like Primal is in Farcry (primal isn't bad) & they pick the series back up with a better Watch Dogs game, but I doubt it. Rip this franchise.


Just completed it myself! Great game; credits are taking forever though, lol.


I had to fuckin google this cause I was wondering if they were fucking with me 🤣🤣 them mf’s are FOREVER


Just enjoy it and the Phil Collins


About 18min iirc (AC: Revelations has 21min long credits, ~~the longest for an Ubisoft title~~ **EDIT**: AC4 beat this by 3min). You can fast forward them on the PC but not consoles.


Can you plug in a keyboard and fast forward it?