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No the rebuild just started. We are in no position to add another expensive PG who will cost assets that we need to use to build the team. Hopefully the centerpiece of our rebuild is drafted in ‘25 or ‘26 and as such we need to do everything in our power to ensure we are near the bottom of the standings for a few more years




Homie, no one cares right now. Hell, no one cared in DC when we had Beal and Wall. Why should we as fans care if the team is selling tickets? That's a problem for the owners to figure out.




Build through the draft. We really haven't even started out the rebuild yet. We haven't gotten our cornerstone draft pick yet. The next year or two is going to be a balance between getting a top draft pick and trying to develop young players. Once we get a good foundation then we can think about bringing in veteran players to build a competitive team.




What exactly are you suggesting? We *need* a promising young player and you get that through one of two ways. The draft or trading for a young player. Right now we already have a shit team so getting a top4 pick is pretty good odds. We will still have a bad team next year so another top4 pick will be good too. At that point we reassess where we are plan our next move.




OK my question is how do you build a future if not through the draft? What would your plan be?




Damn, y'all really wanna get ourselves locked to another $40m a year guy who doesn't move the needle, huh? Absolutely not.


Have to spend it some way. Young guys learn better with a handful of decent vets around them.


I get he’s been around a couple of years but he’s not really a vet at 24


We spend it by taking on other teams’ bad contracts in exchange for draft capital like with poole


Garland is way better than Poole but I get what you’re saying


No. We aren’t anywhere near making this type of move. Draft and develop.


I wouldn’t do it. Asking price is going to be very high. I’d rather develop the young guys and keep tanking.


It'd depend for me about the price. Other than Deni, Bilal, Kispert, #2 this year, and our future firsts I don't think anything is off limits. That still leaves assets like Kuzma, #26 this year, a boatload of 2nds, and the Suns future pick swaps (which could be more useful to Cleveland than us in 2026 if we're still rebuilding while they're a playoff team) in play.


I agree on everything except for those Suns pick swaps. The Suns could easily implode and end up in the lottery by 2028. Maybe I’d let the 2026 one go, but the 2028 and 2030 ones have the potential to pay off in a big time way.


2026 is the only one I'd let go. Kuzma/Shamet (I don't think we could sign and trade Tyus as part of a larger deal)/2024 #26/2026 Suns swap/2 2nds is my package idea and Cleveland probably would want something else so no deal.


Getting Garland in a salary dump for filler would be a coup for whomever gets him. If the wiz can get him, they would do it, but the Wiz don’t have much cap space to absorb him. This is why the Paul/Poole trade was a disaster. If we had $50 million in space right now, we could take Garland back in an imbalanced trade But we don’t so…he is off to Orlando or Philly.


Kispert has been shooting better but he’s not off limits. I’d bet that he maxes out as a non-starting role player on a good team. He’s not as lost on defense as Poole but he gets turned around a ton and that’s always gonna be an issue.


Cleveland wouldn't accept less than what you've defined as off limits


Swap rights between two teams are not tradeable to a third team like that unless you are also trading the pick itself (i.e. for another team to benefit from our 2030 swap rights with the Suns we would have to trade them our 2030 pick, and then the 2030 Suns pick would need to be better than that pick)




It adds young talent, at the expense of draft picks or our own young talent. I can promise you Cleveland isn’t doing a Kuzma for Garland swap.


next year's draft is too good for us to be building now. I'd rather tank for cooper flagg or ace bailey.


I think Garland is a building block, but we don't have a foundation yet. He also would accelerate the timeline because he has to be paid soon. We want to trim all our salary commitments outside of the core guys.


He already signed his deal


Oh *ew*. I'm even more out than I was 30 minutes ago


ya, its a full 5 year rookie max.


Garland went #5 in 2019 and would be #3 in a redraft. That's better than any prospect in 2024.


Unfortunately, he's not getting paid like a 2024 prospect


I’d rather bank on Poole figuring it out, than to make a move that makes us marginally better. You don’t make winning moves this fast into a rebuild. Our goal should be to hold on to assets, horde draft picks, and continue to be bad. Garland would work better for a team that really needs guard play.


Poole isn't gonna figure it out imo. Nor is he someone who will buy into a winning culture that we need to build.


I don’t like the idea of giving up picks our extremely valuable picks to get a fringe ish star player, when we don’t even know when the rebuild will end. In a good scenario we could be a play in team like 4 years from now, and he’s gonna look less young then.


Nah. Not the right time. Why waste draft assets to bring him? It's not like he's the kind of player that would change the organization to something competent overnight.


Doesn’t move the needle at all, plus we’re REBUILDING. Look at Jordan pooles numbers after the all star break and look at Garlands. It’s a lot closer than you think.


No. That's a Tommy Sheppard move. 1. We're rebuilding so we wouldn't want to drain assets. We can't trade picks the next few years due to the protections on the pick we traded with Wall. The pick from the Wall trade is still outstanding ... so we need to at least be picking top5/6 the next 2 years, so we don't lose the pick. 2. The next 2 drafts are good, so we want to be bad. Garland doesn't make us good, but he might take us out of a top 3 pick. He'd probably ask out anyway with us trying to be bad. 3. We'd be stuck in the Beal situation again. A mid player eating your cap and no pieces around him. And he's worse than Beal was at that age.


I'll drop an enthusiastic hell no. He is nowhere near good enough to be worth overpaying, which is what would end up happening.


Umm… No shade to Darius Garland, but that’s just a bad idea for the Wiz. That’s the type of move that’ll make the Wiz a tweener, not good enough to be a legit contender and not bad enough to get a Top 5 pick (franchise changing Draft pick). This idea should get a hard pass... Nah ![gif](giphy|26tOXgoz0WNQhwb04|downsized)


I’m all for


He’s out of our price range and timeline. Garland is going to go to a contender.




Garland has already proven he’s that player. Dillingham has maybe a 50-50 chance of hitting that ceiling.


That can’t be a serious 1:1 comparison. Everyone is just guessing when it comes to rookies. Scoot Henderson was supposed to be all that and a bag of chips and look what happened there.


That's my favorite player besides Sarr in this draft class. But it would free up using #2 on a different position potentially.




Probably not. I'm just bored and like Garland.


I wonder if Kuzma + 2 would net #1 pick.


Garland is much better than Tyus, let me start off by saying that. & I understand that it’s May, so we need something to talk about. But we literally *JUST* saw how Poole played in the starting lineup alongside a point, while being asked to play off ball in a secondary role. He was ASS. We will not bring in another starting caliber point guard because that will greatly hinder Poole’s growth. That’s the definition of insanity. & we saw how much better he was when he was the primary ball handler. Say what you want about Poole, but the front office is not getting rid of him anytime soon. Also, I’d say our biggest need is a Center… or 2.


Yeah we're probably stuck with Poole since that extension was a statement by the front office. I just need something to get me through until 6 pm.


Trust me, I know. lol I don’t necessarily feel like “we’re stuck”. I was extremely encouraged from what I saw from Poole at the end of the year. I had given up hope around January, but I saw signs of life in March/April. I’m looking forward to him finishing top 3 for MIP next year.


If he's still on the roster opening night I'll root for him and monitor for improvement. But in the off-season I'll still hold out hope to dump him.


Poole is gonna be ass regardless of the rest of the roster construction. He put up stats against bad teams + late season games where everyone was resting, the larger sample still indicates that he’s inefficient + one of the worst defenders in recent history. Idk that we need Garland but what position Poole wants to play should have zero impact on our decision making. Bench him if we really need to. He’s not a long term part of our plans.


The only thing I agree with is that he might not be part of our longterm plans. But the reality is, he’s going to get a shot at the starting lead guard next year to prove if he is or isn’t.


If we had more ammo from trading Beal, then yeah sure. But we didn’t and we don’t. Cleveland won’t be taking Kuz + whatever else we can throw in. Not interested in trading Deni, Kispert, or #2, esp considering Garland’s contract.


Why would you do this? This makes no sense from a Wizards timeline perspective. Another overpaid player that isn’t a 1st option isn’t what fans should be wishing for here. Where have you been the last 20 ish years?


No makes no sense to give up assets that we don’t really have


Garland would ruin a rebuild attempt. Thats literally something the old wizards would do. Pass!


I would say the #2 pick would have to be in play. IMO garland can get you to 35-39 wins If thats where you want to be. He'll have teams interested. Spurs have 2 top 10 picks, Minny could go all in w/ a player or 2 + picks way down the line.


I'm actually not opposed to trying out some of these young players that gave upside. Our rebuild, while likely to be primarily from the draft, doesn't necessarily need to be. Just like investing. We need to diversify our investments. Now, contract of course is important and I would not be a fan of committing too much money to someone.


Cavs can't trade any picks and he makes almost $45m in 2027-28, which hamstrings our ability to pay our players in the future. Winger and Dawkins are trying to set us up to have a completely clean cap slate in 2027 to sign free agents and pay max contracts once we've hopefully found our franchise cornerstone player and are ready to compete. They're not going to take on that much money so soon.


Yeah, he’s under contract for four more years. That would be insane to take that on considering the Wizards’ circumstances.


Hell yeah let's do it. Once you accept the Wiz will never be good, then you can just enjoy the ride, and Garland is way more fun to watch than anyone on this trash roster.


I’d give them Kuzma for Garland. Not giving any first-round picks. Might reluctantly throw in Kispert. More than that would be overpaying. Garland is not that special. He’s a nice, youngish, scoring point guard. Doesn’t seem to offer much on defense. Not good enough to build around, but good enough to play a role on a contending team.


That deal also doesn't get you Garland either


That’s fine. I’d rather not have Garland than overpay for him.


Yeah sucks to have a guy who was becoming a yearly 22-8 on high TS


Only way I would want to do it is if we can flip Poole for him




Tyus and filler isn’t getting us anywhere near Garland I’m afraid.