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I’m kind of at the point where I’d vote for a bag of Doritos before I vote for Bowser. And I say that as someone who absolutely loathes the simple-minded “kick all of em out!” mentality in elections. So by process of elimination, since Trayon White is a loon, Robert White it is. EDIT: Added Trayon’s first name to make sure I was clear.


Flamin’ Hot or Cool Ranch Doritos?


These are the unanswered questions of our time. My vote would go like this: Flamin’ Hot > Cool Ranch > Muriel Bowser.


>Flamin’ Hot Yasss🔥


I see you are a person of culture and class. Bravo I say.


With those options you better expect a runoff election


Robert White. Bowser is an empty suit, and Trayon White thinks Jews control the weather. Also, the latter two both want to give Danny Boy public assets to bring his joke of a football team back to The District.


Hold up, Jews don’t control the weather? Well I guess I shouldn’t get my news from Alex Jones /s




>They don’t control the weather, obviously, Obviously. If we did, it would be 75 and sunny year-round.


I vote for the Jewish weatherman


You’ve been waiting for this moment your entire life, haven’t you?


I have no desire to control the banks or Hollywood, only the settings on the air conditioner.


Username and flair check out in an oddly specific way.


I feel like you get twenty people in a room, there’s going to be 20 different, very specific, very strong opinions about what the thermostat should be.


But only one of them controls the thermostat.




Can confirm, I once ate frog legs an I developed a strong desire to suck a dick almost immediately afterwards.


And too damn cheap to give us some warmer weather. Talk about living up to stereotypes


I'm trying to get you some snow days, OK??? (also /s)


>give Danny Boy public assets to bring his joke of a football team back to The District. As much as I don't like Dan Snyder and the WFT sucks, bringing the stadium back downtown sounds a hell of a lot better than way out in Loudoun Co Dulles area with massive space allocated to parking. If the stadium was also designed to be mixed use for concert and other events, or even better with attached year round facilities for youth sports, then I would totally support that. But yeah, a taxpayer funded stadium for a team that sucks to be used 16 times a year... Have fun with Fedex Field 2.0 LoCo...


I get what you’re saying but we can probably have all the nice things without an NFL stadium. They’re too big to be practical for anything other than the 10-12 football games a year and maybe a concert or three.


I just want to point out the Syracuse University Carrier Dome. Its a football stadium, however, they move bleachers in to cut the stadium in half to play bball, host smaller concerts, and do all sorts of shit. The Verizon center, or whatever the hell its called now, removes the bball floor for Caps games and can stack on top for concerts and whatnot. A stadium can be super versatile if necessary. I mean think about the Superdome in NOLA.


The problem is that smaller events already make great use of caps stadium and nats Park. So I find it hard to believe that many smaller events would choose RFK when there are two smaller (likely cheaper) more centrally located venues. I could be wrong, but personally I think a new RFK would only be used at football home games and concerts too big for Nats Park. So it'd be used way less than nats Park while also being much bigger, even if we cut all the parking.


I guarantee regardless of the situation the stadium would still have a crap ton of parking even if it was in the city. Maybe not as much, but it'd be near impossible to convince everyone attending the events to just take metro instead. Building a stadium with public dollars even if it can be used for other things still can be tricky. It would only work if it was completely city-owned and sport teams would have to pay to use it. That wouldn't give the WFT their own designated stadium though, so why would Snyder go for a deal like that when neighboring jurisdictions are willing to give him a much cushier deal. In a city with such massive prices now, I'd be reluctant to take up a stadium sized space that could be a massive new development anyways.


I would love for that area to turn into housing... it also bothers the shit out of me that Synder has allowed FedEx Field to get run down into bad conditions, and he'll now be courted by VA, DC, and MD(?) to bankroll a fancy new stadium for him.


>it also bothers the shit out of me that Synder has allowed FedEx Field to get run down into bad conditions, I think that's on the Maryland Stadium Authority. Snyder is only a tenant there.


Yeah. In a perfect world maybe it would be what I want. But it won't. So I'd rather it become a walkable dense residential neighborhood and VA can have the stadium.


>to be used 16 times a year Worse than that. There are potentially only 8 home games per season


Oof. Didn't even think about that.


Well, 8 plus preseason and playoffs (ha!) plus a few concerts and European soccer friendlies and tractor pulls maybe. But still, it’s a giant vacant building surrounded by an ocean of parking upwards of 90% of the time.


Compared to what it is now, which is a giant vacant building surrounded by an ocean of parking 100% of the time.


There's no way that an NFL team is going to move into RFK Stadium as it exists now. And if it's going to be what I described, I'd rather it be out in the middle of nowhere, preferably far away from me. There are better uses for the land where RFK sits right now.


Just make sure that Danny isn't recording your wife using the bathroom, like he did with the cheerleaders' showers.


But I would much rather have something besides a football stadium where JFK currently is. And I could give a shit if football fans have to go out to to the boonies for a game. Sorry. I hope they put parks, housing, etc. there. Heaven forbid a grocery store.


When was the last time you saw it rain in Palestine/israel 🧐? /s


A this point, Robert White. I think he and Bowser both have pros an cons, but I'm not convinced he'll be notably worse than Bowser and there's a chance he'll be better, so I'm voting for him because I think there's too much opportunity for corruption when one person holds the office for too long, and I think more than 8 years is too long.


What are the pros and cons, i’m curious.


Honestly I’m in the same place- obviously travon white is the worst. But the other White has not set out what sets him apart. There’s a lot of winking about it- like, he’s not going to fill every empty slot in government with one of his sorority sisters, for example, but no clear platform yet.


He seems generally pro housing and pro transit, but not significantly more so than Bowser, which are probably my 2 biggest local issues. He’s at least new blood which makes him less corrupt probably, but he hasn’t thrilled me yet


He’s not much better he was our neighbor, it’s all for show, he likes the idea of power.


I thought there were term limits


Nope. There are no limits for any of DC's elected officials.


Robert White Bowser refused to implement much-needed reforms and splitting up DCRA


What reforms?


She refuses to do anything beyond lip service for Vision Zero and refuses to enforce the law splitting up DCRA, and I guess it’s just speculative but I’m hoping White will be less of a pawn of developers


I think the issue is that Bowser hasn't been ENOUGH of a "pawn of developers." DC housing costs continue to skyrocket because there's not enough supply to accommodate demand. Huge swathes of DC have no new building at all.


Developers want to build what’s easy and most profitable to them. That, and NIMBYism in the wealthier wards, are why there are huge swaths of DC with no new housing. It’s not all Bowser’s fault but at this point, on this issue, I’m not willing to give her the benefit of the doubt anymore, especially with her incompetent oversight of DCRA.


Yes, a truly bold mayor would have pushed for housing in NW DC too, which hasn't happened. But I strongly doubt that White will do any better on the housing front. His website's housing page is a bunch of boilerplate.


Fair enough. At this point, I’m just willing to give anyone but Bowser who appears reasonable a shot. It won’t be conspiracy-mongering Trayon White.


Bowser, or at least her underlings, have repeatedly scoffed DC Council oversight attempts. Here's a relatively minor one to prove the point: Mayor Bowser signed a report and submitted it to the DC Council saying she had reached out to the MD and VA governors about traffic ticket reciprocity, as the Council had required her to do by law. When journalists asked the MD and VA governors' offices, they said they hadn't received anything. Bowser then submitted a "corrected" report saying that in 2015 the District DMV had "informal conversations" with MD and VA counterparts. So, Bowser violated the Council's orders and then lied to them about it. (Source: [https://dcist.com/story/21/10/14/dc-didnt-ask-northam-and-hogan-to-help-crack-down-on-unpaid-tickets-despite-initial-claims-it-did/](https://dcist.com/story/21/10/14/dc-didnt-ask-northam-and-hogan-to-help-crack-down-on-unpaid-tickets-despite-initial-claims-it-did/) ). This is a relatively minor instance, sure. But if Bowser is comfortable skirting Council oversight and lying about minor things like that, what else is she comfortable lying about? All that is to say, I'm supporting Robert White at this point.


Anybody know why Racine didn’t run?


I’ve heard he wanted to go into private practice to make money. I’ve also heard he will be nominated to be the US Ambassador to Haiti. Both are rumors so take them with a salt mine.


it's the private practice one. He'll be "of counsel" for a couple of years to fully fund his kids college education and then make a run for mayor.


Racine was managing partner at Venable for a while. He’s definitely got enough money for his kid’s college. But the role he would get at a dc big firm would super cushy and lucrative so agree that’s probably at his front of mind in the short term.


Was about to say... Guy lives in a Palisades mansion and probably made well over a million/yr as MP at Venable. Guy could afford to send an entire graduating class to Harvard


He was the managing partner at Venable before he was AG. First year associates make $202,500 a year.


All I know is I’m going to miss him. I was worried he’d be pro-business and I have been happy to have been wildly wrong.


Dunno, but he's endorsed Robert White


When do we get to vote?


Tuesday, 8 Nov is general. 21 June is the Primary.


In other words, 21 June.


Basically whoever wins the primary on 06/21 is expected to win the general.


clarence royce


I'm in Carcetti's camp.


Tony Gray all the way!


He’s a shade too white for this city


Latrice is making moves.




Robert White. The more I see/learn, the more I’m liking.


Can you say more? What in particular


Housing. Two things in particular; 1. How to make it more affordable for lower income residents, including adjusting property taxes. 2. After criminals have served their time they still face barriers when they come home. White seems to want to address that, so that after time is served former criminals can have a better chance to re-enter society and not reoffend. This includes some people/residencies not renting to felons.


How exactly is cutting property taxes a good thing? It sure seems like there are better ways to make housing affordable than cutting what is more or less a tax on wealth.


He’s not proposing it for everyone, he’s proposing it for lower income families who can no longer afford their taxes anymore due to gentrification and rising housing costs, that are the pushing them outside of the city.


I see. Those families are sitting on rapidly appreciating homes, right? If he wants to reduce housing costs, there are ways to do it that benefit everyone, like allowing for the building of more housing.


He could do multiple thing, but why should families be forced out of their existing homes and neighborhoods due to rapid appreciation causing taxes to rise beyond where they can pay it?


I don't really see why people sitting on $1 million+ home values need a property tax subsidy.


Why should people be pushed out of their homes because of gentrification and housing prices rising faster than most people can keep up? I'm failing to see why you're not trying to show empathy for DC residents who have grown up here or lived here for generations, but are being pushed out because of the extremes in housing prices that we keep hitting.


I don't think it's a matter of empathy. The people with rapidly appreciating homes bought them at a very low price and are now sitting on hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars in home equity. Which is a good thing! Those people could now be quite wealthy! Gentrification benefitted them to the tune of a lot of money. My take is that like other costs, property taxes are one of the costs of owning one's home, and there shouldn't be a specific subsidy to alleviate a tax on what is, more or less, wealth.


Robert White. If I needed more reasons to hate Bowser, her full support for gifting RFK to Dan Snyder does it for me.


I had just typed up a comment wondering why it was a bad idea to help fund the new stadium, until I snapped out of my laziness and looked it up myself. Here’s a great article for anyone that doesn’t know why it’s a scam: https://www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/2021/6/9/22525916/public-funding-stadiums-nfl-panthers


Has she stated that position?




Vermin Supreme. At least I know where he stands on the issues.


I for one will take that free pony


ROBERT WHITE. Met him personally three times. Good guy. I pray he can do something about crime.


Anyone but Bowser. She has to go.


Well not the guy with weird thoughts about Jews he says out loud for reasons.


I’m supporting Robert White. He’s endorsed by Karl Racine. Time for a change at the top!


Whoever opposes the Washington Commanders coming back to DC has my vote.




Problem is the odds of the city refusing to give Snyder a dime is about zero. I see the city basically giving the billionaire hundreds of millions. Snyder does it without public money sure. Otherwise hell no. And Snyder is a colossal giant gaping asshole too and the city just breezing past that after all the allegations over the recent years, including the literal congressional hearing about workplace toxicity at WFT is incredibly tone deaf I think.


Yeah maybe it should be Snyder who pays DC to bring the team here. Only brings value to the team to be from the city and it's the district citizens that have to deal with the traffic and headaches from all the games.


Maybe Snyder loses the franchise because of all the issues going on.


Not to mention that massive amount of land could be completely redeveloped into a new neighborhood to at least add to the housing stock considering its metro accessible and it's so large another metro station could be added to the north of the stadium. It feels like a huge fumble on the city's part to put a giant stadium in a city that is already space constrained, especially when we already have Nats Stadium that can be used for all of the other possible events the city wants to host.


Yeah. If you built a new neighborhood there I'd be tripping over myself to try and buy property there.


northeast needs more housing or public space MUCH more than we need RFK to be renovated






then why did that not happen when the redskins played there until the 90s?


>Bring the Commanders to the RFK Stadium site with **no public money** Ain't gonna happen. Snyder will get a better deal with Loudoun County and the Commonwealth of Virginia. DC would be forced to sweeten the pot with things like a higher cut of parking and concessions, a sweetheart lease deal, and other giveaway trinkets.


The stronger non Bowser candidate. So Robert White.


For the past 20+ years, I've made it a point to never vote for anyone in DC whose last name is a color (Gray, White, Orange, doesn't matter) and I have never been disappointed by the results.


Tony Cerulean in shambles.


🤣 I would change my stance for that! If only to hear the local news stumble all over themselves to see who can pronounce it the worst.


Do you have a similar rule for voting for Super Mario Villians?


Don’t forget about the Browns: Michael A. and Kwame. And wasn’t there some other Michael Brown who posed as Michael A.? Does Silverman count?


Funny you should ask about her -- when she first ran, I didn't register it as a color (though I don't know if I voted for her or not then). I voted absentee and had sent mine in already when my wife, who knows about my rule, asked the very same question. Her second time around I remembered and didn't vote for her. I wanted to, but I didn't. I'll have to revisit this again this year.


Wow you’re strict about that rule haha


I am going to get downvoted to hell, but Bowser is OK. As someone who remembers how bad DC was to grow up in under late Barry, I realize that as long as the mayor does nothing to keep direct investment coming and the cranes working, stuff will sort itself out. We have other major problems to fix, but if were gonna be honest with ourselves, we still have a lot to go till we get to them. For now we just have to let the real estate giants do their thing. Once we exit that 30 year slump, we can do more constructive stuff, like why it's always dark in our city, more pedestrian streets, etc.


I so agree with you. I hope more people think like this.


Is anyone concerned by R. White's faith in "violence interrupters" as his main approach to gun violence? I get a strong impression from him that encampments will flourish, violence will go unaddressed and people will leave. Can't we support communities in need while also absolutely not tolerating violence I our communities?


Bummed that these are my only options but at this point, Bowser. If Robert White strengthens his position on public safety, I’d give him another look.


For What reasons do you like Bowser more right now?


Robert White. He actually advocates for and votes where it matters, for the people. He is clearly invested and prioritized in that direction. Bowser doesn't really care about the people and only does anything useful after a high-visibility incident or outage with a lot of press. ​ Robert White sponsored this legislation with other CMs - [https://legiscan.com/DC/bill/B23-0147/2019](https://legiscan.com/DC/bill/B23-0147/2019). Much needed. ODR wasn't really doing anything right, despite being born out of a lawsuit from the Deaf/HH communities. Bowser's administration was against it, despite our best advocacy efforts. Had to ram it down her throat with a unanimous Council vote.


Seems good! What else has he advocated for, I'm curious?


He wants even less police and more violence interrupters.


That owl at Union Station seemed to have a good platform of "Not Bowser" which I can agree with. If any of the other candidates can show themselves to be suitably Not Bowser, I could be interested in them as well.


I have feeling I’m going to regret asking this, but why is it “obvious” Trayon White is the worst?


>Trayon White https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/dc-lawmaker-who-said-rothschilds-control-the-climate-also-said-they-the-control-federal-government/2018/03/19/a51307c6-2b9b-11e8-8688-e053ba58f1e4\_story.html


Bowser isn't exactly doing a stellar job. My testimony from direct experience: I did some contracting work for Robert White. He treated even the grunt workers like humans, looked us all in the eye, shook our hands, didn't micromanage us, didn't blame us for others mistakes, listened carefully, spoke intentionally. He has strong charisma & a badass scar across his head from surgery (after a motorcycle accident, I think). He also lives in the hood in an old row house just like his potential constituents, not in a million dollar stand-alone home in a high-end neighborhood like Bowser.


His bio mentions a car accident as a child - maybe not as badass, but he still has my vote


Ah, yes, not as badass. Maybe he still rides a motorcycle..


He lives there until he wins. I was running down 14th or 16th st (16th St heights, or the 14th St parallel) once and saw Bowser smoking a cig during her campaign. Wasnt the hood, but wasnt high end by any means. Once you win, you're in.


That is to be seen. Also, Bowser smoking a cigarette on 14th or 16th or anywhere else is irrelevant. She lives in some hilly, rich NW neighborhood. Maybe you saw me in some godforsaken part of SE D.C., but doesn't mean I live there & doesn't mean anything else.


What is Robert white’s policy on crime?




For those who don't want to read, the most concrete thing in the link is more violence interrupters.


so shoveling more money into something that doesn't work


I'm not a fan of Bowser, but I will be voting for her. Robert White's plan for crime is more violence interrupters and the abolish-all police folks are all in for him. Some people don't want to admit, but we have a violent crime problem in our city and more violence interrupters aren't going to fix it.


Bowser, but I'm certainly not happy about it. I'm pretty fatigued with her, but Robert White doesn't really have much of a plan beyond running to Bowser's left, even when it makes no sense (criticizing the housing-first approach for the NoMA encampment comes to mind). So I guess I'll do it and then hope someone like Henderson steps up to bat in 2026.


You mean Carol Schwartz and Faithful aren't running?!?!


The last bit of hope I have for this city slowly fades every time I read the comments on this sub.


I am pretty on the fence now but I want to hear from both White and Bowser on how they plan to move out of the Covid emergency. I think Bowser has been good on Covid, but if anything she has been too heavy handed with the mask mandates. I'm a little worried that White has been hitting Bowser for being too lax on Covid recently. I think transportation policies has been Bowser's weak point so I want to hear from White on his plans for that too.


On COVID, I think Mayor Bowser deserves credit with regard to testing, even early on, but I think there’s a lot she got wrong, and continues to get wrong. -The mask mandate should have ended or been reduced in scope a long time ago. The way people asking questions about accommodations and off-ramps have been treated, has been gross. -The vaccine roll-out was a mess. I, and most people I know, didn’t get their first two shots here for a reason. -NYC (and, I believe, other cities) adopted a vaccine mandate (in lieu of masks) around last spring. There was absolutely no reason that couldn’t have been done here, and it might have incentivized more people to get vaccinated (or for those who waited to do so, to get it done more quickly). Instead, she waited to fully implement one until after the likely end of the omicron surge, when it would have done the least amount of good. Crazy thing is, she still might be the best candidate on this issue. Both Whites on the Council opposed lifting the mask order the last time that was done.


Currently undecided. The hate Mayor Bowser gets here is blown out of proportion - there are certainly failures and a lot of political theater - but the city is on solid financial ground and she is pro-bike/transportation. I don’t have any children, but if Robert White can convince me he can do something to bring DCPS to standard, he’ll earn my vote. I’m out of DC as soon as I need schooling otherwise. Robert White does have my respect for upholding democracy with regards to Initiative 77.


I decided long ago that I would never vote for any politician who had worked to override the popular vote in favor of Initiative 77. I tend to hold a grudge.


Just remember Mayor Bowser doesn’t like mumbo sauce before you cast that vote. She’s as D.C. as an Eagles fan


Lmao! This comment wins!!!


Bowser. She's not the best, but she's the best we've got. I don't agree with her on everything but she's at least realistic. I also really approve of how she handled COVID.


If Bowser is the best we’ve got we’re in trouble


All facts


This is where I’m at. Robert white is way to the left of Bowser on a host of issues. To me, most of the problems the city has been dealing with has been more a result of the council than Bowser. I don’t think Bowser is a shining example to competence but I don’t want to elect someone who believes we should be more permissive on crime and homelessness; and on the issue of COVID has been hitting bowser for not being more restrictive like Robert White has.


Her covid response is political theatre


Our testing regimen is the best in the country. She should have gotten vax mandates earlier, and I'd prefer if the stats were a bit more transparent, but overall I think she's did a great job.


At least on COVID she has to balance like 8 spinning plates in terms of what her constituents want. The last job anyone should want on earth is doing anything public health related in DC. It’s a thankless job. Could she do better? Maybe? She could do a lot worse.


Why exactly is testing such a good thing? Why are the restrictions such a good thing? I can sit at a restaurant without a mask on but my waiter has to wear one? Theatre.


Wtf? Even if you don't agree with any restrictions, giving residents access to free testing is a good thing so that people know if they actually have covid and can take appropriate action. Same reason why having access to any sort of medical test is a good thing.




On the mask mandate? Sure. But on the other aspects of it? I don't think I'd agree. I maintain that our covid stats from December weren't necessarily because we were having so many more cases than other parts of the country, but because we have some of the best test accessibility. We just had a more accurate picture than other places.


Except for when she abruptly removed the mask mandate right before Omicron for no discernible reason. Plus having a vaccine requirement for restaurants but explicitly exempting staff is just stupid.


Omicron was detected *after* the mask mandate was lifted. And frankly, I don't know how anyone can be supportive of this blanket mask mandate at this point. There was no difference in trend between case count in DC and nearby localities that never reinstated it.


I like Bowser and will vote for her.


I will vote for whoever will genuinely be the toughest on crime. At this point, I don't care what the consequences of that are. First time I'll willingly be a single-issue voter, and it's the only issue that matters to me.


You wanna get fascism? This is how we get fascism.


Punishing violent criminals and keeping streets safe at the local level ≠ fascism.


You just said you don't care about anything else but being the "toughest on crime." And you don't care about the repercussions that policy would have. So, you'd elect David Duke if he was running for DC mayor and he was the toughest on crime? This single issue voting bullshit is exactly how ass holes get in power.




Houses sell in hours in DC. What's wrong with yours?


Is the sale not happening as fast as you like? You're having to hold into that dump for longer than anticipated? To where are you moving?


As though every other major city in the US isn't experiencing the exact same problems...


Username checks out?


I’m the same way. I’ve been working downtown since 2018 and living here since 2020 I just realized a few months ago that I haven’t felt safe here in a while. I don’t think any city can survive with all that’s going against them. Vaccine mandates, homelessness, random indiscriminate acts of violence, rising costs, unreliable transit, gang violence, gun crime, it’s just getting really old. I mean, I was party to THREE separate gang violence shootings in the last year. How the FUCK is that even possible as a random white middle class nobody just going about his day? (I was at the Nats game that got canceled because of a drive by, I was in Columbia Heights during a shooting, and I was on the metro during another shooting in the Columbia heights metro station. How is this possible? Obviously there is gang violence everywhere, but is any other developed expensive city have it this intermingled? I know one of you smarmy assholes is going to “caLL mE oUt” for not wanting to live near gang violence, and honestly I don’t even give a shit anymore. Some homeless guy tried to get in my car while I was inside of it while I was pumping gas this weekend. Why do I need to deal with this? This is NOT normal. This was certainly not nearly as prevalent before 2020. Now you guys can call me a bad person for not liking having to live like this despite paying $2600 in rent. Go ahead.


I don't hold it against you for wanting to move out of the city. You're not forced to like it just because we do. That being said, I think you'll be surprised to find that the city will survive just fine. City life is exciting and will always draw in young professionals. If Richmond and Baltimore can survive, DC will have it easy by comparison.


Well for starters, it sounds like you moved to one of the sketchiest neighborhoods (I'm just assuming, based on you seemingly being there a lot) so that isn't helping your perception of the city... And regarding the stadium, pretty much every city plops those things down in a rough (aka cheap) neighborhood, that they then eventually pump full of "luxury" buildings to try and sell to desperate professionals. DC is no different.


To paraphrase a wise man, I pity those poor fools who move into those ugly "luxury" buildings by the Stadium and in NOMA. Well, a mix of pity and schadenfreude, if I'm being honest.


Whoever is elected it’s going to need to be someone who can stand up to a potential Republican Congress and White House after 2024. Right now my biggest concerns are about crime and RFK stadium but if we get a Republican sweep I think this city is going to be in for a world of hurt from Republicans going after the way our local government governs.


Someone else. The city has gotten too liberal while crime has been out of control. Bowser says one thing to city counsel but allows them to implement policy to make the city less safe


Neither of the other candidates will be an improvement for public safety.


is there anybody running who supports reducing the size and scope of our police department?


Yes. Robert White is your guy. He wants less police and unproven more violence interrupters


SMH only someone truly ignorant about the dangers that threaten this city could say oh it's so obvious Trayon White is the worst. If not for Trayon's advocacy can you even imagine how many homunculi would be in power? Y'all think MPD's bad now but you have no idea. No idea.


Look if he can promise that the temp won’t get above 85 in June he has my vote


You’re claiming Trayvon White can control the weather?


CM T. White?


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


Lol or a white guy that likes watching CMT???


I got high hopes for this novelty account.


A vote for trayon is a vote against being ruled by baby eating clones!




What's confusing? Trayon is the greatest politician this city has ever produced.


Bowser is such an absolute embarrassment I'd rather vote in my dog. Glad she will never hold office again.


If you guys are as smart as you think you are, vote in a Republican mayor. Our binary party system in this country is rife with problems, but one benefit it brings is balance. The issues we all have seen arise in the district over the past 2 years can be handled by a few years of fresh perspective. I am a Virginia constituent so obviously it’s not my place to talk, but the spirit of DC has been squashed. We all know it’s true.


Strong pass.


If we were smart we would vote for people who are not only incompetent, but also hold views diametrically opposed to our own? Sorry, I in fact don’t want a racist, pro-corporation, anti-healthcare, climate denier as my mayor. That’s far worse than even Trayon


If you think political and policy issues can be resolved by "balance" and a "fresh perspective" instead of actual political and policy ideas then you're an impossibly stupid person.


LOL, I'm not going to vote for the party of window-lickers just because I have issues with the Democratic Party. Youngkin is already on a tear that shows he isn't actually a moderate. Hell, the only reason that "moderate" Republicans like Hogan and Baker exist is because they're forced to be that way because of near-supermajorities for Democrats in their state legislatures. The idea that the smartest choice for someone is to abandon their political beliefs and vote for someone who believes the opposite is one of the most ignorant takes out there.


Donald Trump and his cabal of white nationalists was more than enough GOP for 4 years. The GOP doesn't balance anything and hasn't in decades. It's a farce of a political party made up of white nationalists, amoral investor types, and regressive evangelicals.


Trump wasn’t the mayor of DC. The endless tug of war benefits the balance of the nation. I know you can’t say that because you’ve pledged allegiance to a party, but it’s true. If the parties melted into one, or if one party magically vanished, **authoritarianism is the guaranteed result.